Sept. 20, 2015



Frank DiMora reports on the news which is pointing to Bible prophecy news and, provides commentary of said news.

Frank DiMora P.O. Box 732, Lompoc Ca. 93436
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indexBible prophecy documentary book download proving our generation will see the return of the Lord. Do you want to know what is going to happen in the future before it actually takes place? The Word of God provides you with specific details about our future and all of these things are coming to pass in this generation. If you aren’t saved yet this is a must read! The Last Chronicles of Planet Earth September 9, 2015 Edition written by Frank DiMora.  

Take a look at what I wrote you on my old prophecy site on Nov. 1, 2013. You can still read that entire post by going to:

November 1, 2013 prophecy up-date with Frank DiMora –









The following is another quote from today’s report: “King Abdullah’s words were sharp and determined, and they showed his anger about what is occurring at al-Aksa and in Jerusalem,” said Tibi, adding that the king said he would take measures if the situation continues.”  What measures do you think Abdullah would take?  As I said yesterday, all roads lead to war over this holy site. Could that war be the Psalm 83 war?  From what we are witnessing over the Temple Mount issue I would say the odds of war starting over this site is very likely!  When you consider the fact that Jesus said there would be another Temple built in the last day of which the Antichrist was going to go in and we are told of the Psalm 83 war, both these prophecies haven’t been fulfilled yet but they could both take place as a result of a conflict over the holy site.  We need to keep on the watch and see what happens here!

  CooltextprophecysignRevelation 7: 16 “Never again will they hunger; never again will they thirst. The sun will not beat upon them, nor any scorching heat.” Revelation 16:8 “The fourth angel poured out his bowl on the sun, and the sun was given power to scorch people with fire.”  As time goes on if you have been watching the news you would have seen many reports concerning the worry over how fast our planet is losing our fresh water supply. Of course this is bad for the very reasons Jesus points to in the two verses above.  As the intense heat beats down on our planet you can say goodbye to more crops as the water supply drys up and, complex problems over how to get nations drinking water.  Like the issue on the Temple Mount this road to is leading to the fulfillment of what Jesus warned would take place in the last days.  Right now there is a host of nations that would go to war over water rights such as the rights over the Euphrates river.  If you are new to prophecy you should also understand that Jesus told us that this Euphrates river was going to dry up and it is in the midst of doing just that right now!  As an example of water issues take a look at what Australia has been dealing with in their drought over these past 14 years.







Drought exposes cracks in Australia’s acclaimed water market

SYDNEY (Reuters) – A pioneering Australian scheme to improve the management of water in the world’s driest inhabited continent is facing its first real test as an intensifying El Nino threatens crops and builds tensions between farmers and environmentalists.

Read Revelation 6:6. Between this scripture and the other warnings about the lack of food I hope you are paying attention to the number of bees that are dying off?  These bees are a major reason why we have so many crops around the world but, they are dying off in mass numbers.  In my free book you can read at this site you will see the number of reports concerning the mass bee deaths.  What we are witnessing is the birth pains leading to massive price hicks in food prices and the food supply decreases as a result of the bees dying out.

bee_animationGIFBee population

Here is part of a report about bee deaths. “But keeping the honey flowing is getting more difficult. The U.S. Department of Agriculture reported survey results in May that showed an annual loss of 42.1 percent of managed honeybee colonies from April 2014 through April 2015. That was up from 34.2 percent the year before. Smith lost 75 percent of his honeybee population last winter, which he believes was due to the harsh conditions along with other threats that have affected the overall health of bees. Smith, who operates F&D Apiaries with his son Daniel and keeps bees at an old farm along Howell Road off Dual Highway, said he believes other threats include pests and exposure to pesticides.”

The reports like this one keep coming in!

Hundreds of dead fish in a pond of Neuville-sur-Ailette (02)

May I ask you if you were aware of the issues I reported on today?  If not I can tell you why you are not aware of them. You may not like what I am about to say but, Jesus has put me in this ministry not to try and please anyone but rather tell His truth about things to come and being ready to meet our Lord God and Savior.  The issues I covered today are both found in the Bible.  If you are not reading the Bible you are clueless to the events taking place around us as pointed out by Christ.  Jesus gave us a command to watch for these things to take place so, if you are not studying the word of God you no doubt are also not doing what Jesus commanded us do to (keep on the watch).  It all downs to a matter of the heart.  How much do you love Jesus?  Are you the type of  person who calls himself or herself a follower of Christ yet does not do the very things Jesus asks of you? I can assure you Jesus knows those people who are walking with Him as  a true believer and, are doing His will Like wise He also knows the people who are just Christian by mouth only. What I am trying to do here is wake up the hearts of those who are walking in the dark.  Let the light of Christ begin to shine in your life and let others see that light as we are closing in on the Lord’s return.  When the Lord calls us home I want you to be their and not ashamed of how you waited for His call.  Am I perfect? Not at all. However, each day I talk with Christ and ask Him to forgive anything I have done that I wasn’t suppose to do even if I didn’t even know I did something wrong.  I want my heart to be the heart like David who desired to have the heart of God.   Who’s heart do you desire to be like?

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