2023, Up-dating all the news showing the Third Jewish Temple is coming soon this Third Temple means the Antichrist is here!

Coming soon

6678F704-B43A-4E5C-9AEE-9B7585549D70For years I having been warning people to watch what happens on the Temple Mount. Why? Everyone will know we are in the tribulation period as Jesus warned this generation would be when you see a Third Temple built. How will we know for sure. Just watch what happens on the Temple Mount in East Jerusalem. When you see the Jews praying on this Temple Mount the next thing to take place will be the building of the Jewish Third Temple. I have covered much news concerning the Temple Mount over the years and each year I see the events on the Mount speeding up which, shows me we are very close to seeing the fulfillment of the prophecies you see below. I will keep adding the news as it breaking because when this Temple is built all that know prophecy will understand the Antichrist is already here!! As new news is released concerning Jews praying on the Temple Mount or building the Third Temple I will add that information to this post and up-date it for you. I am doing this to prepare you all to see prophecy fulfilled in the hope if you don’t receive Jesus as your Lord and Savior now, maybe when you see these things take place you will bend your knees to Christ as ask him to save you. My first post for this information is Jan. 5, 2023.

At the end of this post you will find my video documentary on all the events leading up to the building of the Jewish Third Temple. If you can find a better video proving the Third Temple is coming I would like to see it. 




Download The Last Chronicles of Planet Earth January 5 2023 2022 Edition by Frank DiMora



Here are some of the Bible prophecies that talk about the Antichrist and the third temple in the last days. What takes place in East Jerusalem and that Temple Mount just might be the biggest story in prophecy since the rebirth of the nation of Israel and, trust me I am definitely keeping my eyes on this. 


News from Jan 5, 2023

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A group of Temple Mount activists are lobbying the government to increase Jewish rights on the Jerusalem holy site, following a visit by National Security Minister Itamar Ben-Gvir.

On Tuesday, Ben-Gvir visited the Temple Mount, escorted by police, bodyguards, and a small retinue of supporters.

The visit, Ben-Gvir’s first since he took office last Thursday, sparked criticism from the U.S. State Department, the British consulate in Jerusalem and across the Arab world, with the United Nations planning a Security Council meeting to discuss the visit.

However, the Return to the Mount organization, which advocates in favor of expanded Jewish access to the Temple Mount, said it was encouraged by Ben-Gvir’s visit and now hopes the newly minted minister will agree to their request to bring a Passover sacrifice at the holy site this coming spring.


6678F704-B43A-4E5C-9AEE-9B7585549D70 Every time speculation that the Jews will go and pray and the temple mount or to sacrifices on the temple mount or, possibly build their third temple on the temple mount drives the Muslims crazy to the point of threat of war against Israel over that situation. Could this be why the prophecy in Zachariah warns that in the last days Jerusalem would become a burdensome stone for all the world, I believe so. Ben Gvir who is how part of Israel’s government is the perfect man to bring about the change of status quo on that temple mount as his religious right party has a lot of power in that Israeli government.


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6678F704-B43A-4E5C-9AEE-9B7585549D70 Just in case you don’t know, Rabbi Glick is a major force pushing for the rebuilding of the Jewish temple and Jews praying on the temple mount we are definitely seeing the footsteps the fulfillment of the prophecies concerning the last days temple and the Jews sacrificing in the temple.


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According to the PA, Ben-Gvir’s visit was part of Israel’s policy to change the “historical status quo” at the site by allowing Jews to pray there on a regular basis.


The PA is convinced that Israel is working to divide the Temple Mount in time and space between Muslim and Jewish worshipers.



Below you will see a comment made by Katie Long concerning the issue of the Temple Mount as we’ve been discussing here on the post today. I couldn’t agree with her more. 


News from Jan. 4, 2023 




6678F704-B43A-4E5C-9AEE-9B7585549D70 What is described in this report is essentially what we see from the prophets in the Old Testament warning that Israel will be attacked by the Arabs in the last days. When you go to this report click and listen to the whole report it is definitely important information as it shows the link between the current event and what was expected to happen in our generation.

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Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s visit to the United Arab Emirates was postponed, but the Israeli leader denies that it has anything to do with Minister Itamar Ben-Gvir’s ascent to the Temple Mount Tuesday morning.

The Internal Security and Otzma Yehudit party leader’s visit to the holy site went peacefully, but condemnation from several countries and entities has been heard throughout the day.

Hamas spokesman Hazem Qassem said that Ben-Gvir entering the site on Tuesday was “a continuation of the Zionist’s occupation aggression on our sacred places and war on our Arab identity.”


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The UN Security Council will be conferring over Tuesday’s appearance of National Security Minister Itamar Ben-Gvir on the Temple Mount that angered Arab countries and the Palestinian Authority (PA) as well as the White House.

The request made by the UAE and China for the international body’s senior forum to discuss the visit by the right-wing minister will likely be honored on Thursday, Reuters reported.

By initiating the meeting, the UAE doubled down on its statement that “strongly condemned the storming of Al-Aqsa Mosque courtyard by an Israeli minister under the protection of Israeli forces.”

The Jewish state should also “lower the flames of escalation and not to take steps that would worsen tensions and shake stability in the region,” the Emirates added.




News from Jan. 3, 2023

6678F704-B43A-4E5C-9AEE-9B7585549D70 This is the first time Israel has seen the religious right take a hold in the government. Since they are the religious right one would expect they would make moves in changing the way things are done on the Temple Mount for the Jews. Take notice in the report below what National Security Minister Itamar Ben Gvir said. ““Our government will not surrender to threats from Hamas,” Ben Gvir said at the conclusion of his visit.” What threats is he speaking of? If you have been following my site you have seen the many threats by same people that are listed to attack Israel in the Psalm 83 war. Hamas saying if Israel makes moves to change the status quo on the Temple Mount they will unleash all hell on Israel.  Below is one such report.

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6678F704-B43A-4E5C-9AEE-9B7585549D70Rabbi Glick is one of the main people behind the push to allow Jews to go up to the Temple Mount and pray as the Muslims are allowed to do and, he has been pushing for the rebuilding of the Jewish Temple.  The fact that these two men in power have gone up to the Temple Mount is a signal that they mean to change the way things are run on that Mount. One thing is for sure, No matter who tries to stop of Jews from praying on the Mount and having that Third Temple built, nothing will stop it from happening as it has been spoken to us by our Lord Jesus. We can’t know for sure if the Jews will start to build their Third Temple in 2023, but all signs show us it may happen. We will see.  For those who do not think thing will happen just stick around to see it unfold.

6678F704-B43A-4E5C-9AEE-9B7585549D70Read the report below first and then I will show you why what happens on the Mount is super important to prophecy.


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On Tuesday morning, National Security Minister Itamar Ben Gvir (Otzma Yehudit Party) ascended to the Temple Mountto commemorate the Tenth of Tevet, the fast day commemorating the siege of Jerusalem by Nebuchadnezzar that led to the destruction of the Temple. Former MK Rabbi Yehudah Glick asked whether this event may trigger Zechariah’s prophecy.

It was Ben-Gvir’s first ascent to the holy site since being sworn in as national security minister last week and marks the first time in five years that a sitting Israeli minister visited the Temple Mount. During his visit, the entrance for Israelis to the Temple Mount was blocked


“Our government will not surrender to threats from Hamas,” Ben Gvir said at the conclusion of his visit.

“The Temple Mount is the most important place for the people of Israel. We maintain the freedom of movement for Muslims and Christians, but Jews also go up to the site, and those who make threats must be dealt with with an iron fist,” he said. https://www.israel365news.com/364798/rabbi-glick-ben-gvir-ascending-to-temple-mount-may-bring-zechariahs-prophecy/


Now for the rest of the story! If you look at the reports below you see those warnings made to Israel if they change the status quo of the Temple Mount. Notice also, that these are the same people the Psalm 83 war prophecy against Israel listed. If is very possible that if Israel does move foreword this year to even allow Jews to go up and pray on the Mount that the Muslims could attack Israel over the change. See for yourself the warnings made by those listed in the Psalms war!!

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 The Palestinian Authority said on Monday that changes by Israel to the status quo at the Temple Mount such as permitting Jewish prayer there would be a “declaration of war with serious consequences for everyone.”



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News from May 30, 2022






 News from June 10, 2022


Israeli police arrested on Wednesday a Muslim on suspicion of rioting, violating the order, throwing rocks at police forces, and relieving himself on the roof of the Al Aqsa Mosque on the Temple Mount.

On Jerusalem Day, May 29, in the morning leading up to the start of Jewish visits to the Temple Mount, masked Muslims began a riot from the mosque, throwing rocks and objects and firing fireworks at police.

The police forces acted to maintain order and repelled the rioters into the mosque and locked the doors. Already that day, the police arrested suspects, and indictments were filed against some of them.

During those violent riots, a suspect was identified as urinating on the roof of the Al Aqsa mosque and desecrating the sanctity of the place. The police launched an investigation and arrested the suspect, 22, at his home in Ein Rafa, on the outskirts of Jerusalem.

He will face charges of throwing stones at police on the Temple Mount and desecrating the sanctity of the site.

In recent days, the police completed the investigation of two other rioters, after detectives from the Jerusalem Police arrested them in the Old City on Jerusalem Day. The detention of the suspects, aged 17 and 19 from eastern Jerusalem, was extended and indictments were filed against them by the State Attorney’s Office.

“Unfortunately, in recent times we have witnessed time and time again the desecration of the mosque on the Temple Mount in a variety of configurations by lawbreakers and violent rioters who have harmed, first of all, the sanctity of the place and the public who worship it,” the police stated.

The police gave a list of the offenses, including ball games inside the mosque with shoes on when shoes should be removed before entering the mosque, causing damage to the inside of the mosque with stones and the throwing of objects, firing fireworks, and throwing Molotov cocktails that also fell on carpets and inside the mosque and almost caused a fire, defecating on the roof of the mosque, smashing the windows of the mosque and more.

Jerusalem District Commander Doron Turgeman instructed his forces to continue with intelligence and investigative efforts toward further arrests.

The police will “continue to work resolutely to prosecute criminals, rioters, and lawbreakers, and expect every cleric and public leader that the place is important to him to condemn and to work for the removal of criminals who have nothing to do with prayers and the preservation of the sanctity of the mosque.”



News from Jan. 4, 2021


In my prophecy seminar in 2017, I warned the people at Trinity that there would be coming  a lot of talk about building the Third Temple in the near future.  Since that seminar this last days prophecy about the coming Third Temple has sped up. The talk about building the Temple sped up so much I had to up-date the information on the coming Third Temple. On Mar 7, 2019 I posted my video on the coming Temple to my YouTube channel.  Since March of 2019, there have been even more signs we are getting very close to witnessing Israel building that Third Temple.  If you are new to this prophecy I suggest you watch my 2019, video below and my video on the signing of the Abraham According between Israel and the UAE.  Daniel talked about a covenant between Israel and many people which are the Islamic people. Since the signing of that new Abraham Accord one Islamic nation another are making peace with Israel!  Anyone who understand bible prophecy understands how huge these end times signs are.  Before you watch those videos below here are some new reports showing us the signs that things are changing over the Temple Mount issue.  Keep in mind for years the Arabs have been keeping the Jews from going up to the Temple Mount area where the first and second Temple once sound.  However, as I have been warning for years the Jews are now starting to make there way up that that Temple Mount area.


“A new Member of Knesset, a resident of the Golan, firmly established his political path with a powerful act of faith by praying on the Temple Mount. Likud won 36 seats In the last elections but recent infighting led to longtime Likudnik Gideon Sa’ar breaking away to form his own party. Rather than weaken the party, the move allowed new and enthusiastic members to step into the breach.  Nissim Vaturi, as the 40th candidate on the Likud list, stepped up, representing a unique and necessary voice in the government. Sworn in two weeks ago, Vaturi made a bold declaration of his intentions by ascending to the Temple Mount on Sunday and praying.  “On the merit of this act, may we merit full Redemption and may we merit redeeming this place for the Shechina (holy presence) to dwell, and to build the Holy Temple quickly and in our days.”


Vaturi is the second Likud Knesset member to not only enter the Temple Mount, but to call for the construction of the third Temple this month. Earlier in December, Israel365News reported that fellow Likud parliamentarian Amit Halevi lit Chanukah candles on Tuesday outside of the Temple Mount and said that step-by-step, Israel is getting closer to the Temple.  Vaturi then recited the ‘Shehecheyanu” blessing which is recited upon auspicious and joyous occasions. “It is the right of every Jew to be able to go anywhere in the Holy Land, especially in the Holy city of Jerusalem, this place where we were before anyone else.”

When you watch the the second video below you will see more news concerning news about building the Third Temple.

News from July 21, 2021

Yair Lapid proved on Monday that he’s much more than the alternate prime minister and minister of foreign affairs. He is the man who cut through the talk of a new policy regarding Jewish worship on the Temple Mount. It was he who spoke with Prime Minister Naftali Bennett, after Bennett had issued an extraordinary statement hailing the “maintaining of Jewish worship” at the site, and explained that the publication was a mistake. And it was he who then marketed to journalists the message that there is no change to the status quo on the Temple Mount, Bennett’s announcement notwithstanding.

Lapid also spoke with the Jordanian monarchy and explained to the king’s men that no change is taking place on the Temple Mount. Bennett himself said nothing.

Government ministers say that this episode, which stirred up the region and threatened to do much more than that, marks the first time Bennett has given in to the true balance of power and interests in the government.

The developments relating to the Temple Mount on Sunday, Tisha B’Av, created immense tension. The last series of events at the Mount and in East Jerusalem that caused an Israeli-Palestinian escalation and led to Operation Guardian of the Walls in May have not been forgotten, and there were people who feared that we were on course to another installment in July.

Arabs clash with police on Temple Mount during Tisha B’Av

Bennett, Arab lawmakers spar over Temple Mount access

Biden set to welcome Jordan’s King Abdullah in DC today – a day after Jordanian complaint over Jewish prayers on Temple Mount


News from my Dec. 8, 2021 video




News from July 1, 2019

Zehut’s Feiglin says he wants to build Third Temple right away

Chairman of far-right party, which is enjoying growing popularity, is a longtime advocate of Jews’ rights on Temple Mount and has called for increased Israeli control over site


News from April 6, 2010

See full size imageLast week I gave you information about the Third Temple. I explained how this Temple site in East Jerusalem is one of the major issues stalling the peace process, and that the next war will have to do will the Arabs trying to reclaim East Jerusalem.  I showed you tensions are rising over this site and there is more news about this today and I quote, ““About a week and a half ago, the “Eretz Israel Shelanu” (our Land of Israel) movement initiated a wide-scale campaign calling for a speedy construction of the Third Temple. As some of the buses passed through east Jerusalem neighborhoods, the campaign sparked a great deal of objection among left-wing activists and Arab residents. “ http://www.ynetnews.com/articles/0,7340,L-3872118,00.html


My documentary on the events leading up to the building of the Jewish Third Temple





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