2040 Rockets Fired at Israel/Prophecy Signs for July 22, 2014



Frank DiMora P.O. Box 732, Lompoc Ca. 93436 fjdimora@gmail.com

freeFREE Bible prophecy documentary book download proving our generation will see the return of the Lord. Do you want to know what is going to happen in the future before it actually takes place? The Word of God provides you with specific details about our future and all of these things are coming to pass in this generation. If you aren’t saved yet this is a must read! Please don’t forget to subscribe to receive my daily prophecy up-dates. The Last Chronicles of Planet Earth July 9, 2014 Edition written by Frank DiMora.


NOTE FROM FRANK 2Please be sure to go to my Facebook page if you missed the over-night news updates from yesterday and early this morning.

Frank's Psalm 83 Cooltextprophecysign “Do not keep silent, O God! Do not hold Your peace, And do not be still, O God! For behold, Your enemies make a tumult; And those who hate You have lifted up their head. They have taken crafty counsel against Your people, And consulted together against Your sheltered ones. They have said, “Come, and let us cut them off from being a nation, That the name of Israel may be remembered no more.”


Listed below are the nations which will attack Israel from Ezekiel chapter 38 and their modern day names (see chart above). 

Gog is the leader of the Russian invasion of Israel.

Magog, Meshech, and Tubal comprise modern day Russia.

Persia is Iran, parts of northern Iraq, and Afghanistan.

Cush is Ethiopia and Sudan.

Put is Libya and will most likely include Tunisia, Algeria, and Morocco.

Gomer is Eastern Germany.

Beth Togarmah is Turkey and Armenia.



Rare footage of shootout with terrorists

IDF publishes clip showing Hamas gunmen in ambulance

Kuwaiti Cleric Tareq Al-Suwaidan to Hamas: Do Not Agree to Ceasefire until They Bow Before Us. We Must Contemplate a Plan to Erase Israel

IAF spots, destroys terrorists targeting Israeli ground troops



TODAYS ROCKET COUNT https://twitter.com/IDFSpokesperson

Headline: FAA places 24-hour ban on U.S. flights to Israel

The Federal Aviation Administration has told all U.S. airlines that flights to Israel’s Tel Aviv airport are prohibited for 24 hours after a rocket from Gaza landed in the area. Delta Air Lines and United Airlines said earlier Tuesday they are suspending service between the U.S. and Israel indefinitely. US Airways scrapped its Tel Aviv service Tuesday and said it is monitoring the situation in regards to future flights. The FAA said in a statement that the ban on flights is for 24 hours beginning at 12:15 p.m. ET on Tuesday, and that a rocket landed about one mile from Ben Gurion International Airport Tuesday morning. The airport is located 50 miles north of Gaza, within range of rockets being fired by the militant group Hamas.
July 22, 2014


Headline: Netanyahu to Ambassadors: Stand Up to Hamas

Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu strongly defended Israel’s counter-terror operation in Gaza during a visit Tuesday to Barzilai Hospital in Ashkelon. During his visit, Netanyahu spoke to dozens of foreign ambassadors, and told them that he expects them to not only support Israel in its fight against terrorism, but also to stand up to Hamas. “Any democracy would have done what Israel is doing to defend itself,” he declared. The Prime Minister visited soldiers wounded in Operation Protective Edge. “The entire nation of Israel embraces you and wishes you a speedy recovery,” he told them. “You were wounded as part of the most important mission there is – defending our home,” he said.
July 22, 2014


Headline:  Hundreds Join Pro-Hamas Demonstration in Ramallah

Hundreds of Palestinian Arabs demonstrated in the streets of Ramallah on Monday, according to Safa news agency, in support for Hamas and its constant barrage of rocket fire on Israel. The protest march began immediately after evening prayers, according to the daily, with a broadcast played in the central square with a message supporting Hamas’s “military wing,” the Al-Qassam Brigades. According to the protestors, Hamas is the only solution for actualizing the “aspirations of the Palestinian people,” and they called on the Palestinian Authority (PA) to immediately cease all security coordination with Israel. Plainclothes PA police confiscated weapons during the protest, and arrested two Hamas members.
July 22, 2014


Headline:  Ongoing Fierce Fighting in Shejaiya Despite 100 IDF Strikes

Headline:  Israeli forces are fighting hard to win their first battle against Hamas, a savage and tenacious enemy

As Operation Protective Edge enters its fifteenth day, a military official told Arutz Sheva Tuesday that one hundred and eighty (180) terrorists have been eliminated so far, including twenty (20) who were killed overnight Monday alone. Overnight, roughly 100 targets were attacked in the Sheijaya neighborhood, where 13 soldiers were killed Sunday. Twenty eight terrorists have been arrested since the launch of the ground offensive on Thursday and have since been interrogated by the Israel Security Agency (ISA or Shin Bet). In total, he added, 3,200 terror targets have been eliminated in Gaza over a two-week period – including a total of 59 terror tunnels and entry shafts. Hamas fired a heavy volley of rockets at Israel overnight, mostly in the south. Of a volley fired at the Be’er Sheva region, three rockets fell in open areas; one was intercepted by the Iron Dome missile defense system. Overnight, in Gaza, two soldiers were killed in ground clashes. Three soldiers were seriously wounded and four suffered light injuries .
July 22, 2014



Headline:  Palestinians: Ceasefire talks failing because of prisoners released in Shalit deal

The Palestinians Ma’an News Agency reported Tuesday that the reason for failure in attempts to reach a ceasefire agreement is Israel’s refusal to release prisoners who were previously pardoned as part of a the deal to secure the release of Gilad Shalit. According to the report, the Palestinian director of intelligence asked US Secretary of State John Kerry to secure the release of the prisoners along with the fourth wave of prisoners that Israel had originally agreed to let go before the collapse of the last round of peace talks.
July 22, 2014


Headline: UK to provide £5 million in aid to Gaza civilians affected by conflict

The United Kingdom announced Tuesday that over £5 million will be sent to Gaza to aid civilians affected by the current bout of violence between Israel and Hamas in which over 600 Palestinians have been killed and 84,000 displaced according to the UN. Two million pounds will be allotted for use by the United Nations Relief and Works Agency (UNRWA) while the other £3 million will be given to the International committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) to help them continue their work in providing medical facilities to the wounded.
July 22, 2014


Headline: Abbas cancels Saudi Arabia visit; Palestinian leadership to convene in Mukataa

Headline: Abbas’s family abandons West Bank for Jordan Palestinian President Mahmoud

Abbas has cancelled a visit to Saudi Arabia and will meet with Palestinian leadership for an emergency discussion in Mukataa. Meanwhile, Members of the family of Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas have secretly left Ramallah for Jordan, according to the online newspaper Rai Al-Youm. “For the first time and secretly, all the members of President Abbas’s family have left to their residence in Amman,” the report said. It said that Abbas’s wife and grandchildren were among the family members who left Ramallah recently.
July 22, 2014



Headline: UNWRA discovers rocket cache in its school for second time

Headline: UN agency handed rockets back to Hamas, Israel says

The UNWRA condemned the use of one of its schools as a storage facility for rockets Tuesday after discovering a cache of projectiles for the second time since Operation Protective Edge began. “UNRWA strongly and unequivocally condemns the group or groups responsible for this flagrant violation of the inviolability of its premises under international law,” the organization said in a statement.
July 22, 2014



Headline: Israel’s Offensive Could Lead To A Head-On Collision With The Syrian War

Although rocket fire from Lebanon and Syria remains sporadic for now, Israel and other parties need to be aware of the potential for serious miscalculation and escalation. As Israel’s Operation Protective Edge continues in Gaza, the conflict is affecting almost all major cities in Israel, including communities near the northern borders. Since Protective Edge began on July 8, at least four rockets have been launched from Lebanon into Israel, while other attempts were stopped before launch by the Lebanese army. In the past two weeks, Israel has come under fire from Syrian territory twice: a mortar attack on July 13, and a rocket strike a day later. And prior to the latest Gaza clash, there were several border incidents targeting Israeli forces, including a June 22 attack in which an antitank missile launched from a Syrian regime military post killed an Israeli boy.
July 22, 2014

Headline: Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu presents to UN Secretary General Ban Ki-moon rockets and operation methods of Hamas terrorists-VIDEO

Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu presented to Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon at the opening of their meeting remains of rockets fired from the Gaza Strip toward Israel towns in recent days. The remains of rockets fired in recent days. Among the remains were two rockets, one 122 mm rocket — to within 20 km (Grad), and the other rocket range 40 km (40 shei). Another part of the M-75 rocket engine locally to 80 km range and head to head combat (רש”ק) of the rocket containing 20 kg of explosives. In addition, Prime Minister Netanyahu presented UN Secretary-General Ban aerial with incriminating evidence that Hamas uses civilians as human shields.
July 22, 2014


Headline: French ease ban on pro-Gaza demonstrations in Paris

The French authorities have reportedly authorised a demonstration in support for Gaza on Wednesday (23 July) after two government-banned protests over the weekend turned violent. Wednesday’s gathering is to be allowed because the pro-Palestinian organisers are considered “serious and responsible” by the authorities, reports French daily Le Parisien. The Paris-based Federation International of Human Rights (FIDH) as well as a handful of left wing groups is behind the demonstration, set to kick off in the early evening from the city’s centre. The move comes on the heels of a controversial French government ban on demonstrations in the capital after several protesters targeted two Paris synagogues the week before.
July 22, 2014



Headline: Jordan: Gaza faces ‘most atrocious mass killing’

The lower house of Jordan’s parliament Tuesday condemned Israel’s “brutal and racist aggression” on Gaza, describing the death of more than 600 Palestinians as “the most atrocious mass killing operation.” “Palestinians in Gaza are facing the atrocious mass killing operation by the brutal racist Israeli occupation, which is violating international laws,” the 150-member lower house said in a statement. “The lower house warns against the international silence and its repercussions for Gaza, which is suffering from an ongoing a humanitarian disaster.”
July 22, 2014


Headline:   Egypt: 20 ‘Terrorists’ Carried out Border Attack

Headline:  Islamic militants kill 2 tribal leaders in Egypt

The spokesman of Egypt’s military says 20 “terrorists” carried out a deadly border post attack that killed 22 soldiers, the deadliest assault on Egypt’s military in years. A statement posted Tuesday on the official Facebook page of military spokesman Brig. Gen. Mohammed Samir said attackers driving four pickup trucks loaded with explosives first exchanged gunfire with soldiers at a border post in el-Wadi el-Gadid, Egypt’s largest province bordering Libya and Sudan. The statement said the gunfire prevented the attackers from storming the post. However, it said attackers fired rocket-propelled grenades at a gas cylinder, blowing it up and causing a fire in an ammunition warehouse that exploded and killed the soldiers Saturday. The statement did not say who the military suspects of carrying out the attack.
July 22, 2014



Headline:  Egypt Calls for Israeli, Palestinian Peace Talks

Egypt’s foreign minister raised the possibility Tuesday of restarting stalled peace talks between Israelis and Palestinians as part of negotiating a cease-fire in the war that has broken out on the Gaza Strip. At the start of a meeting with U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry, Foreign Minister Sameh Shukri said he planned to work with U.S. and other world leaders “to not only resolve this issue but also to set in motion once again the peace process that Secretary Kerry has been so actively involved in so as to end this ongoing conflict between the Palestinians and the Israelis.” Kerry said his discussions with Shukri sought to “hopefully find not only a way to a cease-fire, but a way to deal with the underlying issues, which are very complicated.” But he stopped short of agreeing to reopen the peace talks that abruptly broke off last April after nearly nine months of his personal attention.
July 22, 2014



Headline: East Damascus hit by fiercest clashes in months

Headline:  Syrian opposition dissolves interim government

Eastern Damascus was hit Tuesday by its fiercest fighting in months between rebels and pro-regime forces, said the Syrian Observatory for Human Rights. The air force meanwhile pounded rebel areas of the eastern neighborhood of Jobar, as opposition fighters launched mortars into army-held parts of Damascus, wounding 18 people. “Starting dawn Tuesday, Jobar saw the fiercest fighting in months, coupled with intense aerial bombardment,” said Observatory director Rami Abdel-Rahman. The air force carried out at least nine strikes on the neighborhood, he said, adding rebels were fighting troops backed by pro-regime paramilitary forces.
July 22, 2014



Headline: ISIS in control of ‘35 percent’ of Syrian territory

The Islamic State of Iraq and Syria (ISIS) is now in control of 35 percent of the Syrian territory following a string of victories, the London-based Syrian Observatory for Human Rights said Friday. ISIS holdings include nearly all of Syria’s oil and gas fields, the monitoring group said in a statement. One of the latest gains of the self-proclaimed “caliphate” was the seizure of the country’s biggest oil fields, in Deir el-Zour in eastern Syria, earlier in the week. Deir Ezzor borders Homs province as well as Iraq, where the jihadist group has spearheaded a major Sunni militant offensive that has seen large swathes of territory fall out of the Baghdad government’s control. Meanwhile, jihadists have killed 270 Syrian regime fighters, civilian security guards and employees since seizing a gas field in Homs province, the Observatory added, according to Agence France-Presse.
July 19, 2014


Headline: European Union expands sanctions on Syria

European Union foreign ministers agreed Tuesday to expand sanctions on Syria over the government’s “violent repression” of its civilian population. The ministers added three people and nine entities to the current list of those subject to an asset freeze and a ban on entering the EU, a statement said. They were targeted “due to their involvement in the violent repression of the civilian population or their support to the regime,” it added. The names added to the list are expected to be published on Wednesday. The decision brings the total number of people on the EU Syria sanctions list to 192, alongside 62 entities.
July 22, 2014


Amy's Psalm 83 for Frank

Headline: Ukrainian military retakes control of Donetsk Airport

The Ukrainian military announced Tuesday that government forces had retaken control of Donetsk Airport from Russian-backed rebels. Donetsk is one of the remaining rebel strongholds in restive eastern Ukraine, and the focus of a government-led counter-terrorism operation. “The active stage of the counter-terrorist operation continues,” Ukrainian military spokesman Vladislav Seleznev told CNN. “The government is now at full control of the airport and the road leading to it.” A warning from the Donetsk City Council directed residents to stay inside. According to the statement, the city council reported gunfire and explosions near the airport and the Zhovtneva Mine compound. Power outages continued, and the Zakdidny bus terminal was closed.
July 22, 2014



Headline: Iraqi militants crush resistance and continue towards Baghdad

Using its own version of “soft” and “hard” power, the Islamic State is crushing resistance across northern Iraq so successfully that its promise to march on Baghdad may no longer be unrealistic bravado. While conventional states try to win hearts and minds abroad before necessarily resorting to military force, the jihadist group is also achieving its aims by psychological means – backed up by a reputation for extreme violence. The Islamic State, which in June captured a vast stretch of territory in the north including the largest city Mosul, used this strategy when its fighters met armed resistance from the town of al-Alam for 13 days running. They kidnapped 30 local families and rang up the town’s most influential citizens with a simple message about the hostages: “You know their destiny if you don’t let us take over the town.”
July 22, 2014


Headline: ISIS likely to attack Baghdad before end of Ramadan

Headline: Iraq PM seeks Sunni tribal help in battling ISIS insurgency

Baghdad is under a real and impending threat from forces of the Islamic State of Iraq and al-Sham (ISIS), and it would be wise to expect an assault on the capital city before the end of Ramadan, said Jessica Lewis, a former American military intelligence officer with several years of service in Iraq. She also predicted the continued aggression of ISIS both within Iraq and externally, arguing that ISIS poses a real threat to Jordan, Lebanon and other states in the region and is not limited to Iraq and Syria. ISIS has been on the offensive since its takeover of Mosul on June 10th, claiming a number of other cities such as Tikrit since then. The US has countered these offensive gestures by sending 700 military advisers, several Apache attack helicopters, and drones to Iraq. The Iraqi army has recently embarked on a counter-offensive in Tikrit and Samarra. With regard to Baghdad, Lewis said, “I think ISIS is going to go for bases. There are 3 bases that I think are vulnerable…On the northern side of Baghdad we have Balad and Taji, on the immediate southwest of Baghdad we have the international airport.” The US has thus far used the Baghdad Airport as a main lifeline to supply the Iraqi government with military equipment.
July 22, 2014



Headline: Iraqi air strikes kill 19 around militant-held Falluja: medical official

Iraqi government air strikes killed 19 people, including children, in Falluja on Monday and Tuesday, a health official in the militant-held city said. The Iraqi army has been shelling Falluja, 70 km (44 miles) west of Baghdad, for months, trying to drive out Sunni militants from the group now known as Islamic State. The insurgents, backed by discontented local Sunni tribal leaders, overran the city in January. Ahmed al-Shami, spokesman for the Falluja health office – the local arm of the health ministry – said the 19 dead included women and children and that Falluja hospital had also received 38 wounded people since Monday evening. Residents of Falluja and the nearby town of Garma said helicopters fired artillery and dropped three barrel bombs on Falluja and two on Garma.
July 22, 2014



CooltextprophecysignPersecution Matthew 24:9 & Revelation 6:9 “Then they will deliver you up to tribulation and kill you, and you will be hated by all nations for My name’s sake.” (Matthew) “When He opened the fifth seal, I saw under the altar the souls of those who had been slain for the word of God and for the testimony which they held.” (Revelation)


Headline: Libyan rebels behead Filipino ‘for being non-Muslim’

The Philippines on Monday confirmed the death of a Filipino construction worker who was kidnapped and beheaded by militiamen in Libya, in what has been described as the first Filipino death in the country since the 2011 revolution. According to Department of Foreign Affairs spokesperson Charles Jose, the Filipino, whose identity has not been released, was singled out during a checkpoint for allegedly being a non-Muslim.
July 22, 2014



Headline: Algeria, Tunisia discuss military co-operation

Less than a week after terrorists killed 15 soldiers along Tunisia’s border with Algeria, Prime Minister Mehdi Jomaa is leading a high-level delegation to Tebessa on Tuesday (July 22nd). The acting Tunisian premier will be accompanied by senior security and military officials. He will meet with his Algerian counterpart Abdelmalek Sellal to discuss military “co-operation and co-ordination”, Jomaa’s office said in a statement. Tunisia and Algeria agreed to launch a series of concurrent military operations, as part of a long-term security strategy to eliminate terrorist groups along the border. The operations will focus on Kasserine in Tunisia and the adjacent Algerian valleys of Biskra and Tebessa. The security plan includes the gathering and sharing of intelligence, military strikes against armed groups and preventive measures to crack down on jihadist cells.
July 22, 2014



Headline: Morocco Builds 40-Kilometers Fence with Electronic Sensors on Borders with Algeria

Morocco accomplished the construction of more than 40-kilometers fence with electronic sensors on its border with Algeria. The fence, which was built in a short time, responds to growing “terrorist threats from the Sahel region”, related to Islamic State of Iraq and Syria (ISIS), according to Anadolo agency. Once completed the fence is expected 70 kilometers long, extending from the city of Saidia to the tribe of Bani Hamadoun in the province of Jaradah. According to the same source, the fence will cover vital strategic areas along the eastern border with Algeria, and will cut off the route of smugglers who circulate illegally between the two countries. In response to a question in the House of Representatives on the highest alert level set by Morocco to deal with terrorist threats, the Minister of Interior, Mohamed Assad said, “Morocco built a fence equipped with electronic sensors to protect against terrorist threats.”
July 22, 2014



Headline: Erdogan ‘Not Talking’ to Barack Obama

Headline: Islamists with ties to Erdogan openly incite violence against Turkey’s Jews

Turkish Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan said he has stopped talking to US President Barack Obama on the phone, amid growing strains between Ankara and Washington over Syria and Gaza, AFP reports Tuesday. Turkey, a fierce opponent of Syrian President Bashar al-Assad and an open supporter of armed rebel fighters, felt betrayed when the United States backed away from military action against Damascus in September. “In the past, I was calling him (Obama) directly. Because I can’t get the expected results on Syria, our foreign ministers are now talking to each other,” Erdogan said in a live interview on pro-government ATV channel late Monday. “And I have talked to (US Vice President Joe) Biden. He calls me and I call him.” “I expect justice in this process. I couldn’t imagine something like this from those who are championing justice,” Erdogan added without elaborating, in an apparent jibe at Washington.
July 22, 2014



Headline: Turkish military, Kurdish rebels clashes kill 8

At least eight people were killed in clashes between the Turkish military and Kurdish rebels on the country’s Syrian border, the army said Tuesday, apparently the most serious outbreak of violence since the militants declared a cease-fire last year. A local official earlier pointed the finger at smugglers, after an armed group crossing the border from Syria into Turkey ignored calls to stop and opened fire on an army outpost. Three border guards were wounded, two of whom later died, after they came under attack from around 15 people trying to cross into Turkey, the Turkish General Staff said in a statement. Reinforcements were deployed and at least six “terrorists” from the outlawed Kurdistan Workers Party (PKK) or its affiliate, the Syria-based Democratic Union Party (PYD), were believed to have died in the clash, the army said. There was no immediate word from either the PKK or PYD.
July 22, 2014


star222222333333_thumb2.jpgCooltextprophecysignEconomic collapse Revelation 6:5-6 & James 5:1-3– Worldwide “ When He opened the third seal, I heard the third living creature say, “Come and see.” So I looked, and behold, a black horse, and he who sat on it had a pair of scales in his hand. And I heard a voice in the midst of the four living creatures saying, “A quart of wheat for a denarius, and three quarts of barley for a denarius; and do not harm the oil and the wine.” (Revelation) “Come now, you rich, weep and howl for your miseries that are coming upon you! Your riches are corrupted, and your garments are moth-eaten. Your gold and silver are corroded, and their corrosion will be a witness against you and will eat your flesh like fire. You have heaped up treasure in the last days.” (James)

Headline:  Price of Beef and Bacon Reach All-Time High

The price of beef and bacon hit its all-time high in the United States in June, according to data released Tuesday by the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS). In January 1980, when BLS started tracking the price of these commodities, ground chuck cost $1.82 per pound and bacon cost $1.45 per pound. By this June 2014, ground chuck cost $3.91 per pound and bacon cost $6.11 per pound. A decade ago, in June 2004, a pound of ground chuck cost $2.49, which means that the commodity has increased by 57 percent since then. Bacon has increased by 78.7 percent from the $3.42 it cost in June 2004 to the $6.11 it costs now. In one month, beef increased from $3.85 in May 2014 to $3.91 in June 2014. Bacon increased from $6.05 in May 2014 to $6.11 in June 2014.
July 22, 2014


diseaseCooltextprophecysignPestilence & Plagues Luke 21:11 & Revelation 6:8 “And there will be great earthquakes in various places, and famines and pestilences; and there will be fearful sights and great signs from heaven.” (Luke) “So I looked, and behold, a pale horse. And the name of him who sat on it was Death, and Hades followed with him. And power was given to them over a fourth of the earth, to kill with sword, with hunger, with death (Thanatos in Greek meaning the death of the body whether natural or violent), and by the beasts of the earth” (Revelation)

Headline:  Encephalitis claims 67 lives in eastern India in fortnight

An outbreak of encephalitis has killed 67 people in two weeks in the eastern Indian state of West Bengal, describing the situation as “alarming”, a top health official says. “Of the total 341 cases in the region, 67 deaths have been recorded so far,” West Bengal health services director Biswaranjan Satpathy said on Tuesday. He added that eight of the victims were children below the age of 15. “We are setting up clinics and carrying out fogging operations to keep mosquitoes from breeding. A number of other measures are planned to stop the disease from spreading to other areas,” Satpathy pointed out. Health officials say twenty-four of the deaths were due to Japanese encephalitis, but other forms of the virus could not be identified. They also warn that 70 million children nationwide are at risk.
July 22, 2014


Headline:  MERS Virus may have Airborne Potential

Scientists have found that the deadly Middle East Respiratory syndrome (MERS) virus could be passed through gene fragments found in the air. Since the health issue first emerged, close to 850 people had contracted the virus, of which 327 were killed, according to estimates from the European Center for Disease Prevention Control (ECDC). Though the vast majority of cases have been in Saudi Arabia, some isolated versions have also been linked to parts of Europe, Asia and the United States from those who recently traveled in the Middle East. For the study, researchers collected air samples every day for three days, all from the camel barn that belonged to a MERS patient. The 43-year-old man, who was living south of the town of Jeddah in Saudi Arabia, had died from the virus. Researchers tested the air samples for signs of the virus, and found genetic fragments of the coronavirus that matched those found in the camel and the deceased owner. “The clear message here is that detection of airborne MERS-CoV molecules, which were 100 percent identical with the viral genomic sequence detected from a camel actively shedding the virus in the same barn on the same day, warrants further investigations and measures to prevent possible airborne transmission of this deadly virus,” said lead study author Esam Azhar, an associate professor of medical virology at King Abdulaziz University in Jeddah, via Reuters.
July 22, 2014



July 17, 2014 – 7 turtles found dead ‘a mystery’ in Salina Cruz, Mexico


July 18, 2014 – Large die off of fish found in a river in Oregon, America.


July 19, 2014 – Thousands of dead fish wash up on a beach in California, America


July 20, 2014 – Officials probe dead swans case on Lake Erie


Luke 21-25EarthquakesInDiversPlacesCooltextprophecysignMatthew 24:7 “For nation shall rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom: and there shall be famines, and pestilences, and earthquakes, in divers places. Luke 21:11 And great earthquakes shall be in divers places, and famines, and pestilences; and fearful sights and great signs shall there be from heaven.”

photo (2)

Headline:  Typhoon deaths rise to 151 as China reports more

The death toll from the strongest typhoon to hit China’s south in decades was raised to 46 on Tuesday, increasing the overall toll to 151 people dead in three countries just before a second storm approaches land. The Civil Affairs Ministry said 25 other people were still missing after Typhoon Rammasun made landfall Friday. The storm brought hail and heavy rains and destroyed tens of thousands of homes, damaged roads and ports and cut electricity and water supplies in southern Chinese cities.
July 22, 2014


youCooltextprophecysign Luke 21:9 and Matthew 24:7 speak of nation against nation and kingdom against kingdom in the end times. Revelation 6:3-4 speaks of the fiery red horse given power to make men slay one another and Revelation 6:8 speaks again of this red horse in conjunction with the pale horse of Death and Hades, as the one that has the power to kill by sword. I like to call this “The Arab Spring in Prophecy” because for us it is easy to identify- that’s what the world calls it.  Luke 21:9: wars & commotions; the Greek word here is Akatastasia, meaning instability, a state of disorder, disturbance, confusion (revolutions)  Matthew 24:7: the Greek word for nation is Ethnos & refers to various ethnic groups fighting among themselves, where the next sentence in the verse refers to kingdoms (basileiva) fighting one another (not to be confused with an actual kingdom but rather the right or authority to rule over a kingdom)

Headline:  15,000 flee Boko Haram attack in northeast Nigeria

Boko Haram attacked a town in northeast Nigeria, seizing control of the town, and forcing its 10,000 residents to flee. Boko Haram launched the assault the evening of July 17 against the town of Damboa using rocket-propelled grenades, explosives, and guns in the attack. 66 residents were killed. A community spokesman, Sheriff Muhammad said, “We lost 46 people on Thursday through Friday in Damboa and the gunmen pursued people who fled to nearby Fori and Kwairi villages where they killed 20 more.” At the end of the raid, Boko Haram raised its signature black flag over the town. “This is the first major town that has fallen to them, and it is located on a strategic road, Borno State Gov. Kashim Shettima told the New York Times. Nigeria’s defense ministry noted that Boko Haram had attacked Damboa’s military base and police station on July 4. In that attack, 50 militants were killed, raising the possibility that the attack on the town was carried out in retaliation.
July 22, 2014


NOTE FROM FRANK 2Emergency & News Updates for Tuesday evening will be on my Facebook page- please click the floating Facebook icon (the little blue F) on the screen





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