Kenya interview is now on the air Jesus is saving many! / Aug. 12, 2011

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Bringing the message of Jesus Christ to Africa.

To listen to Frank DiMora preaching Jesus in Kenya just click to this link. It is running right now. Click here to Listen to the difference online radio

Joseph Njuguna - In the studio Joseph Njuguna in Nairobi Kenya

Joseph Njuguna, who hosted my interview sent me messages that people sent him while I was being interviewed. I was just told people in Africa called in and told Joseph, who was interviewing me that they have asked Jesus to be their Savior! Joseph prayed with many of them and lead them to Christ.

8/6/2011 9:23:59 AM 254705330882 Truth fm.pls pray 4 me niokoke na niquit porn.Edwin 4rm Kirinyaga [11:24:43 AM] Joseph Njuguna: We prayed for that one and he gave his life to jesus. In the message he asked us to pray with him to receive Christ.

8/6/2011 9:43:46 AM 254724148031 Truth pray 4 me 2 stop smoking also 2 get saved mike:[11:26:55 AM] Joseph Njuguna: We also prayed for him and he gave his life to Jesus

Joseph also sent me a list of comments as I was being interviewed. The Lord's Holy Spirit was powerful and had convicted many to want get rid of sin in their lives.  As you will see many in Africa are now asking for my book. This is a blessing as many want to know what is happening and they want to get ready for the Lord.  Pray the Lord helps me keep the book in print. Since I do not ask people for funds I leave that part of my ministry to Christ, but I do need your prayers about this because of the number of people Jesus is bring to me.  I just got off the line with Joseph and as my interview is being played again around the world today more people are coming to Jesus.  I am a blessed man to have a part in leading many to Christ. 

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    • Amanda on August 12, 2011 at 11:52 am
    • Reply

    Praise the Lord!!!!!!

    • amanda on August 12, 2011 at 11:54 am
    • Reply

    I would have loved to hear it, but I have a hearing impairment. I have no problem viewing your video because it has closed captions with it and I am a excellent lip reader. Would be nice if it would be in video…. God bless.

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