Food Reserves for your family

Food Reserves Information

I have been prepairing for what can potentially happen in this country very soon. All of you that have been faithfull supporters of this ministry know what I mean. I believe that one of the most important aspects to this is having a proper Food Reserve prepaired for your family. When we began looking into this my son Adam did all of the research on what types of survival reserves there are, from freeze dried, to MRE's, to canned goods and so on. There is an ocean of companies and products and It was hard to know what the right food was and who to buy from in order to get the best quality food for the best prices, and to ensure that we were getting the most food for the money without sacrificing the quality. Adam posted a video for all of you proving you with some quick information and a place to go to make quick purchases without having to do all of the digging. We've done it for you. This is a 30 year old christian company and is where we have purchased all of our food. Please watch the video, and begin your Food Reserve planning as you see fit.

Click below to ship yourself the 3 free sample packs of food reserves now..all you have to do is fill out the information and choose a username and password for potential future orders…



Or to just order now click the picture below choose your package and begin building your family food reserves today.



As a side note the $1750 Package is a 1 year supply for 1 person


A 3 month supply for a family of four. This should help you gauge what package to purchase depending on budget, and the size of your family.



We suggest purchasing within your personal budget, and adding to your reserves as often as needed until you reach your personal goal and amount you deam neccessary.


For any questions about food reserves, or if you want to speak with Adam before ordering please feel free to call Adam.

Adam Dimora


God Bless all of you and thank you for your support of the ministry.





















    • Mark Miller on August 10, 2011 at 10:56 am
    • Reply

    Storing up a stash of food reserves, eh? Has it not been written in the scriptures that Man does not live by bread alone, but by the law written by the mouth of the LORD. Why would I think about eating especially if I look up in the sky and find out that Jesus didn’t think I tried hard enough to be a Christian for Him to count me worthy of the Rapture. I don’t believe I lived up to the Great Commission.

    • Patricia on August 12, 2011 at 12:55 pm
    • Reply

    Yeah, but wouldn’t it be nice to have food just in case? The WHOLE world is crazy and I really would rather be prepared with food AND Jesus.

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