Signs of the soon to come Lord Jesus/July 28, 2011

If you know Bible prophecy you can see the warnings signs Jesus give about the last day signs. These signs are coming at us faster than I have ever seen before, and I do know for sure these are the birth pains Jesus warned us about in Mark 13:8. Can you tell me why every Christian should watch for the signs? Do you know why Russia and Iran are strong allies in these last days? Have you seen any signs of pestilence, starvation, famines, droughts, Super Sun storms?  If you watched the news could you point to the signs of the coming Psalm war and Ezekiel war against Israel?  Could you tell someone why the Middle East Peace and safety talks have broken down, and use scripture to back up what you say? Could you explain to someone the reason why all the nations of the world are in the process of turning against Israel, and that encludes the United States?  Would you feel confident to tell your friends and family members, if they watch the news they are going to see some huge earthquakes soon?  Are you sure you are saved?  The news today in this post will answer the questions. Lastchroniclesfirelogo

“The Last Chronicle of Planet Earth” July, 25, 2011 Edition is now ready for you to download for free. Please note, the download may take some time to download but it will come up. The speed will depend on your computer.

Download Last Chronicles of Planet Earth July 25, 2011 Edition by Frank DiMora (FREE)



Prophecy Sign: Ezekiel chapters 38 and 39 tell us Iran and Russia will attack Israel in the last days.  There will other nations that join with these two nations as well, but I want to focus on Iran and Russia for this next report.

Recently I saw a interview with Iran's Foreign Minister Ali Akbar Salehi with RT News. I am posting the interview via a video for you. In this report I want to focus on a section of this interview dealing with Iran’s and Russia’s friendship. RT News asks the following questions that are answered by AAS which stands for Ali Akbar Salehi.

RT: What was Moscow’s rationale for supporting Iran on its nuclear issue? What common interests are there between Russia and Iran?

AAS:“Clearly, Russia is a very important neighbor of Iran. And in my opinion, Iran is the most significant neighbor for Russia. Iran's Foreign Minister Ali Akbar Salehi answers this question. “What was Moscow’s rationale for supporting Iran on its nuclear issue? What common interests are there between Russia and Iran?”

It’s a reality that history confirms. Looking back, we realize that the US used all its means and ways in attempts to dismantle the Soviet Union. Today Russia is a strong country on the international arena, from political, economic and military viewpoints. And, since the US wants to consolidate its dominance in the world, it intends to tie hands, or defeat its only military rival, Russia. Therefore, it has expanded NATO’s sphere of influence in order to approach Russia’s borders. Why?

They want to exert pressure on Russia, because there are no other countries around Russia’s borders, save Iran, that would be defiant to the West. Establishing Western rule over Iran would solve this problem for them; this would allow NATO to encircle Russia completely. Let us try and imagine what would happen if Iran were to fall back under Western influence. In this instance, NATO would completely surround Russia. Therefore, Iran is vitally important for Russia, and vice versa. I believe that Russia and Iran need each other. But Russia may be concerned that Iran can return under the Western influence. I want to tell our Russian friends that this will not happen. I am very optimistic about the prospects of Russia-Iran relations. And the future will prove me right.”


RT: Does Iran believe that Moscow’s support will continue, particularly with regard to Iran’s nuclear profile?

AAS: We are convinced that Russia will keep supporting Iran’s position. We have no worries about that.

RT: What can you say regarding Iran-US relations? Does Iran intend to resume them?

AAS: We have stated time and again that Iran wants to have good, reasonable relations with all countries except for the Zionist state.

Prophecy Sign: Luke 21:25  “26 July 2011 (IRIN) – Heavy flooding in southeastern Bangladesh has forced more than 20,000 people from their homes in Cox’s Bazar and Teknaf districts, say local authorities. “The homes of more than 20,000 people have been completely destroyed by the floodwaters,” Rafiqul Islam, district relief and rehabilitation officer (DRRO) for Cox’s Bazar, told IRIN, with another 84,000 homes partially damaged. “When the water recedes, many of these may also be inhabitable,” he said. When the Bakkhali and Matamuhuri rivers burst their banks most of the displaced sought refuge in the more than 30 cyclone shelters in the low-lying area. The newly displaced add to the more the 400,000 people already forced from their homes and unable to return due to rising floodwaters. When they will be able to return remains to be seen.”

Prophecy Sign: Luke 21:11 Pestilence “Grasshoppers are covering the foothills and pastures from the Merced-Mariposa county line up toward the mountains, invading gardens and crops by the thousands. Two consecutive wet years and plenty of natural grasses have provided a good environment for grasshoppers to thrive, said Gene Hannon, entomologist with the Fresno County Department of Agriculture. "They didn't die off like they have in the past and now there is lots of food," Hannon said. "That will cause their populations to grow." Grasshoppers can defoliate almost everything in sight, said Maxwell Norton, interim director of the University of California Cooperative Extension in Mariposa. The grasshoppers are found in the foothills and rangelands because they like undisturbed land to lay their eggs.”

“But in Mariposa, the grasshoppers are so thick this year that Norton said he gave a talk to some master gardeners Monday afternoon on how to keep their gardens and plants safe from the insects. he population of grasshoppers varies from year to year, and severe outbreaks, like Mariposa County is seeing this year, come every eight to 10 years and can last two or three years. Adults can fly up to 15 or more miles a day to find food.”

Janell Goode, a single Lowell mother who is now unemployed, has struggled to feed her young sons a healthy diet.

Prophecy Sign: Revelation 6:6 “Doctors at a major Boston hospital report they are seeing more hungry and dangerously thin young children in the emergency room than at any time in more than a decade of surveying families. Many families are unable to afford enough healthy food to feed their children, say the Boston Medical Center doctors. The resulting chronic hunger threatens to leave scores of infants and toddlers with lasting learning and developmental problems. Before the economy soured in 2007, 12 percent of youngsters age 3 and under whose families were randomly surveyed in the hospital’s emergency department were significantly underweight. In 2010, that percentage jumped to 18 percent, and the tide does not appear to be abating, said Dr. Megan Sandel, an associate professor of pediatrics and public health at BMC. “Food is costing more, and dollars don’t stretch as far,’’ Sandel said. “It’s hard to maintain a diet that is healthy.’’


Prophecy Sign: Matthew chapter 24, Luke chapter 21, Mark chapter 13, Revelation chapter 16: 8-11, Revelation 7:15-16 deal with droughts, famines, lack of water, intense heat, and starvation.

“Fish need water, and these days in Texas, there's a lot less of it than usual. The nearly year-long drought blistering the state has reduced flows in some rivers and streams to or below levels not seen since the 1950s' legendary "drought of record."  The lack of rain, plus the siphoning of groundwater to quench the multifaceted thirsts of a Texas population more than three times larger than during that '50s drought, has disconnected from their aquifers many of the springs feeding Texas streams. Other springs are flowing at only 10-20 percent of their rates. Lack of inflow into reservoirs coupled with the evaporative effects of the long, hot summer days and the necessary releases of water to drive power generators or maintain minimum downstream flows has dramatically dropped water levels on most lakes across Texas”.

Netanyahu Obama - GPO - 20.5.11

Prophecy Sign: Zechariah 12:3 warns us that all the nations will come against Israel in the last days.  There is no question Israel’s best friend, the USA, is turning away from Israel slowly but surely, and here is one sign of this taking place. I quote, “An internal report of the Office of Inspector General for the U.S. Department of State recommends terminating the U.S. loan guarantee program to Israel at the end of 2011.”



Prophecy Sign: Signs of the coming Psalm 83 war of which all the nations in the photo will take part in.

“On the 90th anniversary of the fall of the Ottoman Empire, the vast Islamic Caliphate regime which fell in 1921 after WWI, thousands of members of the Radical Islamist organization Hizb ut-Tahrir rallied on the Temple Mount in Jerusalem. They called for Muslims to unite and embrace the Caliphate rulership once more.“The rally took place in early July. Demonstrators flew banners bearing inscriptions such as “The Ummah (Muslims) Want Muslim Caliphates.” A giant banner was put up in the Al Aksa mosque courtyard on the Temple Mount. Other banners said “No to Democracy, Yes to Caliphates". The crowd controller, using a microphone, soon had the crowd chanting over and over, “O Muslim armies, awaken to help Muslims.” The Hizb ut-Tahrir (‘Party of Liberation’) website calls for the Muslim armies to forcefully lift the Gaza IDF naval blockade with military action, making it serve “as a tight noose” around Israel.”

Palestinians hold flags and posters of Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas

Prophecy Sign: Psalm 83 war and Zechariah 12:3.

 “President Mahmoud Abbas urged Palestinians on Wednesday to step up peaceful protests against Israel, urging "popular resistance" inspired by the Arab Spring to back a diplomatic offensive at the United Nations. Abbas, addressing a Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO) meeting, reiterated his decision to seek full UN membership for Palestinian state alongside Israel, saying it was a diplomatic move resulting from paralysis in the U.S.-backed peace process. "In this coming period, we want mass action, organized and coordinated in every place," Abbas said. "This is a chance to raise our voices in front of the world and say that we want our rights." Though the United States is expected to block their quest for a full seat, the Palestinians expect to secure at least an upgrade in their UN status during September's General Assembly meeting in New York. Abbas' comments to the PLO central committee in Ramallah marked the first time he had openly urged popular activism in support of the initiative, echoing a call made last week by Marwan Barghouti, a leading Palestinian imprisoned in Israel. Palestinian officials are describing the diplomatic initiative as part of a new approach to their struggle to create an independent state in the West Bank and Gaza Strip with East Jerusalem as its capital

clip_image002[7] Photo copyright Frank DiMora 2009

Prophecy Sign; Signs of the Psalm 83 is coming soon and I Thessalonians 5:3 where Paul warns us of the following: “While people are saying, "Peace and safety," destruction will come on them suddenly, as labor pains on a pregnant woman, and they will not escape.”

In my June 7, 2011 post I warned you to watch the news concerning the Muslim Brotherhood. This is what I wrote you. Prophecy Sign: One of the pieces to the Psalm 83 prophecy war, which God shows us Egypt will be involved in against Israel has been clearing up for us. People couldn't figure out why Egypt would attack Israel in that war if Egypt has a signed peace treaty with Israel. Well, things have suddenly changed and the peace treaty between Egypt and Israel is all but gone. I warned you when President Mubarak was gone look for the Muslim Brotherhood to take control. This Muslim Brotherhood has plans of killing off Israel.

Now read the news from The Blaze World today. “Remember Amr Moussa? He’s the Egyptian presidential candidate — who is also a part of the Muslim Brotherhood — who said in May that Hamas — the terror group — is not a terror group. Now, a new Newsweek/Daily Beast poll finds that he‘s the likely winner in Egypt’s upcoming election, and his party is likely to gain power. And according to Newsweek, that’s bad news for Israel and America.

“The Muslim Brotherhood, Egypt’s largest Islamist group, is poised to win the largest share of the vote in parliamentary elections,” the Daily Beast writes, “the man who appears to have a clear shot at the presidency, Amr Moussa, has made his name criticizing Israel; and a large majority of respondents favor amending or revoking the cornerstone of regional stability, the Camp David Accords.”

According to the poll of just over 1,000 respondents, the Muslim Brotherhood’s “Freedom and Justice Party” garnered the most support at 17 percent. The same support ringed true for Moussa: On paper, the Newsweek/Daily Beast survey found a close race: Former Arab League chief Amr Moussa leads the pack with the support of 16 percent of likely voters, former diplomat Mohamed ElBaradei and former Prime Minister Ahmed Shafik follow with 12 percent each, and a smattering of others trail in single digits. But Moussa clearly has wider appeal: When we surveyed likely voters with just the three front-runners, the former foreign minister, who talks tough on Israel, garners 47 percent, with “Undecided” running even with the remaining two. [Emphasis added]  So what did these Egyptians think about Israel? The poll says most want to change the staple peace agreement in the region, the Camp David Accords: The antipathy to their neighbor the north was palpable. Only 3 percent of those surveyed had a positive impression of Israel, only 2 percent said Israel cares about Egypt’s interests and a mere 1 percent said Israel had responded to the recent revolution in a positive way. This has repercussions on the linchpin of regional stability, the Camp David Accords: 70 percent want to amend or cancel them, while only 17 percent want to keep them as is. [Emphasis added]

The peace process has been taking place just as Paul warned us it would, and the labor pains are getting stronger.

Al-Qaeda leader Ayman al-Zawahri urged Syrian protesters to direct their movement also against Washington and Israel, denouncing the United States as insincere in showing solidarity with them, according to an Internet video issued on Wednesday. "America, which cooperated with (Syrian President) Bashar al-Assad during his whole regime, claims today that it stands with you when it saw him floored by the earthquake caused by your fury," he said in the video posted on Islamist websites often used by al Qaeda.

The video carried the date of the Islamic month corresponding to June, when Zawahri was named by the Islamist group to succeed Osama bin Laden, who was killed by US forces in Pakistan in May after a nearly 10-year worldwide hunt. "You are standing with your bare chests facing tank and artillery shells and helicopters," Zawahri said of the Syrians demonstrating against Assad, whom he denounced as "America's partner in the war on Islam in the name of fighting terror". "Tell both America and (US President Barack) Obama: … our powerful uprising will not stop until we raise the victorious banner of jihad (holy war) … over Jerusalem," said Zawahri, wearing a white turban and robe and seated next to an assault rifle”,7340,L-4101159,00.html


Prophecy Sign: Jesus warned us in the last days there would be Christian persecution,  Matthew 24:9 “Then shall they deliver you up to be afflicted, and shall kill you: and you shall be hated of all nations form name’s sake”

(AINA) — An exchange of harsh words on July 25 between Ruth, a Christian woman, and Gassem Fouad, a Muslim man who had parked his tricycle in front of her home, escalated into assault by the man on Ruth and other Christian villagers, and the arrest of one Copt. After Ruth, who is 5 months pregnant, was assaulted, a Muslim mob waited for Coptic farmers to return from the fields, where they were intercepted and beaten with iron rods and pipes. Security forces managed to contain the situation. Six Christians, including Ruth and her sister-in-law Hannan, were hospitalized with concussions, head injuries and broken limbs. No Muslim was injured. None of the Muslim perpetrators was arrested. Ruth's husband, Kirillos Daniel, was accused of possessing a weapon — a rifle found thrown where the Christians were attacked, and is under detention. In an interview on CTV Coptic TV, Father Estephanos Shehata, of the Samalout Coptic dioceses, said "The real reason behind this assault was the church bell, which has greatly angered the Muslims in the village." He said the dilapidated church in the village of Ezbet Jacob Bebawi, outside Samalout, north of Minya, was given permission to renovate and this was completed last week, and the church bell was reinstalled.

Attacks on Christians such as this one are  becoming common place in the news.


As you will see the news is filled with possible reasons why the Psalm 83 war could break out. Here is another one of those reasons.  The fight over oil and gas rights.

“Hizbullah secretary general Hasan Nasrallah on Tuesday warned Israel against carrying out any act that may lead to stealing Lebanon’s resources out of its territorial waters. The Shiite leader declared that whoever harms Lebanon's future maritime projects, will face the same damage and Israel knows that Lebanon is capable of such damage. Elsewhere in his speech, Nasrallah said that the steadfastness of the resistance fighters was the most important factor that contributed to the victory achieved against the Israeli enemy in July 2006, in addition to some other factors including the determination, confidence, hope, faith and people’s steadfastness. He reiterated that the 2006 summer war has left dangerous repercussions on israel and its political present and future. He warned the Israeli enemy of seeking to approach Lebanon again and again. He vowed to achieve victory again in case any war erupts and confirmed that the resistance nowadays is stronger than ever.”


Prophecy Sign: Luke 21:11, 25 are the warns to watch for signs in the sun, the moon, and stars.

“NASA has warned of a once-in-a-lifetime ‘space storm’ after the sun wakes ‘from a deep slumber’ sometime around 2013, causing ‘20 times more economic damage than Hurricane Katrina’. Senior space agency scientists believe that the super storm would hit like ‘a bolt of lightning’ and damage everything from emergency services’ systems, hospital equipment, banking systems and air traffic control devices, through to “everyday” items such as home computers, iPods and Sat Navs. And unless precautions are taken, it could cause catastrophic consequences for the world’s health, emergency services and national security. "We know it is coming but we don’t know how bad it is going to be,” Dr Richard Fisher, the director of NASA’s Heliophysics division, said in an interview with The Daily Telegraph. He, however, said that preparations were similar to those in a hurricane season, where authorities knew a problem was imminent but did not know how serious it would be. "I think the issue is now that modern society is so dependent on electronics, mobile phones and satellites, much more so than the last time this occurred,” he said.”

Prophecy Sign: Jesus asks us to watch for the sign of many earthquakes. See Matthew 24:7. Here are the quakes for the past 7 days that are a 5.0 or higher. 

MAP 5.2 2011/07/28 16:05:58 -35.754 -73.071 22.4 OFFSHORE MAULE, CHILE
MAP 5.3 2011/07/28 14:00:00 62.050 -151.290 81.6 CENTRAL ALASKA
MAP 5.5 2011/07/28 09:01:38 40.374 143.254 25.0 OFF THE EAST COAST OF HONSHU, JAPAN
MAP 5.1 2011/07/28 04:26:13 -29.223 -176.183 10.1 KERMADEC ISLANDS REGION

MAP 5.9 2011/07/27 23:00:30 10.735 -43.437 6.3 NORTHERN MID-ATLANTIC RIDGE
MAP 5.0 2011/07/27 20:03:27 -22.130 169.893 49.6 SOUTHEAST OF THE LOYALTY ISLANDS
MAP 5.2 2011/07/27 05:05:58 -7.666 130.327 35.0 KEPULAUAN TANIMBAR REGION, INDONESIA
MAP 5.3 2011/07/27 00:56:18 14.862 152.580 16.1 EAST OF THE MARIANA ISLANDS

MAP 5.2 2011/07/26 20:58:30 -2.668 -76.613 124.2 PERU-ECUADOR BORDER REGION
MAP 5.0 2011/07/26 19:40:29 25.051 -109.582 12.5 GULF OF CALIFORNIA
MAP 5.9 2011/07/26 17:44:22 25.186 -109.550 10.2 GULF OF CALIFORNIA
MAP 5.2 2011/07/26 17:40:52 -3.282 150.778 17.4 NEW IRELAND REGION, PAPUA NEW GUINEA
MAP 5.7 2011/07/26 14:26:23 -9.231 67.096 10.0 MID-INDIAN RIDGE
MAP 5.1 2011/07/26 08:02:35 7.576 126.849 79.2 MINDANAO, PHILIPPINES
MAP 5.8 2011/07/26 06:17:39 52.977 159.886 43.8 OFF THE EAST COAST OF KAMCHATKA, RUSSIA
MAP 5.4 2011/07/26 06:16:47 52.902 159.893 55.0 OFF THE EAST COAST OF KAMCHATKA, RUSSIA
MAP 5.0 2011/07/26 04:04:14 36.626 56.794 16.9 NORTHEASTERN IRAN

MAP 5.1 2011/07/25 21:33:18 39.023 142.749 27.5 NEAR THE EAST COAST OF HONSHU, JAPAN
MAP 5.4 2011/07/25 18:25:11 -5.348 -76.562 115.7 NORTHERN PERU
MAP 5.9 2011/07/25 17:15:41 14.970 120.119 35.0 LUZON, PHILIPPINES
MAP 5.2 2011/07/25 11:54:51 35.267 141.030 19.1 NEAR THE EAST COAST OF HONSHU, JAPAN
MAP 5.3 2011/07/25 11:15:13 -37.667 -73.536 26.5 BIO-BIO, CHILE
MAP 5.3 2011/07/25 05:30:27 -21.299 -174.416 32.7 TONGA
MAP 5.1 2011/07/25 00:59:22 -3.018 150.462 32.6 NEW IRELAND REGION, PAPUA NEW GUINEA
MAP 6.2 2011/07/25 00:50:51 -3.213 150.672 34.5 NEW IRELAND REGION, PAPUA NEW GUINEA

MAP 5.0 2011/07/24 19:05:30 45.697 90.104 15.3 MONGOLIA-CHINA BORDER REGION
MAP 6.2 2011/07/24 18:51:25 37.758 141.540 35.6 NEAR THE EAST COAST OF HONSHU, JAPAN
MAP 5.1 2011/07/24 15:07:11 38.857 141.987 60.4 NEAR THE EAST COAST OF HONSHU, JAPAN
MAP 5.0 2011/07/24 10:38:56 28.267 66.346 24.9 PAKISTAN
MAP 5.1 2011/07/24 08:23:37 -7.607 106.446 56.3 JAVA, INDONESIA

MAP 5.0 2011/07/23 22:45:21 -20.143 -70.644 20.6 OFFSHORE TARAPACA, CHILE
MAP 5.5 2011/07/23 16:34:42 13.031 145.454 14.0 GUAM REGION
MAP 5.3 2011/07/23 06:28:36 54.949 -161.369 44.8 ALASKA PENINSULA
MAP 5.2 2011/07/23 04:40:21 -24.219 -178.842 366.0 SOUTH OF THE FIJI ISLANDS
MAP 6.4 2011/07/23 04:34:24 38.932 141.907 38.6 NEAR THE EAST COAST OF HONSHU, JAPAN
MAP 5.5 2011/07/23 02:56:54 -29.339 -69.774 120.6 SAN JUAN, ARGENTINA

MAP 5.6 2011/07/22 20:58:56 12.990 145.464 4.4 GUAM REGION
MAP 5.2 2011/07/22 20:35:57 -41.664 -83.351 39.7 WEST CHILE RISE
MAP 5.0 2011/07/22 10:48:33 12.197 -88.281 51.5 NEAR THE COAST OF NICARAGUA
MAP 6.0 2011/07/22 06:56:40 -20.229 -178.530 600.6 FIJI REGION

MAP 5.0 2011/07/21 23:17:39 -28.949 -176.503 20.2 KERMADEC ISLANDS REGION
MAP 5.6 2011/07/21 23:01:43 -62.471 164.302 10.0 BALLENY ISLANDS REGION
MAP 5.0 2011/07/21 19:12:01 -29.624 -176.373 51.5 KERMADEC ISLANDS REGION


Are you saved in Christ Jesus yet?  You can be today! John 3:16 "For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life." Ask Him to save you today!

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Download Last Chronicles of Planet Earth July 25, 2011 Edition by Frank DiMora (FREE)



Disclaimer: Since the facts and evidence on my posts and in my book are real as they are taken from news around the world, and this news proves Bible prophecy is actually coming to pass in our generation, the information you read or see may scare you. If you are depressed or on any meds for depression, or have any type of mental disease consult your doctor before reading this material.


If you would like me to come to your Church to give a prophecy seminar you can contact me either by writing to my P.O Box, or email me at There is no charge for my labor of love in Christ.


Frank DiMora, P.O. Box 732, Lompoc Ca. 93438


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