Reasons why we are seeing so much crop destruction/The rise in food prices/June 23, 2011


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Are you really searching to know the truth?

Disclaimer: Since the facts and evidence on my posts and in my book are real as they are taken from news around the world, and this news proves Bible prophecy is actually coming to pass in our generation, the information you read or see may scare you. If you are depressed or on any meds for depression, or have any type of mental disease consult your doctor before reading this material.

If you would like me to come to your Church to give a prophecy seminar you can contact me either by writing to my P.O Box, or email me at There is no charge for my labor of love in Christ.

Frank DiMora, P.O. Box 732, Lompoc Ca. 93438

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Prophecy Sign: Jesus has told us everything we need to know concerning what to look for in the last days.  Part of His message to us was people will have to work all day long to buy one small meal. See Rev. 6:6. Pay attention to detail in Rev. 6:6 where He warns us about wheat and barley! In Matthew 24:7 Christ also tells us about the famines and pestilence that no doubt will also add to the destruction of the world crops, which will cause the food price to reach to the sky! Luke 21:25 warns us about the storms, which again will add to crop destruction.  The Book of Revelation shows us the intense heat from the sun will bring on the lack of water and that to will roast the Earth killing off crops. The list below is one of the best lists that shows you what has taken place in connection with these prophecies. The list starts in 2011 and continues on to Dec. 2010. This post alone should convince you Jesus' warnings needs to be taken seriously.

June 23, 2011Gas Prices May Be Falling, But Food Keeps Going Up

June 22, 2011-France’s Sarkozy Urges Action Against the ‘Plague’ of Food Price Surges:

June 20
Water Is the New Liquid Gold in Texas **
Aviation Biofuels About to Take Off
Steak Made from Human Excrement: Is It Safe?
June 17
Corn Prices Rise as Multiple Floods Cut into Crop **
Europe Braces for Serious Crop Losses, Blackouts as Record Drought Persists **
Drought Threatens Texas Crops; Finances Also in Peril
Extreme Heat, Drought Putting Cotton Crops in Jeopardy
2/3 of Texas County Hay Crop Lost
Arkansas Farming: Drought, Tornadoes, Floods and Now Sandstorms
Mice Decimate Victoria, Australia's Grain Crops **
Wet Conditions Hit Canada's Wheat Crop
Wheat May Climb as Curbed Acreage in Canada Adds to Global Supply Concern **
G20 to Monitor World Grain Supply
Obama Admin. Green Lights GMOs to be Planted in National Wildlife Refuges
Hay Now — It’s Boycott Time: Land O’Lakes, This Means You!
June 14
Droughts Wilt Wheat Crops Worldwide **
USDA Report Signals No End in Sight for High Corn Prices **
Sarkozy Warns of Soaring Commodity Prices **
Kellogg Georgia Plant Gets Second FDA Warning on Listeria in 2 Years **
Secret GM Wheat Experiments Begin in Australia **
A New Generation of Gardeners
June 13
Wet Weather Affecting Crops
The Race for Climate Change Crops
June 12
Farms Battle for Survival Against Mo. River Flooding **
Organic Food May Become a Thing of the Past **
Gardener's Ingenious Methods Yield Big Harvests
June 10
Criminalization of Healthy Food **
Ancient Wheat Plague Threatens World Crops **
USDA Cuts Corn Crop Forecast on Planting Delays **
Hidden Cost of Ethanol Subsidies – 2 Weeks' Corn Reserves Are Lowest Ever **
Oklahoma Wheat Harvest Dismal, As Predicted **
South Plains Cotton Crop Looking Like a Bust
Peru Approves 10 Year Ban on GM Crops
June 7
Extreme Weather Threatening Crops in U.S., Canada **
Farmers Dump Grain Ahead of Floods **
UN Says Food Prices to Stay High **
Is Hunger All in the Mind?
June 6
UK Farming in Crisis as Drought Hits Crops **
Dampened Outlook – Late Winter, Wet Spring Delays Seasonal Crops
6 Real Examples of Food Terrorism **
Obama Deregulates GMO Crops Despite Supreme Court Injunction **
June 3
Report: Rising Temperatures Threaten a Food Crisis **
Bad Weather? Limited Space? Try Container Gardening
Edible RFID Tags Track Your Food from Beginning to End
Scientists to Study the Impact of Nanoparticles on Food Crops
June 2
E. coli: Russia Bans Import of EU Vegetables
June 1
Historic NM Drought Spurs Large Wildfires, Hurting Farmers and Ranchers
New Weather Is Going to Make Food Prices Soar
May 31
Wettest Planting Spring in 30 Years Means Crunch Time for Crops **
Clock Ticking on Canada's Corn Crops
Food Prices Set to Double by 2030, Aid Group Says
UN Warns of Food Riots in Developing World as Drought Pushes Up Prices **
Mississippi River Floods and Organic Farms
Fake Organics from China Spell Safety Hazards for U.S. Consumers
Gardens Sprout Where Eyesores Once Dominated  **
So – ho, How Does Your Garden Grow? – updated
New Look at the Genetically Modified Foods Debate
GMO Created Foods May be Used as Biological Weapon **
Farm Boom?
May 30
Russia Lifting Grain-Export Ban as Drought, Floods Ruin Europe, US Crops
May 26
Analysis: China Drought Ignites Global Grain Supply Concerns **
May 25
Receding Floodwaters Reveal Ruined Homes, Crops **
Hedge Fund Managers Pour Assets into Farmland as Doomsday Food Scenario Approaches
A Modern Declaration of Independence **
May 24
Texas May See Biggest Drought Ever Bringing Record Farming, Ranching Losses **
Drought in US, EU Stressing Crops, Farmers **
Farm States Continue to Suffer From Expanded Drought
Wet Weather Continues to Wash Away Farming Activity
U.S. Crop Planting Remains Slow **
ND Corn Growers Running Out of Time to Plant
Bat Crisis Threatens U.S. Food Supply **
More Americans Buying Organic Food **
Forget Oil and Gold – Phosphorus is the Commodity Everyone Should be Concerned About
May 23
Farmers: Weather Is Great for Fiddleheads, But Terrible for Crops **
How Weather Is Hurting 2011 Crops So Far **
Fracking with Our Food: How Gas Drilling Affects Farming **
Deadly Fungus Threatens Latin American Cocoa Crop
May 19
Mississippi Flooding Harms Agriculture in Several States **
Rain Already Has Cost Ohio Farmers $904 Million
Ohio Farmers: We're Used to Rain, But Not Like This" **
Wheat at Risk Across Europe from Driest Weather in Decades **
Grain, Soybeans Surge on Adverse Weather from U.S. to Europe **
Mideast Staggered by Cost of Wheat
Kenya to Run Out of Corn in 10 Days
World Corn Prices to Rise 35%, Firm **
Cash Crops Under Glass and Up on the Roof **
How to Can, Freeze, Dry, Preserve Any Fruit or Vegetable at Home
Doomsday Food Price Scenario Turning Hedgies into Survivalists
May 18
Wheat Damage Claims in Kansas May Signal Worse U.S. Harvest Than Forecast **
Arkansas: 1+ Million Acres of Crops Under Water
Mississippi: 1.2 Million Acres of Crops Under Water
South and Lower Midwest: 3 Million Acres of Crops Under Water

Flooded Arkansas Rice Growers Facing May 20 Decision Date
Cold, Wet Spring Ruins Crops for Southwestern B.C. Farmers
Soggy Weather Keeps Bees from Pollinating Crops
UN World Food Program Says Food Runs Out in June – They Will be Hungry (or Worse)
Storm-Tossed Gardening
May 17
Soggy Michigan Spring Puts Clamps on Crops **
Soaked Fields Threaten Ind. Corn Crop **
Spring Rain Causing Problems for Ohio Farmers **
Texas Ranchers Forced to Sell Their Cattle or Watch Them Die in the Field **
Corn Advances Most in a Week as Weather Curbs Crop Prospects; Wheat Rises
Worst Drought in 50 Years Threatens Cuba's Already Meager Food Production **
'Dustbowl Britain' Faces Repeat of 1976 Drought as Dry Spell Drags on and Crop Failures Lead to Higher Food Prices **
Grain Prices Climb on Fears of Tight Supplies
Paris Malting Barley Rises Above 300 Euros on Drought Worries
Exploding Watermelons! Acres of Crops Erupt
May 16
Alarming Number of Disasters Striking World "Food Baskets" **
May 15
Farmers Along Mississippi See Crops Washed Away **
Farmers' Hopes Drown – $10M in Crops Lost to River **
3 Million Acres of Crop Submerged, U.S. Grain Export Season Delayed **
21 Kansas Counties Declared Natural Disaster Areas for Ag
Kansas Wheat Crop Estimated to be Lowest in 15 Years
Farmer Says He's Never Seen Drought This Severe in 27 Years **
FEMA to Confiscate Food from Local Farms in Emergencies? **
Food Security, Local Farms and FEMA ** 1
Food Freedom and Family Farm
U.S. Farmland Values Up 20% in Q1
Farm Bill No Easy Task Amid Earmark Ban, Budget Cuts
May 12
Mo. Farmers Return to Lands Ruined by Blown Levee **
Kan. Wheat Production Down 27%
French Wheat in 'Danger Zone' on Drought
Drought Effects: Crops Are "In a Lot of Trouble"
Crop Production 'Shut Down' in Texas, New Mex., Okla, La, and Parts of Ark. **
Crop Damage from Weather Growing **
USDA: Food Prices to Rise Further During Rest of 2011 **
May 10
Wheat Gains for 3rd Day as Dry Weather, Excess Rain Threatens Harvests Worldwide **
Crops Under Threat from Flooding, Drought
Flooding to Cost Arkansas Agriculture $500+ Million
Dry Weather Leaves Farmers Facing Crop Disaster in England
Consumers Are Already Paying the Price of Global Warming in Higher Food Bills, Scientists Warn **
May 9
Miss. Farmers Face $800 Million in Losses **
May 8
Louisiana Farmers Worried About Losing Crops If Morganza Spillway Opens **
Farmers in Flood-Soaked Northeast SD Struggling to Get Crops in Ground
Drought, Feed Prices Likely to Further Reduce Cow Inventory
Canada Wheat Inventories Fall 8.8% from 2010
Food Supply at Risk of Attack by Terrorist Groups **
Feds Abandon Extra Radiation Monitoring of Milk, Water ; Nuke Expert Calls Decision "Staggering" **
“Secret” Organic Food Supplies for Government Departments
May 6
Levee Blast Means L
ost Year for Missouri Farmers, Damage Exceed $100 Million
Lost Crops: 'It Makes You Sick' ** 1
Europe Wheat Harvest to Fall on Drought, May Be Catastrophic **
Drought to Persist in China, U.S. Europe Wheat Areas **
Cereal Killer: Climate Change Stunts Growth of Global Crop Yields
Senator Cites Threat to U.S. Food Supply **
FDA Claims Power to Seize Food Without Evidence of Contamination **
How Goldman Sachs Created the Food Crisis **
Your Daily Bread is Goldman Sachs’ Hottest Commodity
EU Farm Commissioner Slams GM Crops
May 5
Mice Plague Hits Biblical Proportions Across NSW Farms **
Ontario's Crop Delays Becoming Serious **
US Ag. Policy, GM Crops Hurt Family Farms
Heirloom Vegetables Win Over Gardeners, Chefs **
EPA, Army Corps Draft New Clean Water Act Guidelines That Threaten to Seize Control of All Water Supplies **
May 4
Crops Lost to Blown Levee: Corn, Soybeans, Wheat, Cotton **
"Most Fertile Farmland in America" Under Water
Heavy Spring Rain Delays Planting, Food Prices Could Rise **
Grains Wilt in Dry Europe as England Posts Its Hottest April in 352 Years **
U.S. Wheat Needs Rain **
Dwindling Food Supply Forces Haitians to Eat Mud ** 2
Smithfield CEO: Higher Food Prices Are Here to Stay **
May 3
Too Wet, Too Dry, Conditions Just Right to Frustrate Farmers **
Wettest Spring in Recent Years Affecting Farmers **
Low Temps Threaten W. Colorado Crops, Wipes Out Apricots
Tornado Destruction Halts Crop Planting in South
World Corn, Soybeans Crops Threatened by Adverse Weather
Salmonella Contamination Prompts Tomato Recall
May 1
Coffee Prices May Rise 40% If Frost Damages Crops **
Hail Harms Tenn. Crops, Greenhouses **
Kansas Crops' Elixir at Risk **
Kentucky Storms Destroy Thousands of Acres of Crops **
Sandstorms Hit Northwest China, Damage Crops
Disasters May Drive Up Food Prices
5 Grocery Staples That Are Getting More Expensive
How Rising Food Prices Will Affect You & 6 Ways to Prepare **
April 29
Massive Crop Losses Feared from South Drought **
Judge Gives Go-Ahead to Blow Missouri Levee – Farmers Adversely Impacted **
Grains Called Higher as US Crops Face Risk
Flooded Saskatchewan Farmers' Seeding Plans in Jeopardy
Coffee Crops Could be Devastated by Frost in Brazil **
April 28
U.S. Wheat Outlook: Seen Lower on Hope for Beneficial Rains **
Illinois Towns Fighting to Keep the River Off Their Crops **
Monsanto's Quest to Control All Crops: GMO Wheat Next **
Saskatchewan Gardeners May Face Seed Shortage **

April 27
Coffee Prices Hit 34-Year High **
Gas Pump & Grocery Store Sticky Note Protest
Midwest Storms Delay Crucial Planting Season **
Crop Progress in Minnesota Essentially Nil
Bees, Bats, and Stinkbugs **
Feral Swine Could Pose Risk to Michigan's Livestock, Crops
April 26
Frost Killing Crops in Yakima, Wash.
Queensland Crops Swamped as Dawson River Peaks
Farmers: Drought Hurting Kansas Wheat Crops **
Farmer: "When Things Go Wrong, You Lose Heart"
Texas Farmers Fret as Weather Is Pronounced Driest Since 1895 **
Rains Too Late to Help Wheat Crop
Food Costs Seen Reaching Record by Year-End as World Inflation Accelerates **
Aging Farmer Population Threatens U.S. Food Supply
Bat Disease Could Allow Insects to Destroy Crops
Monsanto Will Soon be Allowed to Police Itself **
Another 30% Rise in Food Prices will Drive 200 Million Asians into Poverty
April 25
Rain Pours into Queensland Weekend Causing Crop Damage
Soaring Food, Fuel Prices Send Kenyans to the Streets
Behind the Rising Cost of Food **
Kenya's "Breadbasket" to See Food Shortage
Adapting to Gardening With Arthritis
April 23
Are These the 20 Signs That Point to a Global Food Crisis? **
Kansas Farmers Say Drought Is Hurting Wheat Crops
Wheat Prices on Fire, Relentless Drought Devastates Crops in Okla, Texas **
Texas Wildfires Threaten Wheat Crop, Drive Food Prices Higher
Extensive Damage to India's Crops
Wet Ground, Cool Weather Are Keeping Wisc. Farmers Out of Fields **
Strawberries, Corn Among Penn. Crops Hurt by Spring Rain
Another Reason to Grow Your Own Veggies: Pesticide Exposure Linked to Low IQ **
The "Other" White Rock
April 21
Cattle, Crops at Risk from ND Floods, Snow
Only 2% of Iowa Corn Crop Is Planted
World Corn Stocks Particularly Low **
Northern Utah Farmers Rained Out **
Disease Hits Wheat Crops in Africa, Mideast
April 20
Wildfires, Drought Burning Texas Ag., Wheat Crop Could be Only 1/3 Normal **
Dogs Rescued from China's Food Supply
Food Shortage 2011 ** 4
Food Storage – Not Just for Natural Disasters **
April 19
Winds Add to Crop Woes **
Kansas Wheat Crop Suffering Amidst Drought
Wheat Futures Gain a Third Day as US Crop Condition Worsens; Corn Rises **
Corn, Soybeans Rise as Wet, Cold Weather Threatens U.S. Crops
Missouri Farmers Struggling to Plant corn as Ground Stays Soggy
Locusts and Mice Threaten NSW Bumper Crop
In Florida, Tomatoes Stolen by the Truckload **
World Leaders Address Rising Food Costs in Weekend D.C. Meetings **
April 18
Are Feds Phasing Out $$$ Handouts for Farmers? **
Experts: Farmers Not to Blame for High Food Prices
Corn Stocks at Lowest Levels in 30 Years – Biofuels Make Comeback **
Rain May Have Damaged Wheat Crop in Over 8000 Acres in India
April 17
Kansas Wheat Falling Victim to Drought
Water Wars? Thirsty, Energy-Short China Stirs Fear
Vegetable Gardening Experiencing Renaissance Not Seen Since 1940s **
Container Gardening Pros and Cons
Future Farm: A Sunless, Rainless Room Indoors **
April 15
20 Signs That a Horrific Global Food Crisis Is Coming **
Cold, Moisture Delaying Utah Farm Crops
Congress Votes for Major Agriculture Spending Cuts **
Beware of Meat: Nearly Half Tainted With Bacteria **
April 14
Drought Saps Farmers' Dreams of Banner Year
April 13
Harsh Times – A New Normal **
2011: Cattle Prices to Rise 20%, Corn More Than Doubles in Past Year  **
5 Grocery Staples That Are Going Up in Price **
Feeling Broke? Plant a Garden
Rooftop to Table Gardening in NYC ** 2
Australia, US, EU Stoke Fears over Parched Wheat
US – World's Major Food Supplier – Must Import Wheat to Fill Corn Gap **
Stink Bugs Threaten Michigan's $71 Billion Agri-Food Industry
Farmers Don't Panic as Long Drought Continues
Fight to Save Wine from Extreme Weather **
Oil Prices Affecting Farmers' Crops
10 Crops That Make America the World’s Breadbasket
$600 in Groceries for $10? Yes. How? Extreme Couponing.
April 10
Wheat Crop Devastated by Extreme Oklahoma Drought **
New Mexico's 2010 Chile Crop Saw Its Lowest Yield in Nearly 4 Decades
Organically Grown Veggies Are Naturally Best
Huge Rooftop Greenhouse Is Montreal's Local Farm
Potted Veggies, Herbs Good Solution for Land-Lacking Gardeners
April 7
Screening the Day’s Catch for Radiation **
EU Secretly Raises Food Safety Radiation Level 20-Fold
Texas’ Worst Drought in 44 Years Driving Food Prices Up
Global Food Prices Hit an All-Time Dangerous Level ** 1
Rising Food Prices Fueling Global Problems **
U.S. Companies Shrink Packages as Food Prices Rise
SHTF Price Increases – Buy Food Now – Hyperboic Inflation Coming Soon ** 4
April 6
US Winter Wheat Gets Off to Worst Start Since 2002 **
Corn Climbs to 33-Month High as Demand Erodes U.S. Stockpiles
First Ban on All Japanese Food Over Nuclear Crisis **
Canada, Wettest Since 1970s, Flood Risk Builds, Looks to Delay Crop Planting
April 5
Record Plantings Needed of 4 Major Crops to Build Stocks for US & Global Needs **
Plains Wheat Worries Continue
Food Prices and Global Hunger Equal Riots, Civil Wars and Revolution **
Locust Swarms Destroying Crops
Jennie-O Recalls 55,000 Pounds of Turkey Burgers **
Japan Sets New Radiation Safety Level for Seafood **
5 Ways Gardening Improves Your Physical, Mental and Nutritional Health
April 4
Little Relief in Sight for Drought Stricken Wheat **
Texas Drought Threatens Corn, Cotton, Row Crops **
Grain Prices Jump Again: Can This Really Keep Going?
Rising Food Prices Hit Home
Crystal Ball Sees Victoria Food Shortage
Study: Pesticides, Toxins Can Absorb Directly into Crops Through Soil **
April 3
Droughts Causing Food on Your Plate to Cost More **
Sudden Death Syndrome Hits Monsanto's Modified Crops
Looming Food Crisis Showing on Our Shelves **
FDA: You Have No Right to Real Food We Give You Permission First
Gardening on the Upswing – Even for Non-Homeowners **
Compare It: Costs of a Raised Garden
Henry Homeyer: Self-Watering Containers You Can Make Yourself
April 1
Garden As If Your Life Depended On It, Because It Will **
China, US Wheat Harvests Face 'Serious Trouble' from La Nina **
Tight Supplies Seen Persisting for Corn; Prices Jump Yet Again
Cotton Displaces Food Crops on U.S. Farmland **
Mass. Organic Farmers Sue Monsanto
March 30
Rising Corn Acreage Failing to Meet U.S. Feed, Ethanol Use
Report: February Freeze Killed 99% of New Mexico's Peach Crop
Organic Farmers Sue, Seek Protection from Monsanto **
Think Twice Before You Eat Modified Crops **
Food Prices Continue to Rise
Money Saving Tips for Starting a New Vegetable Garden **
March 29
Fears for Food Supply as Radioactive Water Pours from Stricken Reactor **
March 27
Food Contamination Set to Rise as Japan Fights Radiation Crisis at Reactor **
U.S. Faces “Nightmare” as China’s Growth Drives Up Meat, Grain Prices **
Beware of Meat Glue
March 25
Drought Causes 40% of Kansas Wheat Rated 'Poor'; Snow Didn't Help **
Okla. Farmers and Ranchers Feeling the Effects of Prolonged Drought
Global Food Scare Widens From Japan Nuclear Plant **
Radioactive Japan Produce Found in Singapore **
Cows in Japan Barred from Grazing as Radiation Leaks from Fukushima Plant **
March 24
Worst Texas Drought in 44 Years Eroding Wheat, Beef Supply **
Japan Nuclear Food Scare Spreads to US, Europe **
Radiation Scare Sparks Run on Bottled Water in Tokyo **
Consumer Group Wants FDA to Block All Japanese Food Imports
How Damaged Nuclear Plant’s Radiation Gets into Food, Water
Russia Bans Food Imports from Japan
Heirloom Seeds or Flinty Hybrids? **
March 23
Soaring Food Prices: Worst Yet to Come **
Radiation Spike in Tokyo Water Ups Food Worries **
FDA Using Border Patrol to Stop Japan Food Imports of Dairy, Produce, Baby Formula **
Get a Head Start on Your Gardening **
Codex Alimentarius and Food Irradiation in the U.S.
March 22
Radiation, Once Free, Can Follow Tricky Path **
Food Wars Have Begun: Deadly Wheat Fungus Threatens World's Breadbaskets
Rising Gas Prices Eating into Shopping Budgets
Contaminated Crops May be the Legacy of Fukushima **
Food Contamination Fears Spread
March 21
< a href="">How We Engineered the Food Crisis  **
Global Stockpiles of Wheat Drop Most Since 2007 **
Corn, Soybean Prices May Rise as Adverse Weather Menaces Crops
Vertical Gardens Add New Dimension to Outdoor Spaces
The 1st Great War of 21st Century Has Begun!
March 20
Japan Crisis: 'There’s No Food, Tell People There Is No Food’
Japan Halts Sale of Food from Near Fukushima **
Starting Seeds Now Will Pay Off Big in Summer **
World Starves as Americans Burn Food to Stay on the Road
March 19
Staples in Short Supply as Toll in Japan Rises to 18,000 **
Radioactive Food Crisis Near Japan's Nuke Plant **
Curious about Cesium Contamination of Food Crops?
Corn Shoots Limit-Up for 2nd Day
The Agribusiness Juggernaut: Assault on Nature, Threat to Human Survival **
Eyewitness Trucker Delivers Food to Chinese Troops South of Laredo, TX in Mexico **
Putin Says Drought Destroyed 13 Million Hectares of Crops **
March 18
World Food Supply Threatened by Japan Nuclear Radiation **
GM Crops Falter across the EU
Flood, Fire, Drought All Hitting America's Bread Basket
March 17
Chinese Drought Could Cause Global Food Crisis **
Flood Fears Prompt Canada to Cut Wheat Crop Hopes
Master Gardener: The Joys of Growing Tomatoes
Farmer Bags Award for Crop Rotation And Organic Methods
March 16
Food Prices Jump Most Since 1974
Quake to Batter Canadian Farmers
March 15
Higher Food Prices May be Here to Stay **
Frustrated Crowd to NY Fed Chief: 'I Can't Eat an iPad'
Plant Seeds, Grow Ideas for Your Garden
March 10
Why World Food Prices Will Keep Climbing **
US Cattle Herd Smallest Since 1958 **
Flooded Rail Line Still Causing Food Shortage Throughout W. Australia
Civil Unrest, Food Riots Predicted in the UK **
US City Dwellers Look to Grow Their Own Food **
March 9
Middle Eastern Unrest Will Hit Whole Food Supply Chain **
Barley Shortages Could Have Beer Drinkers Crying in Their Suds
Tropicana O.J. Prices to Rise 4-8% Due to Crop Damage
Food Crisis: Fewer Birds and Bees Means Less Food
As Food Prices Increase, American Security Is at Stake
Extreme Weather Disruptions Lead to Higher Food Prices
U.S. Too Vulnerable to Rising Oil and Food Prices **
Warning of 'Food Price Riots in the UK'
Canadian Food Prices to Spike This Year
March 8
US Farmers Fear the Return of the Dust Bowl **
Food Prices Heading for Second-Biggest Jump in Past 21 Years
Stocking Up! World Food Shortage Perils USA
Stirrings of Spring: Gardeners, It's Time to Start Your Seeds **
Fresh the Movie
March 7
UN Says World Vulnerable to Food Crises
Economists: Obama, Don't 'Overreact' to High Food Costs **
Baffled Scientists Probe Honeybee Colony Collapse to Save Half of World's Crops
Feds Link 7 Cases of E. Coli across 3 States to Hazelnuts **
March 6
Recall Issued for Skippy Reduced-Fat Peanut Butter Sold in 16 States **
Weather Sends Produce Prices Soaring **
Corn Prices Heading to Record Highs Amid “Incredibly Tight” Supplies **
Banana Disease with Strange Symptoms Hits the Lake Zone
Food Prices Force Belt-Tightening
IMF Report: Get Used to It
Pesticide-Free Gardening
March 4
Food Prices Hit Highs as Oil Rises **
…Spurs Worries About Global Unrest
Corn Crop Won’t Offer Relief to Rising Food Prices **
Victory Gardens Produce Abundance **
Food Prices: A Problem Without a Solution
March 3
Drought a Major Concern for US Crops this Spring **
March 2
Veggie Shortage Hits Fast Food Chains **
Some Vegetable Seeds Are Already Cleaned Out – updated
Family Gets Most of Its Food in the Backyard **
22 Ways to Fight Rising Food Prices
March 1
Cold Weather Damages Calif. Lettuce Crops
Farmers Worry over Almonds, Other Tree Fruit as Unusually Cold Temps Grip Calif.
Farmers Worry Cold Snap Took Heart Out of Area's Onion Crop
Food Prices to Skyrocket, Riots Could Follow, Suggests USDA **
Vegetable Gardening: Raising the Bed Improves Your Odds **
February 28
Heirloom Plants: Gardeners Growing Produce That Has a Heritage — and Tastes Good, Too **
February 27
Volcano Eruptions Causing Food Prices to Rise **
Cold Weather Hurting Tomato Supply
Libya's Food Chain at Risk of Collapse, Aid Agencies Warn
Local Food Pantries Try to Keep Up with Growing Demand **
Food: The Ultimate Secret Exposed Pt 1, Pt 2 **
Going to (Vegetable) Seed, in the Best of Ways
Anheuser-Busch Packages Water for Disaster Relief
Pathogens Allegedly Found in Major US Food Staple **
February 25
Food Prices Could Reach 2008 Level: USDA **
Scientist Warns on Safety of Monsanto's Roundup
Wikileaks: GMO Conspiracy Reaches Highest Levels of US Gov't. **
Clinton: Too Much Ethanol Could Lead to Food Riots **
Shoppers Wary of GM Foods Find They're Everywhere
U.S. Says Corn Supply to Be Tight Even with Record Crop
China’s Droughts Nears Worst in 200 Years, Adding Pressure to World Food Prices
Floods Damage Crops, Roads and Housing in Andes
February 23
Mexico Crops Remain Hit by Extreme Cold – 80-100% Losses **
More of World's Crops Are Genetically Engineered **
Monsanto Buys Divergence
Clone Crop Seeds on Horizon
Unauthorized GM Crops Could be Allowed in British Food Chain for First Time
Food Takes Back Seat: Global Planting of Biotech Crops Jumps 10%
Scientists Warn of Link Between Dangerous New Pathogen and Monsanto’s Roundup
Plant Diseases That Threaten U.S. Agriculture IDed
February 22
Crop Problems Globally Could Raise Food Prices in America ** World Food Prices May Rise Due to Unrest **
Unrecognizable World: 9 Billion People will Compete for Food in 2050
Researcher: Roundup or Roundup-Ready Crops May be Causing Animal Miscarriages and Infertility
Monsanto Shifts All Liability to Farmers
February 20
Dwindling Supplies, Strong Demand: Higher Grain Prices **
The Real Crisis That Will Soon Hit the US
Uncertain Future Has Some Storing Up on Food and Supplies
It's Really Time Now to Eat What We Grow and Grow What We Eat **
Container Vegetable Gardens Great for Small Spaces
Coffee Prices Hit 14 Yrs High due to Brazil, Mexico and Others Weak Harvests
February 18
Reasons for Rising Food Prices? Supply, Demand, Climate **
Frequent Droughts Posing Potential Threat to Food Security in China
Proposed Budget Cuts Threaten US Food Supply
USDA Deregulates Yet Another New GMO Crop **
China Drafts Measure to Control Food Prices
Canada Safe from Food Price Shock: Report
Youth Farm Crisis Will Hit Australia's Food Supply, Experts Warn
Self-reliance in These Tough Economic Times **
How to Grow and Prepare Strawberries
February 17
Freeze in Produce States Gives Food Industry a Chill **
The Tomato Knows
Certain Dry Foods Are Good Past Their Best-before Date, Food Scientists Say
Cancer Fear Over Cola Colorings
February 16
Bitter Cold May Have Damaged Texas Wheat and Oat Crops
World Bank: Food Prices at "Dangerous Levels" **
Floods Slash Crop Forecasts
More Food Riots Predicted Due to Climate Change
Freezing Weather Knocks 'T' out of BLTs
Incredible Shrinking Products **
Cold Weather Drives Up Food Prices
Wager: Science Sides with Genetically Modified Crops, Canadians Protest
Food Prices Push Millions into Poverty
Food Riots Threaten Latin America
How to Save Money by Growing Your Own Food
Put Away the Pitchforks: Potato Grow Bags Eliminate All That Digging
The USDA Says Americans Need More Sugar…and More GMOs
February 15
Climate Change to Cause 'Massive' Food Disruptions
Food Crisis Deepens as Biofuels Consume More Crops
Bartering, Inflation and Growing a Garden **
February 13
Supply of Corn Keeps Getting Smaller – Global Stocks Lowest in 37 Years **
Growing from Seeds So Gratifying
February 11
Food Crisis 2011? 14 Disturbing Facts That Make You Wonder If the Coming Global Food Shortage Has Already Begun **
When China Goes Hungry, the World Shakes **
Frigid Weather Fills Shelters, Threatens Crops
Cold Temperatures Damaging Crops in Mexico
Severe Mexican Vegetable Shortages Expected into March
Mexico's Big Freeze, Crop Devastation Worst in 50 Years **
Earth Economist: The Food Bubble Is about to Burst **
$29 Cheez Whiz? High Arctic Food Costs **
Are Food Shortages Around the World being Caused by Investors’ Speculation?
25 Countries Whose GovernmentCould Get Crushed by Food Inflation
Frankenfoods: Will Recent USDA Approvals of GMOs Spread
Canada's Tories Team with Liberals to Kill GM Food Legislation
Montana Cowboy Airlifts Herd to Meat-Hungry Russia
4 Best Methods for Off-the-Grid Food Production **
February 10
Extreme Weather Pushes Food Prices Higher **
Potential for Another Year of Bad Harvests
US Crop Surplus Shrinking as World Output Drops, Demand Rises
Ranchers Hope Critters Can Weather Subzero Temps
Corn Futures Spiking as USDA Reports Decrease in Supply
Wheat Hoarding Likely to be 'Widespread,' Prompting Price Gains
February 9
With Warm-ups Come Flooding Concerns – Echoes of 2008? Notice how much of the projected flood area targets our grain basket – another hit to food prices. **
China's Wheat Basket Faces Its Worst Drought in 200 Years **
…Makes Fake Rice from Plastic
Rising Food Prices Sour Utah Families
The Seedier Side of Alfalfa Contamination
Michelle Denies the Fries
February 8
US Military Purchases Gulf of Mexico Seafood, Boosting Battered Industry
Grocery Bills Are on the Rise **
February 7
Einstein Was Right – Honey Bee Collapse Threatens Global Food Security **
Gold, Food Prices, 888, Bellway Homes
February 6
Farmers Watch Harsh Winter Crush Their Livelihoods **
Emergency Food Supply Manufacturer to Expand in Salt Lake
February 4
Another Freeze for America's Winter-grown Food Basket **
Oysters at Risk: Gastronomes' Delight Disappearing Globally
EPA to Limit Amount of Rocket Fuel Chemical in Drinking Water
February 3
World Food Prices at Record High, UN Agency **
Banana, Sugar Cane Crops Suffer 'Total Devastation' **
…Could Cost Farming at Least $500 Million
February 1
Era of Cheap Food May be Drawing to a Close **
Authoritarian Governments Start Stockpiling Food to Fight Public Anger **
Think to Live Off the Land? Wisc. Game Manager Paints Grim Picture in CWD Fight
Egypt and Tunisia Usher in the New Era of Global Food Revolutions
January 30
US Winter Wheat Faces Make or Break Week **
The Organic Elite Surrenders to Monsanto: What Now?
Food-Cost Shocks Ripple Worldwide from Iowa **
Oil Prices vs. Food Prices
Are You Eating Food Sacrificed to idols?
January 28
World Leaders at Davos Warn of Unrest Caused by High Food Prices **
Recalls Cause Canned Corned Beef Shortage
Wheat Resistance Genes Failing, New Approach Needed to Stop Flies
Weather Costs Farmers as Beet Crops Rejected
So. Africa: Floods Kill 120 and Destroy Crops, More Rain Coming
4 Considerations for Water in an Emergency
January 27
Grain, Soybeans Rise as Food Riots Spur Demand for US Exports **
Wheat Rises on Fresh Concerns About Global Supply **
Canada Unable to Sell Wheat to Japan
Floods Cost NSW Crops $850+ Million
First Food Crop Containing Human Genes Is Set for Approval
USDA Sees Danger of GMO Crops Tainting Pure Organics
Antibiotics in Farming May be Harming Food Supply
Calif. Citrus Growers Could Lose 25% of Crops from Rain
FEFAC: Urgent Action Needed to Prevent Pig Market Collapse
Cyclone Causes Food Shortage in Vanuatu
January 26
Food Speculation: 'People Die From Hunger While Banks Make a Killing on Food' **
Texas Winter Wheat Crops May be in Jeopardy
South Africa to Help Farmers as Flooding Damages Crops and Infrastructure
Drought, Restrictions Drop Argentine Wheat Exports to Lowest in Almost 30 Years
Home Gardening Can Save Money
Best and Worst States for Food Poisoning
January 25
Food Prices Rocket by 50% as Global Hunger Epidemic Causes Riots and Famines **
La Nina Boosts U.S., China Crop Risks in 2011, Forecaster Says **
Prompted By Scarcity, Colorado River Basin States Examine Their Lifeline
January 24
US Farmers Called to "Plant Every Acre They Can This Spring" **
Urban Farms Taking Root
Unusual Cold Has Farmers, Gardeners Taking Extra Steps
Wheat Sees 5-Month High as La Nina Threatens Global Crops **
China Drought: 90% of Winter Wheat Seedlings Have "Wilted Dangerously"
Germany Criticizing Russia, Ukraine for Grain Export Restrictions – Causes Serious Alarms
Era of Low-Cost Food Is Over, Study Warns
Welcome to the Food Deserts of Rural America
The Breaking Point
January 23
FEMA Requisitions Survival Food for 7 Million in New Madrid Seismic Zone
Government Funds Cheesy Pizza While Food Armageddon Stirs
It's Not Too Early to Get Ready for Garden
Food Prices to Rise Sharply as More Struggle to Put Meals on Their Tables
25 Countries Whose Governments Could Get Crushed by Food Price Inflation
Food Irradiation Plot: Turning Live Foods into Dead Foods
January 21
Riots Spread as Global Food Shortage Worsens **
Corn Price 'to Surpass Record'
Florida Citrus Freeze Damage Jumps to $370 Million
The Next Great Bull Market of the Decade
Orange Crops Squeezed by Cold Weather, Incurable Disease
Crops, Livestock Flood Risk Rises with No. Dakota Snow
Unfavorable US Wheat Crop Conditions Add to Supply Concerns
More US Corn Promised Elsewhere: SKorea
Commodities Soar – Food Scarcities Begin
$15 Billion Worth of US Crops at Stake in Bee Decline
Crops in Crisis – GM Seeds and SuperWeeds
5 Tips to Get Your Garden Ready for Spring
January 20
Global Food Chain Stretched to the Limit **
Flood Destruction in Australia May Propel Wheat Crop to Record
Florida's Orange Crop Damaged by Coldest Recorded December
Food Fights
Spike in World Food Prices: It's More Than Bad Weather **
January 19
Victoria Floods to Hurt Australia Wheat Quality
Wheat Nearing Record Price Amid Supply, Production Fears
AgResource: "Panic Is Starting to Surface in the World Wheat Market" **
Damage to Roads, Railways Threatens Food Supplies
Food Price Jumps Protested in Tunisia, Algeria, Morocco
January 18
Corn Futures Jump to 2-Month High in China on Stockpiling Proposal
Are We at the Beginning of a Global Food Crisis? World’s Food Chain Maxed Out
Farmers Bear Weather's Fury in Australia **
Millions Faced with Famine as Drought Dims Food Output
South Africa to Choke on Food Prices after Floods
Livestock Die Due to Drought in No. Kenya
January 17
'Explosive' Food Prices the Biggest Risk
World Is 'One Poor Harvest' from Chaos
Victorian Farmers Facing 100s of Millions of Dollars of Crop Damage from Record Floods
…2nd Blow: Floods Sweep Away Livestock, Close Major Milk Plant
January 16
Extreme Weather Events Spark Fear of Global Food Crisis **
Obama Orders Military to Prepare for Spring Food Riots **
Drought Forecast Could Hang Farmers Out to Dry
Meat Prices in December Climb Most in 7 Years
Next Shock Will be High Food Prices
In Corrupt Global Food System, Farmland Is the New Gold
Sri Lankan Floods Compounds Global Rice Shortage
Pecan Thieves Driving Farmers Nuts Over Crop Thefts
GM Crops & You
5 Simple Food Crops for You to Grow
January 14
Food Riots in America? You’re Crazy… **
Food Prices, Riots, and Starvation **
Food Crisis Could Lead to Growing Instability
U.S.-Chinese Currency Link Creates Spiral in Global Food Costs
Starving Kenyans Eat Poisonous Fruits for Survival
Flood Situation Worsens in Sri Lanka, Impending Food Shortage
5 Simple Ways to Prepare for the Coming Food Crisis **
Farmer Brad on S.510 Food Safety Modernization Act **
2011 GM Sugar Beet Crop Still in Limbo
January 13
The ‘Food Bubble’ Is Bursting, Says Lester Brown, and Biotech Won’t Save Us **
Crop Prices Soar on Supply Warnings
Zimbabwe Police Order Destruction of City Maize Crops
January 12
Rain Puts Aussie Wheat Crops at Risk: May Worsen Global Shortage
World Food Price Shock Feared **
Australia Floods: Food Prices 'to Rise 30%
Food, Heating Oil Riots Leave 35 Dead in Tunisia Violence **
The Global Food Supply Chain Is Built on Shifting Ground **
The Food Price Crisis and the World Bank's Blind Spots
Soybeans, Corn, Wheat Global Supplies Drop
Drought Takes Toll on Florida Cattle
India’s Farmers Suffer Wave of Suicides as Crops Fail
The Predictable and Preventable Food Catastrophe of 2011-2012
How to Earn a Living Installing Productive Home Food Gardens
January 11
Australia's Southern Wheat Crop Threatened by Rains
Devastating Fungus Ravages Banana Crops
More Rain Vexes Calif. Crop Producers
Florida Freezes Wipe Out Thousands of Agriculture Acres, Destroys Millions of Cases of Food
Grain Stocks Tighten – 18% Less Than 2010
Dry Weather Stresses Argentina's Corn Crop
Crop Failure Forces Farmer to Attempt Suicide
The Great Food Crisis of 2011 **
The Coming Food Riots **
On Gardening: Learn How to Grow Food, Keep Bees, and More
Earliest Known Winery Found in Armenian Cave
January 9
US Corn Supply Seen Falling to 15-year Low **
Algeria: 2 Dead, Hundreds Injured in Riots Over Food Prices **
Seeds of Change Releases New Organic Seed Varieties (Garden Gold lists over 175 sources of non-hybrid seeds)
January 7
Extreme Weather Drive Food Prices to Record Highs **
7 Reasons Food Shortages Will become a Global Crisis
Canada's Food Prices to Head Higher
Crop Failure Impels Indian Farmer Suicides
Crops to be Turned into Fuel on Hawaii
Crops Hit by Queensland Floods – video **
Contaminated Eggs Found in UK Food Supply
Over 4700 Farms Shut in Germany over Dioxin Panic
Future of Food for 9 Billion? Edible Insects Proposed to Replace Meat
January 6
Soaring Global Food Prices Spark Fears of Social Unrest
Keiser Report: Monsanto and the Seeds of Evil
Rising Food Prices: Déjà vu All Over Again **
Youths Riot in Algeria Over High Food Prices
January 5
Australia's Floods Affect World's 4th Largest Grain Supplier
Kansas Winter Wheat in Poor Shape Without Rain
Florida's Devastated Crops Showing Up in Grocery Prices Now
World Food Prices Jump to Record on Sugar, Oilseeds **
In 10 Years, Global Food Prices Rose More Than 80%
As Food Costs Rise, Retailers Keep Prices Stable by Shrinking Package Sizes **
Obama Signs Bill Boosting Food Inspections, oversight and Allowing Mandatory Recalls **
January 4
Wheat Rises to Five-Month High as Australia Flood, U.S. Cold Threaten Crop
New Report Confirms Poisoned Gulf Seafood **
January 3
USDA Certified Organic’s Dirty Little Secret: Neotame
January 2
Expert: Corn Rationing Needs to Begin **
Florida Farmers: Disaster Aid Won't Help – HOLLY NOTE: Expect to pay higher prices for these foods and more to be impacted: cabbage, cucumbers, eggplant, endive, peppers, squash, sugar cane green beans, sweet corn, tomatoes
Fruit and Veg Prices to Quadruple in Australia as Flood Wipe Out Crops
Bison Ranchers Struggle to Meet Consumer Demand
Bolivian Army to Sell Bread to Prevent Shortages
Commodity Price Surge Sets Stage for Global Food Crisis in New Year

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