News concerning Israel’s oil finds/ Another major quake/ June 23, 2011


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Prophecy Sign: Did you know God warned us that Israel would be blessed in the last days?  Guess where these blessings would come from? Can’t get it? Let me show you what the Lord said in Deuteronomy 33:19. “They will summon peoples to the mountain and there offer sacrifices of righteousness; they will feast on the abundance of the seas, on the treasures hidden in the sand."  According to the Lord Israel would be blessed in the last days. Part of these blessings would come from the sea and the sand.  Gas and oil are found in the sea and sand and I have tried to get you to pay attention to what happens in Israel concerning Israel finding these blessings. Today’s news has shown us a glimpse of God’s blessing He told us about.  During the past year and a half Israel has found these blessings in both the sea and now again the sand.  They found more oil!  Before you read this report I want to ask you to file what I am about to say so when it happens you will know I have warned you of things God told us about, it is nothing I came up with, all I am doing is pointing out the the truth of God’s Word to us.  In the near future Israel will be reporting even bigger oil discoveries. 

There is a link below that gives you some good information on the oil Israel has discovered.  I must warn you, the site gives their push for people to invest in the energy company drilling in Israel.  I don't care if you contact this company or not, all I want from this site is for you to hear the news about the oil Israel has found, because of what the prophecy in  Deuteronomy 33:19 has warned us.

Sorry I haven't posted much lately. I have been super busy getting my newest book ready for you.  I hope this coming Monday you will see the new book posted here at this site.  Once again, you will be able to download and read the book for free.

Prophecy Sign: Luke 21:11 the Lord tells us in the last days we will see "great earthquakes.  2011 has been a very active year for some of the biggest quakes.  The was another one of these quakes!  A magnitude-6.7 earthquake rattled northeast Japan on Thursday morning, the U.S. Geological Survey reported. It was the same area of the Pacific where a massive magnitude 9 quake hit on March 11, triggering a deadly tsunami. At least 23,000 people were killed or left missing in those disasters, which destroyed hundreds of homes, offices and factories in northeastern Japan. The Japan Meteorological Agency issued a tsunami warning for Iwate Prefecture after the quake, but canceled it about an hour later. The U.S. Pacific Tsunami warning center said that it did not expect a destructive Pacific-wide tsunami. There were no immediate reports of damage or injuries in the quake that hit at 6:50 a.m. Thursday (2150 GMT Wednesday).

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