Disease may spread/Work all day for one small meal/Israel’s fate in September?/Decline of America/May 26, 2010



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Are you really searching to know the truth?

Disclaimer: Since the facts and evidence on my posts and in my book are real as they are taken from news around the world, and this news proves Bible prophecy is actually coming to pass in our generation, the information you read or see may scare you. If you are depressed or on any meds for depression, or have any type of mental disease consult your doctor before reading this material.

If you would like me to come to your Church to give a prophecy seminar you can contact me either by writing to my P.O  Box, or email me at fjdimora@gmail.com. There is no charge for my labor of love in Christ.

Frank DiMora, P.O. Box 732, Lompoc Ca. 93438

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Prophecy Sign: Matthew the sign of diseases: MILAN (Reuters) – African swine fever (ASF), a viral disease harmless to people but lethal to pigs, is likely to spread beyond Russia and the Caucasus region into Europe, the United Nations' food agency said on Thursday.

ASF, for which there is no vaccine, is now established in Georgia, Armenia and southern Russia, with an increasing number of long-distance jump outbreaks in northern areas this year, the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) said.

Long-distance jumps are food-borne, with virus surviving in pig meat products carried by travelers and setting off a new outbreak at the destination where food scraps may be fed to pigs, the FAO said.

"African swine fever is fast becoming a global issue," Juan Lubroth, FAO's Chief Veterinary Officer, said in a statement.

"It now poses an immediate threat to Europe and beyond. Countries need to be on the alert and to strengthen their preparedness and contingency plans," he said.

ASF was introduced into Georgia from southern Africa in 2006 entering through the Black Sea port of Poti, where garbage from a ship was taken to a dump where pigs came to feed, FAO said.

Currently, ASF is spreading northwards at the rate of roughly 350 km a year. Usually, ASF has distinct seasonal outbreaks in the summer and autumn. But long-distance jumps have also occurred as the ASF wave travels northwards."




Prophecy Sign: Rev. 6:6 Jesus shows us that by the time the tribualtion is under way people living in the tribulation will have to work all day long for one very small meal. This is what is written in verse 6. “And I heard a voice in the midst of the four beasts say, A measure of wheat for a penny, and three measures of barley for a penny; and [see] thou hurt not the oil and the wine.”

Texas' farmers and ranchers are coping with their eighth drought in the past 13 years, and this one, while still young, has a chance of slamming producers with their biggest losses ever, officials said. Texas AgriLife Extension Service experts have estimated that Texas ranchers lost $1.2 billion from November through May because pastures have not greened up and high-priced feed products have been needed longer than normal. It's still too early to get a good read on the state's crop losses, but the outlook in areas without irrigation is not encouraging. The extension service, in a report last week, set a $274 million value on Texas' wheat crop, less than half of the five-year average for that commodity.

  More news on higer prices and crop loss!

0523cocoa"VILLAHERMOSA, Mexico—Cocoa farmers from Brazil to Mexico are scrambling to protect their crops from a potentially devastating fungus that could crimp supplies of the chocolate ingredient.

Frosty pod rot, spread by spores carried by wind and human contact, is making its way through Latin America, bringing back memories of a blight that devastated Brazil's cocoa industry two decades ago.

The spread of the disease could add to worries about the supply of cocoa and send futures prices even higher

 Futures touched $3,826 a metric ton on IntercontinentalExchange earlier this year when political turmoil in Ivory Coast, which provides one-third of the world's cocoa, threatened global supplies.

The cocoa bean is native to Latin America, but the nexus of cocoa production shifted to West Africa in the early 1900s as infestations such as frosty pod rot devastated Latin America's cocoa horticulture.


Prophecy Sign: The current news is what I call “The Countdown To The Psalm 83 War”.

 Middle East envoy Tony Blair said Thursday that he believes President Barack Obama launched his peace initiative out of concern for what might happen to Israel if Palestinian statehood is endorsed by the U.N. General Assembly.

Speaking to an audience of Middle East-focused business leaders at London's Royal Institution, the former British prime minister said that Obama was "frankly worried about the position that Israel is in."

Blair described Obama's initiative — rejected by Israeli leader Benjamin Netanyahu — as "an attempt to fill a vacuum which he sees as dangerous, particularly dangerous for Israel in the run-up to September," when the assembly is expected to take up the issue of Palestinian statehood during the U.N.'s annual meeting.

Such a vote would be potentially damaging for the United States and Israel. Although the move is largely symbolic — the U.S. can veto any such move in the Security Council — a lopsided vote in the General Assembly would leave Washington looking isolated while rallying anti-Israel sentiment in Europe and elsewhere.

It's with an eye toward avoiding an embarrassing diplomatic showdown in New York that Obama has tried to prod both parties back to the bargaining table. Last week, the president endorsed Israel's 1967 boundaries — with mutually agreed land swaps enabling Israel to keep some settlements — as the basis for a future Palestine in a bid to re-energize the anemic peace process. And at a recent news conference in London the president warned Palestinians that "to take the United Nations route, rather than the path of sitting down and talking with the Israelis, is a mistake."

Blair, who represents the Quartet of Mideast mediators — the U.S., the EU, the United Nations and Russia — didn't explicitly say what he thought the consequences of U.N.-backed Palestinian statehood might be. But he seemed to predict a rough ride ahead.

"I do think , especially with what's coming up in September … we're going to live in interesting times."

The name "Rosh Hashanah" is not used in the Bible to discuss this holiday. The Bible refers to the holiday as Yom Ha-Zikkaron (the day of remembrance) or Yom Teruah (the day of the sounding of the shofar). The holiday is instituted in Leviticus 23:24-25.

    1 Corinthians 15:51-52
    Listen, I tell you a mystery: We will not all sleep, but we will all be changed— in a flash, in the twinkling of an eye, at the last trumpet. For the trumpet will sound, the dead will be raised imperishable, and we will be changed.
    (NIV)1 Thessalonians 4:16-17
    For the Lord himself will come down from heaven, with a loud command, with the voice of the archangel and with the trumpet call of God, and the dead in Christ will rise first. After that, we who are still alive and are left will be caught up together with them in the clouds to meet the Lord in the air. And so we will be with the Lord forever.


If you want to know more about this rapture of the Church when Jesus blows the trumpet click to my link below:



Then again we may not even end to see what happens in September because all hell could be unleashed on June 5, you will see why. I quote, “The right to return is a core goal of the Palestinian liberation struggle. Since 1947-1948, when over 750,000 Palestinians were forcibly expelled from their homes – and more than 700,000 were ethnically cleansed from their country altogether – they and their descendants have organized to demand the rectification of this historic injustice. The refugees of the Six-Day War in 1967 (after which Israeli forces drove 300,000 Palestinians out of the occupied Gaza Strip and West Bank ), the 1967-1994 Israeli administration of the occupied territories (during which Israel stripped 140,000 Palestinians of their residency rights), and the ongoing colonization of Palestine and displacement of its indigenous inhabitants, have added their voices to the growing global movement for return.”

“Israeli forces killed at least 15 demonstrators on three borders (with occupied Gaza, Lebanon, and between Syria and the occupied Golan Heights), wounded hundreds more with live gunfire, artillery shells, and tear gas, and unleashed a wave of arrests and repression in the occupied West Bank. This massive violence could only have been planned as a show of brute force, intended, along with Benjamin Netanyahu’s repeated assertions that “it’s not going to happen,” to dissuade Palestinian refugees from asserting their historic rights and the global consensus for the right of return.

Yet the most enduring story from May 15 may be that of Hassan Hijazi. A 28-year old Palestinian refugee living in Syria, he braved the gunfire that killed four others along the border with the occupied Golan Heights, then hitchhiked, and finally took a bus, to his family’s home in Jaffa. Before turning himself in to Tel Aviv police, he told Israeli reporters, “I wasn’t afraid and I’m not afraid. On the bus to Jaffa, I sat next to Israeli soldiers. I realized that they were more afraid than I was.”

Millions more are resolved to follow Hijazi’s path. On Sunday, June 5, the 44th commemoration of the Naksa, or setback, Israel’s 1967 expulsion of 300,000 Palestinians following the Six-Day War, Palestinian refugees will return en masse to the borders. Announcing the mobilization on May 18, the Third Intifada Youth Coalition said, “The last few days proved that the liberation of Palestine is possible and very achievable even with an unarmed massive march if the nation decides it is ready to pay all at once for the liberation of Palestine.”


 Prophecy Sign: The decline of America is leading the way for the next world empire to take control.  This next world empire is spoken about in Daniel chapter 2 and 7 and in Revelation chapters 13, and 17.


Since 2008 I asked you to watch the news.  I told you what is going to happen to American jobs each month.  Here is one of my quotes from my September 28, 2010 post. “Do you all remember my warnings that you will continue to witness hundreds of thousands of people in the US lose their jobs?  Have I told you the truth? Take a look at the figures for September so far”.

“Sales of homes in some stage of foreclosure declined in the first three months of the year, but they still accounted for 28 percent of all home sales — a share nearly six times higher than what it would be in a healthy housing market. Foreclosure sales, which include homes purchased after they received a notice of default or were repossessed by lenders, hit the highest share of overall sales in a year during the first quarter, foreclosure listing firm RealtyTrac Inc. said Thursday. "It's an astronomically high number," said Rick Sharga, a senior vice president at RealtyTrac. "In a normal market, you're looking at the percentage of homes sold in foreclosure to be below 5 percent."






“New U.S. claims for unemployment benefits unexpectedly climbed to 424,000 last week from a revised 414,000 in the prior week, pointing to a painfully slow improvement in the nation's job markets.


Unemployment line

The Labor Department on Thursday revised the prior week's claims number up from an originally reported 409,000.

Economists surveyed by Reuters had forecast that claims last week would decline to 400,000, rather than rise.

The four-week moving average of unemployment claims, considered a better measure of trends since it smoothes out weekly variations, eased slightly to 438,500 from a revised 440,250.

Last week marked the seventh straight week in which claims topped the 400,000 level, indicating that payroll growth is soft and may continue to be so for some time. A department official said there were no exceptional factors to account for the rise in last week's claims.”



The leaders of Fatah and Hamas met with LavrovProphecy Sign: Ezekiel 38 war.  In Ezekiel 38 God shows us Russia will lead the Islamic nations in a war against Israel.  This war will take place after the Psalm 83 war of which the Palestinians will be involved in against Israel.

“I followed the Palestinian visit to Moscow closely, and I saw that both the hosts and the guests were eager to create the impression that significant headway was made. One of the Russian organizers of these meetings said in return for anonymity that Russia "is seizing the initiative in the Mideast peace process from other mediators." This is wishful thinking. Russia is not seizing anything from anyone.

The Palestinians were also quick with the compliments. One of them joked that an appropriate slogan for these talks would be "Workers of the world pray!" – an allusion to the fact that, for the first time in decades, all Palestinian leaders, both from religious and left-wing socialist movements, traveled to Russia together. He added that, for all their differences, everyone's agreed on Jerusalem as the capital of the future Palestinian state (East Jerusalem, to be precise).”

“The situation in the region leaves much to be desired. Results will be hard to come by. But it is significant that Russia has started paying more attention to the Middle East after a period of keeping the region and its politics at arm's length. It is important that such undertakings yield results, of course. Russia needs to create permanent mechanism aimed at boosting its presence in the region.”


Russia will not back UN resolution on SyriaWhy I am watching Russia Libya, and Syria?  “Russia will not back UN Security Council resolution on Syria; Russian “Itar-Tass” agency quotes Dmitry Medvedev of Russia as saying in a news conference.

Medvedev said that Russia was unhappy with the way the West has used the U.N. resolution on Libya, thus Russia wouldn’t support such resolution about Syria. Russia abstained in the U.N. vote that sanctioned the international military operation in Libya and voiced concern about civilian casualties and excessive use of force since the operation began.

“The states must be given chance to develop on their own. President Asad declared about the reforms, they must be effective. A chance must be given to implement them,” Russian President said.”


IMG_8435 Prophecy Sign: (Revelation 9:20-21). “The rest of mankind that were not killed by these plagues still did not repent of the work of their hands; they did not stop worshipping demons…Nor did they repent of their murders, their magic arts, their sexual immorality or their thefts”.

The words “magic arts” in Revelation 9:21 are the equivalent to the Greek word pharmakia from which our word “pharmacy” is derived. It signifies the use of medicine, drugs, spells, such as those used in witchcraft and those used today by those who are seeking a greater “high.” One of the major signs the Lord gave us showing us that this was the chosen generation to see His second coming was the sign that this generation would be known as the drug generation. This prophecy has already come to pass.

“A gunbattle between rival drug gangs in western Mexico left 29 bullet-ridden bodies in fake military uniforms heaped across a roadway and inside bullet-riddled vehicles in the Pacific coast state of Nayarit, the army said Thursday.  The bodies, all male, were found Wednesday scattered around 14 shot-up pickup trucks and sport utility vehicles, two of which had bulletproofing.” 

“In Michoacan, officials said more than 700 people fled their villages amid fighting between rival drug traffickers, which appeared to be unrelated to the Nayarit conflict.”

“It is at least the second time a large number of rural residents have been displaced by drug violence in Mexico. In November, about 400 people in the northern border town of Ciudad Mier took refuge in the neighboring city of Ciudad Aleman following cartel gunbattles. That shelter has since been closed and most have returned to their homes.”



Prophecy Sign: Ephesians 6:12 “For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high [places].

“A broadcaster's failed prediction of Jesus' return to Earth over the weekend is prompting calls for the ouster of the Doomsday preacher and a congressional probe of his broadcasting network. Harold Camping, 89, of Oakland-Calif.-based Family Radio made worldwide headlines in recent months for his prediction that Judgment Day was guaranteed to be May 21, 2011, prompting many believers to quit their regular jobs to help spread the warning. It was not the first time Camping got the forecast wrong, having prognosticated the return of Jesus numerous times, including 1994. "This guy is something else," Richard Myers, the administrator of abibleanswer.org told WND. "We are calling for the Family Radio board to remove him."

“In a new posting on Myers' website, he says the board of directors of Family Radio is just as culpable as Camping in the spreading of erroneous information: He is not able to spread these false doctrines without their direct involvement. There is a great responsibility resting on them to do what is right. By allowing Camping to continue on the air and on the board, they are guilty of all that Harold Camping is guilty of. That guilt increases daily.

Family Radio has made a point of teaching that they follow the Bible, but they are not following the Bible. They are following a man, a man who rejects much Bible truth. They have been given evidence that all may clearly see. A false prophet once is enough, but twice is too much.  On Monday, Camping adjusted his prediction for the end of the world to Oct. 21 of this year.  Myers' group is continuing to offer $1 million to purchase Camping's network of dozens of stations, saying it would take possession Oct. 22 since the broadcaster wouldn't need them after God returns. "After taking the money of his supporters, let Harold give up all he has to show he believes what he is preaching. He does not, or else he would sell," Myers said.”

“Meanwhile, a group of atheists is calling for a congressional investigation into fraud allegedly perpetrated by Camping and Family Radio. "We support free speech, but this is shouting 'Rapture!' in a crowded theater," said John Keiser of Seattle Atheists.   Another atheist with the group, Bob Seidensticker, said, "There must be consequences. For this radio network to be financially healthy when they have caused many of their listeners to be destitute or distraught – that's wrong. We want a way for those injured by this prediction to come forward so they can be compensated by Family Radio." The atheists are lamenting that religious organizations are exempted from disclosure requirements by the Internal Revenue Service, precluding the public from finding out how much money Camping and his network have collected from the Judgment Day campaign.”


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