Beasts killing people/Swine Flu Fever is back/God’s curse/Russia under the curse/EU hit by curse/Disasters breaking America/Fearful event in Iceland/Jordan in prophecy/Disease killing horses/May 23, 2011



“The Last Chronicle of Planet Earth” March 18, 2011 Edition is now ready for you to download for free.  Please note, the download may take some time to download but it will come up. The speed will depend on your computer.

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Are you really searching to know the truth?

Disclaimer: Since the facts and evidence on my posts and in my book are real as they are taken from news around the world, and this news proves Bible prophecy is actually coming to pass in our generation, the information you read or see may scare you. If you are depressed or on any meds for depression, or have any type of mental disease consult your doctor before reading this material.

If you would like me to come to your Church to give a prophecy seminar you can contact me either by writing to my P.O  Box, or email me at There is no charge for my labor of love in Christ.

Frank DiMora, P.O. Box 732, Lompoc Ca. 93438

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Killing Beast Prophecy Sign: Revelaion 6:8 warns about people being killed by  the beasts of the earth.  "And I looked, and behold a pale horse: and his name that sat on him was Death, and Hell followed with him. And power was given unto them over the fourth part of the earth, to kill with sword, and with hunger, and with death, and with the beasts of the earth."  No, this is not how people will be killed by these beasts. LOL


PHOTO: Tornado, Severe Weather Hits Tuscaloosa, Alabama.


Only two and a half days before these storms rolled in I warned everyone that something major was going to happen that would cause destruction as a result of President Obama’s Middle East speech, which he told the world that he wanted Israel to give back the land the Palestinians lost in the 1967 war. This is what I wrote you in my May 20th post.  

“Keeping an eye on Bible prophecy doesn’t just have to deal with the things that have already happened, but to know what Jesus tells us what to look for.  If the Lord said He was going to curse people, (anyone) who comes against Israel than we need to look for what is going to be the result of them going against His Word.  Will it be through more huge storms, huge earthquakes, or crashing economies?  Only God knows, but it is coming!  

I told you this because I have been tracking events for some time, and God’s results of this curse falls soon after a leader comes against God’s Word on Israel. Sometimes the results even falls on the same day, but the pattern continues.  With the round of tornadoes that hit last night you will see the following prophecy warnings come into play

Prophecy Sign: Luke 21:11 “There will be great earthquakes, famines and pestilences in various places, and fearful events and great signs from heaven.”  Luke 21:25 warns us of the massive storms as Jesus tells us to look for the “roaring of of seas and waves”.  Zechariah 12:3 tells us the nations who burden themselves with Jerusalem will be cut in pieces. Genesis 12:3 warns of a curse from God on anyone who curses Israel and Joel 3:2 says God will destroy anyone who divides the land of Israel. 

Because of what I do people often ask me what do I think is happening to America.  That answer should be evident if you know the Word of God. Review the policies of the US toward Israel and it should be clear why the United States is being carved up by all these record breaking storms and the economic crisis.  The current US policy is to divide up Israel for the PLO and give East Jerusalem back to the PLO as their future Capital of the State of Palestine.  As long as these policies are being pressed on Israel, America will continue to find herself under the curse of God and her decline from power will keep increasing until she is no longer a major player on the world stage. 

As you will see from the first video, just a few days ago Israel’s Prime Minister, Netanyahu in no short terms told Obama to take a hike, he would not and could not go back to the 1967 borders.  Two and a half days later you see the results of Obama going again God’s will for Israel


4dda85081a8ab.image[1] “Missouri Gov. Jay Nixon declared a state of emergency Sunday evening and activated the Missouri National Guard in response to the destruction.  St. John’s Regional Medical Center in Joplin, Mo., was fully evacuated after it took a direct hit from the tornado. Every window in the facility was blown out and the roof was torn off. Seven people have been reported dead at a nursing home, according to police reports.  In the city of about 50,000 people 160 miles south of Kansas City, the tornado was reported to be a mile wide, with winds of nearly 200 mph that ravaged the area.  Authorities estimate 25 to 30 percent of Joplin has been damaged by the tornado, with highly populated areas having been hit by the storm”.

“In total, 70 tornadoes were produced by the storm system since Friday, including at least 47 tornadoes Sunday. Tornadoes were reported in seven states from the Canadian border to Oklahoma. Warnings and watches were posted from Texas to Michigan.”  Please take note. Since the Obama Middle East speech against Israel on Friday 70 tornadoes hit and this mile wide tornadoes left a wake of destruction like Japan’s tsunami.  Missouri wasn’t the only state hit by the tornadoes. “Earlier Sunday, tornadoes had torn across other parts of the region, killing at least one person in Minneapolis.”

In Luke 21:25 notice the Lord warns about the distress with the nations with perplexity as he signs hit. I quote,  “And there will be signs in the sun, in the moon, and in the stars; and on the earth distress of nations, with perplexity, the sea and the waves roaring;”

FILE - In this Nov. 4, 2009, file photo, job seekers attend a job fair in Livonia, Mich.  Some states that have drained their unemployment insurance fAmerica is going broke, and all the disasters she has faced in the past few years including the massive flooding in the Midwest and East Coast, and now this disaster the government is running into another complex problem.  You will see what I mean from the report below.

“WASHINGTON – Some of the states that have drained their unemployment insurance funds are cutting the number of weeks that a laid-off worker can count on those benefits. Legislators are trying to limit tax increases for businesses to replenish the pool and are hoping the federal government keeps stepping in when the economy slumps.

Michigan, Missouri and Arkansas recently reduced the maximum number of weeks that the jobless can get state unemployment benefits. Florida is on the verge of doing so. Unemployment in those states ranges from 7.8 percent in Arkansas to 11.1 percent in Florida.

The benefit cuts come as legislatures deal with the damage that the recession inflicted on state unemployment insurance programs. The sharp increase in the number of people who lost their jobs drained the reservoir of money dedicated to paying out benefits.

About 30 states borrowed more than $44 billion from the federal government to continue payments to laid-off workers. Many states hastened the insolvency of their funds by keeping balances at historically low levels going into the downturn. The burden of replenishing the funds and paying off the loans will fall primarily on businesses through higher taxes, but the benefit cuts are an effort to limit the tax increases.”

If you doubt what I am saying about God’s curse on those coming against Israel and working to divide up Israel read John P. McTernan’s book entitled: “As America Has Done To Israel”  McTernan’s books covers up to the period of about the year 2005.  I have posted most of the results of nations who are coming against Israel since 2005, and as I said the pattern has continued.  How would you like to be the Mayor of this city?  You talk about complex problems, where do you begin to start to live again with this much destruction?  Jesus’ words pop out when you look at this pictures.!  “distress of nations, with perplexity”.

Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov (L) welcomes Fatah member Azzam al-Ahmed (2L) Moussa Abu Marzuk of Hamas (3L), and Maher al-Taher (R) of the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine at a meeting in Moscow on Monday. AFP photoLet's look at what is happening in Russia 3 days after they picked sides with the Palestinians over the 1967 borders? Like the USA Russia has fallen under God's curse.   First here is the news giving you information on what they did, then you will see the destruction that has come on Russia a few days later.

"Rival Palestinian leaders from Fatah and Hamas have further bridged their differences and are making progress on the details of a new Palestinian reconciliation accord, Russia's foreign minister said Monday. Representatives of the two Palestinian factions put their names to a new statement detailing the landmark agreement signed in Cairo in early May, Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov said following talks with visiting Palestinian delegations. 

Lavrov said the implementation mechanism was signed Sunday and approved personally by Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas. "We have taken another step and agreed on a statement that will help implement the Cairo accord," Lavrov said after talks with Fatah's Azzam al-Ahmed and Hamas member Moussa Abu Marzuk, along with other Palestinian negotiators.  "I received a call from Mahmoud Abbas … and he thanked me for presenting a venue for this useful meeting," Russia's top diplomat said.  Analysts said the Moscow meeting represented one of Russia's most serious interventions in the stalled Middle East peace process in recent years."

MOSCOW, May 21 (UPI) — Almost 200 wildfires were burning in Russia Saturday, the Emergencies Ministry said. Sixteen of the fires were considered major, ITAR-Tass reported. Most of them were in the Urals, Siberia and the Far East with a total of more than 20,000 acres involved.  The ministry had mobilized a force of 11 firefighting helicopters and planes. In 2010, western Russia was hit by devastating wildfires. The worst blazes began in mid-July as the region endured the hottest summer in recorded history. The fires killed hundreds of people, charred millions of acres and destroyed hundreds of homes, effectively wiping some villages off the map. In addition to deaths caused directly by fire, smoke blanketing the Moscow region is believed to have been responsible for a death rate about twice the normal one."

God's curse has fallen on Jordon.  As you can see from the news everyone of the nations who have sided with the PLO in the 1967 borders has had some type of national disaster or turmoil.   Now look at Jordan, with in 3 days of Jordan siding with the PLO on the 1967 borders Jordan's leaders find themselves in the same stop as did Egypt's President, when today thousands of Jordanians began to march in order to bring down that government.

"Jordan hailed United States President Barack Obama's call for a Palestinian state based on 1967 borders. As reported by state news agency Petra, Jordanian Minister of Foreign Business Nasser Jawdeh welcomed Obama's speech saying, "for the first time he spoke clearly about his vision for the establishment of a Palestinian state based on 1967 borders." (AFP),7340,L-4071486,00.html

AMMAN — Thousands of Jordanians demonstrated on Friday across the kingdom, calling for regime reforms as well as the sacking of what they called the "corrupt and oppressive" government. "The people want to reform the regime and end tyranny. No to corruption," around 2,500 Islamists and trade unionists chanted as they marched from the King Abdullah Mosque in central Amman to a roundabout near the interior ministry.  "Reform starts with combating corruption and the corrupt," reads a banner carried by the demonstrators.  Muslim Brotherhood chief Hammam Said, who took part in the march, said "we are sending a message to King Abdullah II that reform plans should be accelerated in line with popular demands."  "The regime and government are not serious about reforms," he told AFP.

 Amy Callison has helped to show you the Lord's curse on the nations who have teamed up with the PLO in stating they want the PLO to get the 1967 borders back, which would mean Israel would be divided up.  Read the news and you will see that everyone of these nations who have come against Israel in this way have within a 3 day period had some type of natural disaster or turmoil hit their nation.

*UN Chief, Quartet stand behind Obama call for deal based on 1967 borders
Amy’s Comment: The Quartet is the UN, the United States, the European Union & Russia; Tony Blair is the Quartet’s special envoy
May 20, 2011

*Iceland's Grimsvotn volcano starts new eruption  (part of EU)
*Icelandic volcano flings up ash, shuts airport
*New plume of Icelandic volcano ash cloud spurs fears of flight chaos in Europe

May 21-23, 2011
*Almost 200 wildfires burn in Russia
Almost 200 wildfires were burning in Russia Saturday, the Emergencies Ministry said.Sixteen of the fires were considered major, ITAR-Tass reported.

May 21, 2011

EU Nation: *Thousands of Czechs protest gov't reform plans (Perilous Times & Uprisings Luke 21:9)Tens of thousands of people have protested in the Czech capital on Saturday against government-proposed reforms that include attempts to reform pension and health care systems.
May 21, 2011,7340,L-4071870,00.html

EU Nation: *Spain: Protesters defy ban with anti-government rallies

May 21, 2011


An image released by the NASA Modis on May 22, 2011 shows smoke billowing from the Grimsvoetn, Iceland's most active volcano. A car travels through ash in the town of Kirkjubaejarklaustur May 22, 2011. Iceland’s most active volcano erupted on Saturday, hurling a plume of ash and smoke far into the sky, which aviation officials were closely monitoring after another volcano shut European airspace for days last year.Grimsvotn eruption 21 May 2011As long as I am on the sign of fearful events today found in Luke 21:11, “There will be great earthquakes, famines and pestilences in various places, and fearful events and great signs from heaven”, Icelandic just had one of these events again.

“Britain said flights could be disrupted from parts of the country on Tuesday by an ash cloud billowing from an Icelandic volcano (see photos here), but said it did not expect a repeat of last year's travel chaos.  Britain's Met Office is predicting the plume of ash from the Grimsvotn volcano would cover the Irish Republic, Northern Ireland, Scotland and parts of northern Britain by 0600 GMT. U.S. President Barack Obama is due to fly into Britain on Tuesday from Ireland for a state visit.  The Irish Aviation Authority said flights to and from Ireland could be disrupted later in the week but did not expect problems in the next 48 hours. Other parts of Europe were on alert.”

President Barack Obama meets with King Abdullah II of Jordan in WashingtonProphecy Sign": Look at the photo above and read the names of the people in #1, #3 and #7. You will see that in the Psalm 83 war God tells us that Jordanians will untie with the rest of the people named in the above photo to attack Israel.  Like Turkey and Egypt who were friends with Israel but recently both these nations have turned on Israel, Jordan is on the path to do the same, and it will happen because God already showed us Jordan would attack Israel.The headline today reads:   "Jordan's king impatient with Israel"

“WASHINGTON, May 22 (UPI) — Jordan's King Abdullah said Israel is changing its stance on peace talks with the Palestinians and scuttling a golden opportunity for a settlement.  Appearing on ABC's "This Week with Christiane Amanpour," the king said Israel's refusal to deal with Hamas was unrealistic and ran counter to its insistence that the Palestinian government be united.  President Mahmoud Abbas "has now made reconciliation with Hamas and does represent the Palestinian people, and the Israeli argument is, well, we can't deal with him because of Hamas," Abdullah said. "Abbas had been very clear that Hamas will not be part of the government."  Abdullah warned that allowing the status quo between the two states to continue would only lead to another Palestinian uprising in the near future.”  Jordan has been one of the more moderate nations, but they are not going to take sides against their Arab Brothers, and when the call comes to attack Israel, they will come.

Prophecy Sign: Matthew 24:7 (disease). We know from not only Matt. 24:7 but in other places in the Bible that Jesus warned us to watch for the sign of disease in the last days.  When you read the Bible you will see that disease just isn’t going to kill off people but disease will reek havoc on crops, fish, birds, and animals. Here is a report about another strange disease killing off US and Canadian horses.  

“BOISE, Idaho (AP) – Horse owners and organizations nationwide are watching anxiously and some are shutting down shows and other events in an effort to keep a deadly horse virus outbreak that began in Utah from spreading beyond a handful of Western states and Canada.

So far, at least 17 horses in Idaho, Utah, Colorado, California, Washington and Canada have been infected with the highly contagious Equine Herpes Virus-1, and at least three have died. The disease poses no threat to people but is easily spread among horses, alpacas and llamas because it can be airborne and transmitted by touch or by sharing feed, brushes, bits and other equipment.  The infected horses were among roughly 400 that attended the National Cutting Horse Association Western National Championships in Ogden, Utah, earlier this month.  Now, officials in several states are quarantining infected animals and asking owners of other horses that were at the event to closely monitor the animals for symptoms. Organizers also are cancelling horse shows and classes in Texas, Utah and elsewhere in an effort to stem the disease's spread.  The outbreak has horse owners across the West worried, said Preston Skaar, president of the Idaho Cutting Horse Association.”

“PUEBLO, COLO. (AP) — The number of horses confirmed with a fatal horse virus continues to rise in Colorado. The Colorado Department of Agriculture said Thursday there are now eight confirmed cases of equine herpes virus, including two horses that had to be euthanized. There are also 22 suspected cases and 10 quarantine orders issued in six counties.”

Remember the Swine flu fever?  Well it's back again, and hundreds of thousands of animals may die.

"YAOUNDE, Cameroon, May 23 (UPI) — A fresh outbreak of African swine fever in northern Cameroon could result in farmers losing as many as 100,000 animals, officials said. Veterinarians said they thought they had the disease under control in December but a new outbreak has resulted in the death and slaughter of hundreds of pigs, reported Monday. "I had over 200 pigs ready for the market and was planning on conveying them to the south of the country when disaster struck about a fortnight ago," pig farmer Robert Ngaikoumi said. "The animals suddenly began dying and then the authorities issued a ban on the movement of pigs and before I knew it, they came and killed all of my livestock numbering over 300 animals. I don't know where I go from here."


There is more news concerning some weird diseases. “Hamburg / Hannover – an unusual accumulation of severe intestinal infection with the lethal pathogen EHEC alerted the health authorities in Germany.  At least 80 people have been living with the dangerous intestinal bacteria infected that quickly spreads and severe illness with kidney disease causes abnormally. Viele Patienten liegen auf Intensivstationen. Many patients are in intensive care.

In Lower Saxony and Bremen , there are according to ministry data-currently nearly 25 suspected cases reported in Schleswig-Holstein and Hamburg, each around 20th Hessereported Sunday evening 16 suspected cases, Mecklenburg-Vorpommern four. Ein Großteil der Patienten wird in Kliniken behandelt. Most of the patients treated in hospitals. Allein in Bremerhaven würden derzeit etwa 20 Fälle behandelt, sagte ein Sprecher des niedersächsischen Gesundheitsministeriums. would be alone in Bremerhaven currently about 20 cases treated, said a spokesman for the Lower Saxony Ministry of Health. He spoke of a "disturbing accumulation in such a short time."

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