Fasting for Pastor Titus and his team to Sudan/The Curse takes hold in France, the reason why/April 21, 2011



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Are you really searching to know the truth?

Disclaimer: Since the facts and evidence on my posts and in my book are real as they are taken from news around the world, and this news proves Bible prophecy is actually coming to pass in our generation, the information you read or see may scare you. If you are depressed or on any meds for depression, or have any type of mental disease consult your doctor before reading this material.

If you would like me to come to your Church to give a prophecy seminar you can contact me either by writing to my P.O  Box, or email me at There is no charge for my labor of love in Christ.

Frank DiMora, P.O. Box 732, Lompoc Ca. 93438

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IMG_1632Pastor Titus in brown suit jacket.

I told you that we were waiting for my books to come out of Kenya's customs.  When Titus had my books they would set the date to take off for Sudan.  This Tuesday I meet with my prayers partners at Trinity Church.  We asked Jesus to release the books for Titus.  The last time I sent my books to Titus it was over a month before they were able to get out of customs.  Timothy Moore who I have joined with to help Titus told me today that this was from God because it never takes this short of a time to make it out of customs.  I am encouraged by this and we are all expecting some great things to happen in Suden with Titus and his team.

The mission to Sudan will start with a departure from Eldoret Kenya on April 30 and conclude with a return to Eldoret on May 10th. So far the people who will be fasting are listed below. If you have committed to this fast take it seriously as it is very important that we follow through and that each day Titus and his team are witnessing for Christ in the field we have a least one person fasting each day.  We have 17 people.  I laid out a time to fast for each person.  If you have any problems with the date let me know and I will try to change things but it may end up a nightmare, so if you can please stay with the date you have been given.  I am sending Titus this list so he knows who is fasting for Him and his team.  I have included your email address so Titus can e-mail you before he leaves for Sudan.

1. Frank DiMora and Clint McKean     April 30, 2011 Saturday

2. Dave Shadow                                 May 1, 2011 Sunday

3. Peter Matias                                   May 2, 2011 Monday

4. Constance and  Sabine Oflynn        May 3, 2011

5. Bridget Yorke and  Paige Coogle    May 4, 2011

6. Antonia Giunta and Zandile Noksi   May 5, 2011

7. Cheryl Boucher &  David Hamilton  May 6, 2011

8. "Pam J."  & Amanda Mitchell           May 7, 2011

9. Douglas Gable                                May 8, 2011

10. Elena Bien                                    May 9, 2011

11. Keith                                             May 10, 2011

12. Sabine Oflynn will double up with Constance

13. Frank DiMora  will double up with c. Mckean

14. Paige Coogle will double up with Bridget Yorke

15. ZANDILE NKOSI will double up with Antonia

16. GiuntaDavid Hamilton will double up with Cheryl Boucher 

17. Amanda Mitchell will double up with Pam J

Now more prophecy news for April 21, 2011


Prophecy Sign: Genesis 12:3 the Lord’s curse on anyone who curses Israel. Do you remember my March 28, 2011 post where I show you how Britain and Germany had suffered from the Lord’s curse for trying to divide Israel?   In that post I left out France as nothing had happen to them at that time . This is a quote from my March 28 post. “Britain, France and Germany want the United Nations and the European Union to propose the outlines of a final settlement of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict that would lead to the establishment of a Palestinian state, UN diplomats said.  Some of you may have thought France got away with going against God’s will, not so.  Now let’s take a look at what has happen specifically to France since that report.

 I quote, “Europe, especially France, has been hit by a major outbreak of measles, which the U.N. health agency is blaming on the failure to vaccinate all children.  The World Health Organization said Thursday that France had 4,937 reported cases of measles between January and March — compared with 5,090 cases during all of 2010. In all, more than 6,500 cases have been reported in 33 European nations.  "This is a lot of cases, to put it mildly. In past years we've had very few cases," said Rebecca Martin, head of WHO's office in Copenhagen for vaccine-preventable diseases and immunization.”  “The disease has become so widespread in Europe in recent years that travelers have occasionally exported the disease to the U.S. and Africa. Around Europe, Spain reported more than 600 cases in Andalusia in two outbreaks since October in Sevilla and Granada. Macedonia reported 400 cases this year with the capital, Skopje, most affected.”

By the way this news about this major outbreak of measles has taken place on the same day a France has sat down with PLO leaders Abbas to discuss France recognizing an independent Palestine State in Israel.  I quote, “PARIS — French President Nicolas Sarkozy hosted Palestinian leader Mahmud Abbas in Paris on Thursday as Europe reflects more and more openly on the prospect of recognising an independent Palestine.  Any French move to welcome a Palestinian state into the community of nations would be made jointly with the European Union, and would be seen as an attempt to give a jolt to the stalled Middle East peace process with Israel.”

Abbas with Sarkozy - AP - April 21, 2011After reading today's news that France is supporting the PLO I can assure you that France is going to be in for a world of hurt soon.  “After meeting French President Nicolas Sarkozy and Prime Minister Francois Fillon, Abbas told journalists that he had not raised the issue of Palestinian statehood with the president — adding that France's position was clear.  A source in the presidential office said that Sarkozy had given Abbas his "clear support" for efforts leading to the creation of a Palestinian state. Fillon said last month that 2011 "should be the year when a Palestinian state is created."

If you live in France I will begin to pray right now because God isn’t kidding when He says He will curse anyone who comes against Israel.  Watch France’s economy and some weird things like storms, flooding, or maybe worse diseases. Something is going to happen that I know.

Is the world's economy going to hell?  A picture is worth a thousand words, or what me worry

Honey, I am just going to the shop to get some milk, OK?




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