Israel has to get ready for war!/Christian persecution/Christ’s warnings in the news/ Feb. 7, 2010


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Disclaimer: Since the facts and evidence on my posts and in my book are real as they are taken from news around the world, and this news proves Bible prophecy is actually coming to pass in our generation, the information you read or see may scare you. If you are depressed or on any meds for depression, or have any type of mental disease consult your doctor before reading this material.

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Yesterday I gave you signs showing you the Psalms 83 war is heading toward us.  I told you that Israel was worried about Egypt’s government falling.  Today, news from Israel again points to this coming war in a report entitle: “Army Chief Ashkenazi: Prepare for all-out war”

“In his final days on the job, Chief of Staff Ashkenazi warns about growing radicalization in region; given recent changes across Middle East, Israel must prepare for a battle in several theaters, he says

Given recent changes in the Middle East, Israel must prepare for a battle in several theaters, outgoing IDF Chief of Staff Gabi Ashkenazi said Monday at the Herzliya Conference.

"The connection between the different players requires us to contend with more than one theater," he said.

The radical camp in the Middle East is gaining strength, Ashkenazi warned, adding that "the moderate camp among the traditional Arab leadership is weakening." He also made note of what he characterized as the "fascinating phenomenon" whereby power is shifting to the people of the region thanks to online social networks.”

"The connection between the different players requires us to contend with more than one theater," he said.

“The army chief said that in the wake of the growing threat of radical Islam among Israel's neighbors, the defense budget would have to be boosted in the coming years. The main change faced by the army is the widening spectrum of threats, he said.

"Because of this spectrum, we must prepare for a conventional war…it would be a mistake to prepare for non-conventional war or limited conflicts and then expect that overnight the forces will operate in an all-out-war," he said”,7340,L-4025266,00.html

Prophecy Sign: Matthew 24:9 Christian persecution.

AP Christians in Egypt increasingly live in fear of discrimination and persecution, and political change may not be a change for the better.

Some Christian demonstrators were seen praying peacefully with Muslims, as protests gripped Tahrir Square in Cairo. But with an uprising in the streets and upheaval in the government, Egypt's Christians, who make up about 10 percent of the population, aren't likely to end up with someone in power as tolerant of them as even President Hosni Mubarak has been.

“I don’t believe Mubarak is a good man, but he’s at least ten times better than the Muslim Brotherhood is,” a popular tweeter named Maged told FoxNews.Com. “Imagine if they took control with American approval.”

The Muslim Brotherhood is a radical Islamic group that in recent years has tried to tone down its extreme image in search of a greater role in the Egyptian social and political structure, but some argue that the group never really shed its extremist past.

 Prophecy Sign: A few days ago I posted some information concerning super storms.  We know from  Jesus’ warning that the seas and waves would be roaring in the last days while all the others prophecies He showed us would be taking place. See Luke 21:25.  If you are new to prophecy ask yourself what causes the seas and waves to roar?  One of the most common reasons that push the waves and sea is strong winds.  These super storms are doing just that.  If you know prophecy you can also see that many other prophecies are also linked to events brought on by these super storms such as famine, hunger, disease, and of course upon the earth distress of nations, with perplexity as Jesus stated in part of Luke 21:25.  This new report entitled New Superstorms Warned Have ‘Doomed’ World Food Production released today by the EU Times, they point out many of the things that we read in prophecy. Here are a few of the quotes. 

“However, this report continues, when the damage caused by these Superstorms is combined with the cataclysmic destruction of over one-third of Russia’s crops due to historic fires and drought, the historic drought in China that is now being warned could cripple their entire winter wheat crop, the Superstorms that have pounded Southern Africa leaving their agricultural sector in ruins, the Superstorms that have virtually destroyed Sri Lanka’s ability to feed itself, the Superstorm that killed over 2,000 in Pakistan and destroyed its agriculture sector, historic fires and drought in Ukraine that destroyed 20% of their crops, the record cold and snow hitting a European Continent after their worst flooding in decades, catastrophic Superstorms hitting Brazil that has left 860 dead, and a catastrophic drought in Argentina… to all of these, and more, the damage done in the past 12 months to our world’s ability to feed its 6.8 billion human beings has been “completely destroyed”.

So dire has the situation become, especially after world food prices hit a record never before seen this past month, Josette Sheeran, the UN World Food Programme’s executive director, warned that “If people don’t have enough to eat they only have three options: they can revolt, they can migrate or they can die”.  How many times have I pointed you to what Christ said in Revelation 6:6 where He shows us people living in the tribulation period will have to work all day long for one very small meal?  You see the price of food climbing like never before so why don’t you believe this and every thing else Jesus is showing you?  You see the riots taking place over high food prices and now even nations are fighting in part because people can not afford the higher food prices.  I pray you will open your hearts, eyes, and hears to what the Holy Spirit is showing you.

Even more ominous is this past week’s chart of Baltic Dry Index (BDI) showing our world’s shipping has dropped to its lowest level since the Great Economic Collapse of November 2008 and signaling a hoarding of grain and food supplies by producer nations that is putting exporting countries at risk of collapse as food riots increase this year across the globe.

Britain’s Telegraph News Service also reported this past week that authoritarian governments across the world are aggressively stockpiling food in order to stop the rapid rise of riots threatening their regimes, but according to this report is “too little, too late” as our world had been previously warned was just “one poor harvest away from total chaos”.

“So dire has the situation become, especially after world food prices hit a record never before seen this past month, Josette Sheeran, the UN World Food Programme’s executive director, warned that “If people don’t have enough to eat they only have three options: they can revolt, they can migrate or they can die”. Do you remember what Daniel warned us in Daniel 12:4? God showed Daniel that in the last days people would be traveling back and forth. I think that if these super storms continue people in many parts of the world will have to migrate just as this report suggests.

A few days ago I showed you the birth pains Australia has been going through. As of late they had locusts invasions, one of the worse droughts ever, massive storms, the recent category 5 cyclone, and today we are told she is on fire again.   I quote, “The authority said the fire, which was started at 9.14pm (WST) on Saturday, and had burnt 800 hectares by 8.20am on Sunday, was a threat to lives and homes. It has warmed in order to survive, people should leave immediately for a safer place and take their survival kits with them. According to Les Hayter from the fire authority, the blaze is currently out of control and unpredictable.”  I am sure there are people watching the news each night asking themselves what in the world is going on?  If you don’t know God’s Word you will have a hard time connecting the dots between Bible prophecy and current events.  That’s where I come in.  Jesus has people like myself all over the world yelling out God’s word in hope that many will her His Words and come to Christ for their salvation before the seven year tribulation begins.What is it going to take another huge earthquake to jolt you into responding to Christ’s salvation call?  If you are waiting for that to happen pay attention to the news because shortly you are going to see news about more huge earthquakes.  After all, Jesus in Luke 21:11 warned us to watch for the “great earthquakes that would come in the last days.

Speaking about people moving as a result of storms look at what is currently happening in Sri Lanka. “People in Sri Lanka are going hungry as a fresh wave of floods has hit the east, centre and north of the island. Some 320,000 people have been forced to take refuge in makeshift camps in schools, temples and mosques. The floods have affected 1.25 million people. Officials say 11 people have been killed and three more are missing. Last month, more than 300,000 were displaced by the floods which killed at least 40 people, ruined crops and killed livestock.”


clip_image002Prophecy Sign: One of the last days signs which have not been fulfilled yet is Psalm 83. I try to keep you up-date on the coming war against Israel as much as I can.  The reason is that when we see this war we will know we are very very close to the beginning of the seven year tribulation.  I keep warning you that Israel is going to be attacked soon because this is what we are told in Psalm 83.  Recent events in the Middle East are pushing us closer to this coming war and today the New York Times had a report entitled, “Obama policies are pushing volatile region to the brink” which point to another Arab-Israeli war.  “The Obama administration is pressing a reset button to return the Middle East to the bad old days of open Arab-Israeli warfare. The White House is requiring participation of the Muslim Brotherhood in any prospective new Egyptian government, while the brothers themselves are telling their countrymen to “prepare for war.” The current crisis in Egypt and the Obama administration’s maladroit response are forcing strategists to consider conflict scenarios that had been mothballed since the 1970s.

The Camp David Accords have formed the bedrock of U.S. security policy in the Mideast region since they were signed in 1978. The strategic logic behind the accords was that no coalition of Arab states could have a chance of waging a successful conventional conflict against Israel without including powerful Egypt. Subtracting Cairo from the equation would mean no new Arab-Israeli wars. 

The possibility now looms that Egypt could be back on the bad side of the ledger. Rather than reaching out to progressive, secular, Western-oriented dissident groups, who are more sympathetic to the United States and not virulently anti-Israel, President Obama is inexplicably placing his weight behind “important non-secular actors” such as the America-hating Muslim Brotherhood. A new government dominated by these Islamic extremists would almost certainly seek another round of conflict. The brothers have not only threatened war against Israel but also have a long term objective of “eliminating and destroying the Western civilization from within and ‘sabotaging’ its miserable house by their hands and the hands of the believers so that it is eliminated and God’s religion is made victorious over all other religions.”

Here is a quote which I found very interesting. “Israel, the lone stable democracy and America’s most reliable ally in the Middle East, will then have openly hostile neighbors to the north and south, a weakened Jordan to the east, and uncertain support from the west. Israeli leaders already are wondering whether the current occupant of the White House would rush to the aid of the Jewish State in time of war or simply make a few speeches deploring the violence but leaving Israel to fend for itself.”

Let’s think about this for a moment, and also see what God’s word says about something like what is stated in this report.  America needs oil and gas to help keep her declining economy moving.  Would America take sides with the Arabs knowing that if the US were to support Israel the Arabs would cut the oil supply off to America?  Here is something else to consider.  Is America strong enough to help Israel on the ground when Israel is attacked by the nations listed in the Psalm 83 war, and could she move fast enough to help Israel?  Let’s face it, when all the nations listed in that Psalm war coming pouring down on Israel, Israel will have to move at lightening speed knowing they are going to be fighting to keep the nation of Israel alive again just as they were forced to do in the 1948, 1967, and the 1973 wars.   Keep in mind, that during these wars Israel was out numbered almost 5 to 1.  It is going to be the same way again when all these nations come against Israel.  The American forces have been cutting back over the years, this has caused many of the US forces to have  to be redeployed three and four times because they don’t have enough man power.  All these factors brings me to the Ezekiel war and what God told us is going to happen during this invasion against Israel.  I think we may see the same thing happen during the Psalm war. 

Ezekiel 38:13 says the following: See full size image“Sheba, and Dedan, and the merchants of Tarshish, with all the young lions thereof, shall say unto thee, Art thou come to take a spoil? Hast thou gathered thy company to take a prey? To carry away silver and gold, to take away cattle and goods, to take a great spoil?” (Ezekiel 38:13)  As the attack begins, we see specific nations that are mentioned which only give their formal protest against the invading armies.  The nations which give their formal protest are not engaged in the battle and we do not see them helping Israel in any way except with this formal protest.  Sheba and Dedan in verse 13 are modern day Saudi Arabia.  Great Britain is what is referred to in the Old Testament as Tarshish.  The nations, which broke away from Great Britain, are the United States, Canada, and Australia; these nations are considered the young lions of Tarshish, or Great Britain in modern day terms.  Look up the coat of arms for Great Britain, it is the lion as you see below.

   I may be wrong, but I believe the same type of response is going to take place during the Psalm 83 war. If the US has just stood by its old friend Egypt, and let her government fall apart to God who knows, what makes us think that Obama won’t do the same thing with Israel?  As far as Saudi Arabia is concerned she is worried the same thing that is happening in Egypt may happen in their nation.  I believe the events being played out now are events that will only weaken these nations and thus be they will be less inclined to help Israel in either the Psalm 83 war or the Ezekiel war.  As far as that goes, Saudi Arabia may fall next as they are listed in the Psalm 83 war against Israel.  Times are getting very interesting!


Are forces at work now getting ready for the attack on Israel?  Read this report entitled, “Egyptian-Israel gas pipleline sabotaged”. “Egypt's suspension of gas supplies to Israel after the North Sinai pipeline was blown up Saturday, Feb 5 has suddenly cut Israel off from 25-30 percent of its gas needs and 80 percent of Jordan's. A few hours after the blast, Egyptian Prime Minister Ahmad Shafiq announced the gas supplied to both countries under contract would henceforth be diverted to domestic requirements.

With Egyptian gas cut off for the foreseeable future, Israeli Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu went into hasty non-stop consultations with ministers and energy military and security officials. Alongside the emergency declared by Israel's electricity corporation, those consultations centered on three additional facets of the crisis: The expanding occupation of North Sinai by Palestinian Hamas extremists from Gaza and anti-Egyptian Bedouin tribesmen, culminating in the gas pipeline explosion; the failure of joint Israeli and Egyptian military efforts to contain it and, thirdly, concerns that Hamas may cross into Israel and sabotage Israeli power stations or fuel reservoirs to bring about the collapse of Israel's electrical power system.” 

Have plans be drawn up to weaken Israel’s security before the attack by cutting off the gas?  Concerning the people behind the blast, I would say the chances of this are pretty high.

10,000 Iraqi DinarLast week I wrote to you about the possibility that the Iraqi Dinar would become a major currency in the last days.  I said this based on Revelation chapter 18 where we see Babylon being built up in the last days, and will become the financial hub of the world.  To read up on the rebuilding of Babylon you can click to the following link:  Today I heard a interview with someone who is suppose to have knowledge of what China has planned for the Iraqi Dinar.  I can't tell you for sure if this person being interviewed is creditable. However, based on what I see happening with current events and the nations trying to get rid of the US dollar as the reserve currency I would at least want to hear what this person is saying. Keep in mind, it is China that is holding up the US right now.  When China tells the US we are going to bail you out anylonger by buying your debt, it will be over for the US. I will let you make your own determation as to if what he says is really coming down the pike soon.



  1. If you are amazing about the Iraqi dinar then it is very significant to know that Iraqi dinar is not traded in the international financial markets openly and therefore it is value what a broker of Iraqi dinar is willing to compensate for it.

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