Setting you up for UFO’s (Signs in the sky) Oct. 1, 2010


 Cambridge Concord Goatskin Bible

Download The Last Chronicles of Planet Earth July 11, 2010 Edition by Frank DiMora

Disclaimer: Since the facts and evidence on my posts and in my book are real as they are taken from news around the world, and this news proves Bible prophecy is actually coming to pass in our generation, the information you read or see may scare you. If you are depressed or on any meds for depression, or have any type of mental disease consult your doctor before reading this material.

If you would like me come to your Church to give a prophecy seminar you can contact me either by writing to my P.O  Box or email me at Jesus has made it known to me now is the time to sprint to the finish line.

If the Lord leads via His Holy Spirit to help me print more books I would be blessed.   P.O. Box 732, Lompoc Ca. 93438


Prophecy Sign: Is there a connection between all these UFO sighting and all the new talk about UFO’s,and the last days? I want to give you a site that addresses this issue, and the very words Jesus warned us from Matthew chapter 24 about the signs in the sky.

English theologian George Hawkins Pember, in his 1876 masterpiece, Earth’s Earliest Ages, analyzed the prophecy of Jesus Christ that says the end times would be a repeat of “the days of Noah.” Pember outlined the seven great causes of the antediluvian destruction and documented their developmental beginnings in his lifetime. The seventh and most fearful sign, Pember wrote, would be the return of the spirits of Nephilim, “the appearance upon earth of beings from the Principality of the Air, and their unlawful intercourse with the human race.”

Jesus Himself, in answering His disciples concerning the signs of His coming and of the end of the world, said it would be “as the days of [Noah] were” (Matthew 24:37). The implication is, just as it was before the Flood when the spirits of Nephilim were powerful upon earth (Genesis 6:4), mankind would experience an end-times renaissance of the influence of these entities. From Scripture we are made to understand the purpose of this latter-day wave of supernaturalism includes deception (2 Timothy 3:13), and the effect upon mankind would be so successful that heresy and delusion would become firmly entrenched—even within institutionalized Christianity. In writing of this scenario, Paul prophesied to Timothy that “in the latter times, some shall depart from the faith, giving heed to seducing spirits, and doctrines of devils” (1 Timothy 4:1).”

The web-site I have given you the link for gives you a lot of information about the Nephilim.  We know for sure we have reached the last days and have come to the point where our generation has become like Noah’s.  Does this also mean that the Nephilim will return as they were during Noah’s generation?  I think it would be a very strong delusion that would cause many who now believe in Jesus to turn from Him and heed the seducing spirits.  Could these UFO’s sighting be the prelude to the coming Niphilim?

English theologian George Hawkins Pember, gave us this warning back in 1876, and now we are seeing more news on UFO’s. Read what is written on this site and ask Jesus to speak to you about the this matter and the return of the days of Noah. 

Here are two videos from a recent conference talks about the UFO’s.


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