67 Miles from Israel- Prophecy News for August 28, 2014



Frank DiMora P.O. Box 732, Lompoc Ca. 93436 fjdimora@gmail.com

freeBible prophecy documentary book download proving our generation will see the return of the Lord. Do you want to know what is going to happen in the future before it actually takes place? The Word of God provides you with specific details about our future and all of these things are coming to pass in this generation. If you aren’t saved yet this is a must read! Please don’t forget to subscribe to receive my daily prophecy up-dates. The Last Chronicles of Planet Earth August 19, 2014 Edition written by Frank DiMora.

caution-signI must also caution you: there are links used to report events below that you should use extreme caution in viewing- they are anti-Israel sites and Arabic media sites.  If you do NOT see a link to correspond with a headline, it is for viewer protection (This means you can get a computer virus or have your information ‘hacked’ by visiting). Please email me privately for any links if desired.



Mahmoud Al-Zahhar: The Gaza Experience Should Be Repeated in the West Bank and Jerusalem

PLO Executive Committee member Hanan Ashrawi attacks Obama for acknowledging Jewish history

Gaza flocks to greet Ismail Haniyeh

***Remember: this is the Prime Minister they want, not Fayyad who was appointed by Abbas

Psalm 83 Foto Flexer

Cooltextprophecysign“Do not keep silent, O God! Do not hold Your peace, And do not be still, O God! For behold, Your enemies make a tumult; And those who hate You have lifted up their head. They have taken crafty counsel against Your people, And consulted together against Your sheltered ones. They have said, “Come, and let us cut them off from being a nation, That the name of Israel may be remembered no more.”


comment***Last night on Facebook I gave you 3 maps showing how close the Islamic militants are to Israel; I’m going to repeat it here

Quneitra to Tiberias

Quneitra to Tiberias 2 hours 16 min. 108.8 km (67 miles)


Headline: UN: Armed group detains 43 peacekeepers in Syria; 81 trapped

comment****Before we even start on the news, you need to know 2 things: 1- this is MSN news and therefore ‘main stream’- when they say the Syrian side of the Golan they are talking about the UNDOF- the United Nations Disengagement Observer Force Zone. In English- a de-militarized zone. The 2nd thing is: the entire world has never once acknowledged that Golan belongs to Israel. Israel took the Golan Heights in the 6 day war. NO OTHER country on EARTH is expected to give back land they ‘win’ in a war. If that were the case, well…England and America would both be out of luck wouldn’t they?

An armed group detained 43 U.N. peacekeepers during fighting in Syria early Thursday and another 81 peacekeepers are trapped, the United Nations said. The peacekeepers were detained on the Syrian side of the Golan Heights during a “period of increased fighting between armed elements and the Syrian Arab Armed Forces,” the office of U.N. Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon said in a statement. It said another 81 peacekeepers are “currently being restricted to their positions in the vicinity of Ar Ruwayhinah and Burayqah.” The statement did not specify which armed group is holding the peacekeepers. Various Syrian rebel groups, including the al-Qaida-linked Nusra Front, have been fighting the Syrian military near the Golan Heights. On Wednesday, opposition fighters captured a Golan Heights crossing point on the disputed border between Syria and Israel. The statement said the United Nations “is making every effort to secure the release of the detained peacekeepers,” who are part of UNDOF, the mission that has been monitoring a 1974 disengagement accord between Syria and Israel after their 1973 war. The statement noted that UNDOF peacekeepers who were detained by armed forces in March and May were later safely released. Currently, six countries contribute troops to UNDOF: Fiji, India, Ireland, Nepal, Netherlands and the Philippines.
Aug. 28, 2014



Headline: Syrian planes attack Golan Heights border post captured by rebels

Syrian jets shelled rebel positions near a border crossing close to the Golan Heights that was seized by rebels in some of the heaviest clashes in the strategic area this year, rebels and residents said on Thursday. Al Qaida’s Syria wing Nusra alongside moderate rebel groups who had launched the attack early on Wednesday on the border post were “holding ground” despite the heavy bombardment, according to a source in the Islamist Beit al Maqdis brigade, whose fighters were involved in the fighting. Abu Iyas al Horani, a spokesman for another rebel group operating in the area, said at least six rebels were killed in the latest spillover of violence in the area that lies almost 20 kilometres west of the town of Quneitra, the main urban center, which is under state control.
Aug. 28, 2014


Headline: 18:44- Rebels entering new areas on Golan border

Channel 2′s Ehud Ya’ari says the war in the Golan border area now sees rebel forces fighting in areas that were hitherto not entered. He says he fears the collapse of UNDOF because of the dangers there. Forty-three Filipino soldiers are currently being held by rebels, and 81 are locked inside their positions. The Islamic Front and other groups announced the beginning of the al-Waad Assadik offensive to capture government positions in Quneitra. At least 50 soldiers and 14 rebels were killed. 40 rebels were reported to be wounded. 13 soldiers fled nearby to the UN.
Aug. 28, 2014



Headline: Israeli forces caught up in Al Qaeda’s complex toils in both Golan and Gaza

The cross-border incident on the Golan Wednesday, Aug. 27, in which an Israeli officer was injured by stray fire from the fighting between Syrian army and rebel forces near Quneitra, put this battle zone on the front pages. However, debkafile’s military sources report that this incident, fought by only 300 combatants on each side backed by 10 tanks, had no real military importance for the Syrian conflict at large. The battle for Qoneitra, fought 200 meters from the Israeli border, is much more important as a touchstone in quite a different setting, that concerns not only Israel but the complicated US posture against the many-headed Al Qaeda peril in the Middle East. The US, Jordan and Israel are quietly backing the mixed bag of some 30 Syrian rebel factions which Tuesday, Aug. 26, seized control of the Syrian side of the Quneitra crossing, the only transit point between Israeli and Syrian Golan. However – here comes the rub – Al Qaeda elements have permeated all those factions. The crossing is foirmally under the control of UNDOF, an international peacekeeping force, which too is falling apart as contingents are recalled by their governments. Damascus hit back at the rebels Thursday, Aug. 28, by sending the Syrian air force to destroy the new rebel positions. This was a flagrant contravention of Israel-Syrian armistice agreements. The Israeli air force might have been justified in scrambling to combat the Syrian air incursion, but was not ordered to do so. This appeared to contradict a fact which Israel has kept very dark: The 30 or so Syrian rebel offensive to wrest Quneitra would have stood no chance without Israel’s aid – not just in medical care for their injured, but also in limited supplies of arms, intelligence and food. Israel acted as a member, along with the US and Jordan, of a support system for rebel groups fighting in southern Syria. Their efforts are coordinated through a war-room which the Pentagon established last year near Amman. The US, Jordanian and Israeli officers manning the facility determine in consultation which rebel factions are provided with reinforcements from the special training camps run for Syrian rebels in Jordan, and which will receive arms. All three governments understand perfectly that, notwithstanding all their precautions, some of their military assistance is bound to percolate to Al Qaeda’s Syrian arm, Jabhat Al-Nusra, which is fighting in rebel ranks. Neither Washington or Jerusalem or Amman would be comfortable in admitting they are arming Al Qaeda’s Nusra Front in southern Syria. And not only Nusra: It turned out in this week’s incident that some of the rebel fighters come from the terrorist group Ansar Beit al-Maqdis, a coalition of Al Qaeda contingents based in the Egyptian Sinai Peninsula and Gaza Strip. Another piece of this dissonant jigsaw is Al Maqdis’ close alignment for its violent operations with the Palestinian Hamas ruling Gaza, with which Israel has just been locked in a deadly 50-day war. Wednesday night, at his news conference to sum up that war, Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu included in his list of Israel’s diplomatic successes, the winning over of world opinion to the perception that Hamas and Al Qaeda belong to the same family of terrorists and share the same fundamentalist ideology, which must be fought. As he spoke, Al Qaeda fighters, intermingled with Syrian rebel factions, fetched up just yards from Israel’s northern border fence. debkafile’s military sources say that Washington, Amman and Jerusalem can expect to keep the embarrassing fact fairly quiet only until the first black Al Qaeda flag is raised over a rebel position at the Quneitra crossing or a captured Syrian post opposite the line of Israeli positions on the Golan. Israel will then face a new dilemma on this sensitive front, which will take some explaining.
Aug. 28, 2014


Headline: UN Calls for ‘Restraint’ Following Mortar Fire in Golan

The United Nations on Wednesday referred to the shells fired from Syria which hit the Israeli side of the Golan Heights and called on all sides to “exercise restraint”. The United Nations Disengagement Observer Force (UNDOF) in Golan Heights observed a heavy fighting between the Syrian armed forces and armed members of the opposition in and around locations in the central part of the area of separation, UN spokesman Stephane Dujarric told reporters, according to Reuters.”During the fighting, several mortars landed in or near United Nations positions,” Dujarric said at a daily news briefing, adding, “The Israel Defense Forces (IDF) retaliated with fire.” Lerner said the IDF has “substantial forces” on the ground and is prepared for any eventuality, with troops sealing off the area as a defensive measure. “We have declared a closed military zone in the immediate area of the crossing and the roads leading to it. We are prepared for any potential spillover effect into Israel,” Lerner said.

comment***After looking at the above articles, I’m guessing it isn’t Syria they are telling to RESTRAIN themselves


Aug. 28, 2014


Headline: Why hasn’t the Islamic State gone to war with Israel yet?

comment***this link not given for viewer protection


<start quote> ” To answer the question about why ISIS have not attacked Israel yet, let me explain the views of ISIS regarding the liberation of Bayt Al-Maqdis and what their plans are. “We will not rest until every single Muslim is freed from the Tawāghit, al-Quds, al-Andalus are returned and we conquer Rome” It’s an ISIS policy to liberate Al-Quds. The Islamic State (ISIS) also have branches in Gaza. Although they have not engaged in sustained campaigns yet against Israel due to issues with Hamas and logistics supplies and entry routes for fighters, these groups continue to work in Gaza and Palestinian refugee camps training Palestinian mujahideen in fighting, getting them experience of fighting and bomb-making in Syria and Iraq, as well as cementing the position of ISIS in Gaza. The ISIS position is that they want to consolidate their positions in Syria and Iraq before they move into Jordan and Lebanon. This is because it is well-known that fighting Israel in a full-scale war with proper weapons of war as ISIS have is not possible if they do not take over Jordan, and possibly Lebanon. This is because they need that land to transport their heavy weaponry such as their tanks, howitzers, hummers, APCs, bomb-making engineering workshops and associated machinery, and of course, their soldiers. It’s well-known however that Jordan and Lebanon are client states of America and that they have secret agreements with Israel to protect Israel from “terrorists”, so any full-scale war on ISIS would be hampered by the Jordanian and Lebanese army attacking ISIS from behind. So it makes sense to get rid of those regimes first before fighting Israel face-to-face. And we know this will happen as the ahadith say we will fight the Dajjal in the Israeli city of Lod. We look to the example of Salah ad-Din (RH) who did not fight the Crusaders until he conquered what is now Syria and the Mesopotamian areas such as Jazira from the Muslim Zenghid Dynasty. This is because the Muslims, like now, were not united and the jamaah of the Muslims was not one, and we could not fight the Crusaders unless we had a united front. One Muslim leader who had the intent but not the land and resources (Salah ad-Din), and another Muslim leader in Damascus who had the land and resources, but did not want to disrupt the status quo and did not want to jeopardise his power and lifestyle for the sake of liberating Bayt Al-Maqdis. We need to unite the Muslims lands of Sham and Iraq as a united front, and only then can we fight Israel in a full-scale war and liberate Bayt Al-Maqdis.” <end quote>

Headline: Palestinians threaten to turn to ICC if date not set for return to 1967 lines

The Palestinians plan to turn to the United Nations Security Council on September 15 to demand a deadline be set for Israel’s withdrawal to 1967 borders, senior Fatah official Nabil Shaath told the Palestinian news agency Ma’an on Thursday. If the Security Council rejects the initiative, Shaath said, the Palestinians would open their case against Israel at the International Criminal Court. This is part of the “diplomatic surprise” Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas promised last week, Shaath said. The Arab League will meet in Cairo September 7-9 to discuss providing Abbas with an Arab umbrella of support. Abbas is already backed in principle by Saudi Arabia and Egypt. Meanwhile, the Jordanian newspaper Alghrad reported on Thursday that Abbas and Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu held a secret meeting in Amman days before the cease-fire was signed ending the war in Gaza. No details were given about the meeting, and no official from Jordan, Israel or the Palestinian Authority would confirm that it in fact happened.
Aug. 28, 2014


Headline: Arch-Terrorist Barghouti Calls For Fatah Revolution

Headline: 89% of Gaza Residents Support Rocket Attacks on Israel

Headline: Hamas leader says latest conflict with Israel not the last

Arch-terrorist Marwan Barghouti of the Fatah faction released a message from his Israeli jail cell last Wednesday, in which called for Fatah to return to violent “resistance,” i.e. terrorism, and abandon negotiations with Israel. Barghouti, who is currently serving multiple life sentences for his role in planning numerous deadly terrorist attacks, was found in a May poll conducted among Arab residents of Judea, Samaria and Gaza as being favored for president of a new unity government between Hamas and the Palestinian Authority (PA). In his newest message, published in the Gaza-based news site Al-Watan Voice and translated by the Middle East Media Research Institute (MEMRI), Barghouti notes that Fatah is coming up on its fiftieth anniversary next January. “Just as it had the honor to fire the first bullet against the Zionist enemy, so the hands of the Fatah members…will fire the final bullet against this occupation,” wrote Barghouti. According to the jailed terrorist, the recent terror war waged by Hamas on Israel which reached a ceasefire on Tuesday “has proven that the option of resistance is proper and appropriate. We have always emphasized, and have repeatedly called for, a creative combination of political diplomatic action and general resistance with all its capabilities.”
Aug. 28, 2014




Headline: Lapid: Gaza op not over until Gaza demilitarized

Headline: Gaza militia leader claims 90 percent of missile arsenal intact

Headline: Hamas chief rules out disarmament

Finance minister insists Operation Protective Edge should not have ended until Strip was disarmed, says ‘we cannot confine ourselves to easy achievements.’ Finance Minister Yair Lapid weighed in on the Gaza ceasefire deal, which has inspired waves of criticism against Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, in an interview with Ynet and said that “Operation Protective Edge cannot end with a ceasefire. The operation needs to end only after Gaza has been demilitarized.” The long-term yet opened-ended ceasefire came into effect on Tuesday stipulated the opening of Gaza’s crossings for goods and aid under heavy Israeli supervision, which Palestinian negotiators say will signal the end of Israel’s crippling eight-year long blockade of the Strip, long a key Palestinian condition. Additional issues like the demilitarization of Gaza, a central Israeli demand, as well as other Palestinian demands, like the reopening of Gaza’s airport, will be discussed at a later date. Lapid commented on the issue of Gaza’s demilitarization, which has been pushed into the background as sides worked to bring about an immediate end to fighting, which lasted over seven weeks, and said “we need to act to demilitarize the Strip, therefore the operation cannot end in with this ceasefire. Gaza’s demilitarization is the goal and it needs to be achieved.”
Aug. 28, 2014




Headline: Away from Gaza war, Arab East Jerusalem seethes with protests and raids

Headline: 13:05 – IDF, Palestinians clash in West Bank

Violent protests in Israeli-occupied East Jerusalem have been raging nightly beyond the spotlight on the Gaza war, leading to a crackdown by Israeli police in which hundreds of Palestinians have been detained. Street clashes with police in riot gear, military-style raids on homes late at night and stone-throwing at Israeli vehicles have marked the most serious outbreak of violence in Jerusalem since a Palestinian uprising a decade ago. The protests erupted in July after the murder of a Palestinian teen in an alleged revenge attack by three Jews, who are standing trial. That followed the killing of three Israeli youths in the occupied West Bank by Hamas Islamist militants. The seething tensions have underscored deepening divisions in a city that Israel claims as its “indivisible capital”. Damage caused by Palestinians to a Jerusalem light railway, which links Arab and Jewish neighbourhoods and was once hailed by Israeli authorities as a symbol of coexistence, put a third of its carriages out of commission. Security sweeps across East Jerusalem have arrested more than 600 Palestinians, including 150 minors, according to the Israeli police. Most have since been released on bail or put under some form of restriction.
Aug. 28, 2014



Headline: Report: Qatar Plans to Fund a New Gaza Flotilla

Headline: Freedom Flotilla to sail to Gaza again

Qatar, a dedicated supporter of the Muslim Brotherhood and Hamas, will fund a flotilla to Gaza spearheaded by a Turkish group with reported terrorist ties, according to an Israeli media report. A report by the Israeli news site NRG quoted in the Algemeiner stated that Qatar and IHH, the Turkish group that bills itself as humanitarian, signed a cooperation agreement on Monday. The Jerusalem Post also reported on the cooperation agreement but did not state that a new flotilla was part of the agreement. “The organization will send another flotilla after they receive permission from the government in Ankara that Turkish naval forces will defend the flotilla and its participants,” IHH leader Bulent Yildirim said, according to the Algemeiner.

comment***The 2nd link is from IHH itself


Aug. 28, 2014



Headline: Desmond Tutu Asks Dutch Pension Fund to Divest From Israeli Banks

Anti-Israel activist South African Archbishop Desmond Tutu asked the world’s third-largest pension fund, the Dutch ABP, to “strike a powerful, non-violent blow for peace in the Middle East” by divesting from three Israeli banks. An ABP spokeswoman confirmed that the fund will consider Tutu’s request, as well as a request from the Dutch lobby group Christians for Israel to continue investing in the banks. The three Israeli banks in question are Bank Hapoalim, Bank Leumi, and Mizrahi Tefahot Bank. ABP has about 51 million euros ($67 million) worth of holdings in the banks. In a letter to ABP, Tutu wrote that investing in the banks enables “the expansion of Israeli settlements on occupied Palestinian territories, and profit from the illegal seizure of this land.”
Aug. 27, 2014



Headline: Militants kill Lebanese soldier at Syria border

Headline:  ***From last night on Facebook- Lebanese army shells militant positions in Syria border zone

At least one Lebanese soldier has been killed and three others injured in clashes with foreign-backed militants near the border with Syria. The soldier was killed on Thursday after gunmen attacked an army post in the mountainous border zone just outside the town of Arsal. The city was held by Takfiri ISIL militants for five days earlier this month, marking the spillover of war in Syria into Lebanon. On August 8, Lebanese troops entered the town following five days of fierce clashes with the ISIL Takfiri militants. The town’s infirmary has been used as a base for the militants who killed at least 17 soldiers.
Aug. 28, 2014



Headline: Lebanese Army: One missing after soldiers ambushed in Arsal

One Lebanese soldier is missing after his four comrades were rescued from a militant ambush on the outskirts of the northeastern town of Arsal Thursday morning, according to the Army. In a statement, the Army said that the militants had ambushed a five-strong unit in the border village of Al-Rahwe, prompting other units to launch an offensive against the gunmen and rescue four. The Army said its soldiers also destroyed an armored vehicle belonging to the militants that was equipped with an anti-aircraft missile and killed and wounded an unspecified number of gunmen. However, a security source told The Daily Star that one soldier had died and three others were wounded in the clashes that ensued after an Army vehicle came under fire in the remote village. The Army then rushed reinforcements to the village and Arsal to prevent a militant advance, the source added. Armored vehicles and military trucks, carrying dozens of soldiers, were seen driving through the main entrance of Arsal and heading toward its outskirts. According to the Turkish new agency Anadolu, ISIS and the Nusra Front, which are already holding 29 soldiers and policemen captured earlier this month in Arsal, have denied taking any soldier captive during Thursday’s clashes.
Aug. 28, 2014


Headline: Lebanese Army: US military aid to be delivered Friday

The Lebanese Army will receive U.S. arms and military equipment Friday as part of the assistance that Washington pledged to help Lebanon combat rampant terrorism from Syria, an Army statement said. The statement said that the shipment of military aid, including gear and ammunition, would be airlifted to Beirut’s airport and delivered to the Army at noon Friday. The handover will take place in the presence of a U.S. Embassy delegation and a number of senior Army officers. The U.S., Britain, France and Saudi Arabia have made pledges to reinforce the Army’s capacities to fight terrorism, following a showdown that pitted troops against Islamist militants from Syria in the east Lebanon border town of Arsal in early August.
Aug. 28, 2014


Headline: Ali defends Hezbollah’s role in Syria blames Lebanon dissociation policy for Arsal violence

Headline: Syria ready to help Lebanon fight jihadists: envoy

Syrian Ambassador Ali Abdul Karim Ali defended Hezbollah’s role in Syria and blamed the violence caused by the jihadists in the border town of Arsal earlier this month on the country’s dissociation policy and its alleged compliance with regional and international pressure. Ali told al-Akhbar newspaper in a report published on Thursday that the militants, who overran the northeastern border town of Arsal earlier this month, can only be confronted through “the respect of facts on the ground rather than accusing Hezbollah’s role in Syria of being the reason behind it.” Ali accused the Lebanese authorities of turning a blind eye to the infiltration of Syria-based gunmen from illegal border crossings and of releasing suspects who have admitted to carrying out terrorist activities in Syria and Lebanon. March 14 alliance officials have said the Iranian backed Hezbollah militant group’s involvement in Syria’s is behind the attacks by the Islamic State and al-Nusra Front fighters in Arsal. Tens of thousands of Hezbollah fighters are actively trying to save the regime of Syrian president Bashar al Assad despite the Baabda accord which calls for distancing Lebanon from the Syrian conflict. Nearly 200,000 have been killed in Syria since the uprising started in March 2011.
Aug. 28, 2014




Headline: Sinai group says it beheaded 4 Egyptian ‘Mossad agents’

A Sinai-based militant group said on Thursday it had beheaded four Egyptians, accusing them of providing Israel with intelligence for an airstrike that killed three of its fighters. Four headless corpses were found in the Sinai Peninsula earlier this month, security sources said – the first time that any decapitations had been made public in Egypt. The men had been abducted by gunmen two days earlier while driving in the town of Sheikh Zuwaid, which is just a few kilometers (miles) from the Gaza Strip. In a video released on Twitter, Egypt’s most dangerous militant group, Ansar Bayt al-Maqdis, said the four men had been spying for Israel’s Mossad spy agency. Armed men in black masks stood over the kneeling captives as one of the militants read out a statement. Minutes later, the four men had their heads cuts off. The filmed killings was reminiscent of images posted on the Internet by Islamic State, which has seized large parts of Iraq and Syria, suggesting Ansar Bayt al-Maqdis might have been inspired by the group

comment***Once again, here we go:

Ansar Bait al-Maqdis (Ansar Jerusalem) pledges allegiance to ISIS emir Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi


Aug. 28, 2014


Headline: Egypt’s Brotherhood, ‘3rd Way’ call for Saturday rallies

Egypt’s Muslim Brotherhood, the group from which ousted president Mohammed Morsi hails, and the revolutionary “Third Way” movement appeared to find common ground this week, with both calling for mass Saturday protests against “military rule.” The Brotherhood-led National Alliance for the Defense of Legitimacy, Morsi’s main support bloc, called for protests on Saturday to mark the passage of one year since both groups staged demonstrations – albeit separately – in the wake of Morsi’s ouster by the military. The “Third Way,” a group of activists opposed to both the military and the Brotherhood, has also called for Saturday rallies to mark the first anniversary of its protests against “military rule.” The call for the rallies comes as the country’s Wasat Party announced on Thursday that it has withdrawn from the National Alliance for the Defense of Legitimacy. “The priorities of the current phase in resisting despotism require working outside the framework of the Alliance by establishing an umbrella [group] that welcomes political forces across the spectrum without exclusion,” the party said in a statement. In a statement issued earlier this week, the pro-Morsi bloc called for “a revolutionary wave” and a “partial labor strike” on Saturday – in advance of an all-out strike to be held later – to denounce last year’s “military coup” against Morsi. The Third Way, for its part, has called for demonstrations to commemorate activists slain during last year’s clashes and reaffirm the group’s commitment to “continuing the struggle.” “The martyrs fell in order to open a new path, which does not recognize illegitimate military rule,” the group asserted.
Aug. 28, 2014



rise of ISIS Syria_240-animated-flag-gifsSyriaIraqIraq 

Syria Iraq ISIS- the Islamic State of Iraq and Sham (the Levant) ISIS=ISIL=IS=Daash


Syria Headline: France’s Hollande says Assad no ally in fight against Islamic State

French President Francois Hollande said on Thursday opposition forces fighting Islamic State militants in Syria and Iraq should get more Western support but ruled out seeing Syrian President Bashar al-Assad as an ally. Calling Assad an ally of the jihadists, he said: “There is no choice to be made between two barbarisms.” “A large alliance is needed, but let’s be clear. Assad is not a partner in the struggle against terrorism,” Hollande said in a speech to an annual conference of French ambassadors.
Aug. 28, 2014



Syria Headline: IS executes scores of Syrian troops in new atrocity

Islamic State jihadists boasted Thursday they had executed scores of Syrian troops following their weekend capture of a key air base, in the latest in a string of abuses that have shocked the world. News of the killings came as US President Barack Obama weighed air strikes on IS positions in Syria and edged closer to greenlighting a mission to aid Shiite Turkmen trapped in an Iraqi town by the jihadists. It also came as rival Islamist rebels led by Al-Qaeda affiliate Al-Nusra Front seized 43 UN peacekeepers on the Golan Heights, part of a mission that has monitored an armistice between Syrian and Israeli troops on the strategic plateau for decades. IS posted grisly video footage on the Internet of scores of bodies heaped in the desert it said it had captured and executed following its seizure of Tabqa air base. The jihadists have repeatedly posted gruesome videos, which have appalled international opinion but have served as a propaganda tool to recruit volunteers and terrorise recruits in the armies of both Syria and neighbouring Iraq. Britain-based monitoring group the Syrian Observatory for Human Rights said that IS had executed at least 160 soldiers, among some 500 who had made a desperate bid to escape to government-held territory after their defeat last Sunday.
Aug. 28, 2014



Syria Headline: YPG and Syrian army attack pro-IS neighbourhood in Hasakah

After one week of military operations were suspended, violence returned to the neighbourhood of Geweran in Hasakah city, in northeastern Syria, where the Kurdish forces of the Popular Protection Units (YPG) attacked strongholds of the Ahrar Geweran gunmen in the neighbourhood on Tuesday. Under the supervision of Arab and prominent Kurdish figures in Hasakah, an agreement on a ceasefire was reached between both conflicting groups following reports of mounting casualties among civilians. The tanks stationed at the joint checkpoint of the YPG and the Syrian regime forces shelled the neighbourhood of Geweran on Tuesday evening, accompanied by mortar fire, local activists in the city told ARA News. The sources added that missiles targeted the Grand Mosque in the neighbourhood and Ahmed Yassin Secondary School, as several mortars hit al-Hol market, resulting in several casualties among civilians. Residents of Geweran expressed their outrage, protesting against what they called a violation to the ceasefire’s agreement.
Aug. 28, 2014


Syria Headline:  Pro-Assad forces defeated by rebels in Aleppo, 20 killed

At least 20 members of the pro-regime military forces were killed on Wednesday during clashes with the armed opposition in the vicinity of the Handarat area in the Aleppo countryside, northern Syria. Speaking to ARA News in Aleppo, civil rights activist Imad Hussein said that Handarat clashes came after the pro-regime forces attempted to raid the rebel-held area. “The main rebel group involved in Handarat clashes was Ansar ad-Din battalion, whose fighters were able to deter the pro-Assad military offensive on Wednesday,” Hussein reported. ” At least 20 pro-Assad soldiers were killed, while five rebel fighters were reported dead during the clashes.” Amid the clashes, the pro-regime military forces shelled the Handarat area with tanks, while the military helicopters dropped several explosive barrels on the rebels’ strongholds in the area, local sources told ARA News.  “Despite the intensive efforts by the pro-Assad army, they couldn’t regain control of Handarat.” In the same context, civil rights activist Ahmed Abdul Salam told ARA News in Aleppo that six civilians were wounded on Wednesday in the town of Tel Rifaat due to aerial bombardment by pro-regime warplanes on the town, north of Aleppo. Meanwhile, the pro-Assad warplanes targeted the city of Azaz in the countryside of Aleppo with missiles, while the pro-Assad helicopters dropped explosive barrels on al-Shaar neighbourhood in central Aleppo, resulting in the destruction of several residential buildings in the area.
Aug. 28, 2014


Syria Headline: Syria Up To the Minute

https://www.facebook.com/syriahroe (Syrian Humans Rights Watch)

Syria Headline: Institute for the Study of War Syria Updates August 16-22, 2014


Iraq Headline: Iraqis say Israeli drone crashes near Baghdad airport

An Israeli drone reportedly crashed in Iraq Wednesday near Baghdad airport and was quickly recovered by US personnel on the ground, according to a story on the Lebanese-based Al-Mayadeen satellite news channel. Citing unnamed Iraqi sources, the TV station alleged that the US embassy in Iraq sent a team to gather up the drone’s remains. Iraqi police and security forces said they did not know why the unmanned aircraft came down. There was no confirmation of the report from any official sources. The incident came after Iran claimed it shot down a similar Hermes drone over the weekend as it approached the uranium enrichment facility in Natanz, some 240 kilometers (150 miles) south of the capital, Tehran.
Aug. 28, 2014


Iraq Headline: Militants burn three Iraq oil wells as Iraq’s Kurds attack

Retreating jihadists set three wells ablaze at a northern Iraq oil field Thursday as they battled Kurdish forces who launched a major attack nearby, officials said. The Islamic State of Iraq and Syria (ISIS) militants set the wells on fire before deserting the Ain Zalah field, which was seized by militants along in early August, an official from the North Oil Company said. A colonel in the Kurdish peshmerga forces said they had launched a major attack that has seen the jihadists pushed back from several villages in the area of the oil field. ISIS-led militants launched a sweeping offensive in June that overran large areas of Iraq, and turned their sights on Kurdish forces in the north earlier this month, driving them back toward Arbil, the capital of their three-province autonomous region. That advance, during which the militants targeted minority groups and forced some 200,000 people to flee, sparked a campaign of U.S. air strikes which, combined with international shipments of arms and ammunition, have helped the Kurds claw back some ground. The militants reportedly rake in significant volumes of cash from the sale of oil from fields they control. They have made repeated attempts to seize the Baiji oil refinery, which once filled some 50 percent of Iraq’s demand for refined petroleum products.
Aug. 28, 2014


Iraq Headline: ISIS leader Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi appoints Australian citizen as a military commander

On Thursday, according to a local source in Diyala province, the leader of the organization of the Islamic state in Iraq and Syria, Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi appointed an Australian citizen from Sydney to the post of military commander of the organization in Jalula, northeast of Baquba, stressing that the Australian began his mission by beheading four detainees from the armed factions who refused to swear allegiance to al-Baghdadi. The source said in an interview for IraqiNews.com that “the leader of ISIS Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi appointed the 40 year old Australian to the post of General military commander of the organization in Jalula (70 km north-east of Baquba) ; his name is Abu Yahya ash Shami.” The source, who asked not to be named, said: “The Australian was fighting in the front of Deir al-Zour before he arriving to Jalula,” pointing out that “the new commander beheaded four militants belonging to different factions which were detained a week ago because they refused to swear allegiance to al-Baghdadi.”
Aug. 28, 2014


Iraq Headline: IS has released a new video feat- the beheading of a Peshmerga soldier, titled “Warning to the American-Kurd Alliance

BwJBaQhIMAE1503.png large

Iraq Headline: 50 Ansar al-Islam fighters pledged allegiance to the Islamic State (IS) in Ninawa, Iraq

ansar al islam

Iraq Headline: Iraq Situation Report: August 26, 2014


Headline: Al Qaeda magazine hints of looming attack; urges bombing of Vegas, military targets

comment***On Sunday, 8-17-14, we gave you this news, which Fox News picked up today


A new English-language Al Qaeda magazine features a how-to article on making car bombs and suggests terror targets in the United States, including casinos in Las Vegas, oil tankers and military colleges, and implies that an attack is imminent. The online publication, called “Palestine-Betrayal of the Guilty Conscience Al-Malahem” and put out by the media arm of Al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula, or AQAP, calls for Muslims around the world to follow “the recipe” provided to set off car bombs in crowded venues. It includes a timeline of “selected jihadi operations” that the Middle East Media Research Institute (MEMRI), which first flagged the slickly-produced latest edition of the terror publication, finds chilling. “The timeline concludes with the date 201?’ and blank spaces and question marks for the photo and information of the next attack — implying that it is coming soon.” said MEMRI Executive Director Steve Stalinsky.
Aug. 28, 2014


Headline: 400 Germans join ISIL in Syria, Iraq: Merkel

Headline: Sources say second American killed fighting with ISIS in Syria identified as Abdirahmaan Muhumed

German Chancellor Angela Merkel has estimated that at least 400 German citizens are fighting alongside the ISIL militants in Syria and Iraq. The ISIL has “about 20,000 fighters according to our estimates, 2,000 of them from Europe… of whom probably 400 are from Germany,” Merkel said on Wednesday. She added that her country will decide on Sunday about sending military aid to Kurdish forces fighting against the ISIL Takfiris in Iraq. “So we can’t just say it has nothing to do with us – we are implicated,” Merkel said.
Aug. 28, 2014



Headline: European jihadists

The effect of the swelling influx is apparent as the Islamic State (IS), a brutal extremist group in Syria and Iraq that has attracted most foreign fighters, stakes a claim to a swathe of territory that is the size of Jordan and embraces a similar population—6m or so. Boastful combatants post well-scripted videos to attract their foreign peers, promising heaven for those who leave their lives of Western decadence to become “martyrs”. They tweet “selfies” holding the severed heads of their enemies after photos of the luxuries, such as Red Bull, an energy drink, that are available to the fighters. And they issue threats to the West while using emoticons—smiling faces, for instance, formed by punctuation marks—and internet acronyms such as LOL. Westerners are useful for other reasons, too. Hostages released from IS’s clutches say they were guarded by three English-speakers. Foreign jihadists can e-mail the families of hostages in their own language to ask for ransoms. Western fighters often seem to jump at the chance to take part in a fight or help build a new Islamic state. The Soufan Group, a New York-based intelligence outfit, reckons that by the end of May as many as 12,000 fighters from 81 nations had joined the fray, among them some 3,000 from the West (see chart). The number today is likely to be a lot higher. Since IS declared a caliphate on June 29th, recruitment has surged. Syria has drawn in fighters faster than in any past conflict, including the Afghan war in the 1980s or Iraq after the Americans invaded in 2003.

foreign fighters in Syria
Aug. 28, 2014


Headline: ISIS’s Offensive in Syria Shows that U.S. Airstrikes Have Not Blunted Momentum

Secretary of Defense Chuck Hagel told reporters that U.S. airstrikes “have stalled ISIL’s momentum” after two weeks of bombarding ISIS positions in Northern Iraq. The Islamic State of Iraq and al-Sham has not stalled under U.S. pressure.  Rather, since the fall of Mosul and despite U.S. airstrikes, the insurgent army has continued a successful and spectacular offensive in Syria. Their gains nearly equal in scale the seizure of northern Iraq in June.  The insurgent army’s latest triumph is the capture of Assad’s Tabqa air base in Eastern Syria.
Aug. 28, 2014


Headline: Experts: ISIS makes up to $3 million daily in oil sales

Militants of the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria (ISIS) are making an estimated $3 million a day by selling crude oil captured from Iraq and Syria in black markets, experts say. ISIS militants have seized a number of oilfields in Iraq and Syria over the past few months, and are now selling crude oil to finance their self-declared “caliphate.” Analysts suggest that oil from areas under ISIS control is being sold at less than half of its international prices. Iraqi oil industry officials estimate that ISIS raises more than $2 million a day form crude oil sails. But U.S. estimations suggest the militant group makes is cashing in about $3 million a day. It is believed that ISIS is selling crude oil at prices ranging from $25 per barrel to $60 per barrel, which amounts to almost half of the international crude oil price, averaged at $102 as of Wednesday. “They sell it for $30 a barrel because it’s a black market. It’s not pegged to international standards for oil prices, which are over $100 a barrel,” Theodore Karasik, director of research and consultancy at the Institute for Near East and Gulf Military Analysis, told ABC News. 
Aug. 28, 2014


Psalm 83

Listed below are the nations which will attack Israel from Ezekiel chapter 38 and their modern day names (see chart above). 

Gog is the leader of the Russian invasion of Israel.

Magog, Meshech, and Tubal comprise modern day Russia.

Persia is Iran, parts of northern Iraq, and Afghanistan.

Cush is Ethiopia and Sudan.

Put is Libya and will most likely include Tunisia, Algeria, and Morocco.

Gomer is Eastern Germany.

Beth Togarmah is Turkey and Armenia.


Headline: Over 1,000 Russian troops operating in Ukraine: NATO

Headline: Two columns of Russian tanks enter Ukraine as border guards retreat

Headline: Germany and US voice concern on Russian troops in Ukraine

Headline: Russia denies rumors of ‘invasion’ of Ukraine

Well over 1,000 Russian troops are operating inside Ukraine, marking a significant escalation of Moscow’s military involvement in the country, NATO said on Thursday. The alliance released satellite images it said showed Russian combat forces, armed with heavy weapons, engaged in military operations inside Ukrainian territory. “Over the past two weeks we have noted a significant escalation in both the level and sophistication of Russia’s military interference in Ukraine,” Dutch Brigadier-General Nico Tak, head of NATO’s crisis management centre, told reporters at NATO’s military headquarters near Mons, Belgium. “We assess well over 1,000 Russian troops are now operating inside Ukraine,” he said. “They are supporting separatists (and) fighting with them.”
Aug. 28, 2014





Headline: U.N. Security Council to hold emergency session on Ukraine

Headline: Ukraine: Troop movements will no longer be publicized after Russian attacks

The United Nations Security Council announced it will convene an emergency session on Thursday to discuss the situation in Ukraine. U.K. Ambassador to the U.N. Mark Lyall Grant said that Security Council members plan to ask Russian Ambassador Vitaly Churkin why Russian soldiers have entered Ukraine. An estimated 1,000 Russian soldiers have reportedly crossed Ukraine’s southern border to join Russian-backed separatists in their fight against Ukrainian forces. “Such actions taken by the Russian Federation are a gross violation of fundamental principles of international law and agreements reached at international meetings. These actions openly violate Ukraine’s sovereignty and territorial integrity, and undermine security across the entire region,” Lithuania’s foreign ministry wrote in its request that “the United Nations Security Council discuss this matter immediately.” Meanwhile, The Ukrainian government announced Thursday that “all information about the movements of the military forces of Ukraine will not be made public,” in response to an attack by Russian forces on Ukrainian troops after their military advance was publicly reported.
Aug. 28, 2014



Headline: Shelling kills 11 people in Ukraine’s Donetsk

Headline: Pro-Russians capture key coastal town in Ukraine

At least 11 people have been killed in the eastern Ukrainian city of Donetsk by the government troops’ shelling.Donetsk residents said on Thursday that ten people were killed in a cultural center fire due to a shell explosion and 22 others were injured. A worker of Ukraine’s DTEK energy holding was also killed in the shelling. The city’s regional hospital was badly damaged on late Wednesday. According to local residents, a day before the shelling, they saw a drone hovering over the area. Ukrainian aircraft have been flying over Donetsk since early Thursday and the residents expect new airstrikes today.
Aug. 28, 2014




Headline: Iran speeds weapons deliveries to US ally in Iraq

Headline: Russia sees chance to lift Iran sanctions through international talks

U.S. officials are taking a wary view of the disclosure this week that Iran – one of four countries the United States accuses of supporting terrorism – has begun arming the Kurdish Regional Government in northern Iraq, as the Kurds scramble to combat the threat posed by ISIS. ISIS, also known as the Islamic State, has seized large swaths of territory in Syria and Iraq, and recently came close to overrunning Erbil, the capital of the KRG in the semi-autonomous Kurdish region. It was the immediate threat to Erbil, where the U.S. has a number of diplomats stationed, that prompted President Obama to launch airstrikes against ISIS. While the Kurds are grateful for American intervention, they also say the central Iraqi government in Baghdad has starved them of cash and military hardware in this time of grave threat. “We asked for weapons and Iran was the first country to provide us with weapons and ammunition,” KRG President Massoud Barzani said during an appearance in Erbil on Tuesday with Iran’s foreign minister. The State Department said it could not confirm the weapons deliveries but indicated that Washington regards the development with apprehension. “I think we’ve expressed concerns in the past about the reports of Iranian flow of arms into Iraq,” spokesperson Jen Psaki told reporters on Tuesday. “That would apply here as well.”
Aug. 28, 2014




Headline: War News for Thursday, August 28, 2014

Reported security incidents
#1: Suspected militants on Thursday opened fire on three tankers in Balochistan’s Mastung district, police said. Amir Hamza, a police official told Dawn that four gunmen on two motorcycles opened fire at the tankers carrying fuel for Nato troops deployed in Afghanistan near Mastung bazaar. He said one tanker caught fire, whereas drivers of the other two tankers sped away.

#2: Two security personnel were injured on Thursday in a bomb blast near the Pak Afghan border in Mohmand Agency. According to official sources, the security forces’ vehicle was targeted with a remote-controlled Improvised Explosive Device (IED) near the Elbow Kandaow area of Mohmand Agency.

#3: Units of Afghan security forces have killed 21 Taliban militants in Chardara and Khanabad district in the northern Kunduz province, 250 km north of Kabul, over the past two days, provincial police chief Mustafa Mohseni said Thursday.

#4: Thirty-five armed Taliban including eight Pakistani insurgents were killed in a military operation in Urozgan province. The operation continued since three days in Shaheed Hasas district, eight other insurgents were also wounded.

#5: Armed Taliban shot dead head of Ulema council of Nangarhar province.

#6: The ANA forces conducted separate operations in vicinities of Maidan-Wardak, Helmand, Kandahar and  Paktia provinces, killed 11 insurgents. Likewise, three ANA forces were martyred in explosion of a roadside mine and two others killed in a clash by insurgents in the operations.

#7: Six armed Taliban militants were killed in recent clashes in Ghazni province last night. The clashes occurred in suburb of Ghazni city, two other insurgents were also wounded.

#8: At least three Afghan National Army (ANA) soldiers were martyred following improvised explosive device (IED) explosion.

#9: Unknown gunmen assassinated the municipal court chief for western Farah province of Afghanistan on Wednesday.



Headline:   Ethiopia: Become a major force for peace and stability in the Horn Of Africa


comment***This is interesting, as Ethiopia is NOT a member of the Arab League but it IS listed as part of Cush in the Ezekiel War


Regional safety and security cooperation issues.  The Ethiopian minister of Foreign affairs Tedros Adhanom met with Ambassador Saleh Sahboun, of the  Arab League  to Ethiopia and the Arab League’s Permanent Representative to the African Union (AU) and UNECA . The mojor diplomatic discussions centered on elevating relations between Ethiopia and the League of Arab States to new level, building on past achievements and expediting the practical cooperation based on win-win outcomes and common benefits between the League and Ethiopia. The Ethiopian minister of Foreign affairs Tedros welcomed Ambassador Saleh, and noted the friendship and historic ties existing between Ethiopia and the Arab world. He underlined the importance of seizing the present developmental opportunities created in Ethiopia in order to raise relations to a new height for the benefit of all. Ambassador Saleh Sahboun delivered a message from Dr. Nabil Elaraby, Secretary General of the League of Arab States, to Dr. Tedros Adhanom, referring to intensifying the existing cooperative partnership for mutual advancement and common prosperity. The Ethiopian minister of Foreign affairs said the League of Arab States was committed to cooperate with Ethiopia with the view to build a better tomorrow. He also appreciated IGAD’s role as an advocate for lasting peace and prosperity in the region.
Aug. 28, 2014



Headline: South Sudan Rebels Explain Refusal to Sign Cease-fire Agreement

A South Sudanese rebel official said there can be no lasting peace in the country as long as President Salva Kiir is at the helm of government. Ezekiel Lol Gatkuoth, former South Sudanese ambassador to the United States, said Kiir is a symbol of disunity that does not enjoy the support of majority of South Sudanese. There were reports Monday that the warring parties had signed a cessation of hostilities agreement, but in a statement issued Thursday the rebels said they were not part of the negotiations and that their leader, former Vice President Riek Machar, did not sign the agreement. Gatkuoth said mediators of the regional group Inter-Governmental Authority on Development (IGAD) presented a blank document to Machar to sign, but he refused to do so without the text.
Aug. 28, 2014





Headline: South Sudan Rebels Explain Refusal to Sign Cease-fire Agreement

A South Sudanese rebel official said there can be no lasting peace in the country as long as President Salva Kiir is at the helm of government. Ezekiel Lol Gatkuoth, former South Sudanese ambassador to the United States, said Kiir is a symbol of disunity that does not enjoy the support of majority of South Sudanese. There were reports Monday that the warring parties had signed a cessation of hostilities agreement, but in a statement issued Thursday the rebels said they were not part of the negotiations and that their leader, former Vice President Riek Machar, did not sign the agreement. Gatkuoth said mediators of the regional group Inter-Governmental Authority on Development (IGAD) presented a blank document to Machar to sign, but he refused to do so without the text.
Aug. 28, 2014



Headline: Turkey’s Erdogan is inaugurated as president

Headline: Turkish police fire teargas at protesters after Erdogan sworn in

Recep Tayyip Erdogan has been officially sworn in as Turkish president after winning the country’s first public vote for head of state. Mr Erdogan, who served three terms as PM, has vowed to give more power to the previously ceremonial post. Critics of Mr Erdogan say the move will make him more authoritarian. Opposition MPs walked out of the ceremony. Outgoing Foreign Minister Ahmet Davutoglu is set to be PM after being elected head of the governing AK Party. Mr Erdogan promised in his presidential oath to protect Turkey’s independence and integrity, to honour the constitution and adhere to the principles of the founder of modern Turkey, Mustafa Kemal Ataturk. Meanwhile, urkish police fired teargas and water cannon to disperse protesters in central Istanbul who sought to march in protest at Tayyip Erdogan’s swearing in as Turkey’s president on Thursday. Around 200 protesters gathered in the tourist district of Taksim, chanting slogans against Erdogan and carrying banners saying “Presidency cannot wash away corruption or theft”, local media reported.
Aug. 28, 2014



Headline: Turkish guards capture woman wearing explosive belt at Syrian border

On Wednesday, Turkish border guards neutralized an explosive belt a woman was carrying in attempt to enter the Syrian territory near the town of Ras al-Ain (Sere Kaniye) in al-Hasakah province, in northeastern Syria. The woman was reportedly seeking to carry out an operation against the Kurdish forces of the Popular Protection Units (YPG) inside the Syrian city of Sere Kaniye. According to the Turkish newspaper Today’s Zaman, the woman was trying to enter the Syrian territory through Jaylan Pinar crossing at the Syrian-Turkish border-line, when the Turkish border guards discovered the explosive belt which the woman was wrapping around her waist “to carry out an operation against the YPG fighters in Sere Kaniye city”. The identity of the woman was not disclosed. The Syrian authorities repeatedly accused Turkey of hosting Islamists and facilitating their entry into Syria to join the three-year conflict and fight the regime of President Bashar al-Assad.
Aug. 28, 2014




turkey armenia











Headline:   Opposition Criticizes Armenian Attendence at Erdogan’s Inauguration

comment***No surprise for us, as it was for everyone else: Turkey and Armenia are Beth Togarmah in the Ezekiel War




nation against nationCooltextprophecysignLuke 21:9 and Matthew 24:7 speak of nation against nation and kingdom against kingdom in the end times. Revelation 6:3-4 speaks of the fiery red horse given power to make men slay one another and Revelation 6:8 speaks again of this red horse in conjunction with the pale horse of Death and Hades, as the one that has the power to kill by sword.  Luke 21:9: wars & commotions; the Greek word here is Akatastasia, meaning instability, a state of disorder, disturbance, confusion (revolutions)   Matthew 24:7: the Greek word for nation is Ethnos & refers to various ethnic groups fighting among themselves, where the next sentence in the verse refers to kingdoms (basileiva) fighting one another (not to be confused with an actual kingdom but rather the right or authority to rule over a kingdom)

Headline: Houthis hold fresh anti-government demo in Sana’a Yemen

Headline: Yemeni police kill pro-secession protester in Aden

Headline: Yemen’s President Blames Iran for Inciting Conflict

Supporters of Yemen’s Shia Houthi movement have held a massive protest rally in the capital, Sana’a, calling on the country’s transitional government to relinquish power. Tens of thousands of Houthis and their supporters defied an earlier warning by the government to disperse and took to the streets in Sana’a on Thursday, calling on the transitional administration to quit power. The outraged participants accused the government of corruption and marginalizing the country’s Shia Muslim community. The protesters also threatened that they would intensify their pressure should Sana’a refuses to meet their demands, chanting, “We will not back away. Our people will step up the pressure.” The demonstrators also held a sit-in near the country’s main airport amid the latest wave of anti-government protests. The large gathering was held a day after Yemeni President Abd Rabbuh Mansur Hadi warned Houthi anti-government protesters, saying that the United States and its allies oppose the group’s show of force.
Aug. 28, 2014




star222222333333_thumb2.jpgCooltextprophecysignEconomic collapse Revelation 6:5-6 & James 5:1-3– Worldwide “ When He opened the third seal, I heard the third living creature say, “Come and see.” So I looked, and behold, a black horse, and he who sat on it had a pair of scales in his hand. And I heard a voice in the midst of the four living creatures saying, “A quart of wheat for a denarius, and three quarts of barley for a denarius; and do not harm the oil and the wine.” (Revelation) “Come now, you rich, weep and howl for your miseries that are coming upon you! Your riches are corrupted, and your garments are moth-eaten. Your gold and silver are corroded, and their corrosion will be a witness against you and will eat your flesh like fire. You have heaped up treasure in the last days.” (James)

Headline: Two experts warn correction could total 60%

Markets could soon face a fall of up to 60 percent, two experts told CNBC on Wednesday. A jolt to international confidence in central banks will lead to a 30 to 60 percent market decline, David Tice, president of Tice Capital and founder of the Prudent Bear Fund, told CNBC’s “Power Lunch.” When this happens, he said, markets will face a “period of extreme turmoil.” This crash will be precipitated, he said, by a disillusionment with the Federal Reserve’s “confidence game,” which will then see inflation rise, and the Fed scramble to raise rates. At that point, Tice added, “the Fed starts to lose control.” Another market watcher also called for an impending fall. The Fed’s low interest rates could bring a “scary” 50-60 percent market correction, said technical analyst Abigail Doolittle. “Unfortunately, I think it could come on a crash similar to what happened in 2007,” Doolittle, the founder of Peak Theories Research, said on “Squawk Box” a day after the S&P 500 closed above the 2,000 level for the first time ever. “It’s tough to know what the exact catalyst will be. But that’s the very nature of that kind of selloff. They start slowly and then happen very suddenly.”
Aug. 28, 2014


Headline: Petro-dollar era is officially over as Gazprom begins sales in Yuan and Rouble

comment***See again what I wrote yesterday about the Dinar- this all ties together (2nd link)


Aug. 27 will officially go down as a red letter day in the history of reserve currencies and dollar hegemony in how oil and gas are purchased throughout the world. In a new announcement from the Russian business media source, Kommersant, Gazprom has conducted the first sale of oil in a currency other than the dollar, and will henceforth open their purchase window to accept both Roubles and Yuan for the exchange of oil and gas products. Beginning today with an 80000 ton oil shipment from their Arctic fields, Gazprom Neft agreed to new terms on the sale and transfer of oil through the Eastern Siberian-Pacific Ocean pipeline (ESPO) to China, and facilitating the future sale of oil and gas to both Europe and China through a currency other than the dollar. And although this is not the first real transaction for oil done outside the petro-dollar, as this occurred covertly by Iran for gold during the days of economic sanctions, it is the first official global offering by a major oil producer and will likely bring an end to the solitary system of nations being forced to buy dollars first before buying oil from producers such as OPEC and Russia.
Aug. 27, 2014



Ebola-virus-pink-jpgCooltextprophecysignPestilence & Plagues Luke 21:11 & Revelation 6:8 “And there will be great earthquakes in various places, and famines and pestilences; and there will be fearful sights and great signs from heaven.” (Luke) “So I looked, and behold, a pale horse. And the name of him who sat on it was Death, and Hades followed with him. And power was given to them over a fourth of the earth, to kill with sword, with hunger, with death (Thanatos in Greek meaning the death of the body whether natural or violent), and by the beasts of the earth” (Revelation)

Headline: WHO: Over 20,000 could be infected with Ebola

Headline: World ‘has never seen an outbreak of Ebola like this’

Headline: Liberia troops fire on protesters as West Africa’s Ebola toll hits 1,350

Headline: Nigeria reports two new cases of Ebola

More than 20,000 people could be infected by the current outbreak of the Ebola virus, the World Health Organisation said. They said the actual number of cases in four West African nations could already be two to four times higher than the reported 3,069, as they issued a strategic plan to combat the outbreak. They said: “The actual number of cases may be 2-4 fold higher than that currently reported.” They added that their road map “acknowledges that the aggregate case load of Ebola Virus Disease could exceed 20,000 over the course of this emergency.” They said: “Response activities must be adapted in areas of very intense transmission and particular attention must be given to stopping transmission in capital cities and major ports, thereby facilitating the larger response and relief effort.”
Aug. 28, 2014





Headline: Brain-eating amoeba found in Louisiana St. John Parish water system, state health agency reports

The water system in Reserve, Garyville and Mount Airy has tested positive for a potentially deadly brain-eating bacteria, the state Department of Health and Hospitals said Wednesday. Officials say the Naegleria fowleri amoeba was found in samples taken from St. John the Baptist Parish’s Water District No. 1, which serves 12,577 people in those east bank communities. There are no known cases of illness from the bacteria. But officials warned residents to take precautions against getting water in their nasal passages, which is how the amoeba can move to the brain. “Families can take simple steps to protect themselves from exposure to this amoeba, the most important being to avoid allowing water to go up your nose while bathing or swimming in a pool,” state health officer Jimmy Guidry. “It is important to remember that the water is safe to drink; the amoeba cannot infect an individual through the stomach.” The St. John public school system has ordered water fountains turned off at all schools and was taping them up, school system spokeswoman Jennifer Boquet said.
Aug. 27, 2014


Headline:  HealthMap

Global leader in utilizing online informal sources for disease outbreak monitoring and real-time surveillance of emerging public health threats. The freely available Web site ‘healthmap.org’ and mobile app ‘Outbreaks Near Me’ deliver real-time intelligence on a broad range of emerging infectious diseases for a diverse audience including libraries, local health departments, governments, and international travelers.


no_christians_image CooltextprophecysignPersecutionMatthew 24:9 & Revelation 6:9 “Then they will deliver you up to tribulation and kill you, and you will be hated by all nations for My name’s sake.” (Matthew) “When He opened the fifth seal, I saw under the altar the souls of those who had been slain for the word of God and for the testimony which they held.” (Revelation)

Headline:   Chinese pastor faces decade in prison for resisting church crackdown

A Chinese pastor faces up to 10 years in prison for “gathering to assault a state organ”, having condemned state officials attempting to remove his church’s cross. Huang Yizi, 40, was arrested by police from his home in Wenzhou on August 2, the Telegraph reports. His arrest is thought to be in connection with arranging a protest against the removal of the cross from Salvation church, Wenzhou. It follows a crackdown on a number of churches in Zhejiang province in eastern China. There were several threats to remove the church’s cross throughout July, and on 21 July 1,000 church members formed a human shield around the building. About 50 church members were injured in a clash with police, who beat back the protestors with electric batons. Despite their attempts, the cross was eventually removed by state police on August 14. Since January, state officials have removed crosses from at least 229 churches. Some churches have been entirely demolished, and the government has issued demolition notices to more than 100 churches. Pastor Huang had criticised the demolitions on a blog, saying they were an example of “severe persecution” and an “insult” to China’s Christians. In an interview with the South China Morning Post before his detention, Huang said he was prepared to face jail for his faith.
Aug. 27, 2014


666increase in knowledgeCooltextprophecysignIncrease in Knowledge/Mark of the Beast Daniel 12:4 and Revelation 13:16-17 “But you, Daniel, shut up the words, and seal the book until the time of the end; many shall run to and fro, and knowledge shall increase.” (Daniel) “He causes all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and slave, to receive a mark on their right hand or on their foreheads, 17 and that no one may buy or sell except one who has the mark or the name of the beast, or the number of his name.” (Revelation)

Headline:     Mouse memories ‘flipped’ from fearful to cheerful

By artificially activating circuits in the brain, scientists have turned negative memories into positive ones. They gave mice bad memories of a place, then made them good – or vice versa – without ever returning to that place. Neurons storing the “place” memory were re-activated in a different emotional context, modifying the association. Applying this technique to traumatic human memories appears unlikely, but the work sheds new light on precisely how emotional memories form and change. The research is published in the journal Nature. “Emotion is intimately associated with memories of past events and episodes, and yet the ‘valence’ – the emotional value of the memories – is malleable,” said the study’s senior author Prof Susumu Tonegawa, from the Riken-MIT Center for Neural Circuit Genetics in Massachusetts, US. He offered examples of a mugging, or a blissful holiday, which might make you fearful of a particular street, or fond of a beach.
Aug. 27, 2014


Luke 21-25CooltextprophecysignMatthew 24:7 “For nation shall rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom: and there shall be famines, and pestilences, and earthquakes, in divers places. Luke 21:11 And great earthquakes shall be in divers places, and famines, and pestilences; and fearful sights and great signs shall there be from heaven.” Luke21:25 “And there will be signs in the sun, in the moon, and in the stars; and on the earth distress of nations, with perplexity, the sea and the waves roaring”

japan 5.8

Headline: What’s erupting? List & map of currently active volcanoes


Frank Watchman

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