Is all well with the oil spill problems?/Signs of both the Psalm 83 war and the Ezekiel war/Aug. 4, 2010



Download The Last Chronicles of Planet Earth July 11, 2010 Edition by Frank DiMora

If the Lord leads via His Holy Spirit to help me print more books I would be blessed.   P.O. Box 732, Lompoc Ca. 93438

Today’s news tells us that all is well with the Gulf oil spill, or is it really?   I am not sure if what I am seeing is true or not but the pictures were suppose to come from the Deep Wall Water Horizon.   Could the Gulf really be in for a massive explosion from gas that is raising from the ocean floor?  I am asking anyone who is a geologist, or who works as a oil engineer to please contact me and give me your input to what we see in this video.  My email address is  If you are a professional in either fields and would like to do a radio show with me on my International radio show please email me ASAP.  


Russia is highly concerned over the bloodshed on the Israeli-Lebanese border, a spokesman for Russian Foreign Ministry said on Wednesday. On Tuesday, a bloody skirmish which saw Israeli and Lebanese soldiers exchanging fire along the northernmost section of the border killed a senior Israeli officer and four Lebanese, including three servicemen and a journalist. "Russia calls for all sides to adhere strictly to the armistice proclaimed by the UN Security Council Resolution 1701 [that prohibits among other things the storing of weapons at the Lebanese-Israeli border],"the ministry said in the statement. In the four years since the Israeli-Hezbollah war in 2006, northern Israel has seen several rocket attacks by Lebanese-based terrorist organizations, but there have been no cases of confrontation between the regular army forces of both countries.”

“Russia carriers seen docking in Syria by 2013”

MOSCOW — Russia is proceeding with plans to enable major warships to anchor in Syria. Officials said the Russian Navy has overseen a project to expand its facilities in Syria. They said the effort was meant to allow aircraft carriers and missile cruisers to anchor in the Syrian port of Tartous by 2013. "Tartous will be developed as a naval base," Russian Navy commander Adm. Vladimir Vysotsky said. “ “Officials said Russia has sought to expand its military presence in Syria, a major ally during the Cold War. They said Tartous as well Latakia required a major upgrade as part of Moscow's efforts to increase naval patrols in the Mediterranean and Arabian Gulf.

Hizbollah threatens to join violence on Lebanese border with Israel” Hizbollah has threatened to get involved a violent battle on Lebanon's border with Israel, sparking fears that tensions in the region could spiral out of control. Five people were killed in the clash along the Blue Line, the historically volatile frontier between the two states. The unrest was the most serious since Israel invaded southern Lebanon four years ago. In response, Hizbollah leader Sheikh Hassan Nasrallah said his militants would not "stand idle". Lebanon has also upped the stakes, saying it would retaliate in the event of new Israeli "provocation".


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