America in decline/ July 30, 2010

America in decline. Proof gold is going to increase in price and America is going to see her dollar collapse. This collapse is going to help give rise to the Antichrist.  The last world empire is coming and it is not the USA, it is a revived Roman Empire.  Get ready while you can and be smart with the money you have.  Those who teach the US is the revived Roman empire will soon see they were misdirected. The Antichrist comes from this revived Roman Empire not the USA. For complete information on this subject read chapter 2 of my free prophecy documentary. Click to the link and download today for FREE.  Some time ago I warned that the wars the US are in will help collapse the United States in the same way Russia fell when they were engaged in their war against Afghanistan. This new video helps prove I was correct in this warning.

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