The Coming of the Son of Man- Prophecy Signs for November 3, 2014


Frank DiMora P.O. Box 732, Lompoc Ca. 93436

indexBible prophecy documentary book download proving our generation will see the return of the Lord. Do you want to know what is going to happen in the future before it actually takes place? The Word of God provides you with specific details about our future and all of these things are coming to pass in this generation. If you aren’t saved yet this is a must read! Please don’t forget to subscribe to receive my daily prophecy up-dates. The Last Chronicles of Planet Earth November 2, 2014 Edition written by Frank DiMora. 

November 2014


caution-signI must caution you: there are links used to report events below that you should use extreme caution in viewing- they are anti-Israel sites and Arabic media sites.




Headline:   Netanyahu Holds Secret Meeting with Abdullah over Temple Mount

Headline: PA warns against continued visits to Temple Mount by Jewish ‘extremists and settlers’

Kuwaiti newspaper Al Jarida reported Monday morning that Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu held a secret meeting with Jordan’s King Abdullah II on Saturday, in the Jordanian capital of Amman. The meeting was intended to try and calm inflamed tensions in Jerusalem, following the temporary decision to stop all visits to the Temple Mount last week. That decision was made following the assassination attempt against Temple Mount activist Yehuda Glick on Wednesday, who championed the struggle for Jewish prayer rights at the holiest site in Judaism. According to the report, as cited by Channel 2‘s website, Netanyahu told Abdullah at the meeting that he is considering blocking Jews from entering the Temple Mount. In addition, Netanyahu reportedly said that Israel will take “new steps” regarding the entry of visitors to the Temple Mount, but the newspaper did not say what they would be. After the meeting, Abdullah reportedly spoke with Palestinian Authority (PA) Chairman Mahmoud Abbas and filled him in on its results. Abbas commended Netanyahu on Sunday after the Israeli leader called for calm in Jerusalem. “Today, a statement was issued by the government of Israel and the prime minister of Israel, according to which there is a need for calm, and we support calm,” said Abbas.
Nov. 3, 2014



Headline: Israeli leaders livid over Abbas condolence letter

Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas has outraged Israeli leaders by calling the attempted assassin of a Jewish ultra-rightwing rabbi a “martyr” and the soldiers who killed him “terrorist gangs.” Abbas on Sunday sent a letter of condolence to the family of 32-year-old Muataz Hijazi, killed by Israeli police who said he had tried to murder Yehuda Glick.
In his letter, Abbas expressed his “anger and condemnation after news of the criminal, despicable assassination by the Israeli occupation army’s terrorist gangs of Muataz Ibrahim Khalil Hijazi, who died a martyr defending the rights of our people and the holy places.” Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, in a statement released late on Sunday, condemned the Palestinian leader’s remarks. Foreign Minister Avigdor Lieberman said the letter of condolences to Hijazi’s family showed that Abbas was “a partner of terrorism, terrorists and murderers.”
Nov. 3, 2014

Headline: U.S. slams Israel’s ‘unfortunate’ building plan in East Jerusalem

Headline: Egypt condemns Israel’s decision to build 500 settlement units in E.Jerusalem

The United States on Monday condemned the Jerusalem District Planning and Construction Committee’s decision to promote a construction plan for hundreds of new housing units in the Ramat Shlomo neighborhood, beyond the Green Line. “It is unfortunate that after the unequivocal and unanimous position last week of the international community, opposing construction in East Jerusalem, at this sensitive time the Israeli authorities chose to move forward,” said Jen Psaki, State Department Spokesman. “We continue to engage at the highest level with the Israeli government to make our position absolutely clear – that we view settlement activity as illegitimate and that we unequivocally oppose unilateral steps that prejudge the future of Jerusalem.” The decision “flies in the face of Israel’s statements about commitment to the two-state solution,” Psaki added. The construction plan is one of two in East Jerusalem declared by Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu last week, reportedly as part of the response to Palestinian violence in the capital. The original plan for Ramat Shlomo was for 640 housing units, but the planning committee has only approved 500. The U.S. administration has already condemned construction in both areas. Palestinian chief negotiator Saeb Erekat called the decision “a slap in the face.”
Nov. 3, 2014–settleme.aspx

Headline: Hamas opposes UN involvement in Gaza reconstruction

Hamas is opposed to UN involvement in the reconstruction of the Gaza Strip following Operation Protective Edge and has requested that the Palestinian unity government, rather than the international organization, carry out building projects, a Hamas official said late Sunday night. Deputy head of Hamas’s political bureau Moussa Abu Marzouk claimed that Hamas was never shown the “Serry plan,” named for United Nations Special Coordinator for the Middle East Peace Process Robert Serry, insisting that reconstruction work estimated at billions of dollars remain in Palestinian hands.  A number of officials have claimed that Abu Marzouk agreed to the plan, which is a bald-faced lie, so I say the following: during the indirect negotiations in Cairo we rejected the UN as a recognized party to construction,” Abu Marzouk wrote on his Facebook page, referring to the Egyptian-mediated ceasefire talks between Israel and Hamas in August. “Everyone insisted that the Palestinian Authority, through the national unity government, is to be responsible for construction.” “The international envoy’s plan was never presented to us,” he added.
Nov. 3, 2014 

Psalm 83 Foto Flexer bb_thumb2.jpg

Cooltextprophecysign“Do not keep silent, O God! Do not hold Your peace, And do not be still, O God! For behold, Your enemies make a tumult; And those who hate You have lifted up their head. They have taken crafty counsel against Your people, And consulted together against Your sheltered ones. They have said, “Come, and let us cut them off from being a nation, That the name of Israel may be remembered no more.” (Psalm 83)




Headline: Jordan’s king says he’ll resist ‘unilateral’ Israeli policies in Jerusalem

Jordan’s King Abdullah II denounced Israel’s “unilateral policies” in Jerusalem and called for a resumption of Israeli-Palestinian peace talks in a speech delivered Sunday to Jordan’s parliament. Saying Jerusalem was “watered by the blood and sacrifices of our martyrs,” and calling Israel’s operation in Gaza “vile,” Abdullah lashed out at the Israeli government and said Amman would work in the United Nations to advance the Palestinian cause. “Jordan will continue to confront, through all available means, Israeli unilateral policies and measures in Jerusalem and preserve its Muslim and Christian holy sites, until peace is restored to the land of peace,” he said. Abdullah has been vocal in his criticism of Israeli policies in East Jerusalem over the past several weeks, including reported remarks to Jordanian MPs in which he appeared to equate Israel to the Islamic State jihadist organization. He has also reportedly been working to ensure that the Israeli Knesset does not pass a law that would allow Jews to pray at the Temple Mount.
Nov. 2, 2014


Headline:  Syrian Rebels Want Prisoners in Exchange for Kidnapped Soldiers

Headline:  Syria not inclined to help in Lebanese hostage crisis: report

The Syrian rebel group Al-Nusra Front has offered to free Lebanese soldiers it has captured in exchange for Islamist prisoners held in Syria and Lebanon, Reuters reported Sunday, citing the SITE Intelligence Group. The Al-Qaeda-linked group said in a statement monitored by SITE that it had presented a Qatari negotiator with three proposals for the release of the soldiers, taken when its fighters and militants from the Islamic State (ISIS), which controls parts of Iraq and Syria, briefly seized the border town of Arsal in August. According to the statement, which SITE said was posted on Twitter on Saturday, Nusra asked for the release of 10 “brothers” held in Lebanon, or seven prisoners in Lebanon and 30 female prisoners held in Syria, or six prisoners and 50 female prisoners for each captive soldiers. It was not clear if these proposals also include a number of soldiers held by ISIS. Lebanese officials were not immediately available for comment.
Nov. 3, 2014

Headline:  ISIL overruns U.S.-backed rebels, fights Hezbollah in N. Lebanon

Headline:  Four rockets crash in Bekaa

Islamic State of Iraq and Levant has been engaged in its biggest campaign in Lebanon. Lebanese sources said ISIL deployed 500 fighters in its campaign to seize northern Lebanon. They said ISIL deployed mortars, rocket-propelled grenades and machine guns in a four-day battle with the Lebanese Army backed by Hizbullah around the northern city of Tripoli. “ISIL took heavy losses but most of the fighters managed to flee [Tripoli],” a source said. The sources said the Lebanese Army operation consisted of more than 2,000 soldiers as well as an undetermined number of Hizbullah troops. They said about half of the ISIL force was either captured or killed. Later, Hizbullah battled the Nusra Front for the Defense of the Levant in Syria’s Qalamoun mountains along the Lebanese border. Over the last three months, ISIL was said to have made significant inroads in Lebanon. The sources said ISIL worked with Nusra along the Bekaa Valley as well as the Sunni north near the Syrian border.
Nov. 3, 2014


Headline:  Bombing Targets Troops Near Egypt-Gaza Border

A bomb exploded Monday near Egyptian troops demolishing houses along the border with the Gaza Strip, causing no casualties but prompting authorities to raise security alert levels in the area as Egypt clears a buffer zone to halt weapons smuggling, military officials said. The border town of Rafah and its surrounding areas in the northern part of the Sinai Peninsula have been under a state of emergency for more than a week since an Oct. 24 militant assault killed 31 troops. It was the deadliest attack on Egyptian troops in recent times. No one claimed responsibility for the bombing, but the Northern Sinai has become a stronghold of Islamic militants who have carried out scores of attacks in recent months, mainly targeting soldiers and police. Despite a nearly yearlong military offensive, the insurgency has expanded at times to reach Cairo and other cities.
Nov. 3, 2014

   Damascus ISIS
Syria Iraq ISIS- the Islamic State of Iraq and Sham (the Levant) ISIS=ISIL=IS=Daash

Syria    IraqKurdistan


Iraq                              Syria                          Kurdistan

Syria Headline: Syrian rebels trained by US defect to Al-Qaeda after receiving weapons from America to fight ISIS, Assad

Two of the main rebel groups receiving weapons from America to fight both the regime and jihadist groups in Syria have surrendered to Al-Qaeda. The U.S. and its allies were relying on Harakat Hazm and the Syrian Revolutionary Front to become part of a ground force that would attack the Islamic State of Iraq and Al-Sham (ISIS). For the past six months the Hazm movement, and the SRF through them, had been receiving heavy weapons from the U.S.-led coalition, including Grad rockets and Tow anti-tank missiles. But on Saturday night, Harakat Hazm surrendered military bases and weapons supplies to Jabhat Al-Nusra, when fighters from the Al-Qaeda affiliate in Syria stormed villages they controlled in northern Idlib province. It came a day after Jabhat Al-Nusra dealt a final blow to the SRF, capturing Deir Sinbal, home town of the group’s leader, Jamal Marouf. The attack caused the group, which had already lost its territory in the Syrian city of Hama to Al-Qaeda, to surrender. “As a movement, the SRF is effectively finished,” said Aymen al-Tammimi, a Syria analyst. “Nusra has driven them out of their strongholds of Idlib and Hama.” The collapse of the SRF and attacks on Harakat Hazm have dramatically weakened the presence of moderate rebel fighting groups in Syria, which, after almost four years of conflict, is becoming a battle ground between the Syrian regime and jihadist organizations. It was not immediately clear if American Tow missiles were among the stockpile surrendered to Jabhat Al-Nusra on Saturday. However, several Jabhat Al-Nusra members on Twitter announced that they were. The loss of a group that had been held up as an example of Western efforts to court moderate rebel factions is a humiliating blow for Washington. In Idlib, Harakat Hazm gave up their positions to Jabhat Al-Nusra “without firing a shot,” according to some reports, and some of the men even defected to the jihadists.
Nov. 3, 2014

Syria Headline:   ISIL says captured 2nd Syrian gas field over past week

The ISIL Takfiri militants claim to have seized another natural gas field in the central Syrian province of Homs after a week of fighting with the army. The Takfiri group posted 18 photos on social media on Monday, showing ISIL flag hoisted in Jahar gas field as well as captured vehicles and armaments. Jahar is the second Syrian gas field captured by the terrorists over the past week after they took over most parts of Sha’ar gas field in Homs on October 30. They also took control of Hayan gas plant, which is considered one of the major gas suppliers to some areas, including Damascus, on Friday. “So after the (Sha’ar) company and the (positions) surrounding it became part of the land of the [so-called] Caliphate, the soldiers advanced, conquering new areas,” the ISIL militant group said in a message. “Yesterday, they tightened control over Jahar village and the Mahr gas pumping company, and nearly nine (positions) supported by heavy weaponry such as tanks, armored vehicles, and heavy machine guns of various calibers,” it added. The ISIL also claimed to have seized two tanks, seven four-wheel drive cars and several heavy machine guns. Media outlets have not independently confirmed the news due to security restrictions.
Nov. 3, 2014

Syria Headline:   Peshmerga, Syrian rebels battle Islamic State in besieged Kobani

Iraqi Kurdish peshmerga fighters and moderate Syrian rebels bombarded Islamic State positions in Kobani on Monday, but it was unclear if their arrival would turn the tide in the battle for the besieged Syrian border town. Kobani has become a symbolic test of the U.S.-led coalition’s ability to halt the advance of Islamic State, which has poured weapons and fighters into its assault of the town that has lasted more than a month. The battle has deflected attention from significant gains elsewhere in Syria by Islamic State, which has seized two gas fields within a week from President Bashar al-Assad’s forces in the center of the country. In Iraq, the group has executed more than 300 members of a Sunni tribe that dared oppose it last week, after seizing the tribe’s village in the Euphrates valley west of Baghdad. On Monday a member of the tribe said another 36 members had been executed in the provincial capital Anbar. For now, the eyes of the world have been on Kobani, where weeks of fighting have taken place within full view of the Turkish border, causing outrage among Kurds in Turkey who blamed their government for doing too little to help defend the town. The arrival in Kobani of the Iraqi Kurdish peshmerga and additional Syrian Free Syrian Army (FSA) fighters in recent days has escalated efforts to defend the town after weeks of U.S.-led air strikes slowed but did not reverse the Islamists’ advance.
Nov. 3, 2014

Syria Headline:   Control of Terrain in Syria: October 30, 2014

Syria Headline:  Syrian Observatory for Human Rights

Iraq Headline:  Iraq on High Security Alert Ahead of Ashura Rites

Iraq is on high security alert amid a wave of bombs targeting Shi’ite pilgrims heading to the holy city of Karbala for the annual Ashura commemoration. Sunni Islamic State militants (ISIS) claimed responsibility Monday for two attacks a day earlier in Baghdad that killed 23 people. The insurgents said that despite the government’s tight security they carried out the attacks against what they described as the Shi’ites’ “biggest infidel event.” Iraqi authorities say three more bomb explosions killed another 10 people Monday, including two soldiers. One Iraqi police official said Baghdad’s forces are on “a state of high alert” and guarding against attacks on the 100-kilometer trip from the capital to Karbala. Ashura, peaking on Tuesday, commemorates the 7th century death of one of Shi’ite Islam’s revered figures, Prophet Muhammad’s grandson Hussein, and marks the rift between Shi’ite and Sunni Islam.
Nov. 3, 2014

Iraq Headline: ISIL executes 322 Sunni tribe members: Iraqi ministry

At least 322 members of an Iraqi Sunni tribe have been killed by Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant militants in northern Iraq, the Iraqi Ministry of Human Rights said on Monday. The executions of the Sunni Albu Nimr tribe’s members took place in the Hit district of northern Anbar province, the Ministry said in a statement. Women and children were among those executed, the statement said. More than 65 members of the tribe were being held hostage as “prisoners of war,” according to the Ministry.
Nov. 3, 2014–isil-executes-322-sunni-tribe-members-iraqi-ministry


Iraq Headline: ISIS fighters abseil from Mosul bridge into heavy traffic

Islamic State of Iraq and Syria (ISIS) militants have been pictured practicing abseiling down a bridge in the city of Mosul, the group’s largest Iraqi stronghold – while cars and trucks drive casually by. The pictures, taken near the city center, also show many of the masked militants toting assault rifles. The military exercises come around the same time that after ISIS militants beheaded eight Syrian rebels who had surrendered in a town on the border with Iraq last week despite pledges of an amnesty, a monitor said Monday. Days earlier, the group – which controls large swathes of Iraq and Syria – killed over 300 tribesmen, women and children in Iraq’s Anbar province. The systematic killings, which one tribal leader said were continuing on Sunday, marked some of the worst bloodshed in Iraq since the Sunni militants swept through the north in June with the aim of establishing medieval caliphate there and in Syria.
Nov. 3, 2014

Iraq Headline:   ISW Iraq Situation Report Nov. 1-2, 2014

Kurdish Headline: Kurdish rebel leader says U.S. could mediate in Turkey talks

Kurdish separatist fighters want an international mediator, possibly the United States, to help get peace talks with Turkey back on track and avert an escalation of their insurgency, the head of the group’s political wing told an Austrian newspaper. Cemil Bayik, a founding member of the Kurdistan Workers Party (PKK) and its most senior figure at liberty, also reiterated accusations that Turkey was waging a proxy war against the Kurds in neighboring Syria by backing Islamist rebels fighting them in the north of that country. Syria’s civil war has complicated Turkey’s efforts to make peace with its own Kurds but Ankara strongly denies backing any Islamist faction against the Kurds in Syria and has held regular talks with the head of a Syrian Kurdish group close to the PKK. Around 30 million Kurds live in the Middle East but lack a state of their own and are spread across Turkey, Syria, Iraq and Iran. They make up about a fifth of Turkey’s total population. “There can be no solution with war, so there has to be a political solution (in the PKK’s conflict with Turkey),” Bayik told Der Standard newspaper in an interview published on Monday.
Nov. 3, 2014


Psalm 83

Listed below are the nations which will attack Israel from Ezekiel chapter 38 and their modern day names (see chart above). 

Gog is the leader of the Russian invasion of Israel.

Magog, Meshech, and Tubal comprise modern day Russia.

Persia is Iran, parts of northern Iraq, and Afghanistan.

Cush is Ethiopia and Sudan.

Put is Libya and will most likely include Tunisia, Algeria, and Morocco.

Gomer is Eastern Germany.

Beth Togarmah is Turkey and Armenia. 


Headline:  Ukraine crisis deepens after rebel elections in the east

Pro-Russian separatists in Ukraine named a leader of a breakaway republic on Monday after weekend elections which was denounced by Kiev and the West and further deepened a standoff with Russia over the future of the former Soviet state. Organizers of the vote said that Alexander Zakharchenko, a 38-year-old former mining electrician, had easily won election as head of the “Donetsk People’s Republic”, an entity proclaimed by armed rebels in the days after they seized key buildings in cities of Ukraine’s Russian-speaking east last April. A rebel representative said Igor Plotnisky had won a majority in a similar election in Luhansk, a smaller self-proclaimed pro-Russian entity further east. The rogue votes, which Kiev says Russia encouraged, could create a new “frozen conflict” in post-Soviet Europe and further threaten the territorial unity of Ukraine, which lost control of its Crimean peninsula in March when it was annexed by Russia. Kiev and the West will now be looking to see if Russian President Vladimir Putin will formally recognize the validity of the vote, despite their entreaties to him not to do so. A Russian deputy foreign minister, Grigory Karasin, made no mention of formal recognition but said the newly elected leadership in eastern Ukraine now had a mandate to negotiate with Kiev.
Nov. 3, 2014



Headline:  Ukraine crisis deepens after rebel elections in the east

Pro-Russian separatists in Ukraine named a leader of a breakaway republic on Monday after weekend elections which was denounced by Kiev and the West and further deepened a standoff with Russia over the future of the former Soviet state. Organizers of the vote said that Alexander Zakharchenko, a 38-year-old former mining electrician, had easily won election as head of the “Donetsk People’s Republic”, an entity proclaimed by armed rebels in the days after they seized key buildings in cities of Ukraine’s Russian-speaking east last April. A rebel representative said Igor Plotnisky had won a majority in a similar election in Luhansk, a smaller self-proclaimed pro-Russian entity further east. The rogue votes, which Kiev says Russia encouraged, could create a new “frozen conflict” in post-Soviet Europe and further threaten the territorial unity of Ukraine, which lost control of its Crimean peninsula in March when it was annexed by Russia. Kiev and the West will now be looking to see if Russian President Vladimir Putin will formally recognize the validity of the vote, despite their entreaties to him not to do so. A Russian deputy foreign minister, Grigory Karasin, made no mention of formal recognition but said the newly elected leadership in eastern Ukraine now had a mandate to negotiate with Kiev.
Nov. 3, 2014



****Clicking on the UNDERLINED sections will take you to the news link

Headline:   War News for Monday, Nov. 3, 2014

Reported security incidents
#1: An AFP report says that a deputy provincial governor in Kandahar in Afghanistan has been shot dead while he was attending a class at a university. According to the report, thirty-two-year-old Abdul Qadeem Patyall succumbed to his injuries after a gunman opened fire at him through the window of a classroom at Kandahar University. The incident took place late Sunday

#2: At least 45 people were killed on Sunday when a suicide bomber blew himself up near the Pakistani-Indian border, police said, just after a daily ceremony when troops from both sides simultaneously lower the two nations’ flags.

#3: Unknown armed men shot dead a provincial judge in Ghor province with Firoz Koh as its capital 360 km west of Kabul on Sunday night, provincial governor Sayed Anwar Rahmati said Monday.

#4: A commander of local police forces was injured in Badakhshan province last night.

#5: Local officials in northeastern Badakhshan province have said at least 40 Taliban militants have been killed following military operations in Wardoj district.




Headline: S. Sudan accuses Sudanese army of killing 35 in air raids

South Sudan claimed 35 of its civilian were killed and 17 others injured in an aerial bombing allegedly carried out by the Sudanese army in Western Bahr el-Ghazal state. he incident reportedly occurred on Sunday morning in a densely populated area of Raja county damaging several properties and causing panic among citizens. “The Sudanese jet fighters came yesterday [Sunday] morning and bombed the area. People are now terrified especially that it caused death,” Raja county commissioner, Hassan Jallab said on Monday. “35 people have been killed and 17 others also wounded when an Antonov bomb landed in the heavily populated area,” he added. The commissioner described the attack, which he largely blamed on the Sudanese Armed Forces (SAF), as “barbaric and unprovoked.” He said several civilians have since fled Raja in fear of more bombings, and many reportedly took refuge in to nearby bushes. Jallab called upon the government in Juba to intervene and assist the displaced people in Western Bahr el Ghazal state. Phillip Aguer, the spokesperson of the South Sudanese army (SPLA) confirmed the incident in a separate interview with Sudan Tribune on Monday.
Nov. 3, 2014




Headline: Bracing for battle, army evacuating Benghazi port area

Headline: Fighting in eastern Libya sets oil tanker on fire

Libya’s Army urged residents to evacuate a central district of Benghazi that is home to its seaport, a spokesman said on Sunday, as it prepares a military operation against radical fighters in the country’s second-largest city. At least 230 people have been killed since the army, backed by forces loyal to a former general, have waged an offensive against radical groups in the eastern city, part of chaos plaguing the oil producer. “The chief of staff asks all residents of the Assabri district to leave by 12 noon (on Monday),” said Ahmed Al-Mesmari, spokesman for the chief of staff. The district is city’s main commercial area and also home to the seaport used for wheat and petrol imports. He gave no details but the army had previously said that members of the Ansar Al-Sharia militant group had fled there after the army had seized other districts.
Nov. 3, 2014





Headline:  Morocco places military on ‘unprecedented’ nationwide alert

Morocco has placed its military on alert amid labor unrest and threats by Al Qaida. Moroccan sources said the army was mobilized to protect critical and government facilities throughout the North African kingdom. They said soldiers were deployed throughout the capital Rabat and other major cities as part of what they termed a major security alert. “The level of the alert is unprecedented,” a source said. The sources said the military alert marked cooperation between the army, police, Gendarmerie and Royal Auxiliary Forces. They said the effort was headed by the Interior Ministry, responsible for domestic security. The reason for the military alert has not been specified. The Moroccan media have raised the prospect of Al Qaida-aligned plots amid labor unrest in the kingdom.
Nov. 3, 2014




turkey border

Headline:   Jihadist forces massing on Turkish border

Al-Qaeda fighters were massing at a Syrian town on the Turkish border in what appears to be an attempt to seize a vital crossing from rebels, activists said on Monday. If the al-Nusra Front seizes the Bab al-Hawa crossing, they will control a key supply line to the Syrian rebels, dealing another blow to US plans to build up a moderate rebel force capable of fighting both Islamic extremists and President Bashar Assad’s forces. Nusra Front fighters have been gathering for the past few days in the town of Sarmada in the northern Idlib province, some four miles (six kilometers) from Bab al-Hawa, said Assad Kanjo, an anti-Assad activist based in the province. Over the past week the al-Qaeda-linked fighters have wrested towns and villages from the Western-backed Syrian Revolutionary Front as well as other rebel groups, whittling down one of the last areas of northern Syria controlled by mainstream fighters. Rami Abdurrahman of the Britain-based Syrian Observatory for Human Rights confirmed that Nusra fighters were gathering in the area but said there was no indication yet that they had advanced on the crossing. The crossing is held by a rebel alliance known as the Islamic Front, and it is an important supply route for Western-backed fighters as well as aid groups that use the crossing to bring in food and medical supplies.
Nov. 3, 2014

Headline:  As settlement blocked, PKK may increase attacks, says top KCK figure

As a settlement process launched to resolve Turkey’s Kurdish issue has stumbled following violent protests at the beginning of last month, a senior leader of the outlawed Kurdistan Workers’ Party (PKK) has threatened to step up terrorist attacks in Turkey while maintaining that Turkey’s unwillingness to help Kurds fight the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIL) in Syria would lead to a civil war in Turkey. “If attacks against the [Kurdish] people continue, the guerilla[s] [PKK] will again step in,” Cemil Bayık, president of the Kurdistan Communities’ Union (KCK) executive council, told Austria’s Der Standard daily on Monday. Accusing the government of trying to prevent Syria’s Kurds from having an autonomous region by supporting the terrorist ISIL, the top PKK figure claimed that Turkey’s unwillingness to support Kurdish forces fighting against ISIL in the Syrian town of Ayn al-Arab, or Kobani in Kurdish, on the Turkish border would lead Turkey into civil war.
Nov. 3, 2014
nation against nationCooltextprophecysignLuke 21:9 and Matthew 24:7 speak of nation against nation and kingdom against kingdom in the end times. Revelation 6:3-4 speaks of the fiery red horse given power to make men slay one another and Revelation 6:8 speaks again of this red horse in conjunction with the pale horse of Death and Hades, as the one that has the power to kill by sword.  Luke 21:9: wars & commotions; the Greek word here is Akatastasia, meaning instability, a state of disorder, disturbance, confusion (revolutions)   Matthew 24:7: the Greek word for nation is Ethnos & refers to various ethnic groups fighting among themselves, where the next sentence in the verse refers to kingdoms (basileiva) fighting one another (not to be confused with an actual kingdom but rather the right or authority to rule over a kingdom)

Headline: Clashes erupt between army, protesters in Burkina Faso

Headline: AU Pressures Burkina Faso Military to Transfer Power

Clashes have broken out between protesters and army in the capital of Burkina Faso, Ouagadougou, following demonstrations that challenged the army’s stepping into power. According to reports on Sunday, thousands of people gathered at Place de la Nation square in the center of the capital to condemn the army’s takeover of power. “I am here to stop the army from stealing our victory,” said Boubacar Sow, a protester. The clashes came after the military top brass on Saturday named Lieutenant Colonel Yacouba Isaac Zida, the deputy commander of the elite presidential guard, to lead the country’s transition. A day earlier,  President Blaise Compaoré was forced to step down following two days of mass protests against his attempts to change the constitution to extend his rule for a fifth term. The clashes erupted after the protesters accused the military of hijacking their revolution. The protesters also called for an immediate departure of the army and a civilian transfer of power.
Nov. 2, 2014

Headline: Suicide blast kills 23 in Nigeria, prison attack frees 144

A suicide bomber killed at least 23 people in a procession of Shi’ite Muslims marking the ritual of Ashoura in northeast Nigeria’s Yobe state on Monday, witnesses said. In the suicide bombing in Potiskum in Yobe state, a territory at the heart of an insurgency by Sunni Muslim Boko Haram rebels, the attacker joined the line of Shi’ites before setting off his device as they marched through a market in the town, resident Yusuf Abdullahi said. In a separate incident overnight in central Kogi state, gunmen using explosives blew their way into a prison in the city of Lokoja, killing one person and freeing 144 inmates, Adams Omale, prisons coordinator for the state, told Reuters.
Nov. 3, 2014

Headline: Pakistan- Suicide blast at Wagah kills 60, over 100 injured

Headline:  India, Pakistan temporarily close border after bomb blast

At least 60 persons including women, children and paramilitary troops were killed and over 80 injured in deadly suicide attack in front of a roadside restaurant in Wagha Border market on Sunday evening. Hospital sources said that condition of several injured people was serious and it was feared that death toll could rise further. Banned organisation Jundullah has claimed the responsibility of attack. Punjab Police Inspector General Mushtaq Sukhera said that a suicide bomber aged between 18 to 20 years blew him when hundreds of people including women and children were dispersing after witnessing flag lowering ceremony at Wagah border. It was high intensity explosion heard in adjoining localities and created panic at the scene of explosion and among the people present in the surroundings. Police said that over five kilogram explosive material was used in the blast. Huge amount of ball bearings was found at the scene of blast. Sources said that intelligence agencies had informed the Punjab government about possible terror attack during Ashura Muharram. Intelligence sources said that the suspected suicide bomber was named Abdul Rehman who went underground for last few months and it was feared that he could target any procession or important personality during Muharram. Police reacting to intelligence reports continued efforts to trace the suspected terrorist but failed to arrest him. Meanwhile, banned organisation Jundullah has claimed the responsibility of the suicide attack at Wagah border. Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif and President Mamnoon Hussain have strongly condemned the dastardly act of terrorism and sought a report from the Interior Minister. Punjab Chief Minister Shahbaz Sharif has demanded immediate inquiry report of the incident.
Nov. 2, 2014

Headline: Yemeni Houthis push out militants from Jabal Ras

Houthi movement’s Ansarullah revolutionaries have succeeded in taking control of the Jabal Ras area in western Yemen, making fresh gains against al-Qaeda-affiliated militants. The Houthis pushed out the militants from Jabal Ras in the Yemeni Province of Al-Hudaydah on Monday. Government officials have not made any comment on the current situation in the region yet. The al-Qaeda-linked militants captured the Jabal Ras area, located 226 kilometers (140 miles) west of the capital, Sana’a, Saturday, after attacking a building which housed security forces. “Nearly 19 policemen were killed Saturday in an attack by al-Qaeda militants that simultaneously targeted two checkpoints and the police headquarters,” Yemen’s Interior Ministry announced on its website.
Nov. 3, 2014 

Yale-study-predicts-huge-increase-in-Ebola-cases-in-LiberiaCooltextprophecysignPestilence & Plagues Luke 21:11 & Revelation 6:8 “And there will be great earthquakes in various places, and famines and pestilences; and there will be fearful sights and great signs from heaven.” (Luke) “So I looked, and behold, a pale horse. And the name of him who sat on it was Death, and Hades followed with him. And power was given to them over a fourth of the earth, to kill with sword, with hunger, with death (Thanatos in Greek meaning the death of the body whether natural or violent), and by the beasts of the earth” (Revelation)

Headline: Sierra Leone says another doctor dies of Ebola

Headline: WHO says currently no Ebola cases in Mali, 39 contacts sought

Headline: Nose Spray Ebola Vaccine Protects Monkeys

A doctor in Sierra Leone has died of Ebola — the fifth local doctor in the West African nation to die of the disease, authorities said Monday. The death of Dr. Godfrey George, medical superintendent of Kambia Government Hospital in northern Sierra Leone, was a blow to efforts to keep desperately needed health care workers safe in a country ravaged by the deadly virus. Sierra Leone’s health care system was already fragile before the Ebola epidemic because of past conflict and a lack of resources. The country had two doctors for every 100,000 people in 2010, compared to about 240 doctors for the same number of people in the United States, according to the World Health Organization. George’s overnight death was announced by Dr. Brima Kargbo, Sierra Leone’s chief medical officer. George had been driven to the capital, Freetown, after reporting that he was not feeling well. Doctors and nurses have been particularly vulnerable to contracting Ebola, as the virus is spread through bodily fluids. Sierra Leone has seen a shift in the outbreak recently: Infections in areas in the country’s east, which were once the most affected, have slowed, and cases have instead increased in and around the capital.
Nov. 3, 2014

Headline: Three new MERS deaths reported in Saudi Arabia

Three people in Saudi Arabia have died from Middle East Respiratory Syndrome (MERS) coronavirus and three others have been infected, Makkah daily reported on Sunday. The Ministry of Health said two of the deaths occurred in Taif and the third in Riyadh. It said a new coronavirus case was discovered each in Taif, Riyadh and Al-Jouf. At least 20 coronavirus cases are currently receiving treatment in various regions of the Kingdom.
Nov. 3, 2014

Headline: Ebola Outbreak Map

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Headline: HealthMap

Global leader in utilizing online informal sources for disease outbreak monitoring and real-time surveillance of emerging public health threats. The freely available Web site ‘’ and mobile app ‘Outbreaks Near Me’ deliver real-time intelligence on a broad range of emerging infectious diseases for a diverse audience including libraries, local health departments, governments, and international travelers.


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