Jan. 23, 2015/Frank Says Good Bye/More Blessings

The Last Chronicles of Planet Earth January 28, 2015 Edition written by Frank DiMora.

The video above will show you how the Lord helped me right after my dog had to be put to sleep.
You can watch a clip of the Movie Angel Dog here:  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_fAPmTlNffo
If you watched the video I post on January 21, 2015 concerning Pastor Fiaz you would know why I asked for help for the Pastor.  If you go back to that 21st post you will see the names of the people who Jesus touched to help Fiaz.  Today Shawn at Ascent Ministries emailed me again and told me more good news that 3 more people stepped up to help Fiaz and his wife get back on their feet to continue to preach Jesus and take care of the needs of the poor. I want to thank of my Brother and Sisters in the Lord who contacted Ascent for me to help Pastor Fiaz. Thank you Elizabeth G., Robert M., and Alison M. for your giving heart! (Frank)
Our Lord Jesus has again opened the door for me to keep spreading His work He gave me to do via my prophecy book The Last Chronicles of Planet Earth.  For the past 4 years God has shown me the importance of getting His teachings about the last days to as many people as I can in Africa. Recently I had a leader of a women’s ministry in Kenya asked me if she could be a partner with me so she could take my work out to the churches she has been teaching in.  As you can see from the pictures below I just sent her a book of my books that will fall into her hands and, then she will pick other women leaders to use the books in home fellowships. In the mean time Ascent Ministries is working with me to get Bibles to Sister Ruth in Kenya.  I am truly grateful to Christ to be blessed to have a part in His work to lead as many as He wills to His salvation.
Rev 1 Rev 2


    • Bev on January 24, 2015 at 11:06 am
    • Reply

    This is amazing and just shows how gracious our God is. What a comforting video Frank 🙂

    • Carol on January 24, 2015 at 1:16 pm
    • Reply

    Oh Frank, I feel your pain. We just lost our Jack Russell of 17 years. This is so hard, I asked the Lord to take away some of my pain and by next morning I was much better. When I seen your post about saying goodbye, I thought you were saying goodbye. I listen to several propecy teachers and I think you are the one I most respect. I’m so glad you are not saying goodbe. The older I get I believe that God does give us signs but we don’t pay attention. I will listen to Jack’s video. Thanks. Hang in there, I waiting for the day when I see my many, many pets. Carol

    • James Morris on January 25, 2015 at 5:53 am
    • Reply

    frank sorry about your dog i to have lost a few and i know it hurts but hes gone home but know im praying for you stay strong my friend im so sorry for your loss

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