January 30, 2015 Prophecy Signs



Frank DiMora P.O. Box 732, Lompoc Ca. 93436 fjdimora@gmail.com

indexBible prophecy documentary book download proving our generation will see the return of the Lord. Do you want to know what is going to happen in the future before it actually takes place? The Word of God provides you with specific details about our future and all of these things are coming to pass in this generation. If you aren’t saved yet this is a must read! Please don’t forget to subscribe to receive my daily prophecy up-dates. The Last Chronicles of Planet Earth February 12, 2015 Edition written by Frank DiMora.


Headline:  UN Envoy Furious over Attempt to Storm Gaza HQ

The United Nations’ Gaza envoy has expressed his “outrage” at an incident in which Palestinian protesters attempted to storm UN headquarters in Gaza, accusing Hamas of turning a blind eye. “During a pre-announced demonstration, of which Hamas was well aware, a number of protestors climbed the perimeter wall and entered the compound causing damage to United Nations premises and property,” Robert Serry said in a statement quoted by the Bethlehem-based Maan News Agency. Expressing his “deep concern” over Hamas authorities’ inaction, Serry issued a rare scathing criticism of the Islamist terrorist group which runs Gaza. “Pending a full transfer of security responsibilities to the legitimate Palestinian Authority, we continue to hold Hamas fully responsible for the security and safety of all United Nations personnel and operations in Gaza,” he continued, and added he would be issuing an urgent revue of the UN’s operations in Gaza as a result of Wednesday’s incident. The riot erupted yesterday, as hundreds of protesters tried to storm the headquarters of the United Nations Relief and Works Agency (UNRWA), after the UN announced it lacked funds to rebuild the enclave from the damage wrought by Hamas’s most recent war against Israel. As well as the UN, protesters chanted slogans against the Palestinian Authority, Israel and even Robert Serry himself. Such an open protest would not have been possible without the consent – passive or direct – of Hamas authorities.
Jan. 29, 2015


Headline:   Israel issues tenders for 450 West Bank settlement units

Israel published tenders for 450 new settlement units on Friday, including a new neighborhood known as East Migron. The move ends an extended period when there was a quiet freeze on new construction over the Green Line. The tenders include 102 units in the Hebron suburb of Kiryat Arba, 78 single-family homes in Alfei Menashe and 156 units in Elkana. The plans also call for 114 units in East Migron, a new neighborhood born out of an agreement by which settlers would evacuate an outpost built on private Palestinian land and move to a new residential area east of the settlement of Adam. Residents violated the deal, and in the end were given an area closer to Migron. Besides the settlement tenders issued Friday, the Jerusalem Building and Planning Committee submitted a plan to establish 93 housing units in the southern Jerusalem neighborhood of Gilo, also located over the Green Line. The plan was previously approved but held up for several years because of ownership issues.
Jan. 30, 2015


Headline:   Iraqi Yazidis Appeal to Israel for Military Aid to Fight Islamic State

An Iraqi Yazidi military commander has made an appeal to Israel for military aid to help in the fight against the Islamic State terror group. “We appeal to the Israeli government and its leader to step in and help this nation, which loves the Jewish people,” Lt. Col. Lukman Ibrahim—a fighter in the Sinjar Protection Forces, a Yazidi militia—told Al-Monitor. “We would be most grateful for the establishment of military ties—for instance, the training of fighters and the formation of joint teams. We are well aware of the circumstances the Israelis are in, and of the suffering they have endured at the hands of the Arabs ever since the establishment of their state. We, too, are suffering on account of them,” Ibrahim added.
Jan. 30, 2015


Psalm 83 Foto Flexer bb_thumb2.jpg

Cooltextprophecysign“Do not keep silent, O God! Do not hold Your peace, And do not be still, O God! For behold, Your enemies make a tumult; And those who hate You have lifted up their head. They have taken crafty counsel against Your people, And consulted together against Your sheltered ones. They have said, “Come, and let us cut them off from being a nation, That the name of Israel may be remembered no more.” (Psalm 83)




Headline:Deadline for possible prisoner swap passes as Jordan asks ISIS for proof that pilot is alive

The fate of a Japanese journalist and Jordanian military pilot held by the Islamic State terror group remains unclear as the sun set in Iraq, marking the passage of a new deadline for a possible swap involving a female Iraqi prisoner. A spokesman said Thursday that Jordan’s government has demanded proof of life of the Jordanian pilot before moving ahead with any swap to bring about his release. The militants have purportedly threatened to kill the pilot, Lt. Muath al-Kaseasbeh, by sunset unless Jordan frees an Iraqi would-be suicide bomber from death row and delivers her to the Turkish border. “We requested proof that Kaseasbeh is alive but we haven’t received such proof, and we insist on this,” Minister of State for Media Affairs and government spokesman, Mohammed Al Momani, told Petra. Al Momani reaffirmed Jordan’s readiness to release Sajida al-Rishawi — who was involved in the deadly Amman hotel bombings a decade ago – for al-Kaseasbeh.
Jan. 29, 2015



Headline:  Nasrallah: Hezbollah does not seek war, but is not afraid of it

Headline:   Nasrallah to Israel: ‘Don’t try us again’

Headline: Nasrallah hints that south Lebanon, Golan Heights one front against Israel, says rules of engagement do not apply anymore

Headline: Nasrallah confirms Hezbollah, Iran bolstering presence along Golan border

In his first televised speech since a deadly attack inside the Israeli border Wednesday killed two IDF soldiers, Hezbollah chief Hassan Nasrallah warned that his terror group “cannot be deterred” and that any Israeli action against it would not be unpunished. “Everyone was saying that Hezbollah would not respond because of the Iranian [nuclear] talks, or [the war in] Syria. Now they know the truth,” Nasrallah said Friday. “From now on, if any member of Hezbollah is assassinated, then we will blame it on Israel and reserve the right to respond to it whenever and however we choose,” he threatened Friday. “The resistance no longer cares about rules of engagement and we do not recognize them in confronting the enemy.” Acknowledging that an Israeli retaliation to Wednesday’s attack could have been devastating, Nasrallah said the terror group took that consideration into account, and mocked Israel for failing to prevent the attack despite its high level of alert. “We took no hesitation in making the decision that Israel should be punished for its crime in Qunietra. We prepared ourselves for the worst case scenario when we took that decision. The resistance carried out its Shebaa operation in broad daylight in spite of the fact that Israel was at its highest level of preparation,” he said.
Jan. 30, 2015





Headline: Report: Government Mulling to Ask for Anti-IS Coalition Support

The Lebanese government is mulling to ask the anti-Islamic State coalition to expand its operations to the Lebanese-Syrian border area from where extremists are carrying out attacks on the Lebanese army, a report said Friday. High-ranking political sources told the Kuwaiti al-Seyassah newspaper that the cabinet is studying to officially ask the coalition to carry out air raids on the IS and al-Qaida-linked al-Nusra Front militants. The threat of the extremists first came to Lebanon in August when they overran the northeastern border town of Arsal and took hostage Lebanese soldiers and policemen during deadly clashes with the army. Last week, the international coalition promised stronger efforts to stop the jihadists and squash the spread of their extremist ideology at an anti-IS coalition meeting in London. On Tuesday, Labor Minister Sejaan Qazzi called on the coalition to defend Lebanon if it was invaded by terrorists. Qazzi told An Nahar daily that the Lebanese authorities should officially ask the coalition to make a pledge on protecting Lebanon against terrorist organizations.
Jan. 30, 2015




Headline:  Egypt military targeted in deadly Sinai attacks

Headline:   Islamic State’s Egypt wing claims credit for terror attacks that killed 27

Headline:   Calls to Kill President Al-Sisi and Egyptian Journalists on Muslim Brotherhood TV Channels

At least 26 people, mostly soldiers, have been killed in a series of attacks by Islamist militants in the north of Egypt’s Sinai peninsula. Most of the casualties were in the provincial capital, El-Arish. Militant group Sinai Province, which changed its named from Ansar Beit al-Maqdis when it pledged allegiance to Islamic State, said it carried out the “extensive, simultaneous” attacks. Security officials said rockets were first fired at police offices, a military base and a military hotel in El-Arish, before a car bomb exploded at the rear gate of the military base. Several army checkpoints in the city were also targeted. Newspaper al-Ahram said its El-Arish office – which is opposite the hotel and base – had been completely destroyed. Four soldiers were wounded in an attack at a checkpoint outside El-Arish and an army major was later shot dead at a checkpoint in Rafah, medical and security sources said. More than 50 people were wounded in Thursday’s attacks.
Jan. 30, 2015




   Damascus ISIS
Syria Iraq ISIS- the Islamic State of Iraq and Sham (the Levant) ISIS=ISIL=IS=Daash

Syria    IraqKurdistan


Iraq                              Syria                          Kurdistan


Syria Headline:  Three injured in rocket attack on Russian Embassy in Syria

Three people were injured when several rockets were fired on the Russian Embassy and its circumference in Damascus on Wednesday. The Syrian government, whose representatives had been attending talks with the opposition in Moscow, expressed “solidarity” with Russia and its people on the incident, said a statement issued by Syria’s state news agency, SANA.
Meanwhile, some 10 civilians were killed in a car bombing in the southern Reef Daraa district, according to reports. Several people, including women and children, were critically wounded in the incident, opposition-established Shaam News Network TV said. Some locals are said to be accusing the government of launching the attack, suggesting that the area has no presence of opposition fighters, according to opposition-controlled Syria Live news agency.
Jan. 29, 2015


Syria Headline:     Syrian rebels blow up tunnel under army post

Syrian opposition fighters on Friday detonated a cache of explosives in a tunnel under an army post in the northwestern province of Idlib, inflicting heavy casualties among government troops, activists said. The government denied the casualties and said the targeted post was empty. Idlib-based activist Ibrahim Ismail said the blast was followed by intense clashes as the rebels launched an attack to retake the Arbaeen Mountain area early on Friday. The Britain-based Syrian Observatory for Human Rights said the fighting was some of the most intense in months, adding that dozens of Syrian troops have been killed and wounded. Syrian state television later quoted an unnamed military official as saying that the army repelled the attacks, adding that the tunnel explosion occurred near a military post that troops had already evacuated. The official said rebels tried to infiltrate the Syrian town of Ariha but failed and suffered losses in “lives and equipment.” The military official said “terrorist groups” launched their attack starting 4 a.m. on several army posts, but were all repelled. The Observatory said the main rebel factions taking part in the attack include Suqour al-Sham as well as the al-Qaida-linked Nusra Front.
Jan. 30, 2015


Syria Headline:    Al-Qaeda group launches assault on Western-backed Syria rebels

Syria’s al-Qaeda affiliate fought Western-backed rebels on Friday as the militants pressed their bid to take control of a northern area, a monitor and a rebel statement said. The fighting comes nearly three months after the al-Nusra Front expelled another group of Western-backed opposition fighters from Idlib province. The Syrian Observatory for Human Rights said the militants launched their offensive against the Western-armed Hazem movement on Thursday in Aleppo province. “The jihadists expelled the rebels from Regiment 111, once a regime army base that Hazem had taken over,” Observatory director Rami Abdel Rahman told AFP. “Then on Friday, the fighting spread to the north of Idlib province.” The Hazem group issued a statement confirming the attack. “The so-called al-Nusra Front attacked the movement’s positions and checkpoints in the west of Aleppo province… We in the Hazem Movement will defend ourselves until the last drop of blood,” it said.
Jan. 30, 2015


Syria Headline:     Jihadists Down Syrian Warplane – Abduction Strategy?

The Islamic State (ISIS) group has shot down a Syrian regime warplane that was bombing opposition-held areas, killing the pilot, a monitoring group said on Friday. Jihadists published photographs of the plane and the pilot’s body on social media sites following the crash on Thursday night in Damascus province that was claimed by ISIS. The jihadist group and rebel factions seeking President Bashar al-Assad’s overthrow have frequently brought down regime warplanes. The jets may be getting particularly attention after a downed Jordanian pilot was captured last month, and is now being used for ransom demands.  “A plane was shot down in the Bir Qasab area of southern Damascus province, leading to its pilot’s death,” said the Syrian Observatory for Human Rights. Observatory director Rami Abdel Rahman told AFP that ISIS used anti-aircraft weapons to shoot down the plane while it was on a bombing raid. ISIS members and supporters published several photographs of the strike on their social media accounts.
Jan. 30, 2015


Syria Headline:     ISW Syria Situation Report Jan. 20-26, 2015


Syria Headline:  Syrian Observatory for Human Rights




Iraq Headline: Iraq troops watched as Shiite militiamen executed 72 Sunnis

Survivors tell the same story: They were taken from their homes by men in uniform; heads down and linked together, then led in small groups to a field, made to kneel, and selected to be shot one by one. Accounts by five witnesses interviewed separately by Reuters provide a picture of alleged executions in the eastern village of Barwanah on Monday, which residents and provincial officials say left at least 72 unarmed Iraqis dead. The witnesses identified the killers as a collection of Shiite militias and security force elements. Iraqi security and government officials have disputed the accounts, with some saying radicals from Islamic State could have perpetrated the killings. The government said on Wednesday it was opening a probe into the killings. “The prime minister has ordered an urgent investigation and we are awaiting the results,” said Prime Minister Haider Al-Abadi’s spokesman, Rafid Jaboori. “I don’t want to come to any conclusions now. When the results of this investigation come out, we will have a full picture.” Monday’s alleged massacre followed a three-day offensive in which Shiite militias and Iraqi security forces captured two dozen villages from Islamic State near the town of Muqdadiya in Diyala province.
Jan. 30, 2015


Iraq Headline: Iraqi capital hit by twin bombings

Twin bombings at a crowded market in Baghdad has killed at least 18 people and injured 44 more, police officials said. Officials said the attack on Friday morning started with a bomb exploding near carts selling used clothes in the city’s central Bab al-Sharqi area. The second explosion went off two minutes later – apparently targeting people who rushed to help the victims from the first blast. The bombings come as an attack near Kirkuk by the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant group (ISIL) killed a senior Kurdish commander and five other fighters. The ISIL assault on areas south and west of the northern city of Kirkuk began at around midnight, sparking fighting with medium and heavy weapons that was still ongoing on Friday morning, a police brigadier general said. Brigadier General Shirko Rauf and five other members of the Kurdish Peshmerga forces were killed in clashes in Tel- Al Ward town, 35km south of Kirkuk, while 46 more were wounded, a police officer and a doctor told the AFP news agency.
Jan. 30, 2015


Iraq Headline:   ISW Iraq Situation Report Jan. 27-28, 2015


Kurdish Headline: Islamic State attacks Kurdish outposts across Iraq

Kurdish Headline:  Islamic State launches surprise attack on oil-rich Kirkuk

Islamic State militants struck at Kurdish forces southwest of the Iraqi city of Kirkuk on Friday, while bombs in Baghdad and Samarra killed at least 21 people. Islamic State has frequently battled Iraqi security forces and Shi’ite militias further south and west, but attacks in and around Kurdish-controlled Kirkuk have been less frequent. Oil rose above $49 a barrel on Friday because of the violence in the oil-rich region. Police in Kirkuk province said the militants launched mortars and attacked positions of Kurdish fighters in four districts. Militants later detonated a car bomb at a hotel in Kirkuk city center and clashed with peshmerga forces. A peshmerga officer told Reuters his forces had recaptured the district of Mariam Bek but said clashes were ongoing in Tal al-Ward, Maktab Khalid and Mullah Abdullah. Kurdish military sources said the peshmerga had repelled dawn attacks by Islamic State at different points along a more than 1,000 km frontline, including Khazer, west of Arbil, and Makhmur, further south. “Maybe they are afraid the fight for Mosul has started so they are trying to show they can operate close to Arbil or Kirkuk,” Roj Nuri Shaways, Iraq’s deputy prime minister and a peshmerga commander, told Reuters. Senior Kurdish official Hemin Hawrami said on Twitter 45 militants and seven Kurdish “martyrs” were killed around Kirkuk. Medical sources said senior commander Brigadier Sherko Fatih was among the dead. At least seven other Kurdish fighters were killed by a suicide bomb at a checkpoint near the eastern town of Jalawla, 160 km (100 miles) southeast of Kirkuk, peshmerga and medical sources said.

Jan. 30, 2015



Psalm 83

Listed below are the nations which will attack Israel from Ezekiel chapter 38 and their modern day names (see chart above). 

Gog is the leader of the Russian invasion of Israel.

Magog, Meshech, and Tubal comprise modern day Russia.

Persia is Iran, parts of northern Iraq, and Afghanistan.

Cush is Ethiopia and Sudan.

Put is Libya and will most likely include Tunisia, Algeria, and Morocco.

Gomer is Eastern Germany.

Beth Togarmah is Turkey and Armenia. 


Headline:  Gorbachev warns Cold War could heat up to all-out war

Headline:   Russian envoy called in after nuclear bombers cross Channel

Headline:  NATO to deploy small units in 6 Eastern European nations

Ex-Soviet leader Mikhail Gorbachev says the confrontation between Russia and the West could spill into all-out war. More than 5,100 people have been killed in a bloody conflict in eastern Ukraine between government troops and pro-Russian separatists. Ukraine accuses Russia of aiding the separatists while Russia says the West is behind Ukraine’s attempts to retake the rebel-held areas. Gorbachev, in comments to the Interfax news agency, said Thursday the West has “dragged” Russia into a new Cold War and warned of risks of a military confrontation: “I can no longer say that this Cold War will not lead to a ‘Hot War.’ I fear that they could risk it,” he was quoted as saying. Gorbachev was one of the architects of the peaceful dismantling of communist rule in eastern Europe.
Jan. 30, 2015




Headline:   Ukraine peace talks aborted as civilians die in Donetsk

Headline:   Shells hit cultural center and bus in Donetsk, at least six killed

Civilians were killed on both sides in heavy fighting in eastern Ukraine on Friday, while an attempt to reopen peace talks in neighboring Belarus was aborted before it began. Two rebel delegates flew to the Belarus capital Minsk, only to announce that talks would not take place on Friday and they were flying back to Moscow. Any talks would be the first since a five-month-old ceasefire collapsed with a new rebel advance last week. The main rebel stronghold Donetsk echoed to the sound of heavy artillery fire, including salvoes from multiple rocket launchers and heavier thuds from artillery coming from the direction of the airport, a constant battlefield. A Reuters cameraman in Donetsk saw four covered bodies near a cultural center hit by artillery, and a fifth dead person in a badly-damaged car nearby. A woman was weeping by one of the bodies. Humanitarian aid was being distributed at the center when the shell struck. A kilometer (half mile) away, a sixth dead person lay where a trolleybus had been hit. The separatists said the total death toll in those two strikes was seven. Kiev said Friday’s shelling of Donetsk was carried out by the rebels themselves to ruin the chance of peace talks. Both sides have made similar allegations throughout the conflict, which are impossible to verify.
Jan. 30, 2015




Headline:  Iran calls for assassination of Netanyahu’s children

Iran is encouraging its terror allies to pursue the assassination of Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s children by publishing personal information about them, including photographs of the kids lined up in crosshairs, and declaring, “We must await the hunt of Hezbollah.” The publication of the personal information and biographies of Netanyahu’s children follows an Israeli airstrike last week that killed several key Hezbollah leaders and an Iranian commander affiliated with the country’s hardline Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC). Iranian military leaders affiliated with the IRGC threatened in recent days harsh retaliation for the strike and promised to amp up support for Hezbollah as well as Palestinian terrorist organizations. The information was originally published in Farsi by an Iranian website affiliated with the IRGC and quickly republished by Iran’s state-controlled Fars News Agency.
Jan. 29, 2015





Headline:  More than 40 killed in attacks, clashes in Afghanistan within day

More than 40 people have been killed and more than 50 others wounded in attacks and clashes in Afghanistan since late Wednesday, authorities said on Thursday. In one attack, 17 people were killed and nearly 40 others wounded after a suicide bomber targeted a funeral in eastern Laghman province Thursday afternoon. The killed included 12 civilians and four police officials and the injured included 36 civilians and three policemen, according to a statement issued by the provincial government. Separately, a vendor child was killed in a bombing in Jalalabad city, capital of neighboring Nangarhar province, earlier Thursday, provincial government spokesman Ahmad Zia Abdulzai told Xinhua, adding that the potential target of the attack remained unknown. Also earlier Thursday, security forces shot and killed a suicide bomber, who tried to target a district police chief in southern Kandahar province with a tricycle packed with explosive. The explosive-laden rickshaw was detonated following the firing but Badsha Khan, the district police chief of Shah Wali Kot, remained unhurt and no security force was hurt in the attack, Khan told Xinhua. Elsewhere, three foreign militants were killed after the Afghan army’s helicopter gunships pounded a militants’ hideout in Jurm district of northern Badakhshan province earlier Thursday morning, deputy provincial police chief Abdul Qadir Sayyad told Xinhua, adding that the killed were Tajikistani militants fighting alongside the Taliban militants in the area. Furthermore, 11 pro-government tribesmen and seven militants were killed in exchange of fire Wednesday night, after the Taliban launched an attack on a security checkpoint in the eastern province of Ghazni. About six tribesmen, also called uprising fighters, and six militants were wounded, and the checkpoint was destroyed. On Wednesday night, two civilians were shot dead by militants in Sayyed Abad district of eastern Wardak province. The motive behind the killing was unknown. Late Wednesday, a policewoman was killed and one police was injured after a bomb went off inside a police checkpoint in Herat city, the capital of western Herat province.
Jan. 29, 2015


Headline:   Taliban says agent infiltrated Afghan’s security forces for attack that killed 3 Americans

Just days after an Obama administration official went to great pains to explain that the Taliban is not considered a terrorist group, the Afghan-based organization on Friday to credit for an attack that killed three American contractors and said it was carried out by a fighter who had infiltrated Afghanistan’s security forces. The attack came Thursday evening at a military base at Kabul’s international airport, and also left one Afghan dead. The Taliban’s claim of responsibility came in a message on Friday from spokesman Zabihullah Mujahid, who identified the attacker as a man named “Hessanullha,” from Laghman province, just east of Kabul. Hessanullha “penetrated into the security forces and was waiting for such a target for a long time,” Mujahid said. Mujahid said that the militant had infiltrated the ranks of Afghanistan’s forces to stage the attack and wore an Afghan police uniform. An Afghan official with the country’s Defense Ministry said the attacker was in an Afghan army uniform. According to The Washington Post, Mujahid added in a tweet that the terrorist had “opened fire on invaders” before he was “martyred by return fire.” It was not immediately clear if the Afghan confirmed dead was the gunman.
Jan. 30, 2015





Headline:   South Sudan admits to emergence of new rebel movement

The South Sudanese government on Thursday acknowledged the formation in its Western Equatoria state of a new rebel movement, separate from the armed opposition faction led by the country’s former vice-president, Riek Machar. “We received reports that such a thing has occurred. Some soldiers have decided to go with Major Lasuba Lodoru Wongo. He was the director for research at the ministry of defence,” a cabinet minister hailing from Western Equatoria state, told Sudan Tribune by phone. “Until now, we don’t know the exact number of soldiers who have gone with him but what I hear is that about 100 to 200 soldiers are not with their units in Maridi town,” added the minister. A group, calling itself Revolutionary Movement for National Salvation (REMNASA), claimed it launched a “successful” attack on security forces in Maridi on Tuesday, “killing six soldiers and wounding many others”. The attackers reportedly captured arms and ammunition. “This attack marks the official launch of second liberation struggle under REMNASA with the aim to dislodge the murderous regime of Dictator Salvatore Kiir in Juba. It should be recalled that this group rebelled from the South Sudan Army on 9/1/2015 and on 19/1/2015 attacked the SPLA [Sudan People’s Liberation Army] production unit at Mankakara 2 which is located 8 KM from Maridi two nom Maridi-Rumbek roads,” partly reads the rebel group’s statement.
Jan. 29, 2015





Headline:   ISIL’s Rise in Libya

The Islamic State announced its arrival in Libya in brutal fashion this week with the slaying of an American contractor in a suicide attack on a Tripoli hotel, an act that will make it harder for Washington to continue ignoring the conflict and chaos raging in this North African country. Until now the United States and the European Great Powers have been content to look the other way as Libya had descended into violence and anarchy. Four years ago, NATO bombed the rebels to victory in their war against Muammar Qadhafi, then packed its bags and left the country to its own devices. It’s remained off the Washington radar, even as threats in places like Syria and Iraq have commanded top-level attention and media headlines. The rapid growth of ISIL may now change that equation rapidly, as the attack underscores the vulnerability of even the few well-protected Western officials left in this splintered country. The United States and European powers can’t allow the group to gain more of a foothold, lest it risk creating a second Mediterranean safe haven for one of the world’s deadliest terror groups.
Jan. 29, 2015




Headline:  New Iranian envoy to Morocco assumes duties after 6-year rift

Mohammed Taqi Moayed, Iran’s new ambassador to Rabat, has assumed his duties in the Moroccan capital after six years of severed diplomatic ties between the two countries. In a statement, the Moroccan foreign ministry said that Foreign Minister Salaheddine Mezouar finalised Moayed’s accreditation. He expressed readiness to cooperate with Moayed on “any new initiatives that aim to enhance bilateral relations”. In 2009, Rabat cut ties with Tehran who it had accused of interfering in Morocco’s religious affairs and undermining the kingdom’s Sunni doctrine. Local media reports had said that Mezouar and his Iranian counterpart Mohammad Javad Zarif agreed over a year ago to take steps to resume diplomatic relations, after Rabat invited Tehran to attend the Jerusalem Committee session which was held in Marrakech.
Jan. 30, 2015





Headline:  Turkey tells Kurdish rebels to lay down arms in March

Turkey’s government has demanded that the outlawed Kurdistan Worker’s Party (PKK) lay down its arms on March 21, the Kurdish New Year, and relaunch peace talks to end three decades of conflict. In what appeared to be the first direct appeal by a government official to the PKK, Deputy Prime Minister Yalcin Akdogan said imprisoned Kurdish rebel leader Abdullah Ocalan should call for a disarmament just as he did in the Kurdish New Year, or Newroz, in 2013. “There must be a call for laying down all arms and ending actions against Turkey,” at Newroz, Akdogan told the private A Haber channel late Wednesday. He added that such a call would be “meaningful,” but lamented that previous calls by Ocalan had been ignored. “Ocalan definitely has a role. He has clout with the PKK organization’s constituents. However, we know that this role is being undermined by the organization from time to time,” he said. In 2013 Ocalan called for a “historic” ceasefire, telling his fighters to lay down their arms and withdraw from Turkish soil, after many months of secret negotiations with the Turkish government. But the peace talks stalled in September 2013, when the insurgents said they were suspending their pullout from Turkish soil after accusing Ankara of failing to deliver on promised reforms. However the peace process appeared to be making progress until a standoff over the key Syrian Kurdish town of Kobane late last year and a recent surge in violence in the country’s southeast.
Jan. 30, 2015


nation against nationCooltextprophecysignLuke 21:9 and Matthew 24:7 speak of nation against nation and kingdom against kingdom in the end times. Revelation 6:3-4 speaks of the fiery red horse given power to make men slay one another and Revelation 6:8 speaks again of this red horse in conjunction with the pale horse of Death and Hades, as the one that has the power to kill by sword.  Luke 21:9: wars & commotions; the Greek word here is Akatastasia, meaning instability, a state of disorder, disturbance, confusion (revolutions)   Matthew 24:7: the Greek word for nation is Ethnos & refers to various ethnic groups fighting among themselves, where the next sentence in the verse refers to kingdoms (basileiva) fighting one another (not to be confused with an actual kingdom but rather the right or authority to rule over a kingdom)

Headline: New York’s New Elite Anti-Terror Strike Force to Target Protesters

New York City Police Commissioner Bill Bratton announced the creation of a new “anti-terror strike force” Thursday that will admittedly be used to target protesters. According to Bratton, the 350-person “Strategic Response Group,” which is expected to receive funding from the Department of Homeland Security, will focus in on “disorder control and counterterrorism protection capabilities.” “It is designed for dealing with events like our recent protests, or incidents like Mumbai or what just happened in Paris,” Bratton said. Using such foreign terror attacks as justification, Bratton stated that the elite group would be specifically trained in the use of “high-tech weaponry.” “They’ll be equipped and trained in ways that our normal patrol officers are not,” Bratton said. “They’ll be equipped with all the extra heavy protective gear, with the long rifles and machine guns — unfortunately sometimes necessary in these instances.” Instead of only responding to alleged threats, the strike force will be tasked with permanently patrolling the city, “building relationships” with the community in the process. Leaked Department of Defense documents obtained by the ACLU in 2009 revealed that the federal government has consistently labeled protest as “low-level terrorism.”
Jan. 29, 2015


Headline: Chad ‘captures Nigerian town from militants’

Headline: AU Endorses 7,500 Troops to Fight Boko Haram

Chad’s army has driven Boko Haram militants out of Malumfatori town in north-eastern Nigeria, a senior official from Niger has told the BBC. The reported capture of the town, which lies near the borders of Chad and Niger, follows two days of fighting. Both ground and air forces are reported to have been used in the assault. Niger officials said Chadian ground forces moved into the town after crossing Lake Chad. It is not known if the operation was approved by Nigeria. The Nigerian authorities say they are doing all they can to tackle the militants but neighbours, including Niger and Cameroon, have said more must be done. Chad has already sent troops to Cameroon to help it counter Boko Haram incursions and last week Nigeria said the Chadian army would be fighting on its territory. However, it was not immediately clear if the authorities in Abuja had prior knowledge of, or any role in, the operation in Malumfatori.
Jan. 30, 2015



Headline: Key army base seized by Houthis near Sanaa

Headline: U.S. negotiates its continuing military presence with pro-Iran rebels in Yemen

Yemen’s Shiite rebels took over a key military base south of Sanaa where US advisers had previously trained counter-terrorism forces, officials said Thursday. Military officials said the Republican Guard camp captured Wednesday was used by American experts until 2012 to train local forces battling Al-Qaeda’s powerful Yemeni affiliate. The officials spoke on condition of anonymity because they were not authorized to speak to the press. Last week the rebels put President Abed Rabbo Mansour Hadi, a close US ally, and his Cabinet under house arrest, escalating a prolonged power struggle. The officials resigned in response, and Prime Minister Khaled Baha said Thursday his resignation was “irreversible” according to a statement posted on his Facebook account. The camp captured Thursday was led by forces loyal to former President Ali Abdullah Saleh, who is suspected of quietly backing the rebels. The seizure of the camp could drive a wedge between the two, fueling further turmoil.
Jan. 30, 2015



Headline:   Blast at Shi’ite mosque in southern Pakistan kills 49

At least 49 people were killed in a powerful explosion at a crowded Shi’ite mosque in Pakistan during Friday prayers, the latest sectarian attack to hit the South Asian nation. Police said the blast was caused either by a suicide bomber or an explosive device which went off when the mosque was at its fullest on Friday afternoon in the center of Shikarpur, a city in Pakistan’s southern province of Sindh. Radical Sunni Islamist groups often target mosques frequented by minority Shi’ites, whom they see as infidels. Earlier this month, six people were killed and 17 wounded by a suicide bomber outside a Shi’ite mosque in the city of Rawalpindi, also after Friday prayers. “We are trying to ascertain the nature of the blast,” said Shikarpur police chief Saqib Ismail Memon. “A bomb disposal squad is examining the scene.” Saeed Ahmed Mangnejo, head of the regional civil administration, told Reuters that the death toll had reached 49. In chaotic scenes that followed the blast, part of the mosque collapsed after the explosion, burying some of the wounded under rubble. Bystanders pulled people from the debris and piled them into cars for the journey to hospital. Locals said there were not enough ambulances and the army later sent additional vehicles to transport people to hospitals.
Jan. 30, 2015


bye CooltextprophecysignEconomic collapse Revelation 6:5-6 & James 5:1-3Worldwide“ When He opened the third seal, I heard the third living creature say, “Come and see.” So I looked, and behold, a black horse, and he who sat on it had a pair of scales in his hand. And I heard a voice in the midst of the four living creatures saying, “A quart of wheat for a denarius, and three quarts of barley for a denarius; and do not harm the oil and the wine.” (Revelation) “Come now, you rich, weep and howl for your miseries that are coming upon you! Your riches are corrupted, and your garments are moth-eaten. Your gold and silver are corroded, and their corrosion will be a witness against you and will eat your flesh like fire. You have heaped up treasure in the last days.” (James)

Headline:   Canadian dollar sinks below 80 U.S. cents

Headline:   Turkish lira sinks to record low against US dollar

The Canadian dollar fell to 79.64 cents against the U.S. dollar Thursday, its lowest point in six years, as crude oil prices fell as well. Known as the loonie for its depiction of a Canadian loon on its one-dollar coin, the Canadian dollar crossed the 80-cent barrier Wednesday. An unexpected cut in the Bank of Canada’s benchmark interest rate last week, and Wednesday’s announcement by the U.S. Federal Reserve that no rate hike in the United States should be expected before June because of the relatively strong U.S. economy, set off a decline in the loonie’s value. Central banks, including those of New Zealand, Singapore, India, China and the European Central Bank have recently cut their interest rates, setting off a currency war as a hedge against deflation. Countries with a dependency on exporting oil, including Canada and Russia, have seen the value of their currencies fall.
Jan. 29, 2015



Headline:   Russia cuts key rate to help economy, leaving ruble to drop

In a surprise decision, Russia’s central bank on Friday cut its key interest rate, which it had raised sharply last month to support the collapsing ruble, in order to help the fading economy. The move triggered a drop in the ruble, which was down more than 3 percent at 71 rubles against the dollar in early afternoon trading in Moscow. The central bank explained its decision to cut the rate from 17 percent to 15 percent by saying that the risks of an economic slowdown are now higher than the risks associated with the ruble’s drop. The currency’s 50 percent drop since the summer has caused a spike in inflation. Higher interest rates can help a currency but also hurt economic growth by making loans more expensive. Analysts said Friday’s move was likely due to pressure by government officials and Russian businesses, which are suffering from the high rates.
Jan. 30, 2015



Headline:   Oil up on Iraq concerns but poised for record seven-month drop

Headline:  Senate approves Keystone pipeline bill, in face of White House veto threat

Oil rose on Friday as concerns over fighting in Iraq extended short covering from the previous session, but crude prices were still poised for a seventh month of declines, the longest rout on record. A supply glut and OPEC’s refusal to cut output has driven benchmark Brent and U.S. crude futures down 60 percent since June. Chart watchers as well as analysts tracking market fundamentals believe the selloff will continue for a few more months at least. A Reuters poll shows oil prices may post only a mild recovery in the second half of the year, with prices still averaging less in 2015 than during the global financial crisis.
Jan. 30, 2015







CooltextprophecysignPestilence & Plagues Luke 21:11 & Revelation 6:8 “And there will be great earthquakes in various places, and famines and pestilences; and there will be fearful sights and great signs from heaven.” (Luke) “So I looked, and behold, a pale horse. And the name of him who sat on it was Death, and Hades followed with him. And power was given to them over a fourth of the earth, to kill with sword, with hunger, with death (Thanatos in Greek meaning the death of the body whether natural or violent), and by the beasts of the earth” (Revelation)

Headline:  Ebola May Be Mutating

Only a day after the World Health Organization announced that an end was in sight for the Ebola epidemic in West Africa, scientists had less uplifting news: The virus may be mutating. “The response to the EVD (Ebola virus disease) epidemic has now moved to a second phase, as the focus shifts from slowing transmission to ending the epidemic,” the WHO said in its latest report on the disease yesterday. There were 99 confirmed new cases last week, the lowest number since June. But researchers at the Institut Pasteur, the French medical-research organization that first identified the outbreak in Guinea last March, said that they’re trying to determine whether the Ebola virus is becoming more contagious. “We know the virus is changing quite a lot,” Anavaj Sakuntabhai, the head of the Laboratory for Genetics of Human Response to Infection at the Institut Pasteur, told the BBC.  Specifically, he said, there have been a number of asymptomatic cases, meaning that infected people may unknowingly be spreading the disease: “A virus can change itself to less deadly but more contagious, and that’s something we are afraid of.”
Jan. 30, 2015


Headline: Some doctors won’t see patients with anti-vaccine views

With California gripped by a measles outbreak, Dr. Charles Goodman posted a clear notice in his waiting room and on Facebook: His practice will no longer see children whose parents won’t get them vaccinated. “Parents who choose not to give measles shots, they’re not just putting their kids at risk, but they’re also putting other kids at risk – especially kids in my waiting room,” the Los Angeles pediatrician said. It’s a sentiment echoed by a small number of doctors who in recent years have “fired” patients who continue to believe debunked research linking vaccines to autism. They hope the strategy will lead parents to change their minds; if that fails, they hope it will at least reduce the risk to other children in the office.
Jan. 30, 2015


Headline: Measles may become ‘endemic’ without vaccination, proper clinical diagnosis, CDC official says

The number of measles cases reported in the U.S. in January has surpassed the total median number of cases in previous years, and more adults are contracting the virus, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) said during a telebriefing Thursday afternoon. The virus is also being traced back to a greater number of places than in previous years, according to the CDC. As of Thursday, Jan. 29, 84 measles cases had been reported in 14 states. The median number of measles cases from 2001 to 2010 was only 60 cases, said Anne Schuchat, assistant surgeon general for the United States Public Health Service and the CDC’s national Center for Immunization and Respiratory Diseases. “This worries me,” Schuchat said, “and I want to do everything possible to prevent measles from getting a foothold in the U.S. and becoming endemic.”
Jan. 30, 2015










January 26, 2015- Hundreds of dead fish found in a river in Saint-Loup-de-Gonois, France

January 26, 2015- Hundreds of dead fish appear in a dam in Apodaca, Mexico

January 26, 2015- 300 Birds dead ‘due to hailstorm’ in Ivaipora, Brazil

January 26, 2015- 350 turtles washed up dead during past 2 months ‘is worrying’ along Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil

January 27, 2015- Hundreds of dead fish found in Ngaso river Indonesia

January 27, 2015- Mass stranding of dolphins, 4 or 5 dead along beaches in Pangasinan, Philippines

January 27, 2015- 450 Turkeys dead, 8,000 culled due to bird flu in Kollam, India

January 27, 2015- 28 sick Sea Lions washed ashore already this year, ‘is alarming’ in California

no_christians_imageCooltextprophecysignPersecution Matthew 24:9 & Revelation 6:9 “Then they will deliver you up to tribulation and kill you, and you will be hated by all nations for My name’s sake.” (Matthew) “When He opened the fifth seal, I saw under the altar the souls of those who had been slain for the word of God and for the testimony which they held.” (Revelation)

Headline:  Churches destroyed in Muslim mob attack but Bible survives

Neal and Danette Childs knew they were in danger. From their compound in Niger’s capital city they could see three churches burning. The smoke was filling their home. “We immediately started packing a trunk, putting in our valuables, our documents, and we loaded up the car,” Neal told me. “There were concerns our family would be targeted.” It was Jan. 16 and by the week’s end Muslims had set fire to at least 45 churches and looted the homes of a number of Christian ministers. Ten people were killed. Followers of Christ fled for the lives. The protests were over the cartoons lampooning the Prophet Muhammad that were published by the French magazine Charlie Hebdo. The horrors of that weekend did not generate all that much press coverage. There were no solidarity marches for Niger’s tiny Christian community. There was no wall-to-wall cable news coverage. Nor could I find any mention of the burnings on the White House website. The Associated Press account was a mere four paragraphs.
Jan. 29, 2015


666 CooltextprophecysignIncrease in Knowledge/Mark of the Beast Daniel 12:4 and Revelation 13:16-17 “But you, Daniel, shut up the words, and seal the book until the time of the end; many shall run to and fro, and knowledge shall increase.” (Daniel) “He causes all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and slave, to receive a mark on their right hand or on their foreheads, 17 and that no one may buy or sell except one who has the mark or the name of the beast, or the number of his name.” (Revelation)

Headline:  Office Implants Microchips Under Employees’ Skin

A high-tech office in Sweden is implanting its workers with computer chips under the skin in order for them to access the building, a move which ‘biohackers’ says is preparation for a dystopian future when governments and corporations adopt the same technology. The Epicenter building in Stockholm, which hosts start-up companies as well as the likes of Google and Microsoft, utilizes microchip technology to allow staff to open doors, interact with smartphones, as well as operate equipment. BBC reporter Rory Cellan-Jones volunteered to be microchipped for the story and had a chip injected into his hand. According to Hannes Sjoblad, chief ‘disruption officer’ at the office development, the chip will also eventually be used to pay for food in the canteen and replace passwords to access computers. Sjoblad said people should welcome the chip because it would make their lives “easier,” while also warning that one day governments and corporations could mandate that people be microchipped. “We want to be able to understand this technology before big corporates and big government come to us and say everyone should get chipped — the tax authority chip, the Google or Facebook chip,” he said. In a separate profile piece, Sjoblad seems more welcoming of the idea of everybody being chipped, commenting, “Years ago there was fear over vaccinations and now it seems perfectly normal to have cells injected into us. That is an early example of bio-hacking.” “We’ve been putting chips in animals for 20 years,” he added.
Jan. 30, 2015


Luke 21-25 signs in heavenCooltextprophecysignMatthew 24:7 “For nation shall rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom: and there shall be famines, and pestilences, and earthquakes, in divers places. Luke 21:11 And great earthquakes shall be in divers places, and famines, and pestilences; and fearful sights and great signs shall there be from heaven.” Luke21:25 “And there will be signs in the sun, in the moon, and in the stars; and on the earth distress of nations, with perplexity, the sea and the waves roaring

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Headline:    What’s shaking? an_eqList & map of USGS Earthquakes



  1. Frank: Thank you so much for your dedication in this site. News that is no where else available.
    I have been reading Joel 2:23-30. Rain, former rain, and latter rain in the first month. This could refer to the rapture. First month is Nissan, starts on March 20. Total solar eclipse on March 20 (sun turned to darkness. April 3 Good Friday. April 4 total lunar eclipse (blood moon). Passover, day of Atonement. April 5 Easter Sunday. Sunday, April 19 is the 30th of Nissan.
    Also, something not Biblical, but has a lot of meaning for me, is that the Titanic struck the iceberg on April 14 and sank early on April 15. Tod Lotz

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