Turkey’s rule in the last days! Jesus warned us about the 8th kingdom who is it?/March 14, 2010







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Prophecy Sign:  In my posst dated Oct. 27, 2009, and Oct. 30, 2009 I give you information about the Eastern leg of the old Roman Empire.  The Eastern leg is the Islamic nations that used to be in the old Roman Empire.  I wrote to you and warned you to watch Turkey because I believe the 8th king spoken about in the Revelation.   Now let us look at what the seven heads may mean which come from Revelation 17:7.  In Revelation 17:9 the angel begins to tell John the meaning of the seven heads.  Here in verse 9 the angel says they “are seven mountains, on which the woman sitteth.”  In Revelation 17:10 we are also told there are seven kings.  I quote, “10And there are seven kings: five are fallen, and one is, and the other is not yet come; and when he cometh, he must continue a short space.”  Now this next verse is very important so keep this in mind.  I quote, ”And the beast that was, and is not, even he is the eighth, and is of the seven, and goeth into perdition” Revelation 17:11.   The seven mountains here refer to kingdoms or governments.  The kings of course are the rulers of the kingdoms.  In this case seven kings rule the seven kingdoms.  When you read both my post from the 27th and 30 of Oct. you will get a clear picture of why I am paying close attention to this Eastern leg. 

I just received an email today and I want to quote from it. “Dear Frank, I thought you would find the following article VERY interesting. – It appears that Turkey is actively seeking the restoration of the old Ottoman Empire, which falls right in line with what you've been saying.” The person who sent me the email also sent the link to the report, which appears below.

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“I warned you to watch for these Islamic nations to push Shariah Law and the report addressed this issue as will and I quote, “There have been reports of increasing Shariah-related violence within Turkey. Agence France-Presse reported just weeks ago how a 16-year-old girl was buried alive by relatives in a gruesome honor killing just because she reportedly befriended boys.Police reported finding the body of Medine Memi in a hole outside her house in Kahta about six weeks after she disappeared. Authorities reported her father and grandfather were arrested.

In my previous post I also warned you that when the U.S. pulls out of Iraq it will be taken over by Iran and their ally Turkey.  I also quote the report on this subject. “Shoebat also warned it is dangerous for freedom-loving interests to announce a date for a coalition pullout of Iraq.  If we create that vacuum, and in the Middle East vacuums are always filled up, this vacuum, I guarantee you, will be filled by Iran. They see the writing on the wall that America is going to pull out. 'Just be patient and lay low. We move in and we take that country in the future,'" Shoebat said”.

I suggest you take the time a read the report entitled,”Surprise! Guess who's biggest Islamic threat”.  Here is a section of that report.  Famed PLO terrorist-turned-Christian Walid Shoebat is warning that the United States needs to be watching not Iran, Syria or even Hamas and Hezbollah as closely as it needs to follow the actions of the Islamic leaders of Turkey. It was just a few months ago when Joseph Farah's G2 Bulletin reported Turkey appeared to be seeking the restoration of the old Ottoman Empire. The report said Turkey's increasing lack of terest in the European Union combined with its efforts to re-establish its influence in Turkic countries of Azerbaijan, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Turkmenistan and Uzbekistan and its outreaches to Russian, Syria and Iran are cause for concern. At the time, the shift by Tayyip Recep Erdogan, Turkey's leader, from West to East was obvious, because Turkey announced it was cutting Israel out of annual military exercises involving NATO forces while it sought out military exercises with Syria. Now Shoebat, the grandson of the Muslim Mukhtar of Beit Sahour-Bethlehem and a friend of Haj-Ameen Al-Husseini, the grand mufti of Jerusalem and notorious friend of Adolf Hitler, is worried about what Turkey is saying and doing”

As you can see from my posts Walid Shoebat I agree that Turkey is not only the major threat for the U.S. but for anyone living in the last days.  At time passes we are seeing more signs that the 8th kingdom in Revelation is the revived Roman Empire from the Islamic nations.  Now that we see the proof that Turkey is pushing to become that kingdom it tells us we are very close to the beginning of the seven year tribulation.



DiMora’s warning about Turkey: Oct. 27, 2009


DiMora’s warning about Turkey: Oct. 30, 2009





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  1. Wonderful article, thanks for putting this together! I’m very happy to leave my comment here, and hope that your blog will become more and more color!

  2. Self-reverence, self-knowledge, self-control, these three alone lead life to sovereign power.

  3. Yes, I agree to this blog that the parent should educate their kids at the early stage of their life. So that they can easily adapt themselves when they are ready to go to school. It must be not the high end one, but at least a kid can do anything to it to learn basics.

  4. This is a very good,common sense write-up.Really helpful to 1 who is simply discovering the resouces about this element.It will definitely aid teach me.

    • cheerfulc on November 28, 2012 at 10:25 am
    • Reply

    Hello and greetings in the name of our Lord
    just watched some clips of mrshoebat and i read here u also posted some stuff about him, and it was a learning experience and an ee opener so i googled on turkey and came to your site. From what you and mr shoebat are saying, it seems we will all face tribulation while all my life i thot rapture will take place and then tribulation later and i am from africa – central part, malawi and it seems we may not be affected by it since its the big 7 countries …could i get enlightened about that please?

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