May 28, 2015 End Times Signs

Today I listened to a interview done on the Allen Colmes show between Billy Graham’s daughter evangelist Sister Anne Graham Lotz and Allen Colmes. The interview was about Anne Graham saying “‘We’re coming close to end of human history”.  Mr. Colmes asked her many questions about her beliefs and why it is  she thinks we are at the end of human history.  My heart was filled with gladness hearing her preach what is truth to Mr. Colmes.  If you are not a believer and you listened to the reasons why Anne Graham says we have reached the end as we know it, let me say this, there are a lot more to the end times signs that she did not give which show us we are at the end.  Watch the video first and then I will give you other important signs we are going to see Jesus return for all those who have put their trust in Him soon.  I am glad Anne did not give a date as no respectable Pastor or follower of Christ would come out and say on what day and hour Jesus will come from His Children.  We don’t need a date to know our time on Earth is drawing to a swift close. You will see why I said this when you see some of the other end time signs Anne Graham did not give in that interview.

  I want to give you all those specific end time signs to show you Jesus is not kidding around when He tells us to get ready to meet Him in the air! I was going to make a video giving you all these signs Anne left out but that video would take hours to make. Instead I want to ask all those who don’t know the signs to please download my prophecy book for free at the link below in red and read it. You are going to be blown away by all the information our Lord has given us concerning the end time signs. I repeat, the signs you will be reading about in my book are very specific not just general signs.  May Jesus’ Holy Spirit be with you as you read this information. If you have any questions feel free to email me at  The Last Chronicles of Planet Earth May 27, 2015 Edition written by Frank DiMora.

  j7773.jpgOne of the signs Anne did not state was the prophecy about the birds, fish, and animals dying off in mass numbers. 

May 27, 2015 – Ministry of Agriculture should be disposed of more than 120 thousand heads of saiga, Kazakhstan.

May 27, 2015 – Thousands of fish die in Tancuilin River, Mexico.

May 28, 2015 – Masses of shellfish found dead ‘is a mystery’ on the coast of Ngunguru, New Zealand.

May 28, 2015 – 3 Million hens to be killed due to another outbreak of avian flu in Nebraska, America.–New-County-Involved-305226701.html

May 28, 2015 – Fish kill found in a river in Alandi, India.

May 28, 2015 – 35,000+ chickens killed due to avian flu in Accra, Ghana.

Signs of Revelation 6:6 points to people having to work all day for a very small amount of food. In the case of Rev. 6:6 we see wheat and barley being mentioned.  In the above Allen Clomes interview with Anne she did not say anything about how fast the food prices are going up each year.  One of the most important things that keep this world population eating is what the bees do.  However, the bees are dying off in mass numbers just as the birds, fish, and animals are and it is no coincidence.  Below you will see the three latest reports on the bees dying.

bee_animationGIFMay 7,  2015 – “What’s killing Michigan’s bees?”


bee_animationGIFMay 27,  2015 – “Utah beekeeper working with White House to save America’s dying honeybees”


bee_animationGIFMay 28, 2015 – Local beekeepers battle continued die-offs”



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