Aug. 29, 2015 Another Heat Record -Obama Factor

The Last Chronicles of Planet Earth August 26, 2015 Edition written by Frank DiMora.

111y Prophecy

Over the years I have repeated myself here at my prophecy site and at the many prophecy seminars I have given concerning the rising temperatures as outlined in the book of Revelation.  Each year my message has been the same which is get ready for new temperature records and each year that is exactly is what is happening.   If you are new to my site go ahead and do a Google search on Frank DiMora and scorching heat at either the or at  You will see my warning go back to when I first opened up my first prophecy site in 2007.  I am telling you this so you can check the record to see if the information I am quoting from is trust worthy?   If you check the quotes I have given you from the Bible on this issue you will learn what I learned and, that is Jesus Christ is always  trust worthy in His warnings.  Here is a prime example in the news today about the 2015 heat record!


“It is rare for climate experts to make such a bold prediction so soon in the year, but they believe that a surge in ocean temperatures in particular now makes it almost inevitable that 2015 will turn out to be the hottest year globally since instruments were first used to gather readings more than 130 years ago.

The average temperature increase will be so much higher than the previous record, set in 2014, that it should melt away any remaining arguments about the so-called “pause” in global warming, which many climate sceptics have promoted as an argument against action on climate change.”

Did you know that in the book of Daniel God outlines every major world power from Daniel to the second coming of Jesus Christ?  Did you also know that the United States is no where in sight as a world empire in the last days.  I have people asking me over and over again why isn’t the USA mentioned in prophecy if the USA is supposed to be the strongest nation in the world?  America has never been a WORLD EMPIRE and she never will be!  Fact is, our generation can now see first hand why it is America never makes it to a WORLD EMPIRE status and, therefore didn’t have to be mentioned by Daniel.  Do you want the answer?  You will find your answer in The Wall Street Journal report below.  Let it be know that Christ puts people in power for His own reason and it has become very clear that President Obama has been installed as leader to help bring down America from its superpower status.  The Wall Street Journal will show you what Obama has done to the U.S..  America has tossed Jesus to the side line and because of it God gave us Obama!


***If for any reason you are unable to view the WSJ article above, please go to the ETRM Facebook page and click the link on today’s post

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