September 9, 2015- The $13 million Palestinian presidential palace


Frank DiMora P.O. Box 732, Lompoc Ca. 93436
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indexBible prophecy documentary book download proving our generation will see the return of the Lord. Do you want to know what is going to happen in the future before it actually takes place? The Word of God provides you with specific details about our future and all of these things are coming to pass in this generation. If you aren’t saved yet this is a must read! The Last Chronicles of Planet Earth September 9, 2015 Edition written by Frank DiMora.


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September 2015 – a month of prophecy or a time to wait?

Israel finds more oil- God working in the sand!


Headline: Hezbollah Flags Fly High at London Anti-Netanyahu Demo

Hundreds of pro-Palestinian and pro-Israeli protestors faced off in front of Downing St. on Wednesday, in light of Israeli Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu’s scheduled visit to the United Kingdom. Some 400 pro-Palestinian protestors, some with Palestinian Authority (PA) and Hezbollah flags and emblems, shouted chants calling Netanyahu a “war criminal” and calling for his arrest, AFP reports; they were countered by a mere 100 pro-Israeli protestors. Police officers at the scene placed the total number of protestors at some 1,500, however, in comments to the British Jewish Chronicle – with a 2:1 ratio of pro-Palestinians to pro-Israelis. At least one pro-Israeli protestor blew a shofar during the demonstration. The faceoff grew heated, with several minor scuffles reported with police; at least one man was arrested at the scene for claiming that Jews love money. The protests erupted just as a petition calling for Netanyahu’s arrest as he arrived on UK soil reached 100,000 signatures on Saturday. The signatures forced the UK to issue an official response, in which Prime Minister David Cameron defended Israel’s rights to defend itself and noted that “visiting heads of foreign governments, such as Prime Minister Netanyahu, have immunity from legal process, and cannot be arrested or detained.”
September 9, 2015

Headline: Khamenei: Israel won’t survive next 25 years

Israel will not survive the next 25 years, Iran’s Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei said Wednesday, making a series of threatening remarks published online. In a quote posted to Twitter by Khamenei’s official account, Khamenei addresses Israel, saying, “You will not see next 25 years,” and adds that the Jewish state will be hounded until it is destroyed. The quote comes against a backdrop of a photograph apparently showing the Iranian leader walking on an Israeli flag painted on a sidewalk. “After negotiations, in Zionist regime they said they had no more concern about Iran for next 25 years; I’d say: Firstly, you will not see next 25 years; God willing, there will be nothing as Zionist regime by next 25 years. Secondly, until then, struggling, heroic and jihadi morale will leave no moment of serenity for Zionists,” the quote from Iran’s top leader reads in broken English. The quote was apparently taken from a speech given earlier in the day.
September 9, 2015


Headline: IN PICTURES: The $13mn Palestinian presidential palace

Headline: Cash-strapped Palestinian gov’t adopts emergency budget

Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas is currently building a $13mn presidential palace in the West Bank, just outside Ramallah. Reportedly scheduled to take two years to finish, the palace’s construction, including two helipads, guest quarters and administrative offices over more than six acres of land, comes just months after the PA was forced to pass an emergency budget when billions in pledged international aid failed to come through. Up to $127mn in Palestinian tax revenues where held by the Israeli government which released them in April. Most of the returned money was reportedly directed towards paying the salaries of Palestinian governmental employees. Critics have also pointed to the estimated 28 percent of the Palestinian budget that was spent in the past year on security forces, including an estimated 70,000 employees who work in six different security agencies, while health and education ministries received less funding. The latest figures from the Palestinian Central Bureau of Statistics show that 12.9 percent of Palestinians live under the poverty line.
September 9, 2015

psalm only

bb_thumb2.jpg Cooltextprophecysign“Do not keep silent, O God! Do not hold Your peace, And do not be still, O God! For behold, Your enemies make a tumult; And those who hate You have lifted up their head. They have taken crafty counsel against Your people, And consulted together against Your sheltered ones. They have said, “Come, and let us cut them off from being a nation, That the name of Israel may be remembered no more.” (Psalm 83)


Headline:   Fresh protests as Lebanon parties meet to end gridlock

Protesters angry over a lack of basic services and Lebanon’s political paralysis returned to the streets of the capital on Wednesday as party leaders met seeking to end months of gridlock. A protest movement across Lebanon’s sectarian fault lines has sprung up, initially motivated by a trash collection crisis but increasingly focused on the country’s stagnant political class. On Wednesday, as politicians arrived downtown, the first batch of protesters threw eggs at their convoys, chanting: “Thieves, thieves, get out!” Authorities beefed up security measures, erecting large metal barricades preventing access to parliament where political figures were meeting. Parliament speaker Nabih Berri, who also heads the Shiite Amal movement, called for a “national dialogue” among main parties to discuss a stalemate that has frozen government institutions for months. Ahead of the meeting, Prime Minister Tammam Salam said he hoped “that the participants will be able to reach an end to the crisis.” He also announced he was convening an extraordinary cabinet session to discuss the trash crisis. The dialogue call has been met with skepticism by demonstrators, with various groups urging mass protests on Wednesday to denounce corruption.
September 9, 2015


Sheikh Zuweid Egypt Rafah

Headline: Egyptian army launches ‘major operation’ in Sinai

Egypt has launched a “major military operation” against ISIS militants, the army announced in a statement on Tuesday, killing 29 people. “Units of the police and army launched Operation Right of the Martyr at dawn to eliminate terrorist elements in Rafah, Sheikh Zuweid and El-Arish in North Sinai,” the army said in a statement, according to Agence France-Presse. “Twenty-nine miscreants were killed… while an officer and a non-commissioned soldier were killed and four others wounded when their vehicle was blown up by a bomb.”
Egypt has been struggling to quell an insurgency in the peninsula since the military overthrew Islamist president Mohammad Mursi in 2013.
September 8, 2015

             Damascus ISIS Syria Iraq ISIS- the Islamic State of Iraq and Sham (the Levant) ISIS=ISIL=IS=Daash

Syria    IraqKurdistan



Iraq                              Syria                          Kurdistan


Syria Headline:  Russian nuclear sub Dmitri Donskoy Crosses Dardanelles

Syria Headline: Russia confirms military presence in Syria

Military sources of DEBKAfile report that the Russian nuclear submarine Dmitri Donskoy TK-208, which is headed to Syrian territorial waters, crossed the Dardanelles Strait on Wednesday on is way to Syrian waters. The world’s largest submarine, accompanied by two anti-submarine warfare carriers, carries 20 intercontinental ballistic missiles and up to 200 nuclear warheads. The sources report that military circles in Israel and other countries in the Middle East were surprised that the submarine has already reached the strategic strait linking the Black Sea to the Mediterranean Sea, even though it only departed from its northern base September 4. It had been estimated that the submarine would need at least 10 days to reach the Middle East.
September 9, 2015


Syria Headline:   Major Airbase Falls to Rebels, Syrian Troops Driven from Idlib Province

Syria Headline:   Jabhat a-Nusra ‘controls 95%’ of Abu a-Dhuhur military airport

Syrian government troops have lost control over a major military airbase in the northwestern province of Idlib. The troops pulled out of the Abu al-Duhur base after a two-year siege by Islamist-led rebels, according to a news flash broadcast Wednesday on Syrian state television. The rebels have now secured control over nearly all of Idlib province – but it is still not entirely clear which faction controls the province. It is believed the fighters who seized the base are members of the Al Qaeda-linked Jabhat al-Nusra (Al Nusra Front) group. A number of cities in the province are already under the control of the opposition forces, including Idlib and Jisr al-Shughour, according to the BBC. The UK-based Syrian Observatory for Human Rights confirmed the airbase has fallen and the Syrian military has been entirely driven from Idlib province, except for the primarily Shi’ite villages of Foua and Kfariya. Hezbollah guerrillas and the elite Iranian Revolutionary Guard Corps, who both are also Shi’ite, may be defending that territory.
September 9, 2015
***this follows the fall of Syria’s last oilfield, which today Syria is claiming they have re-captured (see 2nd link)

Tel Kurdi

Syria Headline: Damascus rebels near infamous prison

The Army of Islam rebel group has reportedly advanced to the outskirts of the infamous Damascus Central Prison in the northeast of the capital, which houses thousands of inmates. “On Tuesday afternoon, the Army of Islam’s mujahideen began a special operation, the goals of which include the liberation of the Tel Kurdi area and the capture of the women’s prison in Adra to free the women detained inside the prison’s walls,” the group said in an official statement. The pro-opposition All4Syria outlet reported Wednesday morning that fierce clashes had broken out on the Tel Kurdi front, which lies roughly one kilometer away from Damascus Central Prison in Adra, for the first time in several months. The Syrian Observatory for Human Rights also reported on the fighting, saying that “locations in eastern Ghouta’s Tel Kurdi were subjected to shelling by regime forces, causing the death of an Islamist fighter.” However, the monitoring NGO only briefly mentioned the clashes, without going into further details, while pro-rebel news sources touted Army of Islam advances near the prison.
September 9, 2015

Syria Headline:   Syrian Observatory for Human Rights

Iraq Headline:  Iraq’s deputy justice minister kidnapped in Baghdad

Iraq’s acting deputy justice minister was kidnapped from his vehicle on Tuesday by black-clad gunmen in northern Baghdad, security sources said, the second high-profile abduction in the capital in less than a week. There was no immediate claim of responsibility. Baghdad has seen a proliferation in recent years of well armed criminal gangs that carry out contract killings, kidnappings and extortion. Some members of powerful Shi’ite armed groups, which are seen as a critical deterrent against Islamic State militants, have also been accused of kidnapping people for political or criminal purposes. Ministry spokesman Haider Saadi confirmed the abduction of acting deputy minister Abdel Karim Faris. The security sources said another official and two guards were also kidnapped, but a spokesman for Baghdad operations command later denied that.
September 8, 2015


Iraq Headline:  ISIS attacks kill 13 Iraqi troops

ISIS suicide bombings and clashes between the extremist group and Iraqi troops killed 13 soldiers in Iraq’s western Anbar province Wednesday. Iraqi military and security officials said attacks in Anbar involved at least two suicide bombers that targeted a military outpost in the volatile province, which fell to the ISIS during the group’s blitz last year. The outpost housed a joint contingent of Iraqi soldiers, policemen and allied Sunni militiamen, the officials said, speaking on condition of anonymity because they were not authorized to talk to the media. Another 13 troops were wounded in the attacks, the latest to hit beleaguered Iraqi forces trying to claw back territory from the IS in the region.
September 9, 2015

Iraq Headline:   ISW Iraq Situation Report Sept. 4-8, 2015

Razi Kapikoy border crossing

Kurdish Headline: Four dead as Iran Revolutionary Guards fight Kurdish rebels

Fighting between Iran’s elite Revolutionary Guards and Kurdish rebels near the Turkish border have killed four people, two from each side, the official IRNA news agency reported Tuesday. The clashes took place Monday night in the West Azerbaijan province in northwestern Iran, IRNA said quoting regional governor Hussein Sivani. He said the clashes pitted members of the Revolutionary Guards against fighters from the Party of Free Life of Kurdistan (PJAK) “terrorist group.” “Two PJAK terrorists were killed and five were injured,” Sivani said, adding that the fighting also claimed the lives of two Revolutionary Guards members while two others were wounded. IRNA said the clashes occurred at Razi-Kapikoy, a border crossing between Iran’s West Azerbaijan province and Turkey’s Van province which has been closed for 10 days because of unrest in Turkey.
September 8, 2015

photo and chart 2Copy (2) of uwqa

Listed below are the nations which will attack Israel from Ezekiel chapter 38 and their modern day names (see chart above). 

Gog is the leader of the invasion of Israel.

Magog, Meshech, and Tubal comprise modern day Turkey.

Persia is Iran, parts of northern Iraq, and Afghanistan.

Cush is Ethiopia and Sudan.

Put is Libya and will most likely include Tunisia, Algeria, and Morocco.

Gomer is Eastern Turkey.

Beth Togarmah is Armenia.


Headline: 14 Turkish police killed in PKK attack

Headline: Turkey deploys ground troops into Iraq in retaliation for PKK attacks

Headline: Turkish nationalists attacks headquarters of pro-Kurdish party, newspaper

Headline: Turkish spy plane shot down near Iraqi-Turkish border, says PKK

An IED laid by the outlawed Kurdish Workers Party (PKK) blew up a police bus in the eastern Turksih province of Igdir Tuesday, killing at least fourteen police officers. DEBKAfile: The site of the attack was strategically located on a bus heading for the Dilucu border gate,which connects Turkey to Azerbaijan’s Nakhichevan Autonomous Republic. This republic is in dispute between Turkey and Armenia. The PKK is clearly expanding its attacks to hit Turkey’s sensitive corners. Meanwhile, An angry crowd Tuesday attacked the Ankara headquarters of Turkey’s main pro-Kurdish party, in a night of nationalist-tinged violence across the country, reports and officials said. Dozens of nationalist protesters marched on the the headquarters of the pro-Kurdish Peoples’ Democratic Party (HDP) in Ankara, throwing stones and ripping down the sign outside, pictures broadcast by the CNN-Turk channel showed.
September 9, 2015


Headline:   Republican Revolt Stalls House Debate on Iran Nuclear Deal

Headline: Iranian Defense Minister Hossein Dehghan: We Will Always Provide Arms to the Resistance against the U.S. and Israel

House Republican leaders on Wednesday postponed debate on President Obama’s landmark nuclear accord with Iran amid a revolt by some Republicans who claimed the White House had not disclosed secret side agreements on the deal. The delay of the historic debate because of Republican infighting opened a new twist in the White House’s effort to move forward with the accord, but it appeared it would have little impact on its prospects. Under the legislation passed this spring that gave Congress a say in the nuclear deal, lawmakers have until mid-September to approve or disapprove the accord. If they do nothing, it goes into force. On Tuesday, the administration succeeded in securing the votes needed in the Senate to block the Republican disapproval resolution on the deal in that chamber, sparing Mr. Obama from having to use his veto pen. But even as the White House seemed to sidestep the potential diplomatic embarrassment that might accompany such a veto, some Republicans in the House were opening a new line of attack against the deal. Led by Representatives Peter Roskam of Illinois and Mike Pompeo of Kansas, they alleged that there were secret side agreements between Iran and the International Atomic Energy Agency, which will help enforce the nuclear agreement, and that the text of those agreements had not been disclosed to Congress.
September 9, 2015





Headline:     Thornberry Calls for Indefinite Military Presence in Afghanistan

The chairman of the House Armed Services Committee said Tuesday the United States should retain at least the current number of troops in Afghanistan indefinitely to counter a terrorism threat that is unlikely to die out even with the defeat of the Taliban or Islamic State. Rep. Mac Thornberry, R-Texas, said the country will remain a magnet for terrorist groups due to its history, lawless areas and opium trade, and he called for a freeze on any further military withdrawals under an Obama administration plan to whittle the 9,800 troops there to an embassy security force after 2016. He cited U.S. bases established in Europe after World War II and bases built in South Korea following the war there in the 1950’s as precedents for a lasting military presence. The Republican chairman had just returned from a trip to Afghanistan to meet with President Ashraf Ghani and top U.S. commander Gen. John Campbell, who is expected to make recommendations to the White House in the coming weeks on troop levels amid growing reports of Islamic State activity and political pressure to slow any withdrawal. “Whatever they call themselves, I believe Afghanistan will be a central point for terrorists well into the future … we’ve got to have a presence there to keep up with it and for homeland planning to be able to do something about it,” Thornberry said. “To follow the Iraq model of just having a few people stationed at the embassy, I think, would be a colossal mistake.”
September 8, 2015


Headline:   Sudan looks for greater Russian role to repair ties with South Sudan

Headline:   Sudan’s security forces killed, raped and burned civilians alive, says rights group

The Sudanese government said it was looking forward to a greater Russian role in the normalization of relations with the South Sudan, and declared readiness to accept any initiative to ease the troubled relations. The Russian foreign minister Sergei Lavrov on Wednesday organizes a tripartite meeting with his Sudanese and South Sudanese counterparts to discuss ways to settle the outstanding issues and implement border and security protocols agreed between the two countries since September 2013. In press statements before to leave for Moscow, Sudanese foreign minister Ibrahim Ghandour underlined to importance of the visit, pointing that Russia is an important actor on the global stage and has strong economic relations with Sudan. “Sudan looks for a bigger Russian role in the resolution of the outstanding issues between Khartoum and Juba,” Ghandour said in an interview with Russian news agency Sputnik before his departure.
September 9, 2015


Headline:   Bomb hits near Libya prison holding former Gadhafi officials

A car bomb exploded near a prison in the Libyan capital where former officials of Moammar Gadhafi’s regime, including the dictator’s playboy son, are being held, an official said. “A car bomb exploded close to the Al-Habda al-Khadra prison, where there is also an Interior Ministry brigade headquarters,” prison spokesman Othman al-Ghellani told AFP. “The car blew up around 150 meters (yards) from the prison’s perimeter wall,” he said. “Initial investigations found that a woman parked the car there under the pretext of wanting to visit an inmate.” Ghellani said no one was hurt in the blast, which damaged two nearby cars. Al-Hadba is controlled by the Fajr Libya militia coalition which seized Tripoli last year and is opposed to the internationally recognized government which is based in the east.
September 9, 2015

Morocco Morocco

Headline:  Morocco to Take Part in Ground Operations in Yemen

Troops from nine Arab countries, including Morocco, are expected to take part in a ground operation of Yemen, according to news website Alyaoum24, citing Yemeni media sources. The military campaign aims at fighting and weakening the Iran-backed Houthi rebels and the troops loyal to former Yemeni President Ali Abdullah Saleh. According to the same source, troops from Morocco, Egypt, Jordan, Sudan and Kuwait will be heading to the province of Marib in the coming hours. These troops will be fighting alongside forces loyal to the government, aided by airstrikes led by Saudi Arabia. The same source added that in addition to Saudi Arabia, United Arab Emirates and Bahrain, Qatar also deployed troops to Yemen for the first time since the beginning of the Saudi-led military operation, codenamed Decisive Storm, in Yemen. According to Doha-based Al-Jazeera, one-thousand group troops, supported by armored vehicles and helicopters, are headed for the province of Marib.
***see also Yemen below
September 7, 2015

rise of ISIS

Headline: ISIS Dabiq #11 Magazine includes new section on Prisoners For Sale



Headline:  Migrant crisis: Australia ups refugee intake and plans Syria strikes

Headline: Hungary to Germany: Stop Encouraging Refugees To Travel To Europe

Headline: Juncker: Migrant quotas must be ‘compulsory’

Headline: Images Show Jihadist Militants Entering Europe as “Refugees”

Headline: Kerry: US committed to accepting more refugees

Prime Minister Tony Abbott on Wednesday announced that Australia would accept 12,000 Syrians from persecuted minorities. That is on top of the 13,750 overall intake of confirmed refugees for 2015. Australia will also expand its role fighting the so-called Islamic State (IS) to include its Syrian strongholds. The Australian air force has been bombing IS targets in Iraq for about 12 months, but the US last month asked Australia to help pursue targets in Syria. Mr Abbott’s announcement is a major policy change. Several days ago he said Australia would take more Syrian refugees, but only as part of existing quota. Europe is struggling to cope with its worst migrant crisis since World War Two, with tens of thousands crossing European borders. The European Commission is due to announce plans to distribute 120,000 asylum seekers among EU member countries, with binding quotas.
September 9, 2015

nation against nation 3CooltextprophecysignLuke 21:9 and Matthew 24:7 speak of nation against nation and kingdom against kingdom in the end times. Revelation 6:3-4 speaks of the fiery red horse given power to make men slay one another and Revelation 6:8 speaks again of this red horse in conjunction with the pale horse of Death and Hades, as the one that has the power to kill by sword.  Luke 21:9: wars & commotions; the Greek word here is Akatastasia, meaning instability, a state of disorder, disturbance, confusion (revolutions)   Matthew 24:7: the Greek word for nation is Ethnos & refers to various ethnic groups fighting among themselves, where the next sentence in the verse refers to kingdoms (basileiva) fighting one another (not to be confused with an actual kingdom but rather the right or authority to rule over a kingdom)

Headline:  Venezuela extends Colombia border closure, sends another 3,000 troops

Headline: Inside Colombia and Venezuela’s Border and Refugee Crisis

Venezuela has extended a partial border shutdown with Colombia and sent another 3,000 troops to the area, Reuters reported. The crime crackdown by Caracas has already sent thousands of Colombians fleeing their adopted homeland. The government says it is tackling crime gangs on the border who wreak violence and drain Venezuela’s economy by trafficking subsidized goods from flour to gasoline. The main frontier points in Tachira state were shut last month, and Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro ordered the closing of the Paraguachon crossing in Zulia state to the north late Monday. Another 3,000 soldiers were sent to the porous 2,219-kilometer border, adding to 2,000 already there.
September 8, 2015

Headline: Ugandan police fire teargas at supporters of President Museveni’s rival

Police in northeastern Uganda fired teargas on Wednesday to disperse a campaign rally held by Amama Mbabazi, the country’s former prime minister, who is seeking to unseat veteran leader Yoweri Museveni in next year’s elections. Museveni, who has ruled the east African nation for nearly 30 years, is expected to face a tough challenge from Mbabazi, a former ally and influential figure in the ruling National Resistance Movement (NRM) party before he quit. Since Monday, Mbabazi has been holding large rallies across eastern Uganda to gauge support for his candidacy and to rally supporters. The government has dismissed the gatherings as “illegal”. Josephine Mayanja-Nkangi, a spokesperson for Mbabazi, said police fired teargas shortly after his supporters gathered at a sports ground in Soroti, a town about 300km (190 miles) from capital Kampala. “They fired teargas to disperse our rally and without any provocation or any cause at all,” she said. Police did not answer requests for comment. Reports in local media said military aircraft had also hovered over the grounds where Mbabazi’s supporters were assembled, shortly before the teargas was fired. Shaban Bantariza, the deputy government spokesperson, told Reuters that Mbabazi’s rallies were illegal because the electoral commission had authorized Mbabazi to hold “consultative meetings”, not “mass rallies.”
September 9, 2015

Headline: Three killed in Southern Nepal over new draft of constitution: Nepali police

Three persons have been killed when police opened fire into a crowd of demonstrators on Wednesday as fresh protests erupted in Nepal’s southern plains over a new draft constitution, police officials told Xinhua. The incident took place in Jaleshwor Municipality of Mahottari district of Southern Nepal came two weeks after violent clashes in Kailali District Far-Western Nepal, which witnessed the brutal killing of eight police officials and an 18-month-old boy by the agitating Tharu community. Nepal Police Spokesman Kamal Singh Bam told Xinhua that the police was forced to open fire to control the crowd as hundreds of demonstrators belonging to the Madheshi parties tried to set fire at a local police station with domestic weapons such as knives, swords and axes. According to police officials, the demonstrators belonging to Madheshi parties also set fire on the house of the district court judge in Mahottari. Earlier on Wednesday, a demonstrator was killed in Saptari District of Southern Nepal in a clash between the police and the protestors against the constitution.
September 9, 2015

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Headline: Dozens of Emirati Soldiers Beheaded by ISIL in Yemen

Headline: Egypt sends up to 800 ground troops to Yemen’s war: Egyptian security sources

Headline: Saudi-led strikes destroy Houthi site in Marib

ISIL terrorists have cut off the heads of several dozen Emirati soldiers who fled the war in Yemen’s Maarib after a Houthi missile attack killed at least 65 of their comrades along with 240 others from the Saudi-led coalition, Iranian media reports said. “ISIL militants in coordination with the Saudi intelligence beheaded UAE soldiers after abducting tens of Emirati military men who had fled the war in Maarib province,” website quoted a Yemeni security source as saying on Tuesday. The source pointed to Saudi Arabia’s role in orchestrating ISIL’s abduction of Emirati troops. “The Saudi intelligence directors run and supervise these abduction operations,” he said. On Monday, the Yemeni forces killed a sum of 300 foreign troops in a Friday attack on al-Safer military base in Eastern Yemen.
September 9, 2015


Headline: Russia building major military base near Ukrainian border

Russia has started to build a huge military base housing ammunition depots and barracks for several thousand soldiers near the Ukrainian border, a project that suggests the Kremlin is digging in for a prolonged stand-off with Kiev. The base, when completed, will even have its own swimming pool, skating rink and barber shop, according to public documents. This week workmen were erecting a fence in a cornfield outside the village of Soloti to mark out the perimeter, and told a Reuters reporter to leave, accusing him of being an Ukrainian spy. In almost the same spot there was a flurry of military activity in April last year that coincided with intense fighting across the Ukrainian frontier that lies about 25 km (15 miles) away. A squadron of Mi-24 attack helicopters was seen there at the time, as well as army tents and trucks. NATO has accused Russia of using makeshift bases for sending soldiers and hardware into Ukraine to support pro-Russian separatists fighting Kiev. Russia denies its military is in Ukraine. The defense ministry did not reply to written questions from Reuters about the purpose of the base it is building and whether there was any connection to the Ukraine conflict. According to tender documents published on the Russian government website, the ministry is building the military base on a 300-hectare site near Valuyki, a small town not far from Soloti. The ministry intends to build nine barracks for 3,500 soldiers, warehouses for rockets, artillery weapons, and other munitions with a total area of over 6,000 square meters. The documents also stated there would be a large training complex, and an infirmary for 50 beds, which can be expanded in case of “massive influx of wounded”. They did not give the exact location of the base, but local residents in Soloti said they believed it would be on their doorstep. “They are building a military town,” said Alexander Panchenko, a local resident whose house overlooks farmland where preparatory work is underway for a big construction project.
September 9, 2015

Screen-Shot-2014-12-19-at-4.39.48-AM Cooltextprophecysign Economic collapse Revelation 6:5-6 & James 5:1-3– Worldwide– “ When He opened the third seal, I heard the third living creature say, “Come and see.” So I looked, and behold, a black horse, and he who sat on it had a pair of scales in his hand. And I heard a voice in the midst of the four living creatures saying, “A quart of wheat for a denarius, and three quarts of barley for a denarius; and do not harm the oil and the wine.” (Revelation) “Come now, you rich, weep and howl for your miseries that are coming upon you! Your riches are corrupted, and your garments are moth-eaten. Your gold and silver are corroded, and their corrosion will be a witness against you and will eat your flesh like fire. You have heaped up treasure in the last days.” (James)

Headline: Interest rate rise: turning point looms for US debt binge

With a $4tn mountain of debt maturing over the next five years, corporate America’s reliance on cheap cash is about to get tested. With the prospect of steadily higher interest rates in the coming years as the Federal Reserve gradually tightens policy, US companies that tapped global markets for inexpensive finance over the past four years will soon face a different environment. High quality global journalism requires investment. US corporate treasurers have rushed to lock in cheap borrowing costs in advance of the expected rate rise, refinancing more than $1tn each year between 2012 and 2014, according to Standard & Poor’s. Tighter borrowing conditions will mark a turning point in the recent debt binge. Companies have had easy access to cash to write cheques for multibillion-dollar takeovers, to fund buybacks and dividend strategies — all welcomed by investors as share prices rallied off 2009 lows. But as rates turn higher, investors may see the flip side of cheap financing. Analysts warn companies will begin defaulting in greater numbers, particularly in the energy sector, which has found itself in the line of fire as commodity prices languish.
September 9, 2015







Cooltextprophecysign Pestilence & Plagues Luke 21:11 & Revelation 6:8 “And there will be great earthquakes in various places, and famines and pestilences; and there will be fearful sights and great signs from heaven.” (Luke) “So I looked, and behold, a pale horse. And the name of him who sat on it was Death, and Hades followed with him. And power was given to them over a fourth of the earth, to kill with sword, with hunger, with death (Thanatos in Greek meaning the death of the body whether natural or violent), and by the beasts of the earth” (Revelation)

Headline: 3 New Ebola Patients Found in Sierra Leone

Three more people have tested positive for Ebola from the same village in Sierra Leone’s northern Kambia district of the country where a 67-year-old woman died last week from the virus, health officials said. Sierre Leone’s Chief Medical Officer Dr. Brima Kargbo told VOA Tuesday the new patients came from among the 50 high-risk people identified as close relatives of the deceased woman. The West African nation has had nearly 14,000 cases of Ebola and about 4,000 deaths since the outbreak began in 2014. But Kargbo said the latest outbreak is containable because its origin is traceable. “These are people who stayed in the same community,” he said, adding that “some even participated in washing of the corpse. So that is why the entire village was quarantined to avoid transmitting the infection from one place to another.” The latest outbreak temporarily dashed the country’s hopes of being declared Ebola-free following the release from the hospital late last month of the country’s last known Ebola patient.
September 9, 2015

frank      signs in heaven




CooltextprophecysignMatthew 24:7 “For nation shall rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom: and there shall be famines, and pestilences, and earthquakes, in divers places. Luke 21:11 And great earthquakes shall be in divers places, and famines, and pestilences; and fearful sights and great signs shall there be from heaven.” Luke21:25 “And there will be signs in the sun, in the moon, and in the stars; and on the earth distress of nations, with perplexity, the sea and the waves roaring”

 Headline: Unseasonal sandstorm sweeps across Mideast

Headline: Five dead as sandstorm whips through Lebanon

Egypt’s state news agency says authorities have closed four ports in the Suez governorate because of poor visibility due to a sandstorm gripping the Middle East. Egypt’s state news agency MENA quotes the General Authority for Red Sea Ports as saying visibility in the area was reduced to less than 1,500 meters (just under 1 mile) Wednesday morning. MENA reports that the ports specialize in transporting containers, goods, oils, petroleum products and passengers. The unseasonal sandstorm has swept across the Mideast, blanketing Beirut, Cairo and Damascus and causing the deaths of at least five people and sending hundreds of others to hospitals with breathing problems.
September 9, 2015

Headline: New Zealand- Rotorua Geyser erupts after 35 years of inactivity

A geyser which has been dormant for more than 35 years has caught locals off guard after suddenly erupting. The Papakura Geyser is located at the Te Puia Te Whakarewarewa Thermal Valley in Rotorua, where there are more than 500 geothermal wonders. This particular geyser had not shown any signs of strong life since 1979 – until last week, when intermittent “bubbling” reached boiling point. Staff at Te Puia reported that the geyser erupted continuously for about 36 hours and shot water up to 4m high. Te Puia’s chief executive, Tim Cossar, said: “We keep a close eye on our various geothermal features to monitor any changes, and to see her suddenly start erupting was extremely exciting. “We don’t know when she will start again or how long she will continue to perform for us, but it was certainly fantastic to see it.” GNS Volcano Information Specialist, Brad Scott, said the Papakura geyser was entering a new phase of recovery and experts would be monitoring its progress over the next few months.
September 9, 2015

Note from Frank***All earthquakes are instantly posted to my Facebook & Twitter pages; Please be sure to visit my Facebook page to see ALL the maps of the large earthquakes from March 2014 – today

Headline:    What’s shaking? an_eqList & map of USGS Earthquakes{%22feed%22%3A%221day_m25%22%2C%22search%22%3Anull%2C%22sort%22%3A%22newest%22%2C%22basemap%22%3A%22grayscale%22%2C%22autoUpdate%22%3Atrue%2C%22restrictListToMap%22%3Atrue%2C%22timeZone%22%3A%22local%22%2C%22mapposition%22%3A[[-82.49482361179572%2C-81.2109375]%2C[82.44876405595812%2C481.28906250000006]]%2C%22overlays%22%3A{%22plates%22%3Atrue}%2C%22viewModes%22%3A{%22map%22%3Atrue%2C%22list%22%3Atrue%2C%22settings%22%3Afalse%2C%22help%22%3Afalse}}

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