Was Jesus correct to warn us about a world economc system that would be controlled by one man? You better believe it! Jesus warned us about gold- Shrinking dollar-Swine Flu scare from the government-July 18, 2009


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Prophecy Sign: In the book of Revelation Jesus told us one man would control the entire world and he would also be able to stop any person from buying for selling unless the person took his mark which, by the way Jesus warned would be placed in the hand or forehand. These prophecies can be found in Revelation chapter 13, and in chapter 17. In the book of Daneil chapter 2 and 7 we see the last world empire that will be controlled by this Antichrist. For years I warned people a one world system would come and it is happening right before our eyes and most of the world hasn’t a clue why this is happening because they don’t know what prophecy signs to look for. In the news we see the leaders of the world pushing for this one world currency and it will take place. Here is a site that explains the new currency. Once at the site click to the different links at the cite and you will see the foot steps of prophecy coming to pass.



Prophecy Sign: Did you know Jesus in Chapter 18 of the book of Revelation showed us the people living in the tribulation would cry over their lost (GOLD). For years I have been telling people the gold prices would go sky high. Over the past year people all over the world and specially China are buying up gold. Here is a report which shows how hard it is to buy gold these days. If you think it is hard now wait till the U.S. dollar dies. Experts in the market place are telling us gold could reach 3 grand a ounce. “Unprecedented demand, a shortage of blanks, and restrictive policies and regulations continue to exacerbate what is almost becoming a chronic shortage of gold and silver coins authorized by the U.S. Mint. The U.S. Mint has again "temporarily" suspended sales of almost all of its gold uncirculated and proof coins, along with nearly all of silver uncirculated coins because of the limited availability of blanks. The mint no longer offers for sale the American Buffalo Gold Proof fractional coins and four coin sets are no longer available. Meanwhile the mint will no longer offer American Buffalo Gold Uncirculated Coins. The 2009 American Buffalo One-ounce Gold Proof Coin is scheduled to go on sale in the second half of the 2009 calendar year after an acceptable inventory of 24-karat gold blanks can be acquired.” keep in mind this is taking place at the same time the leaders of the world are pressing for the one world currency. Do you really think this is all a coincidence? If you do, you aren’t paying attention to all the signs Jesus instructed us to follow and if this is the case your are probably not ready to leave when Jesus comes to remove His true believers.


Many of you still don’t believe the U.S. dollar will ever die. Those of you who don’t realize what is coming will be caught off guard and won’t be prepared when you money isn’t worth putting it in your pocket any longer. For those of you who are diehards for the dollar you better watch this video and pay attention to what is coming. One more time, when the dollar fails and it will fail it will speed up the process to bring on the one world currency and the one world government.


Swine Flu scare is this a dream or have we seen this government scare before? Watch the video and you will see it took place before. Many Americans died from the shot. I quote, " Swine Flu Epidemic Of 1976 inspired the vaccination of 40 Million people a little known fact was that those vaccinations caused devastating side effects to over 4000 victims. The frightening revelations about this event are the similarities today. A company by the name of Baxter international has the contract to vaccinate 4 billion worldwide. The problem is very few know that Baxter recently was caught sending tainted Bird Flu vaccines to 18 countries. This vaccination that KILLED the host it was tested on was caught just in time.


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