July 14, 2009-I am a blessed man! See why. When I read these emails Jesus shows me how He has touched this ministry and people’s lives-July 9, 2009

Newest emails about my Work for Jesus. I am putting emails up not brag but to show how grateful I am to Jesus for allowing me to touch people's hearts for Christ. It is truly a blessing knowing my labor for Jesus bringing fruit. It is my prayer that people will read these emails and be encouraged to visit my site.

I have been coming to your site for over two years now after meeting you at my church in Ashland, Ohio. As time passes I realize it was all carefully orchestrated by God. I believe many of us who are saved, have become complacent. We are good people, but have taken our eye off the sky. I am now living a life ready to meet the lord at anytime. I think of it the same as a person that's survived a near death experience. That person, from that moment on, sees life in a different way. They know at anytime they can be gone. Your site helps me focus my life in the same manner. It gives me the knowledge and understanding to be ready, but at the same time, live day to day to share Gods promise to others. Thank you for all you do and be blessed my friend.
Scott Pruner
Mansfield, Ohio

July 12, 2009
I emailed you a while back after I found your website and I told you how exciting it was for me to read about the end time prophecies and how my friends and family think I'm crazy.  I also told you how I'd been laid off and was out of work.  Well, Frank you prayed, I prayed AND I GOT A JOB! Not only did I get a job, I am entering into a career that I am very well suited for making twice what I made at my last position which is more money than I have ever made in my life. Frank, God has answered my prayers in EVERY WAY POSSIBLE. EVERYTHING I PRAYED FOR HAS HAPPENED! He is a wonderful God and I love him with my whole heart. I just wanted to say thank you Frank for your prayers and to tell you that GOD HAS SHOWED UP AND SHOWED OUT!!
Tina D.

July 12, 2009

Frank,  I just read your post for today. I just finished your book, but believe me I am not really finished with it, because I will continue to read, and read, and grasp more and more. The Facts, and  Proof that you have backed yourself up with proves your diligence. God truly has Blessed you, and Used, and is Using you for His Glory. You have studied yourself and have shown yourself very approved. I read yesterday your post before I even read about the recent earthquake in China and my mouth just fell open. I was just in Awe of what I just read from your post,and that you wood be on the road. I had a feeling that you had not read about the recent earthquake in China. I said to myself wait till Frank sees this, he is going to post this, and there it was. I just got back on the computer after I finished your book this morning, What you said was right there happening. You were, Yes obedient to post this even before.Then I read latter on in the day, they are telling Israel to take down their Barriers, walls, wires, etc whatever, and my mouth just fell open again. I just found that out a day before from your book, let alone knowing God said Israel would be attacked un walled. Wow. Everything lining up for The Attack. God is their protective Wall. We know that because of His Word, it says that. These Birth Pangs are indeed intensifying. I am just glued to God's Word anymore. It's Alive and Happening in Our Generation. You have indeed  enlightened my knowledge in areas of God's Word that no one else has been able to do. God saved the Best Teacher for me to learn from in These Last Days. You are indeed A True Servant of Our Lord. I want to share this with all who will have ears to listen with and desire. Continue to be Blessed Dear Brother. If I don't see you on earth here ,I know I will see you in Heaven soon,and what A Day of Rejoicing that will be.  Thank You, over and over again.  Praying g God keep you Strong and in Bold Service for His Glory.  Please keep  my Daughter Maria in Your Prayers.   Sincerely,  Angela Falcon

Letter from Patrick Baldwin

I thought people claiming to be born again were just crazy, until it happened to me. The week before I ended up in the hospital due to heart trouble as a result of having Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy I had read Frank's book, "The Last Chronicles of Planet Earth". Of course no book can compare to the Bible, but Frank's book made me realize just how amazing the Bible truly is. I had thought I gave my life to Christ when I was younger, but I never felt any change, I still had a void in my heart that only Jesus could fill. It was just a few months ago that as I rode in an ambulance, I truly gave my life to Christ and realized what it means to be born again. Giving my life to Christ and realizing just how much I needed Jesus to be my Lord and Savior was the best decision I ever made and is the best decision we can ever make in this short life. Frank's book among other thinks helped me get to the cross and realize that everything happening in the world today must come to pass.Before being born again, I think of it as if we are playing a game of tag. We are running after something (money, girls, video games, movies, etc., but those things are just things the devil uses to keep us from God). So essentially we are chasing the devil, but Jesus is running with us. When we accept Jesus as our Lord and Savior we turn around and give him a hug, apologize for running from Him (repentance), and follow HIm (do His will). We say to the devil, "keep running, I don't need you, I have Jesus". Jesus never stops chasing us, it is just up to us whether or not we will turn from sin and pick up the cross and follow Him.

Letter from Angela Falcon.

Frank,  I can't put your book down very long, but honestly only to rest my eyes. I am on the chapter on the invasion of Israel now. How you have taken time to break all this information of who is who, and what is what. About the wall that has to come down in Israel, at the time they are saying Peace and Safety. I did not know about the wall having to come down, but I am watching for that now to.It is Escalating, No Doubt. A Heart of Gratitude I have for you and your work. Your so Sincere about  peoples souls. A Heart of Jesus you have. So much knowledge you have given freely to all who will listen. I know The Holy Spirit led me to your site, cause I never heard of you before. Nothing but The Lord's Working.Your Work has made The Word of God more alive than ever to me.The Knowledge and technology.  Remember I am an intercessor prayer warrior  with all of you also, and for the needs they stand in need of. I will tell you this, I am keeping my eyes on King Juan Carlos of Spain very closely. With a Heart of Gratitude to you.     Sincerely, Angela Falcon

Letter from Wayne L.

Once again I am going to encourage everyone on my list to please take the time to visit Frank's site…time is short no matter what your convictions are…the evidence is all around us and undeniable….Frank is one of the foremost researchers of end times prophecy and will give you all the harsh realities of what has been preached for years….This is not a time to put God aside and think that all is going to be okay in the future…we all need to get our hearts right with God and pray and talk to those we love so when the hammer falls we will all be together….Wayne

I was blessed to reach the number one prophecy site: If you haven't rated my work you can do so by going to the link below:



    • Uithoven family on July 9, 2009 at 1:17 pm
    • Reply

    Praise the Lord!!!!!!!!!

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