Satan attacks America-War coming in Middle East- Signs of conflict between Syria and Israel-Feb. 6, 2009


Listen to what Jesus says the believers would be up against.  “For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places” Ephesians 6:12.  Timothy tells us in the last days people would seem to be lovers of God but they really won’t be.  2nd Timothy 3:5 tells us, “having a form of godliness but denying its power.

America is in a war against God.  I have shown you on many occasions how America is turning from Christ and is actually doing things to remove Christ out of the government.  Notice if you will how many politicians use God when they are trying to get elected to office but when they do get the seat their true colors are exposed by what they do while in office.   Case in point.  There is a bill out that will help colleges and Universities to be renovated.  However, the U.S. government had made it so that if a school has any religious or faith base teaching that school will be excluded from any money to help renovate.  “Jay Sekulow, chief counsel of the American Center for Law& Justice, tells OneNewsNOw there is a provision of the act that actually allows for funds to be gien by the federal government in the form of grants for renovation of existing colleges and universities.  “But when you read a little bit further into the legislation, there’s a specific prohibition on two things. “the attorney explains. “One is if the university itself is a religiously based or faith-based institution, it does not qualify.  And if the facility that is being renovated allows religious worship to take place, it also does not qualify.”  Specifically, the provision reads that stimulus funds may not be used for “modernization, renovation, or repair of facilities-(i) used for sectarian instruction, religious worship, or a school or department of divinity; or (ii) in which a substantial portion of the functions of the facilities are subsumed in a religious mission”.  We see that “Under that provision, according to Sekulow many schools would bar on-campus worship or even Bible study because it will put federal funding in jeopardy.  That, he says, should raise a warning flag in a federal courthouse”. 

There was a amendment to this bill which was sent up to fight against the religious schools from being left out of the funds to help fix the schools.  I quote a section of a report from the ACLJ.  “As you know, we supported an amendment put forward by Sen Jim DeMint (R-SC) that would have invalidated language included in the stimulus measure that prohibits higher education facilities that accept federal stimulus funds from permitting religious groups and organizations from using those facilities.”  You can see the amendment below:

AMENDMENT NO.llll Calendar No.lll

Purpose: To allow the free exercise of religion at institutions

of higher education that receive funding under section

803 of division A.

Today I just learned that the amendment failed.  According to the ACLJ the final vote was:  “43 Senators voted in support of the amendment – 54 against. That means that the discriminatory language remains in the stimulus bill.”  This is a serious blow to religious freedom in this country and it is coming at a time when America is facing duel crisis, the crisis of the heart and the crisis in the economy.  How is it that funds are granted to give money to nations outside the U.S. to promote abortions, yet the senators won’t provide funds to schools, which have anything to do with Christ?  These are the times, which the Apostles knew would be coming in the last days and, we have arrived there now.  If I were you I would write your Senator if they voted no against the amendment.  Either stand up for what you believe or do nothing and watch America go down.

Below is the link showing how the Senators voted.

I hope you have been telling your friends to come to my site.  If you did they would have noticed that all my warnings are coming to pass exactly as I stated.  Months ago I warned to watch the massive numbers of people who are going to get pink slips within the next few months.  Today’s news is worse than last week. “Employers slash 598,000 jobs in Jan., most since `74; unemployment rate bolts to 7.6 percent  WASHINGTON (AP) — Recession-battered employers eliminated 598,000 jobs in January, the most since the end of 1974, and catapulted the unemployment rate to 7.6 percent. The grim figures were further proof that the nation's job climate is deteriorating at an alarming clip with no end in sight.”

For all the new people at my site today, this is all part of how America will fall as a world power.  America has to decline in order to allow the new modern day Roman Empire to rise.  If you are new to my site and, don’t understand what I am speaking about just download my free book and read chapter 2 from that book. In short, God showed Daniel, in the last days it would be a reborn Roman Empire that will take the position as the world power of the last days.  This modern day Roman Empire is actually today’s European Union. Read chapter 2 and you will see why.  America has to fall because we are told it will be from this modern day EU that the Antichrist will rise and take control of the world’s economy.  Now you know why the world is going through a global economic crisis.  Jesus is taken this generation who has become a carbon copy of Noah’s generation right to the feet of the Antichrist.  

I ask you again to go back and read some of my warnings.  You will see that I keep warning that more of the same is on the way and you all should take steps to prepare for it.  Here is a short section from today’s report telling you what to except in the coming year.  If you don’t listen to me, maybe you will listen to them? I quote, “With fallout from the housing, credit and financial crises — the worst since the 1930s — ripping through the economy, analysts predict 3 million or more jobs will vanish this year even if lawmakers quickly approve Obama's stimulus plan, which has ballooned to more than $900 billion in the Senate.

Those of you who have been coming to my site have read my warning months ago that in the near future you would begin to hear a lot of talk about a coming Depression not just a recession.  If you noticed that is was is taking place in the news right now.  I quote one example. “The US economy is suffering its steepest downturn since at least the 1970s and could descend into a depression, Jeff Immelt,General Electric’s chief executive, warned on Thursday.  He said businesses and consumers alike were struggling to contend with tumultuous markets and a financial-services industry under siege. “Unlike the other downturns that I’ve been a part of, this one is faced with limited liquidity,” Mr Immelt, GE’s chief since 2001 told a conference. “Once you break through ’74-’75, you don’t stop ’til you get to 1929.”  

Yesterday Feb. 5 a (Bloomberg) report also had a story where Bill Gross made a statement about a Depression. “Bill Gross, co-chief investment officer of Pacific Investment Management Co., said the U.S. may slump into a “mini depression” unless policy makers spend trillions of dollars to spur growth”.  People who know economics know just how bad this crisis really is and how bad it is going to get. People who love Jesus and know his Word know this also but there is one huge difference.  Those that are walking for Christ are making themselves ready to go home to Christ soon.  Those who aren’t ready are making themselves ready to meet the Antichrist.  The sad part about all this is, those people don’t even know it!  Anyone who isn’t ready, these things, which are coming from God and Christ, will over take them as a thief in the night.

You must realize if Jesus said the man of sin (Antichrist), would control the entire world’s economy this economic crisis had to hit the entire world.  I have given you so much information showing you how the other nations are now in the same economic crisis that should have caused you to take notice.  Take Canada for example. “Canada shed a much worse than expected 129,000 jobs in January, sending unemployment up 0.6 percent to 7.2 percent, Statistics Canada said Friday.”  When the Antichrist some on the scene to straighten the economic problems, he will be doing it on a world scale not just for America.

Take a look at what is going on in France. Read the full report and you will learn people are now fighting over food. PARIS (Reuters Life!) – It's closing time at a market in Belleville, a working-class neighborhood in Paris, and a young woman in a black parka and white cap is rummaging through the abandoned crates. After a thorough inspection, she slips a cauliflower and some slightly squashed oranges into her shopping bag. "That's going to be my dinner," says the woman, who will only give her name as Yng. Nearby, an old man with a black beret selects two mangoes from the bottom of a battered cardboard box. He earlier bought a bag of apples, then filled his basket with discarded fruit and vegetables. The report also stated this is “a sign of growing economic despair.” “At the market in Belleville, three women curse each other in French and Arabic as they fight over a bag of leeks.”  As the global economy continues to get worse you are going to hear a lot of news about more social unrest.  If people are fighting over left over food now, how bad do you think things are going to get when more people lose their jobs and can’t feed their families?

Now let me turn my attention to what I Prophet Isaiah said about Syria.  Isaiah 17:1 shows us Damascus is going to get wiped out.  God told the Prophet Jeremiah the same thing in Jeremiah chapter 49.  As soon as I opened up my web page about a year and half ago I began to warn you to watch what happens in the Middle East and focus on Syria and Iran.  As you can see as time past my warnings are coming true.  As of late I asked you to watch what Benjamin Netanyahu does when he takes office after the Israeli elections, which, will be held in 4 days, form now.  Netanyahu has already warned to take out Iran’s nuclear power plant and I see no reason why we shouldn’t believe him.  After all Israel did this twice before to two other nations.  

Now I want you to take a look at what Netanyahu said about what he plans to do in the Gaza and to Syria! “TEL AVIV, Israel – Opposition leader Benjamin Netanyahu – leading by a wide margin ahead of next week's prime ministerial elections – has secretly issued a stern warning to Hamas that if its rocket campaign continues once he's in power, he will not hesitate to eliminate the terror group's leadership in both the Gaza Strip and Syria,” Let me make something very clear to you.  Syria is going to be destroyed.  If this conflict gets worse in the Gaza and it will, count on Israel going after Syria.  I am telling you all that soon we are going to see to of the last remaining prophecies come to pass.  Syria is going down and Russia will lead their allies in against Israel.  We are close, very close to the beginning of the 7-year tribulation.  If you read my post from yesterday you have known Israel just stated they know a war in coming between Syria and Israel.  My question to you all is this.  Do you believe in the Word of God or not?  If you do you will be ready, if not God help you.

If Jesus has spoken to your heart, after reading this information, please receive His call to you. Ask Christ into your heart by saying the sinners pray. No one can enter Heaven without giving his or her life to Christ. Jesus is waiting for you, please do not let Him or yourself down.

"Heavenly Father, have mercy on me, a sinner. I believe in you and that your Word is true. I believe that Jesus Christ is the Son of the living God and that he died on the cross so that I may now have forgiveness for my sins and eternal life. I know that without you in my heart my life is meaningless and I am without hope. I believe in my heart that you, Lord God, raised Him from the dead. Please, Jesus, forgive me, for every sin I have ever committed or done in my heart. Please, Lord Jesus, forgive me and come into my heart as my personal Lord and Savior today. I need you to be my Father and my friend. I give you my life and ask you to take full control from this moment on; I pray this in the name of Jesus Christ." I thank you for adding my name into your Book of Life. In the name of Jesus Christ, I pray. Amen.

You can now download my newest up-dated Jan. 2009 book by clicking to the link below.

Download 'Last Chronicles of Planet Earth'

Oct. 28, 2008 Frank DiMora’s list of links to hear his radio interviews on the international radio shows The Edge, watch his videos here.

My Son Adam DiMora has started writing his own blog. Please take a look and subscribe there as well. Adam is a wonderful writer and will no doubt take my place if Jesus calls me home before he comes for His Church. Adam has truly been given a gift to write for Jesus!

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