Frank DiMora needs your help, don’t worry, I am not asking for money! Feb. 6, 2008

Today I received an email from a Doctor pointing me to the Franklin Graham’s Ministry.  I called his ministry a few minutes ago and spoke to a kind gentlemen who said I should write a letter to Franklin in regards to me joining up with him as Franklin is going to focus this year on the last days events and helping to prepare the people for what is coming upon the world.  I offered my services to them for free as I am never for hire. I told the gentlemen I would like to place my prophecy book in Franklin’s hands so he can see how powerful this book is in leading people to Christ, and that includes the Christians who have been sleeping and not on the Watch as Christ has asked us to be.

As you know there is power in numbers and I am asking you for your help. Could you please take a few minutes and write a short letter to Franklin Graham asking him to least read the book.  To Franklin I am no body who has a book out that he knows nothing of.  I know that if Franklin uses my book to show how close we are to the 2nd coming, thousands are going to turn to Christ.  The people who are coming to my site can now stand by me so Franklins staff has to pay attention to what is written in the book.  The faster you write the faster I will hear from them. Below is a link to his web site. You will find a place where you can write a message to them.  However, I was told that we need to write a letter to Franklin and his staff will take the appropriate action.  Please keep in mind, I am not asking for any money from Franklin. I only want to get this book into the hands of millions who need to read what is happening between prophecy and current events.  I will keep you posted as to what happens.  I am requesting that if you are willing to help me, email me telling me you sent a letter to Franklin.  I do believe if I can partner up with Franklin God will use two Frank’s to give a direct message.

This is the address to write the letter. Address it to Franklin Graham, P.O. Box 1270 Charlotte NC, 28201

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