DiMora’s Warning on Melting Ice/Dec. 6, 2012

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DiMora’s Warning on Melting Ice

By Frank DiMora

For years I been shouting out the warning from Luke 21:25 as you see below.

 Prophecy Sign: Luke 21:25 25 And there shall be signs in the sun, and in the moon, and in the stars; and upon the earth distress of nations, with perplexity; the sea and the waves roaring;

Along with the Luke 21:25 prophecy I have warned the connection between Luke 21:25 and the warning Jesus gave to us in Mark chapter 13, Matthew chapter 24, and in the Book of Revelation where Jesus warns us about the signs from the sun and its intence heat in the last days.  See scriptures from Rev. below:

Prophecy Sign: Revelation 16:8 “The fourth angel poured out his bowl on the sun, and the sun was given power to scorch people with fire.” Revelation 7: 16 “Never again will they hunger; never again will they thirst. The sun will not beat upon them, nor any scorching heat.”

I am not going to cite every place in my book where I warned what to look for in the  near future but,  I think you should see some of what I said so that when you watch the video I have posted with this post you will see why I am giving you this information!

From page 167 of my Dec. 1, 2012 book.  Leaders around the globe are disturbed that scientists are now saying global warming will continue.  This doesn’t surprise the people who know what Jesus had to say about the end times in his warnings.  In Luke 21:25b Jesus told us, “and upon the earth distress of nations, with perplexity…”  Jesus was right on the mark again.  Every year scientists from all over this planet meet to try and figure out how to stop global warming and climate changes.  A more recent report tells us our future doesn’t look so optimistic.  “Global warming ‘past the point of no return’” is the way the Independent titled their report.  “A record loss of sea ice in the Arctic this summer has convinced scientists that the northern hemisphere may have crossed a critical threshold beyond which the climate may never recover.  Scientists fear that the Arctic has now entered an irreversible phase of warming which will accelerate the loss of the polar sea ice that has helped to keep the climate stable for thousands of years. They believe global warming is melting Arctic ice so rapidly that the region is beginning to absorb more heat from the sun, causing the ice to melt still further and so reinforcing a vicious cycle of melting and heating” (The online Edition Independent Sept. 16, 2005).

From page 167 of my Dec. 1, 2012 book  “In 2011, scientists also discovered “Stronger ocean currents beneath West Antarctica’s Pine Island Glacier Ice Shelf are eroding the ice from below, speeding the melting of the glacier as a whole, according to a new study in Nature Geoscience. A growing cavity beneath the ice shelf has allowed more warm water to melt the ice, the researchers say — a process that feeds back into the ongoing rise in global sea levels. The glacier is currently sliding into the sea at a clip of four kilometers (2.5 miles) a year, while its ice shelf is melting at about 80 cubic kilometers a year — 50 percent faster than it was in the early 1990s — the paper estimates”(ScienceDaily June 26, 2011). “PineIsland Glacier, among other ice streams inAntarctica, is being closely watched for its potential to redraw coastlines worldwide. Global sea levels are currently rising at about 3 millimeters (.12 inches) a year. By one estimate, the total collapse of Pine Island Glacier and its tributaries could raise sea level by 24 centimeters (9 inches)” (Ibid).”


From page 177 of my Dec. 1, 2012 book  “Our planet is getting hotter. Take a note from what we see not what people tell you.  For example, “A chunk of ice four times the size of Manhattanhas calved from Greenland’s Petermann Glacier, scientists announced today. The last time the Arcticlost such a large chunk of ice was in 1962. “In the early morning hours of August 5, 2010, an ice island four times the size of Manhattan was born in northern Greenland,” said Andreas Muenchow, associate professor of physical ocean science and engineering at the University of Delaware” (Yahoo News Aug. 6, 2010).  The extreme heat patterns are melting away huge glaciers.  Only eleven days after the Greenland Glacier broke off this report was released. “The combined global land and ocean surface temperature made this July the second warmest on record, behind 1998, and the warmest averaged January-July on record. The global average land surface temperature for July and January-July was warmest on record. The global ocean surface temperature for July was the fifth warmest, and for January-July 2010 was the second warmest on record, behind 1998.” (ScienceDaily Aug. 17, 2010).


From p. 187 and 188 of my Dec. 1, 2012 book.  ”One sure way to see the affects on the earth concerning the sun’s intense heat in relation to droughts and how they will affect food prices is to look to theArcticand the glaciers.  If you see a pattern forming showing you year after year the glaciers are melting then you know for sure the Lord’s warning concerning the intense heat in the last days is already in the birth pain stage.”    

“The image above compares the average sea ice extent for September 2007 to September 2005; the magenta line indicates the long-term median from 1979 to 2000.  September 2007 sea ice extent was 4.28 million square kilometers (1.65 million square miles), compared to 5.57 million square kilometers (2.14 million square miles) in September 2005.  This image is from the NSIDC Sea Ice Index.  You can See high-resolution version on the Internet book, or go to the link provided at the end of this chapter.  On July 30, 2008, a massive ice sheet broke loose in the Canadian Arctic.  Fox.com said, “A chunk of ice spreading across seven square miles has broken off a Canadian ice shelf in the Arctic…Derek Mueller, a research at Trent University, was careful not to blame global warming, but said it the event was consistent with the theory that the current Arctic climate isn’t rebuilding ice sheets.  ‘We’re in a different climate now.’ He said.  ‘Its not conducive to regrowing them.  It’s a one-way process’” (July 30, 2008).   Look what has taken place in the Arctic since the July 30, 2008 report?  The headline to the Anchorage Daily News report Aug. 27, 2012 reads as follows:  ” Arctic ice melts to record low, raising fear of extreme weather” The amount of sea ice in the Arctichas fallen to the lowest level on record, a confirmation of the drastic warming in the region and a likely harbinger of larger changes to come. Satellites tracking the extent of the sea ice found over the weekend that it covered about 1.58 million square miles, or less than 30 percent of the Arctic Ocean’s surface, scientists said. That is only slightly below the previous record low, set in 2007, but with weeks still to go in the summer melting season, it is clear that the record will be beaten by a wide margin. The National Snow and IceDataCenter, a government-sponsored research agency in Boulder, Colo., announced the findings Monday in collaboration with NASA. The amount of sea ice in summer has declined more than 40 percent since satellite tracking began in the late 1970s, a trend that most scientists believe is primarily a consequence of human activity. “It’s hard even for people like me to believe, to see that climate change is actually doing what our worst fears dictated,” said Jennifer A. Francis, a RutgersUniversityscientist who studies the effect of sea ice on weather patterns. Scientific forecasts based on computer modeling have long suggested that a time will come when the Arcticwill be completely free of ice in the summer, perhaps by the middle of the century. This year’s prodigious melting is lending credibility to more pessimistic analyses that it may come much sooner, perhaps by the end of the decade. (Anchorage Daily News Aug. 29, 2012”



As you keep in mind the warnings given to us by Jesus take a look at what UN Chief Ban Ki-Moon stated in a speech yesterday dealing with this same issue.  Notice the area in the report in red!  These are the same conditions Jesus warned us about!


Headline: “Ban Ki-Moon: Addressing Climate Change Is ‘Responsibility’ Of Developed Countries”

“Governments represented at the talks in Qatar are also discussing extending the Kyoto Protocol, which expires this year, as a stopgap measure until the new deal takes effect. The United States never joined the Kyoto Protocol, partly because it didn’t cover emerging economies like China and India. For similar reasons, Canada, New Zealand and Japan don’t want to be part of the extension, meaning it would only cover Europe and Australia, who account for less than 15 percent of global emissions. Governments represented at the talks in Qatar are also discussing extending the Kyoto Protocol, which expires this year, as a stopgap measure until the new deal takes effect. The United States never joined the Kyoto Protocol, partly because it didn’t cover emerging economies like China and India. For similar reasons, Canada, New Zealand and Japan don’t want to be part of the extension, meaning it would only cover Europe and Australia, who account for less than 15 percent of global emissions.  Nevertheless, Ban said it is “imperative” that the treaty is extended, because it is “the only existing legally binding commitment when it comes to climate change.”  Dangerous climate effects could include flooding of coastal cities and island nations, disruptions to agriculture and drinking water, and the spread of diseases and the extinction of species.  



Get passed the issue what is causing the glaciers from melting wheather it is man made or not the point is the conditions which we are witnessing the exact conditions Jesus asked us to keep on the watch for.  To help you see what the Holy Spirit has given me to show you I have posted two videos for you to watch. 




Without a question our world is being turned up side down. The Planet is going through conditions that are a copy of what we were to expecting to happen according to Bible prophecy. I am sure this next report will help you understand why Jesus told us to watch for these signs.

Headline:    Warm temperatures are causing plants to bloom in DecemberAbove-average temperatures are continuing into the month of December, and this is causing some adverse reactions. Plants and trees have begun budding and leafing around southern Colorado, something experts say could be detrimental to their growth during the springtime. “It takes energy from the roots that should be used next spring when the weather does warm up.  So they’ve lost some food or energy for next spring,” said Dan Robinson, nursery manager at Spencer’s Lawn & Garden in Colorado Springs. Robinson said there was a cold spell during the fall, which put the plants in a temporary dormancy, but with the recent string of warm days, the plants have begun to flourish.

Please watch video and the news link below:



nov4Prophecy Sign: Isaiah 19:1-2The burden of Egypt. Behold, the LORD rideth upon a swift cloud, and shall come into Egypt: and the idols of Egypt shall be moved at his presence, and the heart of Egypt shall melt in the midst of it. And I will set the Egyptians against the Egyptians: and they shall fight every one against his brother, and every one against his neighbour; city against city, and kingdom against kingdom.)


Yesterday I gave you information on Egypt’s troubles with their new leader of which he just may be the man Isaiah chapter 19 warns us about.  If you go to the report you will see the President’s troops have set a time for all protector to leave the area or else.  As I said yesterday, if Mursi orders the guns to be used on his own people we will have another sign this man is the cruel leader as mentioned in Isaiah’s warning.

Headline: Egyptian army orders protesters out of palace area


Headlines:  Egypt deploys tanks outside Morsi palace
Headline:    Egypt authorities ban all protests outside presidential palace
Headline:    Egypt: Security forces evacuate Morsi family At least five tanks were deployed outside the Egyptian presidential palace in a street where supporters and opponents of President Mohamed Morsi had been clashing into the early hours of the morning, witnesses said. The state news agency said the military deployment on Thursday around the palace was to “secure” the building. Nine armoured troop carriers were also reported on the street outside the palace. The violence that had stretched from Wednesday afternoon into the early hours of Thursday had abated by morning, and the streets were calm. The soldiers were members of the Republican Guard, whose duties include protecting the president and his offices. “The Republican Guard began a deployment around the headquarters of the presidency … to secure the headquarters of the presidency in its capacity as a symbol of the state and the official headquarters of government,” the agency reported. Yet violence had picked up again by Thursday afternoon as the opposing sides began throwing stones at each other, despite the military presence.

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