If you read this entire post you will be lifted up to Christ Jesus. Nov. 6, 2008


I am sorry that I wasn’t able to post an update today. I had another interview with Gina Romano who is one of the Hosts for the International radio show called (The Edge).  Today’s interview lasted one and  a half hours.  You will be able to listen to the entire interview next Wednesday.  I will be posting the exact date and time next week as soon as I find out for sure.  Christ has blessed me more than you can imagine.  For past 4 months I have had many people contact me and tell me the Lord has given them a message for me.  Every one of the people who contacted me told me the Holy Spirit showed them I was about to go before millions of people. 

Some months ago I had a meeting with the leader of our prayer ministry which I am part of.  During that meeting I told Sharon the Lord had revealed to him that I have been contained. The Lord had revealed to me that there was a purpose for this but I wasn’t told why.  I just trusted Jesus.  At first I had thoughts I must have done something wrong and my Father was holding me back because of it, but I found out that was not the case!  In my meeting with Sharon I told her that I felt like a lion penned up in a cage waiting to be set free to do the Lord’s work.  Months before meeting Sharon I had kept the words of be contained by Jesus to myself, but I also kept the Words I heard from Him about 10 years ago, when I was told when the time is right they will come to you for answers.  A few months ago while praying I was over whelmed by our Lord to pray and to pray for others as I have never done before.  I set up a meeting with our head Pastor and told Him the Lord was leading me into another ministry and it had to do with praying for all who needed prayer.  Pastor Armstrong told me to get in touch with Sharon because was just starting a new prayer minister at our church.

That following Sunday I met with Sharon and told her I believe Jesus is sending me here to be part of this ministry.  Sharon told me that two months before I walked into the prayer room, Jesus told her I was coming to her to become part of the ministry.  She also told me, she had been waiting for me to walk through that door for the past 2 months.  Jesus had made it very clear I was in the right spot at the right time.  It was in that meeting I told Sharon I have felt contained by Christ and I was getting restless.  I have spent the last 30 years getting people ready to meet Jesus through my prophecy ministry and this is the ministry that I felt Jesus was containing me in.  Shortly after joining the prayer ministry at church I was told to launch a prayer ministry from my prophecy site, which I did.  At the time I didn’t know Jesus was going to combine these ministries together to not only lead people to Christ but to pray for the needs of the body of Christ.

Shortly after becoming a leader in the Churches prayer ministry I had people both from the Internet and at Church tell me Jesus showed them I would be witnessing to millions of people.  Most of these people who told me about the message they received about me I had never met and one Brother at Church who I had just met came out and stated the following: “I don’t know you that well and you don’t know me but I need to tell you what Jesus has said to me about you”. Jesus told me you are going to preach to millions of people”. 

Those who really know me know I am a very humble person.  I took in everything all the people told me about being placed in front of millions for Christ’s sake.  I kept these words in my heart.  While seeking Jesus in my prayer time the Lord had impressed on me to pray that the doors would open for me to preach Jesus and give the warnings concerning Bible prophecy being fulfilled in our generation.  I went to my prayer group and we prayed for Jesus to act on my behalf. Two days later I received a email from a person named Gina Romano.  She told me that she was searching the Internet to see if there was anyone of interest to interview on her show.  Gina emailed me and told me she was blown away by what she read at my site.  If you have visited my site and emailed me you know I write back to anyone who emails me, or I call him or her and speak with him or her.  I do this because I love people and will do anything to bring them into the Jesus’ Kingdom.  I wrote Gina back and gave her my phone number. I got a call about 10 minutes after I emailed her.  Gina asked me if I would do a radio interview with her on The Edge radio show.  When Gina told me The Edge show reaches 5-6 million people, the words that I had kept in my heart leaped out from my heart.  Understanding that my Christ had set all this up I accepted and did an interview.  About 3 weeks later Gina called again and told she had gotten a good response from her audience and she wanted to know if I would do another interview.  I said no! Come on are you kidding!  Of course I said yes.  When Jesus opens the door I want to walk in it. 

After my third radio interview Gina asked the London office if I could be used as their prophecy update man?  Gina got the green light to her request.  Today I did my 5th radio interview and Jesus had more plans in store for me.  Today I was asked to become a co Host with Gina for The Edge International Radio show.  Jesus has made it possible that I can now stand before millions for His namesake.  Since doing the last 4 radio shows many have come to my site and have turned to Christ  Jesus.

A few days before Gina called me to do the 5th interview I still had the feeling I was being contained.  In the 3rd week in October 2008 I received a call from Cathy Newton who was the Host to a prophecy conference being held from Oct 31-Nov. 2nd.  I was asked by Cathy to be a guest speaker at this 3-day conference. 

Before leaving for the conference I had a meeting with Link Baker.  Link had called me about a week before this prophecy conference and told me he felt Jesus wanted him to do a film on me. I met Link and his wonderful bride at the hotel to discuss what Jesus may have in mind.  Jesus is sending me people left and right to help build my ministry.  While sitting at the table outside near the swimming pool discussing the prophecy signs of the reborn Roman Empire the Lord came over me and told me to get up and go over to the pool and move the water with your hand.  While Carlos was talking to Link and his wife I got up made my way to the way.  As I was walking to the water, Jesus told me you are moving the water not for you but for him?  I didn’t understand what He meant by this.  I bent over put my hand in the water and moved it and noticed how warm it was. I turned around and there was a man in his upper twenties sitting about 20 from the table Link, Carlos and his wife were sitting. I turn to the man and said, “man is this water warm”.  In reply he said, “ if you think that is warm you should try the Jacuzzi.  I walk up the man and ask where are you from.  He told me Holland. Holland is one of the nations in the European Union or what we know in prophecy as the reborn Roman Empire.  He told me that he heard what I was saying about the reborn Roman Empire.  Jesus had opened up the door for me to witness to him.  He told me he wasn’t a religious man. I told him I wasn’t looking for religious men but men who would love Jesus and give their life to him. This young man was aware of many of the things I had said about the EU as being a fulfillment to prophecy, he just didn’t know how it all fit together so I connected the dots between prophecy and current events. He was completely blown away.  I have a EU coin with me that has a women riding a beast on it. I showed him that coin and was able to quote Revelation 17 where Jesus shows in the end times you would see a women riding a beast.  The woman is a false church who will link up with the Antichrist during the tribulation.  When he saw that coin his eyes opened up and he said, “Are you kidding me”?  By the end of our conservation he know it was no joke!  I finished bringing Jesus’ love to him and he left.  Jesus had set in motion Salvation for this man.  It was one huge seed that was planted.  I then walked back to the table where Carlos and Link were sitting and told them what Jesus had just done.

On the 2nd day of this conference one of the guest speakers began calling out people who Jesus had given her messages about.  Only called out 5 people from the entire crowd. I was the 4th one she called.  I went up to the front and this is the message she was given to her by the Holy Spirit.  Mind you, I had never seen this person in my life.  Jesus told her that He had been containing me in chains for a reason.  She said that tonight Jesus is taking off those chains and he is sending you out to millions of people. I was told I would witness to Jehovah Witness, Catholics, and Baptists and others.  She also said that Jesus has crowns for me in heaven that I know nothing about.  As she was giving me this message from Christ pastors taking part in the conference laid their hands on me. During the course of them laying their hands on me I fell back. It wasn’t being what some may call slain in the Spirit; this was a fall to be seated.  I sat up on the floor with my legs stretched out.  The women giving me the message grabbed my knee and told me Jesus told her I was in pain in my knee and she was to lay her hands on it.  She then went into the motions as if she were removing chains from my feet.  At that very moment I heard for my Lord saying to me, “today I unleashed you and you are no longer contained the time has come for you to go and witness to my people”.  I was completely blown away from God’s grace in my life. I knew this message was from Christ because no one at the conference knew I had 3 operations on my knee and that day my knee was killing me.  I never rubbed my knee or gave anyone any hint I even had something wrong with me.  These women could not have known I had felt contained by Christ in the prophecy ministry, yet she spoke those very words.

Right after that meeting I went back to my hotel room and checked my email from my prophecy site.  My prayer partner who was attending the conference with me was in the room when I read my email.  I read one of two emails I had gotten and this is what the mailer wrote.  “I am just getting to know you but you should know you have many crowns waiting for you when you get to heaven”.  These words were almost the exact words I just heard from the women at the prophecy conference. God was reinforcing His Word through another women who I have never met.  Carlos is my witness to all these events.

On our way home from the conference we talked about the blessing Jesus gave us both.  We both knew Jesus was going to open the doors for me to go out a preach the Words Christ has placed in my heart.  After this past weekends conference is when Gina asked me to co Host or Host my own shown.  Within a day I received a phone call from Doug Dittmar who runs a bible study in a town about half hour from where I live.  Doug wanted to know what my thoughts were on the Middle East, especially between Russia, Iran, and Syria.  Before we hung up Doug said he wanted to get me out to his town to speak and, he would begin to work to get this to happen.  As you can see Jesus doesn’t waste time!

Why am I telling you all this?  Because Jesus wants to work in your life just the same way He is working in mine.  Why me?  I know Jesus has looked down and said,” this man will do what I ask when I ask”.  Ever since Jesus came to me in 1977 and spent 3 and ½ hours with me giving me instructions about what it was I was to do, I have listen and obeyed out of love all his requests.  I have stories that I haven’t told many people, but those with me who saw these things take place know I am telling the truth.  Jesus wants these stories to be told so He and you can be lifted up.  When you listen and act on the voice of Christ, you will change and your entire will be different.  Jesus is longing to work in your life and has even called on you, but many did not listen in fear it wasn’t Him but your own mind. I am now going to begin to tell the works Jesus has done in my life.  You will be encouraged to take that step out in faith to meet Jesus when you are called.  No one has the power to stop our Lord’s work in your life except the doubt you harbor in your heart.  It is this time in your life that Jesus wants to remove that doubt so you can demonstrate the power of Jesus which lies in you. I long to hear the stories you will tell as to how Jesus used you to lead the lost to our Good Shepard.


If you took the time to read this entire post and Jesus has already begun to lift you up contact me. Write you comment on my post so Jesus can be given the glory.

From a servant of Christ

Frank DiMora

If Jesus has spoken to your heart, after reading this information, please receive His call to you. Ask Christ into your heart by saying the sinners pray.  No one can enter Heaven without giving his or her life to Christ. Jesus is waiting for you, please do not let Him or yourself down. 

"Heavenly Father, have mercy on me, a sinner. I believe in you and that your Word is true. I believe that Jesus Christ is the Son of the living God and that he died on the cross so that I may now have forgiveness for my sins and eternal life. I know that without you in my heart my life is meaningless and I am without hope. I believe in my heart that you, Lord God, raised Him from the dead. Please, Jesus, forgive me, for every sin I have ever committed or done in my heart.  Please, Lord Jesus, forgive me and come into my heart as my personal Lord and Savior today. I need you to be my Father and my friend. I give you my life and ask you to take full control from this moment on; I pray this in the name of Jesus Christ." I thank you for adding my name into your Book of Life. In the name of Jesus Christ, I pray. Amen.

Download “The Last Chronicles of Planet Earth” book for free.  The large print edition may take 4-7 minutes to download the book but it will come up.  If your computer is faster it will only take a few minutes. It is 309 pages in a PDF file.  This new August 31, 2008 book is the latest up-dated edition.  You can also choose to download the book in smaller print, which will download for you even faster. Click to links below to download the book of your choice for free.

Download the_last_chronicles_of_planet_earth_large_print_2008_update.pdf

Download final_book_for_sept. 7 2008 small print.pdf : This small print book will come up really fast and it will be easy to read.


My Son Adam DiMora has started writing his own blog. Please take a look and subscribe there as well. Adam is a wonderful writer and will no doubt take my place if Jesus calls me home before he comes for His Church.  Adam has truly been given a gift to write for Jesus!



    • kathleen on November 7, 2008 at 6:36 am
    • Reply

    Dear Frank,
    I have been reading your site since I discovered it last summer. I am still being wonderfully blessed as you continue to be Biblically sound in your correlating current events with Bible prophecy. Length of message is NOT a problem – just as the length of an annointed sermon IS NOT a problem!!!
    Thank you for this personal update. I am so blessed to read how God is working so miraculously in your life and ministry!
    I have a very special burden for Jehovah Witnesses. My brother has been caught in that web of lies since about 1966 or so. He will turn 71 in Feb. I have been praying for him and his family very hard since I got saved in 1978. I KNOW God can and will break this yoke of bondgage off him and his family by a mighty annointing which will open their eyes.
    When Jehovah Witnesses come to my door, I invite them in and share the true Word of God with them because of my understanding of what they believe. The Lord has blessed me so much with sound Bible teaching from very early childhood and my Bible is well-worn. I like it when they come because I am ready and praying for the Lord to speak through me. I pray someone will do the same for my own brother and his family.
    Please do pray for him and his family. All three of my own children are still lost. I have two boys ages 37 and 38 and a girl age 23. They have all been taught the Truth of Jesus Christ from birth. Please, please pray for them that Jesus will draw them irresistably to the Father as He did me way back during the entire year of 1977-1978. He dealt so supernaturally with me because He knew I would come no other way. I think this is what they will need. We are a hard-headed bunch….
    Please keep listening to and responding to God’s Will for your life because you will be amazed when you get to heaven at who all He has used you to touch for Him. And, yes, crowns await all of us for the things we do truly for Him with no thought of reward.
    God is STILL on His Throne!! He is the same yesterday, today and forever and His arm is NOT shortened that it cannot save!! Hallelujah!! Keep looking up!

    • Uithoven family on November 7, 2008 at 8:09 am
    • Reply

    Hi Frank. Thank you for sharing your testimonies with everyone. What a blessing!!
    I have felt in the last few years that God is calling me in a big way and has a task for me. I feel it very strongley – but am still not sure what it is or might be.
    Last year, I was diagnosed with an incurable physical condition. It was devastating to say the least. However, my faith in God was tested, tried and strengthened!! Praise the Lord!! And, I’ve seen Him use this trial to touch other’s lives and it has given me an opportunity to speak to them about my faith. I’m happy to say – that even though I will have this condition for life – there are ways to resume a normal life for which I am thankful.
    Anyway – I’ve felt through this whole trial that God is preparing me for something. I just feel it without being able to describe or explain it.
    My interest in prophecy and end time information has taken on a new fervor. I can’t seem to learn enough and get enough information. And through it all I’ve felt God changing me and drawing me nearer to Him. When I found your site last spring I was thrilled to say the least!!
    I’m waiting for God to reveal the task and the timing for me. I appreciate your prayers – even though you don’t know me. I will also be lifitng you and your ministry up in prayer.
    God Bless and thank you for your dedication to His calling!
    In our Savior,

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