April 12, 2016- The Last World Empire Showing Her Teeth?/ Haiti Mission Update



email address: endtimesresearchministry@yahoo.com

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The Last World Empire Showing Her Teeth?

mission updates plainETRM is pleased to announce we will be providing more frequent updates on the pastors we help support by partnering with Ascent Ministries http://ascentministries.org/

These include Pastor Titus in Kenya, Pastor Paul in India, Pastor Fiaz in Pakistan and Pastor Josue in Haiti

Today’s update is on Pastor Josue in Haiti.  Josue has been with Ascent Ministries and End Times Research Ministry (ETRM) since 2012 and is currently building a home for the orphans he cares for.  House of Hope Orphanage is in Titanyen Haiti.


When Josue first came to partner with Ascent, there wasn’t even a building for the orphans (they were sleeping on the floor of a school building).


***For more photos of the Haiti Mission please see: https://www.facebook.com/media/set/?set=a.372528099483733.78934.353621338041076&type=3


Now through God’s blessings and provision and the tireless work of both Pastor Josue and Tammy Darnell, they have land and a building.

IMG_1170 (2)Sister Tammy with the children of House of Hope during her 2nd trip to Haiti

10334308_10203570016224440_1809695372117609638_nSister Tammy and Pastor Josue

12496099_857658604379420_5447862599593568953_oDSCF0090 (2)DSCF0123 (2)DSCF0139 (2)


But our work is not yet complete.  To become completely self-sufficient a few more items are needed, the most important of which is a fence

For those of you who have been to Haiti, you understand the importance of having a fence for security, protection from theft and for the children’s well-being.  You can click this link for the United States Department of State OSAC 2016 report: https://www.osac.gov/pages/ContentReportDetails.aspx?cid=19193

It also enables the orphanage to have live stock available, such as chickens, goats or even a cow to provide eggs, butter, milk, etc. daily.

If the Lord touches your heart to help or if you have any questions contact Ascent Ministries at http://ascentministries.org/  or email Frank DiMora at endtimesresearchministry@yahoo.com. Please be sure to note JOSUE in the memo. 

God bless and may our Lord continue to watch over these blessed children and Pastor Josue.

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