Huge storms-peace and safety-2 wars are coming soon-News about wiping Israel off the face of the map- Sept. 4, 2008

Download “The Last Chronicles of Planet Earth” book for free.  It may take 4-7 minutes to download the book but, it will come up.  If your computer is faster it will only take a few minutes. It is 309 pages in a PDF file.  This new August 31, 2008 book is the latest up-date.  Click to link below to download the book for free.

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Luke 21:25 Jesus tells us “and upon the earth distress of nations, with perplexity: the sea and the waves roaring”.  Ask government officials in India, China, Haiti, and the US if these storms have created huge problems.  Just in the last month alone millions of people have been flooded out and had to leave their homes.  Millions of people are still without food and their homes are still unlivable and the storms, big storms are coming.  Today we see “Haiti faces a "catastrophe" after being hit by a series of storms in recent weeks, President Rene Preval has said. Three storms in less than 21 days have killed 170 people and forced thousands to flee their homes in the Caribbean nation, officials say. The latest, Tropical Storm Hanna, could prove even more deadly than one that killed more than 3,000 people in 2004, Mr Preval warned.”


Behind Hanna is another hurricane but this one is even bigger than the last 3. “Hurricane Ike strengthened rapidly into an fiercely dangerous Category 4 hurricane in the open Atlantic on Wednesday and Tropical Storm Hanna intensified to a lesser degree as it swirled over the Bahamas toward the southeast U.S. Coast.”


What else is help causing the sea and waves to roar?  Jesus in the book of Revelations chapter 16 shows us the intense heat from the sun will be scorching the earth.  As a result of this glaciers will melt away faster then they are now and raise the level of our oceans.  This will cause massive flooding.  Year after year I have reported on huge ice shelfs that have broken off into the seas.  Right now the glaciers are melting at record rates, but during the tribulation this process will accelerate even more.  Once again in the news today, there was yet another chunk of ice that broke off a ice shelf.  “A chunk of ice shelf nearly the size of Manhattan has broken away from Ellesmere Island in Canada's northern Arctic, another dramatic indication of how warmer temperatures are changing the polar frontier, scientists said Wednesday.”


Prophecy sign: 1stThessalonians 5:3 Paul tells us in the last days when Israel is calling for peace and safety that would be the time sudden destruction would come.  If you have been coming to my site you would have read the news that Syria has been preparing for war with Israel.  Syria is still transporting arms into Lebanon, which are being used by Israel’s enemies, which are Hamas and Hizbullah.  Syria has continued to call for the destruction of Israel and the return of all the lands they lost in earlier years.  Now all of a sudden while they are arming Israel’s enemies are they seeking peace talks with Israel.  Today’s news stated, ”Syrian President Bashar Assad disclosed Thursday that his country has given Turkish mediators an outline of general proposals for peace with Israel and is waiting for Israel's response before holding any face-to-face negotiations.”  Since Jesus told us while they are talking peace and safety sudden destruction will come, that is what you must be looking for!  As you know Isaiah 17: 1 tells us Syria’s great city, Damascus will be completely leveled and left in a ruins.  Turkey who is trying to hold the peace talks is on the list in Ezekiel 38 who will soon attack Israel.  What I am telling you is this; don’t be fooled by outward appearances of peace.  These nations all have a common goal and that is to retake Jerusalem.  Those of us who know prophecy what Syria’s real intentions in the Middle East are and we will not be fooled.  Just released in the news we heard, “Hours after reiterating his commitment to pursuing a peaceful solution to his country's conflict with Israel, Syrian President Bashar Assad said that he had no intention to sever strategic ties with Hizbullah. Syrians walk near portraits of Syrian President Bashar Assad and Lebanese Hizbullah leader Sheik Hassan Nasrallah. In an interview with the Lebanese group's 'Al Manar' television station on Thursday Assad stressed that "Syria has no interest in relinquishing its ties with Hizbullah. The Syrian stance towards Hizbullah remains unchanged." The Syrian president added that "Our attitude towards the resistance is clear wherever it may be; against the occupation in Iraq, Lebanon or Palestine."  So, what we have seen again, Syria’s President Bashar Assad talks of peace yet remains strong in his agenda to take Israel out.  He will not distance himself from Hizbullah because Hizbullah’s goal is to wipe out Israel.  If you can’t see what is happening based on prophecy, you are probably not ready for what is about to come.


All these peace talks will come to an end soon and war on Israel will again be seen in the news. If Israel attacks Iran’s power plant this September all peace talks will come to an abrupt halt, and war will be the result.  God’s time clock is now ticking away.  Soon you will see two major prophecies come to pass which are the Isaiah and Ezekiel prophesies.


Over the course of the last two years Iran has pledged to wipe Israel off the face of the map. Ezekiel told us straight out Iran would be one of those nations who would try to just that.  I have a link to a video, which gives many of these news reports.  You really need to take these news reports serious because, soon not only Iran, but also Russia who will lead the invasion will try to wipe Israel off the map.  We are very close to this prophecy coming to pass.


DiMora's first Radio interview on The Edge with Host Gina Romano.  Intervew was heard on June 26, 2008












If you missed my 2nd interview on “The Edge” International radio show on Aug. 10th you can now click to the links below and listen to the entire interview.  If you want to know what is going to happen next in prophecy you will want to listen to this interview. The facts and evidence from this interview come from my prophecy book called "The Last Chronicles of Planet Earth. 

August 10th, 2008 – Part 1 

August 10th, 2008 – Part 2 

August 10th, 2008 – Part 3 

August 10th, 2008 – Part 4

 August 10th, 2008 – Part 5 

August 10th, 2008 – Part 6 

August 10th, 2008 – Part 7 

August 10th, 2008 – Part 8–sE&feature=related 

August 10th, 2008 – Part 9 

August 10th, 2008 – Part 10

My 3rd radio interview on The Edge International radio show can be heard by clicking to the link below.  Once at this site cite just click to where it says podcast.


Major signs showing we have entered the end times and the final days before the Antichrist is revealed.  In blue, DiMora's youtube Video outlining some of these signs. 

Major signs video by Frank DiMora, click below.

Part 1 how Frank DiMora's Ministry started:

Part 2 how Ministry started:

Frank DiMora's Video showing Jehovah's Witnesses do not except Jesus own Words, link is below.


If this is your first time to this site download my book for free and read the introduction page. It will explain what my ministry is all about. You will see the importance of the material in this book by watching the news. Click to, once there go to the left side of the page where it says, by state, and click on it. Then click on the map of California. Once there just scroll down to California until you find my name, Frank DiMora.  This site will provide you with information about my ministry and how you can contact me for speaking engagements.

Download the_last_chronicles_of_planet_earth_large_print_2008_update.pdf

Adam DiMora is helping people save money and better their life.

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