Droughts, famine, and much more on the way. May 20, 2008

Four days ago I made this statement in my post. “In the coming months you will see more people begin to suffer. Why?  Because many nations  that grow food will see flooding,  many will see droughts, and many will see crops being eaten by bugs. These are all signs listed in Matthew 24,  Mark 13, and Luke chapter 21.  I wanted to tell you this now so that when you see them you will know these warnings came from the bible and God.” Here is come current news that show you what I was talking about.  Only 4 days after I made my statement this following headline has appeared in the press, “Drought returns to haunt Ethiopia” “The U.N. Children's Agency UNICEF says a recent drought in Ethiopia has caused a food crisis and estimates 126,000 children are suffering from severe malnutrition. "We have drought — a really poor rainy season — and, of course, we have high food prices worldwide." The global rise in food prices has hit the WFP hard. The organization now needs to raise $147 million to tackle Ethiopia's needs. Aid workers say the money isn't coming in time, with donors concentrating on disaster-hit China and Myanmar.” As I said you will see nation after nation start to feel the birth pains of all these end time signs.  At a time when food prices are at there all time highs more disasters keep coming, 10 days ago a Cyclone, then a huge earthquake in China and Japan and now a severe drought in Ethiopia.  If you read my book in chapter 10 I cite several reasons why Ethiopia may invade Israel with Russia, Iran, Libya and other nations. Here is a short section from my book on Ethiopia.  When you consider both Russia and Ethiopia today you find the two countries have strong ties and share many of the same problems such as feeding their people and political turmoil.  When the people of a nation are hungry there is bound to be political unrest.  Sooner or later a starving country will move to get food for their people, even if it means attacking another country that has food.  In this case, the nation Israel is the closest one with an abundance of food, which could be the spoils Ezekiel talks about. Keep in mind, Ezekiel told us the armies would go down and try and steal Israel’s goods.   Considering the fact that Ethiopia is still considered Communist, has friendly ties to all Islamic nations, and hates Israel, it should come as no surprise that they will assist in the assault on the Jewish nation.”  Now when you look at current events and see Ethiopia beginning to starve, I think I made a good case why Ethiopia will go down with Russia and attack Israel.  Just keep watching what happens in this region because more droughts are coming. Img_3392

Click on map, Ethiopia is one of the nations coming down against Israel with Russia.


In 2nd Timothy we see that in the end times kids will become disobedient to their parents, unthankful, and unholy, these people will also be lovers of pleasures more than lovers of God”, and in Revelation 9:21  we see this generation know for their drugs.  Once again Jesus hit the nail on the head.  Drugs, and drinking until you are wasted is a major problems in must of the world today.  In the news  on May 19, we read news from Paris that stated, “France is considering a ban on happy hours in bars and on the sale of bottles of vodka and other strong liquor in nightclubs as part of efforts to curb binge drinking among young people, an official said on Monday.” “ “What we have seen in recent years is an increase in alcohol consumption among young people, and in particular an increase in the kinds of behaviour that lead to drunkenness," Apaire told Reuters in a telephone interview.”  Timothy and Jesus both showed us what  the people would be like during the end times, and that is exactly what we are seeing today.  Add this sign with everything else Jesus told us to watch for and you know time is short before Jesus returns.  Once again I tell you keep on the Watch for Jesus is coming at a time when those who are not watching will be caught in the dark. Read 1st Thessalonians 5:1-7.


Will the prophecy, (war) between Russia, Iran and other nations as mentioned in Ezekiel 38-39 start by America bombing Iran’s nuclear power plant?  It appears we may see if this is the case very soon.  If you are new to this site and don’t know what Ezekiel 38-39 is please download my book for free and read chapter 10.  According to the Jerusalem Post  “Bush intends to attack Iran before the end of his term'” A short section of that report says, ““US President George W. Bush intends to attack Iran in the upcoming months, before the end of his term, Army Radio quoted a senior official in Jerusalem as saying Tuesday.” Of course the White House is going to deny this, but what we see from the White House these days is they do the opposite of what they say they will do. If they tell us they aren’t going to attack Iran, that really means they will attack.  This is what we do know, this war is coming upon us soon.


When you go back and read my posts, (see Feb. 15th post), you will see I have warned you that the price of food would continue to climb. One of the things I specifically warned you about was the price of wheat.   I covered this topic in prophecy yesterday again and showed you how China’s rice and wheat crops were destroyed by the quake.  All these things are helping drive the price of food up.  There was another report out of Washington today. Reuters reported that “U.S. food prices will rise by 5 percent this year, the largest increase since 1990 and propelled by sharply higher prices for bread, cookies and other bakery products, the Agriculture Department said on Monday.”  Bread, cookies and bakery products are all products made with wheat.  Take my warning to heart because it is a word of wisdom for you all.  Prepare for even higher prices in the future! If you want to save on your grocery bills I would buy wheat, flour, and rice now if you haven’t already. 



I have also warned you all to keep watching the price of oil and gas, because they are going to keep climbing as well.  Well into today’s news out of New York the news.yahoo.com reported that, “Oil prices spiked to a new trading high Tuesday, sweeping toward $130 a barrel as supply concerns intensified the momentum buying that has lifted crude deeper into record territory. Gasoline, meanwhile, reached an average of $3.80 at the pump for the first time.  Last night the ABC news reported that Chicago was the second place in the U.S.  after Alaska to hit the $4.00 a gallon for gas.  These prices are going to help bring America to its knees.  I said this before and I need to repeat this now, you are going to see more and more small businesses close their doors. Truckers are going to begin to leave their jobs because the prices are getting so high it isn’t worth driving any longer, all they are doing is losing money. You will see this in the news soon.



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