When you go to page 229 of my book you will read what I have been telling you is going to happen to Syria in the very near future. The prophet Isaiah wrote the following concerning Damascus. "An oracle concerning Damascus: "See, Damascus will no longer be a city but will become a heap of ruins" (Isaiah 17:1). Damascus is the oldest city ever recorded and has never been destroyed. Isaiah’s prophecy is for the future, our generation. Right now their is a lot of tension in the Middle East between Israel and Syria. For the past month overtures of war between both nations have been escalating. Both nations are moving their war machines closer to the boarder for fear of a new conflict, and for good reason, war is coming! On April 8, 2008 sources out of Tel Aviv said, "Israeli intel projects a one-month war with Syria" (WorldTribune.com). Listen to what Jesus said in Matthew 24:7-8. "Nation will rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom. There will be famines and earthquakes in various places. All these are the beginning of birth pains." Last summer Syria and Israel went to war. Those of us who know prophecy watched this war very close to see if this war would bring the fulfillment of Isaiah’s prophecy concerning Damascus. What it turned out to be was another birth pain as Jesus referred to. Once again I am telling you to keep your eyes on the news, soon you are going to see Israel and Syria engage in another war. Will it be the war Isaiah talked about? We will all see. In the report out of Tel Aviv on the 8th one of the scenarios Israel is currently preparing their people for is "hundreds of Israelis would be killed and thousands injured in missile strikes on Tel Aviv" (ibid). I want to tell you right out, if that happens Israel will respond with fury and take out Syria and the city of Damascus! I can’t make anyone believe in God’s Word. If you are one of the ones who still doesn’t believe can tell the future, all I can say is, WATCH! When you this this come to pass e-mail and I will lead you to Christ.
Today out of Europe leaders believe the euro is going to keep rising while the dollar keeps falling. I have tried to warn you of the decline of America and the dollar in order to gave way to the new world empire which Jesus warns us about. Read chapter 2 of my book to get the complete details of this last world empire (European Union or New Roman Empire). Today’s the New York Times reports on "The Face of a Prophet". In their report they point out that George Soro, who is one of the wealthiest men in the world is warning the world that the "financial pain has only just begun." Soro’s can see their is a major shift coming and he is preparing for it right now. If this is your first time at my site you may not realize that God told us in the book of Daniel that in the end times the Roman Empire would again be reborn. We are told that when this happens Jesus would return to take His place a King in Israel. The reason why America is losing her power is to give way to this last world empire the European Union. Let I said, if you read chapter 2 of my book you will get all the details concerning this prophecy. If you have attended any of my prophecy seminars you have heard me warn the people four years ago that America would see gas prices reach $4.00 a gallon. One of the first people I warned was my own wife who had a hard time believing that would be possible. CBS2chicago.com yesterday had a report entitled, "Gas Tops $4 A Gallon At Some Chicago Pumps". When you click to the link below you will read that they now expect prices to climb higher. Why is America taking all these hits, gas up, oil up, food prices up, failing banks, loss of thousands of jobs, increase lines for food stamps and unemployment, economy slowing down, dollar diving, and talk now of possible depression? I have been telling people since 1977 that a shift in world powers was coming, I have been warning that something was going to happen to the U.S. to reduce her strength as the number one ranked superpower. All the signs you currently are witnessing are things that will help bring America down. The prophet Daniel was told by God what the line of world powers would be even before they came to be. You will read all these details in chapter 2 of my book, but just in case you are lazy let me tell you what Daniel saw for the future in chapter two of the book of Daniel. Daniel was told the Babylonian Empire would be the first empire, they would be followed by the Medo-Persian Empire, then they would fall to the Grecian Empire, the Roman Empire would crush the Grecians, and in the end times the Roman Empire would again rise to be the last Empire. It would be during the reign of this last revived Roman Empire that Jesus Christ would return. Fokes, the Roman Empire is already back and they are growing in power, that why the euro is sky rocketing and the dollar falling. Everything has been set in place to fulfill the remaining prophecies which haven’t been fulfilled yet. The only prophecies not fulfilled are, the destruction of Damascus, the attack on Israel as recorded in the 38-39th chapters of Ezekiel, the rapture of the Lord’s church, the beginning of the 7 year tribulation as recorded in the book of Revelation. How close are we to seeing the beginning of the 7 year tribulation? Very! You will know just how close when you see Damascus destroyed in the very near future. Knowing that, what should you do? Prepare to meet Jesus Christ face to face soon. I would suggest you receive Him as your Savior before you meet Him! God desires all to come to Him, and none should perish, but you must come to Him and ask Him to forgive you of all your sins and He will forgive everything you have ever done with no questions asked. It is a gift that will last for an eternity. I pray my posts encourage you to walk closer with Christ during these final days. May the Holy Spirit guide your mind and heart to the Son who gives life ever after.
Israeli intel projects a one-month war with Syria April 8, 2008
Euro Stength to Halt Growth (leaders think Euro will keep rising and dollar dropping) Video
The Face of a Prophet-(The New York Times April 11, 2008)
George Soro predictsfinancial pain has only just begun.
Gas Tops $4 A Gallon At Some Chicago Pumps (April 10, 2008)
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