November 22, 2016/DiMora’s warning about Gold can be seen in India


Revelation 18:12 gives us a look at some of the items that will be taken away by Jesus from the people living in the last days. These items no doubt have skyrocketed in price for we see the people weeping over these items. Most people as you know won’t cry over items that hold no value.  Based on what we see from Revelation 18:12, I have been warning as many as I can over the years that the prices of gold and silver will skyrocket.  Almost every month we are reading news reports showing gold and silver are indeed becoming major items in these last days on a globe scene. Around ten years ago I could have purchased an ounce of gold for $300.00. 


If I would have told you ten years ago gold would hit the $1,214.00 mark, most people would have just laughed at me, and many people would have called me crazy!  However, those people who laughed at this prediction have taken a second look at what they were told.  Now, what if I told you in the future you could see the price of gold hit the $3,000 to $5,000 mark?  We know what could drive the price of gold and silver up in the near future.  There is no doubt that when paper currencies fall the real wealth will take the lead as it has done so in the pass ie like during the great depression. 

India is a prime example of what I am writing about. Take a look at this headline below from November 9, 2016

gold11 Here is a quote from that report on the 9th.

“As I write this in the morning of 9th November 2016, there are huge lines forming outside gold shops in India — and gold traded heavily until late into the night yesterday. Depending on who you ask, the retail price of gold has gone up between 15% and 20% within the last 10 hours.” 

Now today there there is more news about the crisis going on in India and as you can see from the red print below gold has so far shot up to $2,800 per ounce.

Today’s headline: Scenes Of Panic In India As Gold Price Skyrockets After Currency Ban

People are now converting whatever they can into gold, silver, and mostly for the first time into the US dollar and other foreign currencies as well, all of which are trading at huge premiums. Money is also moving out of the country. Gold has shot up to as much as $2,800 per ounce, if you can find it.  

If you want to know exactly what is going on in India to drive the price of gold up read the report from Zerohedge below. If you live in the U.S. and think this could never happen in America you would be wrong. How can I say this you ask?  Just read Revelation chapter 13 where we see the Antichrist stopping everyone from buying and selling unless they have his mark in their right hand or forehead. In the future there will be no paper currency. One would presume that in order for one man to take control of the world’s economy something must transpire. As spock would say “it does not seem logical that every world leader would give up there power to one man unless something major happened that forced them to do so.”  Something major is coming that will shift the economic world like never before and, the end result will be just as Jesus warned us in Revelation chapter 13.

If you are one of the people who do not like to read and will not go to the link to read what is happening in India I have a video for you


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