November 27, 2016- Israeli Air Force strikes Islamic State militants in Golan

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golan heights

Headline:  Syrian Army heads to Golan Heights border for upcoming offensive

The Syrian Arab Army’s 42nd Brigade of the 4th Mechanized began their journey to the volatile Golan Heights region of Al-Quneitra this morning after a long deployment in the West Ghouta in rural Damascus. This new deployment comes just hours after the jihadist rebels of Jabhat Fateh Al-Sham (formerly Al-Nusra Front) agreed to surrender the strategic West Ghouta town of Khan Al-Sheih to the Syrian government. Similar to their previous military operations in the West Ghouta, the elite 42nd Brigade will be fighting alongside the 1st and 7th armored divisions in order to achieve their offensive objectives.
Nov. 26, 2016

Headline:   IDF eliminates ISIS force from the air

Headline:   Israeli Air Force strikes Islamic State militants inside Syria for the first time

A patrol from the Golani Brigade this morning was fired on by ISIS forces in Syria in the vicinity of the communities of Nov and Avnei Eitan in the Golan Heights. The patrol returned the fire first with small arms and then mortars. The air force located the armored vehicle that had been the source of the fire and destroyed the vehicle, killing all four ISIS terrorists inside. This is not the first time the IDF has had to deal with spillover from the Syrian conflict. In September, three projectiles hit Israel, and the IDF was forced to retaliate, targeting three Syrian artillery positions. The problem is not new to 2016, either: there has been spillover from Syria’s civil war since the war began. Already in 2012, Israel filed a complaint with the UN, complaining that the fire presented a threat to Israeli residents and interests.
Nov. 27, 2016

***please see also Nov, 25, 2016 post


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