Feb. 20, 2017- Global arms trade highest since Cold War

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Headline:    Netanyahu admits attending secret peace summit

Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu confirmed Sunday morning that he met secretly a year ago with the leaders of Egypt and Jordan in a failed bid by the Obama administration to convene a wider regional summit on Israeli-Palestinian peace. Speaking to ministers from his Likud party, Netanyahu said that he had participated in a clandestine meeting on February 21, 2016 in the Jordanian Sea resort of Aqaba with the then US secretary of state John Kerry, Jordan’s King Abdullah and Egyptian President Abdel-Fattah al-Sisi. During the summit, according to a report in Haaretz, Kerry presented a regional peace initiative which allegedly included recognition of Israel as a Jewish state and that would renew negotiations between Israel and the Palestinians. However, the initiative to involve other Arab states in the pursuit of peace with the Palestinians ultimately fizzled out, the newspaper said, after Netanyahu withdrew his initial support, pointing to opposition within his right-wing government. A spokesman for Netanyahu declined to comment on the report. Al-Sisi’s office issued a statement referring to the news report, without mentioning a specific newspaper, as having “incorrect information” but did not deny that a meeting took place. No immediate comment was available from Jordan. The Egyptian president also emphasized during a meeting with a delegation of leaders from Jewish leaders in the US that a two-state solution was just, and was a top priority. “The establishment of peace will bring about a new reality that will enable regional countries to make social and economic developments that the peoples of the states except,” al-Sisi said. He also added that peace would end one of the most important excuses used by terror organizations to justify their acts. In addition, efforts are continuing among Arab states to renew contact between Israel and the Palestinians. Indeed, Jordan’s king met Sunday with members of the US Congress in Amman.
Feb. 19, 2017


Headline:   Two rockets from Sinai explode in southern Israel; none hurt

Two rockets launched from the Sinai Peninsula exploded in southern Israel’s Eshkol Regional Council on Monday morning, the IDF reported. No air raid sirens were activated in the area as the projectiles were headed toward open territory, a military source added. There were no reports of injury or damage in the incident. Monday’s rocket attack came the day after Islamic State-linked media claimed that an unmanned Israeli drone had bombed and killed four members of ISIS in Egypt in the northern Sinai region. According to the Islamic State linked Amaq agency, the four “fell as martyrs to the Jewish enemy” in a strike which targeted a car carrying the militants in the village of Shibana located south of the town Rafah. Earlier this month the group claimed responsibility for a rocket barrage fired from the Sinai towards Israel’s Red Sea resort of city of Eilat. The Iron Dome missile system intercepted three projectiles while a fourth landed in open territory.
Feb. 20, 2017


Headline:      Report: ISIS branch in the Golan takes control of additional areas in the vicinity of the Israeli border

The ISIS branch in the Golan has expanded its control in the coastal region of the Yarmuch, which is in the tri-border area of Israel, Syria and Jordan. According to the report by the Amaq News Agency, which is identified with the terror organization, the Khalid ibn al-Walid army attacked the rebel factions in the area and captured four more villages and a strategically located hill in the south of the Golan.
Feb. 20, 2017




Headline:      ‘Hezbollah might have game-changing naval missiles’

Western intelligence agencies have expressed “grave concerns” that Hezbollah has been able to obtain strategic naval weapons that could change the balance of power in the Middle East. Despite great efforts attributed to Israel over the past five years to prevent Hezbollah from getting its hands on such weapons, the Lebanese terror organization is believed to have been able to smuggle into Lebanon a certain amount—likely no more than eight—of P-800 Onyx missiles, also known in export markets as Yakhont. The information, which was passed among several intelligence agencies, is based on what was defined as “highly reliable sources.” The Russian supersonic anti-ship cruise missile is regarded as the naval equivalent of the antiaircraft S-300 and is considered the best of its kind in the world. It can be fired from the shore and has a range of up to 300 kilometers. There is no known electronic defense system that could deal with it or intercept it. According to Israeli intelligence officials, Hezbollah could use the Onyx missiles to significantly threaten the Israeli Navy, the US Sixth Fleet and civilian vessels in the Mediterranean, as well as Israel’s newly built oil and gas rigs. Feb. 17, 2017


Saudi Arabia

Headline:       Saudi Arabia praises Trump, warms up towards Israel

Iran is the biggest threat to the Middle East, Saudi Arabia’s foreign minister said, adding that he looks forward to working with the Trump administration to overcome challenges in the region, including the Arab-Israeli conflict. In apparent agreement with the Israelis, Saudi Arabia’s foreign minister accused Iran of being the primary supporter of global terrorism. “Iran remains the single main sponsor of terrorism in the world,” Adel al-Jubeir declared in an address to the Munich Security Conference on Sunday. “It’s determined to upend the order in Middle East, and until and unless Iran changes its behavior it would be very difficult to deal with a country like this.” “I believe that the world has to make it clear to the Iranians that there is certain behavior that will not be tolerated, and that there will be consequences, and those consequences have to be in tune with the financial side,” he affirmed. Al-Jubeir added that he was “very optimistic about the Trump administration,” which had recently put “Iran on notice.” “We look forward to working with the Trump administration on all issues,” al-Jubeir said. “I believe progress can be made in the Arab Israel conflict, if there is a will to do so,. We know what the settlement looks like, if there is just the political will to do so. And my country stands ready with other Arab countries to work to see how we can promote that.”
Feb. 19, 2017


Headline:      Houthi forces wreak havoc on military sites in southern Saudi Arabia

The Houthi forces carried out several powerful attacks in the Jizan and Asir regions of Saudi Arabia on Saturday, targeting military sites and vehicles in the southern part of this Gulf kingdom. According to local activists in northern Yemen, the Houthi forces raided several Saudi military posts near the border, destroying many armored vehicles and killing scores of soldiers. Hezbollah’s media relations captured footage of the Houthi assault on Saudi installations, Saturday, showing the destruction of the military sites. The Houthi forces primarily targeted the Saudi Army’s positions in Al-Ramada (Jizan Region), Al-Shu’ba (Asir Region), and at the Awalayb Military Base (Asir Region).
Feb. 19, 2017




Headline:         Russia is conducting its heaviest air strikes in Daraa S. Syria

DEBKAfile’s military sources report that the southern Syrian town of Daraa is suffering the heaviest Russian air strikes hitherto in that country. They are aimed at driving a pro-Jordanian Syrian rebel forces out of the Manshiya district, which dominates the town and commands the Syrian-Jordanian border passes. It is feared in Amman that the Russian bombardment may send a fresh wave of Syrian refugees to the border clamoring for entry.
Feb. 20, 2017


Headline: Turkey no longer considering military operation to capture Raqqa: PM

Headline: Turkish forces resume Al-Bab offensive in east Aleppo

Turkey is no longer considering a military operation to capture the city of Raqqa from the Islamic State, Turkish Prime Minister Binali Yildirim told journalists in Munich on Sunday. “The United States, Turkey along with local forces, civilian forces, the FSA [Free Syrian Army] and other militias… they are at the forefront while we are at the back,” Yıldırım told reporters at the conference he is attending in Germany. Yildirim’s statement to journalists comes just one week after Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan claimed his armed forces would go to Al-Raqqa after their Al-Bab operations. While the Turkish Army will not go to Al-Raqqa, they will continue to provide assistance to the rebel forces participating in the upcoming offensive, Yildirim added.
Feb. 20, 2017




Headline:   Mosul assault: Iraq troops make headway against IS

Headline: Mosul battle heats up as Iraqi forces fight ISIS near airport

Iraqi government forces have seized several villages as they move towards an assault on the last area held by the so-called Islamic State (IS) in Mosul. Hundreds of military vehicles, backed by air power, rolled across the desert towards IS positions early on Sunday. The progress on Sunday in the south of the city, the second biggest in Iraq, takes them within striking distance of Mosul airport. Fears have been voiced about the safety of many thousands of trapped civilians. The offensive was formally announced by Iraqi Prime Minister Haider al-Abadi early on Sunday. Army Staff Lieutenant General Abdulamir Yarallah said in a statement that elite Rapid Response units captured the villages of Athbah and Al-Lazzagah – two villages south of Mosul airport. Government forces retook the eastern side of the city, the last major IS stronghold in Iraq, last month. But military officials say the western side, with its narrow, winding streets, may prove a bigger challenge. For now, there is no advance from eastern Mosul as all bridges from there to the west of the city, across the Tigris river, have been destroyed.
Feb. 20, 2017



Headline: Turkish airstrikes target Kurdish PKK in Iraq

Turkish war planes illegally operating in Iraq have targeted Kurdistan Worker Party (PKK) positions. At least 34 fighters of the PKK, in which Ankara recognizes as a terrorist group, were killed in two separate strikes on Monday. The first strike took place shortly after midnight, with the second shortly after noon. They both targeted the Zap region of Iraq’s autonomous Kurdistan region.
Feb. 20, 2017












Headline:        Turkey dismisses 227 more judges, prosecutors in post-coup probe

Headline: ‘President Erdogan assassination plot’ trial opens in Turkey

Turkey dismissed 227 more judges and prosecutors on Monday as part of investigations into last July’s failed coup, the state-run Anadolu agency said, meaning close to 4,000 members of the judiciary have now been purged. Turkish authorities have detained, sacked or dismissed more than 100,000 people from the police, military, public service, judiciary, and elsewhere since the abortive coup over suspected ties to U.S.-based Muslim cleric Fethullah Gulen, whom Ankara accuses of orchestrating the putsch. Gulen, who has lived in self-imposed exile in Pennsylvania since 1999, has denied the charge and condemned the coup. With the latest dismissals, the High Council of Judges and Prosecutors (HSYK) has now dismissed more than 3,886 members of the judiciary since the July 15 putsch, Anadolu said. Rights groups and some Western allies fear President Tayyip Erdogan is using the coup as a pretext to stifle dissent. The government argues the purges are justified by the extent of the threat to the state on July 15, when rogue soldiers commandeered tanks and fighter jets, killing at least 240 people.
Feb. 20, 2017




Headline:    Iran in new military drills despite US warnings

Headline: Iran launches ‘advanced’ rockets during new military exercises

Headline: Threatening US, Iran general says his country will be a ‘graveyard’ for attackers

Iran’s elite Revolutionary Guard is to conduct military drills next week, a senior commander announced Saturday, despite warnings from the United States and fresh sanctions over a ballistic missile test. “The manoeuvres called ‘Grand Prophet 11’ will start Monday and last three days,” General Mohammad Pakpour, commander of the force’s ground units, told a news conference. He said rockets would be used without specifying which kind. In early February, Iran conducted drills involving short-range missiles at a time of heightened tensions with the United States. The Islamic republic said the exercises were aimed at demonstrating Iran’s “complete preparedness to deal with the threats” and “humiliating sanctions” from Washington. US President Donald Trump slapped fresh sanctions against Tehran’s weapons procurement network following a ballistic missile test on January 29. “Iran would do well to look at the calendar and realize there’s a new president in the Oval Office. And Iran would do well not to test the resolve of this new president,” Vice President Mike Pence said earlier this month. New Pentagon chief James Mattis, for his part, has branded Iran “the single biggest state sponsor of terrorism in the world”. Iranian officials have rejected the threats emphasising that the missile programme is purely defensive.
Feb. 20, 2017




Headline: Large Iranian Guards forces rushed to Ahwaz to quell riots

DEBKAfile’s military sources report that in the last two days, Tehran has dispatched large-scale Revolutionary Guards forces from central Iran to Falahiyeh, a town in the southern Ahwaz oil region which is dominated by a restive population of Arab descent.. Violent riots erupted there after security forces killed a young man with shots to the head and opened fire on two motorcyclists, who apparently tried to ram a Guards checkpoint. The rioters set fire to police stations and the vehicles of local officials.
Feb. 20, 2017



Headline:     Pakistan, Afghanistan Move to Defuse Border Tensions

Pakistan and Afghanistan have issued conciliatory statements in an apparent attempt to defuse days of border tensions stemming from charges Afghan soil was used for masterminding last week’s terrorist attacks in Pakistani cities. Pakistani troops have been staging cross-border shelling to target what authorities claimed were camps of Jammat-ul Ahrar, or JuA, a splinter faction of the anti-state Pakistani Taliban for being behind most of the deadly violence. Islamabad maintains that JuA leaders are sheltering in Afghan border areas from where they plot and direct violence against Pakistan. Security officials also confirmed Monday, the military deployed additional heavy artillery at main border crossings to deter illegal movements. However, Pakistani military chief, General Qamar Javed Bajwa, Monday explained his troop build up along the Afghan border and enhanced security arrangements are aimed at fighting “common enemy” of terrorism. “Pakistan and Afghanistan have fought against terrorism and shall continue this effort together,” the general told a security meeting of his top commanders in Rawalpindi, where the military is headquartered. Bajwa also called “for more effective border coordination and cooperation” with Afghan security forces to prevent cross-border movement of terrorists and other illegal activities, according to a statement released by the military’s media wing after the meeting.
Feb. 20, 2017



Headline:     Libya’s Sarraj sees Russia as possible intermediary with eastern commander

Headline:     Moscow in line to broker Libyan unification talks

Headline: Egypt, Tunisia, Algeria FMs issue declaration on resolving Libyan crisis

Libyan Prime Minister Fayez Sarraj of the UN-backed government in Tripoli said on Sunday he would like Russia to help overcome deadlock in the country, which is struggling with divisions among militias and an extremist militant threat. In an interview with Reuters, Sarraj expressed hope that Moscow might act as an intermediary between him and Khalifa Haftar, a military commander who is supported by factions based in the east of Libya. Sarraj’s Government of National Accord has been trying to formulate plans for unified Libyan security forces since arriving in Tripoli in March, but has made little progress. Asked whether Moscow could become a useful intermediary to pass on political messages or pressure to Haftar, Sarraj said “Yes”. “We hope that Russia will play a positive role in resolving the Libyan crisis,” he said on the sidelines of the Munich Security Conference. “We hope that anyone getting involved in Libya will have a positive effect in the sense that the message that I want to sit down with the other Libyan parties reaches them.” Sarraj has already held talks with Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov and Moscow’s ambassador in Libya. Referring to these meetings, he said: “We sent a clear message, we don’t want to exclude any military leaders. We want to unite the military forces, we want to fight against terrorism together, we want military forces to come under a political umbrella.”
Feb. 20, 2017











Headline:     Endless Protests Raise the Specter of ‘Resistance Fatigue’

Headline: Dozens of workers lose their jobs for participating in Day Without Immigrants protest

Headline: MPs debate withdrawing Trump’s state visit to UK

Headline: Democrats Suggest Invoking The 25th Amendment Unless Trump “Gets A Grip”

If it’s beginning to feel like protests are happening every day of the week, that’s because they are. The first two months of 2017 have been jammed with one protest march after another, and for many newly-christened activists, the hours in between are spent calling elected officials and obsessively reading news updates. This week is no different. Thursday’s “Day Without An Immigrant” saw rallies and marches nationwide, followed by Friday’s “General Strike” in over 100 cities. On Saturday, President Trump’s Florida campaign rally was met with protests, and thousands attended a Muslim solidarity rally on Sunday in New York. Monday may be a federal holiday, but activists aren’t taking a break: streets will be filled with “Not My President’s Day” protesters around the country. “Not My President’s Day” rallies are taking place in at least 25 cities. Over 20,000 people responded to the Los Angeles protest’s Facebook event, and a statement on the page explains opposition to the Trump administration.  Meanwhile, MPs have accused US President Donald Trump of acting “like a petulant child” and having a “protozoan” intellectual capacity in a debate on the state visit offered to him by Theresa May. In a packed Westminster Hall, MPs have gathered to debating a petition signed by more than 1.85 million people calling for the visit to be stripped of the trappings of a state occasion in order to avoid causing “embarrassment” to the Queen.
Feb. 20, 2017





Headline:     Somalia Mogadishu car bomb: At least 34 people killed

At least 34 people have been killed and about 50 injured in a car bomb blast in the Somali capital, Mogadishu. The car blew up in the city’s southern Madina district, officials say. The blast – which ripped through shops and food stalls – is the first major attack in the capital since the election of President Mohamed Abdullahi Mohamed earlier this month. No group has claimed responsibility, although al-Shabab militants are likely to be the prime suspects. On Saturday a senior al-Shabab commander vowed to target the president’s supporters. President Mohamed has condemned the bombing, accusing al-Shabab of being behind the attack. He urged Somalis to unite against the group’s brutality. The new president visited some of the wounded, as well as the site of the blast on Sunday. He has offered a $100,000 reward to anybody who supplies information leading to the capture of those responsible. “It was a horrific and barbaric attack only aimed at killings civilians,” he said.
Feb. 19, 2017


Headline: At least five killed in protests over Guinea teachers’ strike

At least five people were killed in Guinea’s capital of Conakry on Monday in protests sparked by a teacher’s strike, the government said, reviving labor tensions in a country where previous strikes have led to dozens of deaths. Government spokesman Damantang Albert Camara later told Reuters that a deal to end the strike was signed with Guinea’s main teachers’ unions on Monday evening. The unions had launched the strike on Feb. 1 to protest the government’s decision to dismiss or cut the salaries of many junior teachers after the latest civil service exams, and many of their students had taken to the streets in recent days to support them. Unidentified assailants on Monday morning attacked a police station and demonstrators clashed with gendarmes in several districts of Conakry, witnesses said. “By midday, these demonstrations had unfortunately caused the deaths of at least five people,” the government said in a statement, calling the protest “illegal and forbidden”. It added that 30 people had been injured, including members of the security forces, and 12 arrested. Witnesses told Reuters that three of the dead had been shot but it was not possible to verify that information.
Feb. 20, 2017


Headline:      French protests against police violence move to central Paris

Headline: Paris rioters tear gassed

Anti-racism groups and other protesters rallied in Paris on Saturday to support victims of police violence after a young black man was allegedly raped with a police baton earlier this month. Paris police installed a security perimeter around Saturday’s rally on the Place de la République in eastern Paris. Far-right presidential candidate Marine Le Pen, meanwhile, urged the government to ban the protest out of respect for police who are ensuring public safety in France during the country’s ongoing state of emergency. Demonstrators carried banners reading “Justice for Théo,” the name of the 22-year-old alleged rape victim, and called for justice in the investigation. The protesters argue that Théo is just one example of many young men unfairly targeted by police in ID checks and sometimes abused. “There’s a lot of support for Théo,” FRANCE 24’s Julia Kim said on Saturday. “We’re seeing 1,000, possibly 2,000 people. “Police have closed all access into the Place de la République … but all-in-all it seems rather calm.” Théo, whose last name has not been released, was hospitalised for two weeks after the reported attack in his hometown of Aulnay-sous-Bois northeast of Paris. A local youth worker, Theo has become a symbol for minorities who stand up to police violence. One officer has been charged with rape in the case, and three others with aggravated assault. All deny intentional wrongdoing.
Feb. 18, 2017



Headline: Thousands Of Romanians In 20th Day Of Anti-Government Protests

Thousands of Romanians turned out for the 20th day in a row on Sunday to protest against the government, which demonstrators accuse of trying to protect corrupt politicians. Despite heavy rain, 3,000 people protested in front of parliament in Bucharest while another 3,000 demonstrated in the country’s second biggest city, Cluj. The protests, which at their peak were the biggest since the fall of Communist leader Nicolae Ceausescu in 1989, began when the new government passed a decree in late January decriminalizing some corruption offences. It eventually rescinded the decree, which had drawn sharp criticism from President Klaus Iohannis as well as from abroad, as the mass protests continued across the country, but the Social Democratic government has refused to resign. Romania’s upper house of parliament, the Senate, voted unanimously to endorse the decision to scrap the decree on Tuesday, though the lower house, the Chamber of Deputies, has not yet approved it, making demonstrators concerned it could still come into effect.
Feb. 20, 2017



Headline:  US twin sea buildup against China, NKorea, Iran

Headline: Global arms trade highest since Cold War

Donald Trump marked his first month as US President with two major military gambits in the Middle East, Asia and the South China Sea. Early Sunday, Feb. 19, the US Navy said that the Nimitz-class USS Carl Vinson aircraft carrier and strike group had begun patrols in the disputed waters of the South China Sea. With them are three air squadrons coming from their Naval Air Station Lemoore: the USS Lake Champlain guided missile cruiser and two guided missile destroyers, the USS Michael Murphy and the USS Wayne E. Meyer. The deployment comes after Beijing’s warning that a US naval unit sailing near the disputed Spralys, where China has built islands and a military presence, would be seen as a violation of sovereignty, which the US and Japan refuse to recognize. The Trump administration’s move therefore opens up a potential arena of confrontation between the US and China.  It also caries a message for North Korea, which Trump has called “a big, big problem and we will deal with that very strongly.” A week ago, on Feb. 12, North Korea launched a missile, using new “cold eject” technology which makes it possible to fire a missile from a submarine. Military experts in Washington and Jerusalem estimate that once Pyongyang has perfected the system, it will be passed to Tehran, an eventuality covered in Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu’s White House talks with President Trump last week, our sources reveal. Our military sources add that while Washington has publicly announced the transfer of a naval-air force to the South China Sea, the deployment of the large 11th Marine Expeditionary Combat Unit to the Gulf of Aden and Red Sea is being kept low key. The conventional thinking until now was that, in the event of an Iranian clash with the US or Gulf states, including Saudi Arabia, Tehran would push back by blocking the strategic Strait of Hormuz. Today, American forces have been placed in position to prevent Iran from blocking the Strait of Mandeb, and so choking the main sea route used by oil and merchant shipping sailing to and from the Mediterranean via the Suez Canal, by posting missile bases on Yemen’s western Red Sea coast. The 4,500-strong contingent of MEC marines and sailors is supported by the fighters and attack helicopters on board the USS Makin Island amphibious assault ship, the USS Somerset amphibious transport and the USS Comstock dock landing ship. Their task is to keep the strategic waterway open and safe.
Feb. 19, 2017




Headline:   United Nations Capital Development Fund-  Better Than Cash Alliance

The United Nations ‘Better than Cash Alliance’  currently has 25 nations that are members of the alliance. All are working on creating a cashless (digital) society for their countries. Pakistan, Afghanistan, Columbia, Peru, India, Philippines, Kenya, and Mexico are a few of the members. If we think about our global banking system, we can conclude that all banks are now part of the digital Swift payments system. Competitive payment systems which are emerging in Asia are also digital systems. All this is because we now have a computer driven global economy. Computers, algorithms, and select software programs determine what is happening within our global cyber markets. All businesses are converting their accounting systems to digital and this means that the ‘Mark of the Beast’ financial system is essentially here now. The implementation of the ‘Mark of the Beast’ system will likely start after our current bubble economy crashes. Our governmental authorities will then demand that everyone follow precise rules which mandate their economic behavior. Authorities will likely demand that everyone give allegiance to their digital (cashless) financial system. Those who refuse to comply will be restricted from using the system for their survival. This starts the clock for the ‘Mark of the Beast’ system which has been prophesied in scripture. Either you comply with the State or you must barter for your goods and services and take the risk of being arrested.
Feb. 19, 2017




Headline: South Sudan declares famine in Unity State

A famine has been declared in parts of South Sudan, the first to be announced in any part of the world in six years. The government and the United Nations report that some 100,000 people are facing starvation, with a million more on the brink of famine. A combination of civil war and an economic collapse have been blamed. There have been warnings of famine in Yemen, Somalia and north-eastern Nigeria, but South Sudan is the first to declare one. The famine is currently affecting parts of the Unity state in South Sudan, but humanitarian groups have warned that the crisis could spread if urgent help is not received. Aid agencies, including the UN World Food Programme (WFP) and the children’s fund Unicef, said that 4.9 million people – more than 40% of South Sudan’s population – are in urgent need of food.
Feb. 20, 2017



Headline:     ISIS Egypt affiliate: Christians are ‘our favorite prey’

An Islamic State affiliate released a video Monday vowing that Egyptian Christians are their “favorite prey,” showing images of a suicide bomber who killed nearly 30 people inside a packed Cairo church in December. “God gave orders to kill every infidel,” one of the militants carrying an AK-47 assault rifle says in the 20-minute video. The video shows footage of Egypt’s Coptic Christian Pope, Christian businessmen, judges and priests who either speak of the need to protect the minority or use derogatory terms to refer to Egypt’s Muslim majority. The narrator says Christians were no longer “dhimmis,” a reference to non-Muslims in Islam who enjoy a degree of state protection. Instead, the group describes the Christians as “infidels” who are empowering the West against Muslim nations. The video shows footage of Abu Abdullah al-Masri, a masked militant who blew himself up at the central Cairo church in December, killing 28 people, most of which were women and children. The attack, says a narrator, was “only the beginning. The video carries the logo “Egypt” instead of the normal “Wilayat Sinai” or the state of Sinai. It suggests the terrorists are trying to expand their operations to the rest of the country, Reuters reported. The message comes at a time when attacks on Coptic Christians have escalated in Sinai. In the past month, at least three Christians were gunned down in separate drive-by shooting attacks in the city of el-Arish.
Feb. 20, 2017



Headline:        California Told To ‘Brace For Evacuation’ As Storm Approaches

Residents in parts of California have been told to prepare for an imminent evacuation as a powerful storm threatens to cause flooding across many parts of the State.  As the first outer rain bands from a Pacific storm touched Northern California on Sunday, residents in the Central Valley were told to be prepared to leave their homes amid fears that severe flooding could hit the State on Monday and Tuesday as the severity of the storm is expected to worsen. On Sunday, the weather service issued a flood warning in urban areas and along small streams through Thursday for the counties that make up the Sacramento and northern San Joaquin valleys, as well as for most of the counties that sit along the Valley’s rim. “We may see flooding in locations which haven’t been impacted in many years,” the alert reads. In other words, those living anywhere near a river, a slough, a levee, a creek or a canal need to be ready to flee floodwaters at a moment’s notice.
Feb. 20, 2017


Headline: Harsh weather in Afghanistan kills dozens in blizzard, rainstorms

As many as 50 people have died in storms over the past three days in Afghanistan, including 25 shepherds lost in a blizzard, a government disaster management official said on Monday. Also among the dead were 11 people killed in separate incidents in roof collapses in heavy rain in Kabul province, said Omar Mohammadi, a spokesman for the Afghanistan National Disaster Management Agency. Another 44 people were hurt in weather-related accidents.  “At least 239 people have been killed and 214 wounded during the past two months of heavy snow and rain in 22 provinces of Afghanistan,” Mohammadi said. More than 520 houses were destroyed and about 420 damaged over the same period, he added.
Feb. 20, 2017


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