March 27, 2017- U.N. plan to ‘mark’ world population

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Headline:     UK Puts UN Human Rights Council ‘On Notice’ for Anti-Israel Bias

British officials put the United Nations Human Rights Council (UNHRC) “on notice” Friday after the council passed a series of resolutions singling out Israel for its policies towards the Palestinians while ignoring other countries’ human rights violations. “Today we are putting the Human Rights Council on notice,” U.K. Ambassador Julian Braithwaite told the UNHRC during the closing moments of its latest session. The group approved four resolutions that condemned Israeli policy on the Palestinians, and called on the Jewish state to return control of the Golan Heights to Syria. “If things do not change, in the future we will adopt a policy of voting against all resolutions concerning Israel’s conduct in the occupied Syrian and Palestinian territories,” Braithwaite said. The U.K.’s statement comes three days after the terror attack in London that killed five people and injured dozens more. The attacks resembled the terrorism of the Palestinian wave of car-rammings and stabbings that has plagued Israel in recent years.
March 26, 2017

Headline:   Netanyahu: Israel committed to working with Trump to advance peace

In a satellite speech to AIPAC in Washington DC, Prime Minister Netanyahu praised cooperation with the Trump administration and affirmed Israel’s support for the fight against radical Islam; ‘We won’t let them drag humanity away from the promise of a bright future to the misery of a dark past.’ Toward the end of his speech, Netanyahu turned his attention to the Palestinians, Israel’s other moderate Arab neighbors and the prospects for peace. “Israel’s hand, and my hand, is extended to all our neighbors in peace,” Netanyahu stated. “We teach peace to our children and it’s time the Palestinian Authority do the same. It must stop teaching hatred to its children. It must stop paying terrorists. It must stop denying our legitimacy and our history. It must, above all, once and for all, recognize the Jewish state.” “Israel is committed to working with President Trump to advance peace with the Palestinians and with all our neighbors,” he continued. “I believe that the common dangers faced by Israel and many of our Arab neighbors now offer a rare opportunity to build bridges towards a better future—a future more prosperous, more secure and more peaceful. And to achieve that, Israel will stand ever vigilant, never compromising on our security, always ready to defend ourselves.
March 27, 2017,7340,L-4941302,00.html


Headline:     Hamas closes Erez crossing between Gaza and Israel

Headline: Assassinated Senior Hamas Terrorist Was Planning Attacks On Israel, Gaza Militant Says

It is the first time ever Hamas has closed the crossing since taking over Gaza in 2007. The Hamas-controlled Interior Ministry closed the Erez crossing until further notice on Sunday, a day after Hamas accused Israel of assassinating a senior member of its military wing. “The closure of the Beit Hanoun [Erez] crossing comes as a part of the steps being taken by the security apparatus following the crime of assassinating Mazen Fuqaha,” Interior Ministry spokesman Iyad Bazm said. Nonetheless, Bazm later clarified that “humanitarian cases” will be allowed to return to the Gaza Strip. Erez is the only pedestrian crossing between Israel and Gaza. Hamas security forces are also preventing Gazan fishermen from going out to sea, the official PA news site Wafa reported. There are approximately 4,000 fishermen in the Strip, most of whom depend on fishing as their primary source of income. Fuqaha was killed in front of his home in Gaza City’s southern Tel al-Hawa neighborhood late Friday. Hours after the assassination, the Interior Ministry said the parties behind it are “unknown,” adding that the local security services opened an investigation. Hamas, however, accused Israel of assassinating Fuqaha. Israeli officials have not commented on the incident.
March 26, 2017

Headline: IDF launches military exercises on two fronts, high alert on third

Israel embarked Sunday on two week-long military exercises – one across the Golan to drill the forces’ preparedness for attack, and the other in Judea and Samaria. Residents were warned the drills will be accompanied by explosions. The troops of the Southern Command and the Gaza region went on high terror alert following Hamas threats Saturday to avenge the gunning down of Mazen Fukaha, a senior member of its armed wing, of which they accuse the Mossad.  Fukaha, who was released from jail for multiple terrorist murders in the prisoner exchange for Gilead Shalit, was in charge of Hamas terror operations against Israelis in Judea and Samaria. Four shots from a silenced pistol ended his life outside his home in Gaza.
March 26, 2017


Headline:   PM to allow lawmakers to resume Temple Mount visits

Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu on Monday decided to lift a nearly 18 month-old ban forbidding ministers and lawmakers from visiting the flashpoint Temple Mount in Jerusalem, Channel 2 reported. The decision was apparently made at a meeting on Monday, which was attended by Public Security Minister Gilad Erdan, Netanyahu confidante Yitzhak Molcho and representatives of the internal security services and police. Visits will be permitted again in three months, after the passage of politically sensitive dates in the Jewish and Muslim calendars, the report said. These include Passover in April, and May’s scheduled celebration of 50 years since the reunification of Jerusalem in the Six Day War, along with the Muslim festival of Ramadan, which ends in late June. The number of visits permitted will rise gradually, subject to conditions on the ground and possibly to police restrictions, Channel 2 News reported.
March 27, 2017



Headline:    Jordan’s foreign minister says Arab foreign ministers unanimously endorse more than a dozen policy resolutions

Headline: Arab League to adopt the 2002 Saudi peace initiative

Jordan’s foreign minister says Arab foreign ministers unanimously endorsed more than a dozen policy resolutions, including one rejecting unilateral steps that “jeopardize the historic and legal status” of Jerusalem. This was an apparent reference to President Donald Trump’s previously stated intentions to move the US Embassy in Israel to Jerusalem, the city at the core of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. The Palestinians seek a capital in east Jerusalem along with the West Bank and Gaza Strip. The Jordanian minister, Ayman Safadi, said Monday that the resolution is one of “about 17” to be adopted later this week at a gathering of Arab heads of states in Jordan. He says the ministers also reaffirmed the need to establish a Palestinian state alongside Israel. A spokesman of the Jordanian government was quoted by Arab media as saying that King Abdullah will travel to Washington after the Arab League Summit to update US President Donald Trump on the decisions made.
March 27, 2017,7340,L-4941367,00.html,7340,L-4941052,00.html


Headline:    ISIS U-Turns West to Lebanon as Next Target

American helicopters Thursday and Friday, March 23-24, dropped Kurdish and Arab fighters over a region west of the ISIS stronghold of Raqqa. Those forces quickly captured at least five villages and so cut jihadist concentrations in the northwestern Syria off from their Raqqa stronghold. debkafile’s military sourcesreport this operation was the opening shot of the US-led campaign to isolate the Islamic State’s Syrian capital before storming it. Raqqa’s liberation is not expected to encounter the same fierce ISIS resistance as the US-led Iraqi army is facing in Mosul. That is partly because the town has gradually emptied of fighting forces ever since ISIS chiefs saw that their time was running out. Instead, ISIS leader Abu Bakr Al-Baghdadi and his strategists, Iraqi ex-generals, effected a major U-turn: the  jihadists fleeing the Syrian and Iraqi fronts, instead of heading for the ISIS bastions in Deir ez-Zour in eastern Syria and Abu Kamal in western Iraqi Anbar province, were given new orders to head in the opposite direction for their next destination: Lebanon. This is a radical change from their former orders to reassemble in the two towns, which straddle the Iraqi-Syrian border and have commanded the Al Qa’im crossing and ISIS supply routes ever since June 2014. Both towns are located in virtual desert regions through which any approaching enemies are visible from afar. Moreover, the dense vegetation of the Euphrates river banks and nearby forests are effective cover for surreptitious movements against aerial and satellite surveillance.
March 25, 2017

Saudi Arabia

Headline:   At least 11 dead in suicide bombing and gun attack in southern Yemen

Headline: Houthi forces turn the tides in the battle for western Yemen – full report

At least 11 people were killed in a suicide bombing and gun attack by suspected al Qaeda militants on a local government compound in southern Yemen on Monday, a Yemeni government media office said in a statement. The attack is the latest in a series of operations by Islamist militants who have exploited a two-year-civil war to try to expand their control and recruit more followers in the country, which shares a long border with Saudi Arabia. The government media office said security forces confronted a suicide bomber who tried to drive a mini-bus laden with explosives into a government compound in al-Houta, the Lahj provincial capital. Security forces opened fire on the bus and clashed with militants wearing military uniforms who attacked the compound with automatic weapons, it said in the statement, adding that six security personnel and all the attackers died. Officials said there were five attackers in all. “The situation is now under control,” the statement quoted a security official as saying.
March 27, 2017


Headline:       Egyptian soldiers wounded by ISIS ambush in the Sinai desert

On Saturday, a mine planted by ISIS insurgents near the port city of Al-Arish injured 9 Egyptian soldiers, including 2 officers, according to Amaq Agency. An armored vehicle was destroyed by the blast. The incident occured at the Al-Buraiky checkpoint, south of Al-Arish city. Recently, the Islamic State’s media department posted pictures online showing its militants setting up checkpoints across Sinai province. Although jihadist insurgents regularly target the Egyptian Armed Forces in the Sinai desert, they maintain merely an underground presence and are yet to establish actual control over areas of Egypt. In a propganda video released last month, ISIS called on its followers to slaughter members of the country’s Christian minority, known as Orthodox Copts.
March 26, 2017


Headline:       Syria fighters take control of IS-held airbase near Raqqa

A US-backed force of Syrian Kurdish and Arab fighters has taken control of an Islamic State-held airbase west of the jihadist group’s stronghold of Raqqa. The Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF) and a monitoring group said Tabqa airbase had fallen on Sunday evening. US helicopters airlifted hundreds of fighters behind IS lines at the start of the assault last Wednesday. The airbase’s capture is seen as a significant step in the campaign to drive IS militants out of Raqqa. The SDF is also aiming to seize the nearby town of Tabqa and the Tabqa dam, which the US-led multinational coalition has denied damaging in air strikes. The airbase’s capture was part of a wider offensive aimed at also taking control of the Tabqa dam – the largest in Syria and a key source of electricity for the region. The coalition said the dam had been used by IS as a headquarters, as a prison for high-profile hostages, as a training location and to plot attacks outside Syria. On Sunday, IS said coalition air strikes had locked the dam’s gates, causing water levels to rise dangerously behind the structure and placing it at risk of collapse.
March 27, 2017

Headline: Western-backed rebels take control of large parts of eastern Al-Sweida (Suwayda)

The Western-backed Free Syrian Army (FSA) continued their large-scale advance near the Iraqi border-crossing on Monday, seizing large parts of Al-Sweida’s eastern countryside from the Islamic State (ISIL) forces. Free Syrian Army units operating in Al-Sweida’s Badiyah area launched another powerful assault this weekend, striking the remaining areas under ISIL’ control. According to the Free Syrian Army’s official media wing, their forces seized the Al-Badiyah area of Al-Sweida on Sunday, giving them control of more territory inside the province. On Monday, the Free Syrian Army units managed to reach the Syrian Arab Army’s front-lines in eastern Al-Sweida for the first time since the Islamic State took control of this area in late 2014.
March 27, 2017

Headline:      US sending around 200 more troops to Mosul in ISIS fight, official says

Headline: Mortar attack in eastern Mosul kills at least 4 people

Headline: Moscow urges ‘responsible’ US action in Mosul, requests UN Security Council briefing on airstrikes

Two companies from the U.S. Army’s 82nd Airborne Division are being deployed to the Mosul to bolster security in Iraq at the request of the top American commander in Baghdad fighting ISIS, a U.S. defense official with knowledge of the order told Fox News. A U.S. defense official told Fox News the 200 additional troops from the 82nd Airborne Division are going to Mosul—“to provide additional ‘advise and assist’ support to our Iraq Partners as they liberate Mosul,” according to the official. In another sign the Pentagon is ramping up the fight against ISIS, jets from the aircraft carrier USS George HW Bush began striking ISIS targets on Friday, days after arriving in the Persian Gulf. Last month, Bush conducted airstrikes in Syria from the Eastern Mediterranean. In recent weeks, multiple press reports said upwards of 1,000 additional American troops would deploy to Kuwait or Syria to act as a “reserve force.” These reports were said to be inaccurate by multiple Pentagon officials.
March 27, 2017

Headline:   Iraq Situation Report March 1-20, 2017










Headline:         Tensions flare as Greece tells Turkey it is ready to answer any provocation

Fears of tensions mounting in the Aegean and eastern Mediterranean Seas reignited after the Turkish president raised the prospect of a referendum on accession talks with the EU and the Greek defence minister said the country was ready for any provocation. Relations between Ankara and European capitals have worsened before the highly charged vote on 16 April on expanding the powers of the Turkish president, Recep Tayyip Erdoğan. Western allies have argued that a vote endorsing the proposed constitutional change would invest him with unparalleled authority and limit checks and balances at a time when they fear the Turkish leader is exhibiting worrying signs of authoritarianism. Erdoğan has been enraged by recent bans on visiting Turkish officials rallying “yes” supporters in Germany and the Netherlands. Highlighting growing friction between Ankara and the bloc, he raised the spectre of a public vote on EU membership at the weekend. “We have a referendum on 16 April. After that we may hold a Brexit-like referendum on the [EU] negotiations,” he told a Turkish-UK forum attended by the British foreign secretary, Boris Johnson. “No matter what our nation decides we will obey it. It should be known that our patience, tested in the face of attitudes displayed by some European countries, has limits.”
March 27, 2017


Headline:     Iran Strikes Back at U.S. With ‘Reciprocal’ Sanctions on 15 Companies

Iran on Sunday sanctioned what it described as 15 American companies, alleging they support terrorism, repression and Israel’s occupation of land Palestinians want for a future state, likely in retaliation for sanctions earlier announced by the U.S. The wide-ranging list from an American real estate company to a major arms manufacturer appeared more symbolic than anything else as the firms weren’t immediately known to be doing business anywhere in the Islamic Republic. A Foreign Ministry statement carried by the state-run IRNA news agency said the sanctions barred companies from any agreements with Iranian firms and that former and current directors would not be eligible for visas. It also said any of the company’s assets in Iran could be seized. “The sanctioned companies have, directly and/or indirectly, been involved in the brutal atrocities committed by the Zionist regime in the occupied Palestinian territories, or they have supported the regime’s terrorist activities and Israel’s development of Zionist settlements on the Palestinian soil,” the IRNA report said. Meanwhile, a senior Iranian lawmaker said Iran would consider a bill branding the U.S. military and the CIA as terrorist groups if the U.S. Congress passes a bill designating Iran’s Revolutionary Guard a terrorist organization.
March 27, 2017


Headline:      Pakistan Has Started Fencing Off Its Border With Afghanistan

Pakistan has begun work on a fence that will trace its mountainous northwest border with Afghanistan, Islamabad announced Saturday. “A better managed, secure and peaceful border is in mutual interest of both brotherly countries who have given phenomenal sacrifices in war against terrorism,” Pakistan’s army chief, General Qamar Bajwa, said in a statement from the country’s tribal hinterlands, the Wall Street Journal reports. But instead, a border fence could further inflame tensions between Pakistan and its landlocked northeasterly neighbor. For one thing, Afghanistan disputes the legitimacy of much of the border, which was drawn up under British colonial rule; for another, each side accuses the other of harboring terrorists. The measure follows a spate of terrorist attacks in recent weeks that have killed more than 100 people on Pakistani soil. Islamabad blames these on militants that it says have relocated across its porous border, which it closed for more than a month in February, citing “security reasons.”
March 26, 2017


Headline:     Death toll in attack on South Sudan aid workers rises to 7

The death toll of an attack on aid workers in South Sudan has risen to seven, with the news that the driver also died. David Kim Choop was driving the vehicle when he and six aid workers were ambushed and killed on Saturday, March 25th. The four South Sudanese and three Kenyans worked for a local non-governmental organization called GREDO (Grass Roots Empowerment for Development Organization) and were attacked while on a routine food convoy from Juba, the capital, to Pibor. The ambush caused the highest number of aid workers killed in a single incident since South Sudan’s civil war began in 2013. At least 12 aid workers have been killed so far this year and at least 79 killed since 2013, according to the U.N.
March 27, 2017


Headline:    Get ready for Calexit! Now Nigel Farage and the ‘Bad Boys of Brexit’ set their sights on splitting California in two

The ‘Bad Boys of Brexit‘ who led the campaign to break Britain away from the European Union have taken on a new exit challenge: splitting California into two states. Former UKip leader Nigel Farage and Leave backer Arron Banks have just returned from the United States, where they helped raise $1million (£800,000) for a ‘Calexit’ campaign, which would split California into two eastern and western regions. There are several ‘Calexit’ campaigns competing for a referendum in the United States, with one aiming to remove the state from America entirely as a response to President Donald Trump being elected last year. Farage and Banks, who led the ‘Leave.EU’ campaign, appear to be pitting the eastern, more rural side of California against the western ‘coastal elite’ liberals in Los Angeles and San Francisco.
March 27, 2017

Headline:    Chile pensions protest draws tens of thousands

Tens of thousands of people in Chile have taken part in demonstrations against the country’s controversial privatised pension system. Demonstrators called on the socialist government of Michelle Bachelet to scrap the the system, which is managed by private funds. Critics say the system benefits the rich but leaves poorer Chileans with a pension below the minimum wage. The system was introduced in 1981 under General Augusto Pinochet’s rule. Protest organisers said a total of more than 2 million people had joined marches in most Chilean cities, and that 800,000 people took part in Santiago alone. Chilean police put the number of demonstrators in the capital at 50,000.
March 26, 2017

Headline:    Militia fighters decapitate 40 police officers in DR Congo

Militia fighters in DR Congo have decapitated about 40 police officers in an ambush in the central province of Kasai, local officials say. Fighters from the Kamwina Nsapu group attacked a police convoy. Six policemen who spoke the local Tshiluba were freed, but the rest were killed, Kasai Assembly President Francois Kalamba said. The unrest in Kasai began last August, when security forces killed the Kamwina Nsapu leader. Friday’s attack targeted a police convoy travelling between Tshikapa and Kananga. The state Governor Alexis Nkande Myopompa said an investigation had been launched into the killings.
March 25, 2017

Headline: Putin Critic Jailed as Mass Rallies Energize Russian Opposition

Headline: White House calls on Russia to release protesters

Russian opposition leader Alexei Navalny was jailed for 15 days after the largest anti-government demonstrations for at least five years energized President Vladimir Putin’s critics as presidential elections loom. Navalny was imprisoned by a Moscow court on Monday after being convicted of disobeying police and fined 20,000 rubles ($352) for organizing an unsanctioned protest after more than 1,000 people were detained in a wave of demonstrations in cities across Russia on Sunday. Despite draconian laws forbidding unsanctioned rallies, at least 60,000 took part in more than 80 protests, according to the independent Ekho Moskvy radio station. The protests were the largest since demonstrations erupted in winter 2011 and spring 2012 against alleged vote-rigging in parliamentary elections and Putin’s return to the presidency for a third term. Putin, 64, is likely to seek a further six years as president in elections next March, though he hasn’t officially said he’ll run. Navalny, 40, has said he’ll be a candidate, but the Kremlin insists he’s ineligible because of a fraud conviction that the opposition activist has dismissed as politically motivated. “This is just the start, and the culmination will be nearer to the presidential elections,” Vladimir Milov, one of the opposition leaders, said in a blog posting Monday. “Now our task is to force them into concessions.” The protests were a “provocation” and police acted “absolutely correctly, professionally and legally” in dealing with them, Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov told reporters on a conference call Monday. Organizers got people to join the demonstrations on the “lie” that they’d been approved by the authorities, he said.
March 27, 2017

Headline:   Sylhet blasts kill six amid Bangladesh militant raid

Six people – two police officers and four civilians – have been killed in twin bombings in north-eastern Bangladesh, officials say. The blasts in Sylhet occurred near an apartment building where commandoes have been trying to flush out a group of suspected Islamist militants. Earlier many civilians were evacuated from the block of flats. The suspects have refused to surrender. Dozens of people were injured in the twin explosions on Saturday. Army units continue to surround the building. The blasts hit a large crowd which had gathered nearby as troops continued to exchange gunfire with the militants. The first explosive device was brought by two men on a motorbike and the second was left in a bag of vegetables, police say. So-called Islamic State (IS) claimed on messaging app Telegram that it was behind one of the blasts. The suspected extremists are hiding out in a five-storey building, from which 78 civilians have been evacuated.
March 26, 2017


Headline:       U.N. plan to ‘mark’ world population

If you believe the Bible is true, then you know it’s going to happen. The “Mark of the Beast” is a staple of prophecy, a development many evangelical Christians would take as a sign the end times have truly begun. And Pastor Carl Gallups believes there are real, concrete indications the United Nations has already started making preparations to develop the very technology that could be used to register every single person on Earth. He sounds the warning in his latest book, “When The Lion Roars: Understanding The Implications Of Ancient Prophecies For Our Time.” Gallups expanded on the international plans under way on a recent episode of “SkyWatchTV.” He cites a report from the U.N.’s 2030 Agenda, including a list of 17 “Global Goals.” One of the goals is “legal identity for all, including birth registration.” The United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees is also working to implement biometric technology to identify and track refugees. The information will be stored in a central database in Geneva, Switzerland. Such a plan could be expanded to include the global population. When asked if he was saying the U.N. was going to try to register the entire population, Gallups said those are not his words but those of the United Nations.
March 25, 2017


Headline:    Dow futures slide 150 points as global markets fall on Trump’s health-care failure

Headline:    Dollar skids to four-month low as Trump trade deflates

Wall Street futures underlined a global market sell-off on Monday as investors fretted over the potential knock-on effects of U.S. President Donald Trump‘s surprise failure to deliver on health-care reform. Dow futures were set for triple-digit losses, down around 150 points at 8:45 a.m. ET, after Republicans dramatically pulled their health-care bill on Friday. “The market’s patience is wearing thin,” Vasileios Gkionakis, head of global FX strategy at Unicredit, told CNBC on Monday. “It definitely doubts the U.S. administration’s ability to push forward (with) this so much talked and discussed agenda including the fiscal stimulus, tax deregulation, tax cuts,” Gkionakis added.
March 27, 2017

Headline:    Le Pen: I Will Quit Office if French Reject Eurozone Exit

Far-right presidential candidate Marine Le Pen says that if her plan to pull France from the euro currency is rejected by the French she will resign. Le Pen, speaking Monday on Europe 1 radio, reiterated her plan to hold a referendum on the euro issue if elected president, and “If it’s no, I will go.” She said that a show of support for the eurozone means the French “choose a model of governance imposed by the European Union” – which Le Pen also wants to exit. It also means, she said, that “70 percent of my project cannot be put in place.” Le Pen is at the top of polls ahead of the April 23 and May 7 voting, along with independent centrist Emmanuel Macron.
March 27, 2017


Headline:     Scientists Discover Portal Into Parallel Universe

Physicists have discovered a quantum portal into a separate, dark universe, bringing them closer to understanding the first moments of creation. One physicist and man of faith thinks this discovery could offer partial proof of God. Quantum physicists have speculated that in the early days of the universe, visible particles were formed along with hidden, or dark particles, which, though completely unobservable, would have had to exist in order to make the universe expand at the known rate. The dark particles are beyond the limits of scientific observation, but their effects on our universe are enormous, so great that physicists believe that roughly 68 percent of the universe is dark energy, with dark matter making up about 27 percent. The rest, everything observable with man-made instruments, adds up to less than five percent of the universe. Quantum scientists theorized dark matter and dark energy exist in a parallel, though not symmetrical, universe. This separate dark universe is connected to ours via quantum portals. Scientists at the Center for Theoretical Physics of the Universe believe they have discovered one of these portals via a newly discovered subatomic particle called a heavy quark. It is believed that heavy quarks have a “dark charge” which allows them to act as a bridge between the two universes, but as scientists are unable to observe dark particles or dark energy, no more is known about the parallel universe other than the fact of its existence.
March 27, 2017


Headline:          Cyclone Debbie: Thousands evacuate in Queensland, Australia

About 25,000 people have been told to evacuate as a cyclone carrying winds of up to 275km/h (170 mph) moves towards the Queensland coast. Cyclone Debbie has intensified into a Category 4 system and is due to make landfall early on Tuesday local time. Some people have refused to leave despite warnings the destructive core could be as wide as 100km (62 miles). Queensland Premier Annastacia Palaszczuk said the storm would rival the devastating Cyclone Yasi in 2011. In its latest update, Australia’s Bureau of Meteorology said the cyclone could “intensify further” as it moved towards the Queensland coast. It is expected to make landfall sometime after 07:00 on Tuesday (20:00 GMT Monday) anywhere in a 265km zone from Townsville to Proserpine.
March 27, 2017

Headline: 5.1 SW China earthquake affects 15,000 people

A magnitude 5.1 earthquake that hit southwest China has affected the lives of 15,786 people, according to the latest government tally. The tremor jolted Yangbi County in Yunnan Province at 7:55 a.m. Monday. One person was injured by falling tiles, and has been treated in time. Damage was reported in eight townships under Yangbi. Houses collapsed, cracks appeared on walls, while schools, dams, and water facilities were also impaired. The local government said the lives of 2,105 people in 469 households were seriously affected. Economic loss of the quake was initially estimated at 202 million yuan (29 million U.S. dollars). The epicenter, at depth of about 12 km, was monitored at 25.89 degrees north latitude and 99.8 degrees east longitude, according to the China Earthquake Networks Center. Four tremors measuring 3 to 4.7 on the Richter scale hit the same region before and after the magnitude 5.1 quake.
March 27, 2017

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Headline:    What’s shaking? an_eqList & map of USGS Earthquakes~Click the shaking house~

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