April 3, 2017- Russia’s Metro Bomb Blast celebrated by ISIS

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Headline:    Israel PM Warns Enemies at Missile Defense Ceremony

Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu is warning Israel’s enemies not to test the Jewish state at a ceremony inaugurating a joint U.S.-Israeli missile interceptor. Netanyahu said Sunday that defending the home front is of the “utmost importance” and went on to warn “whoever tries to strike us will be hit, those that threaten our existence put themselves in existential danger.” David’s Sling, meant to counter medium-range missiles possessed by Iranian-backed Hezbollah militants in Lebanon, officially became operational at the ceremony, the military said. It marks the completion of the multi-tier system that includes the Arrow, designed to intercept long-range ballistic missiles in the stratosphere with an eye on Iran, and Iron Dome, which defends against short-range rockets from Gaza.
April 2, 2017


Headline:  EU nations, Israel eye world’s longest undersea gas pipeline

Italy, Israel, Greece and Cyprus pledged Monday to move ahead with the world’s longest undersea gas pipeline from the eastern Mediterranean to southern Europe, with support from the European Union. If carried out as planned, the long-discussed $6.2 billion pipeline would take gas from Israel and Cyprus’s recently discovered offshore gas reserves to Europe and could help reduce the continent’s dependence on Russian energy at a time of ongoing tensions. In a joint news conference in the Israeli commercial capital Tel Aviv, energy ministers from the four nations, as well as the EU’s Commissioner for Climate Action and Energy Miguel Arias Canete, pledged their commitment to the project. Feasibility studies had been completed, the ministers said, but work on developing it would not begin for several years – with current expectations for it to go online in 2025. “This is going to be the longest and deepest sub-sea gas pipeline in the world,” said Israeli Energy Minister Yuval Steinitz (Likud).
April 3, 2017


Headline: Arabs plan central ‘Nakba’ event at memorial for fallen soldiers

Jewish residents of the western Galilee region and relatives of soldiers who fell in battle during the War of Independence are shocked at news that Arab-Israelis are planning to hold their central “Nakba” celebration this year on Israeli Independence Day – at the site memorializing the fallen soldiers of the Yehiam Convoy. During the War of Independence, the Convoy had been tasked with bringing supplies to Kibbutz Yehiam in the western Galilee, as the Kibbutz had been bombarded non-stop by Arab forces. Along the way, the Convoy was ambushed by Arabs, and 47 of its members were killed. This year, the so-called “National Committee for the Protection of the Rights of the ‘Displaced’,” which organizes “Nakba Day” ceremonies, is planning to hold the central Nakba ceremony at the memorial site for the fallen soldiers of the Convoy, and expects an attendance of some 25,000. On “Nakba Day,” held annually around the time of Israeli Independence Day, Arabs in Israel lament the “catastrophe” of the creation of the State of Israel.
April 3, 2017


Headline:  UN agency to release new document equating Israeli ‘occupation’ to US slavery

Less than a month after its executive-secretary resigned over a controversial report describing Israel as an “apartheid regime”, the UN’s Economic and Social Commission for Western Asia is reportedly writing a new report, this time equating “50 years of Israeli occupation” to the United States’ history of slavery. The expected report will aim to establish “premises and approach for calculating the cumulative cost of the occupation”, according to a resolution passed by ESCWA last December, mandating the research. The United Nations Conference on Trade and Development is also said to be collaborating with ESCWA on this report. Although no publication date has been announced for the document, according to reports in Israeli media, it is expected to symbolically coincide with the 50-year anniversary of the Six Day War in June. The agency’s last report caused much controversy, stating that “Israel has established an apartheid regime that dominates the Palestinian people as a whole” and angering Israeli officials who even compared it to Der Sturmer – a Nazi propaganda publication that was strongly antisemitic in the nature of its reports.
April 3, 2017




Headline:        PM Hariri: Israel wants new war against Lebanon

Lebanese Prime Minister Sa’ad Hariri says recent Israeli actions have indicated a desire for a new conflict after Tel Aviv unveiled the latest addition to its missile system. In an interview with France24 TV station after arriving in Paris on Sunday, Hariri also dismissed concerns that Hezbollah might provoke a conflict with Israel. “I think that Israel is the one that wants to launch a war against Lebanon, and not Hezbollah,” he said. “Israel does not want the Arabs to rest. Look at the daily Israeli violations of our airspace, land and territorial waters,” Hariri added. Hariri’s comments came after Israel unveiled the “David’s Sling” missile system at Hatzor air force base in central occupied Palestinian territories.
April 3, 2017


Saudi Arabia

Headline:    Egypt Court Overturns Block on Islands Transfer to Saudi Arabia

An Egyptian court ruled on Sunday that a judicial decision to block the transfer of two Red Sea islands to Saudi Arabia is void, judicial sources said, potentially reviving a deal that triggered protests in Egypt. A court in January rejected a government plan to transfer the two uninhabited islands to Saudi Arabia after a maritime demarcation accord was announced in April. The accord awarded sovereignty of the islands to Saudi Arabia, even though most Egyptians believe they belong to Egypt. The decision by Egypt’s Court of Urgent Matters is subject to appeal and any final deal must be approved by parliament. The latest twist in this issue came as bilateral relations appear to be warming after months of tension. Egyptian President Abdel Fattah al-Sissi accepted an invitation last week from Saudi Arabia’s King Salman to visit his country in April, a move that came on the heels of the kingdom’s decision to restore oil aid shipments to Egypt after a halt of about six months.
April 2, 2017


Headline:    ISIS raid in Yemen leaves scores of Houthi troops dead on the battlefield- ***CAUTION GRAPHIC PHOTOS

Headline:     Pentagon: US Conducts More Strikes in Yemen

Headline:     Houthi leader reveals mass exodus of militants near Lahij

Amaq Agency posted 13 photos on Monday, showcasing a firefight between ISIS and Houthi forces in Yemen’s central province of Al-Bayda. The Islamic State raid occurred near the town of Qifah southeast of Sanaa, in the ISIS-held Wadi A’mer area which has come under increasing attacks by Houthi-led fighters. Along with killing a number of enemy combattants, ISIS destroyed a vehicle and seized a batch of weaponry. The Islamic State recently set up a training camp in the mountanious Bayda region and have since launched a series of hit-and-run attacks in the province. Meanwhile, Houthi forces also engaged in heavy clashes over the weekend with Saudi soldiers on the border between the two warring countries. Another Houthi offensive is also underway in western Yemen, ultimately looking to seize the port city of Mocha from the Aden-based rival government.
April 3, 2017





Headline:     Sisi as key to Arab anti-ISIS pact with Israel

US President Donald Trump’s first face to face with Egyptian President Abdel-Fatteh El-Sisi at the White House Monday, April 3, focuses on four main topics, debkafile reports: The fight against Islamist State terror rampant in Egyptian Sinai and neighboring Libya; topping up US military assistance to Cairo, aid for easing Egypt’s dire economic straits and, finally, the effort to bolster normal relations between the Arab world (including the Palestinians) and Israel. Shortly before President El-Sisi’s trip to Washington, the Egyptian air force conducted intense bombardments of ISIS concentrations around the northern town of El Arish, killing at least 14 terrorists, nabbing 22 and seizing large caches of roadside bombs. But they too long delayed bearding the Islamists in their main stronghold atop Mount Jabal Hala in central Sinai. ISIS is therefore free to move around the territory and strike at will, the while expanding its operations into Egypt proper. The US President’s advisers recognize that before a broad, effective front against ISIS and Al Qaeda can be put together from these partial, often covert ties, progress is necessary towards normalizing relations between the Arab governments and the Jewish state, including the Israeli-Palestinian track. Trump will certainly want to hear what role his Egyptian guest is willing to take for bringing this process forward. He will ask his next Middle East visitor, Jordan’s Abdullah II, the same question, when he arrives in Washington Tuesday. As for the Palestinian leader Mahmoud Abbas, he was promised an invitation to the White House this month, but not yet been given a date. He is clearly being left to wait until the senior players in the region have had their say. Our Washington sources report that President Trump aims to complete his plan for bringing together Egypt, Saudi Arabia, Jordan and Israel on a new footing by September.
April 3, 2017




Headline:      US-backed forces repel Daesh assault near Syrian dam- Raqqa Province

US-backed Syrian forces repelled a major counter-attack by Daesh militants holding out at the country’s largest dam and in the nearby town of Tabqa, the group and activists said on Sunday.
The dam is a key strategic target in the military campaign to isolate and capture the Syrian city of Raqqa, 40 km to the east and Daesh’s biggest urban stronghold. The US-backed group said militants attacked its positions north-east of Tabqa and at an airbase to the south of the town where dozens of its fighters were killed; but the coalition of Kurdish and Arab militias was making slower advances in a village east of the town. Jehan Sheikh Ahmad, a spokeswoman for the Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF), spearheaded by the powerful Kurdish YPG militia, said the militants were stepping up their resistance as SDF forces got closer to encircling the town and the dam. “Our forces are advancing…(Daesh) are facing large difficulties and so they are starting counter-attacks,” said the official whose forces have US special forces with them.
April 3, 2017


Headline:  Airstrikes kill 16 in rebel suburb of Damascus

Syrian opposition activists say airstrikes on a suburb of the capital Damascus have killed 16 people and wounded others. The Britain-based Syrian Observatory for Human Rights said Monday’s airstrikes on the rebel-held Damascus suburb of Douma killed at least 16 people, including three children. Douma-based activist Mazen al-Shami said 16 people were killed in Douma, including a whole family. He gave no further details. Syrian troops intensified their bombardment of opposition-held areas around Damascus and besieged a rebel neighborhood northeast of the city.
April 3, 2017


Headline:    Syrian Army liberates more ISIS-held villages in Aleppo, reaches gates of Jirah Airbase

After a weeklong lull in eastern Aleppo, the Syrian Arab Army (SAA) finally broke through Islamic State fortifications on Monday, advancing within striking range of the imperative Jirah Airbase near Lake Assad. Resuming its counter-insurgency operations on Monday morning, the SAA imposed full control over the villages of Atshanat Al-Miri and Al-Idrisiyah after prolonged skirmishes forced an ISIS contingent to withdraw from the area, located directly north of Jirah Airbase. The Tiger Forces neutralized over 20 ISIS insurgents amid the renewed push while dozens of jihadist militants were forced to withdraw to the nearby airfield.
April 3, 2017


Headline:    Syria Situation Report March 17 – 30, 2017



Headline:  Nearly 50 civilian casualties in Mosul today amid heavy US aerial bombardment

Headline:    Campaign for Mosul March 17-29, 2017

Iraqi non-combatants were killed in Mosul across four ISIS-held neighborhoods on Monday as American airstrikes and Iraqi artillery shelling caused significant collateral damage, Amaq Agency stated. The outlet claimed 23 residents were killed and 24 more wounded by bombing in western Mosul today, specifically at the Al-Mashahda, Al-Yarmouk, Al-Farouk and Tanaka suburbs. In addition, Amaq Agency said 25 civilians were killed and 23 injured the day before. Several non-partisan monitors claim US airstrikes on Iraq’s second largest city have killed over 1,000 civilians since the campaign to retake Mosul began October last year. Nevertheless, the Iraqi Armed Forces set up humanitarian corridors on Monday morning for civilians to leave ISIS-held areas in the densely populated Old City neighborhood.
April 3, 2017



Headline:  PM Abadi warns Kurds over independence in northern Iraq

Headline:  Iraqi Kurdistan’s ruling parties reach agreement on independence referendum

Iraq’s Prime Minister, Haider al-Abadi, has warned against an independent Kurdistan in northern Iraq, claiming it would only harm the Kurds. “That is totally objectionable. We are serious about Iraq’s territorial integrity,” Abadi said in an interview with the Iraqi Kurdistan region’s Rudaw media outlet. “I have asked the Kurdish leaders not to out us or themselves in an embarrassing situation,” the Iraqi prime minister said. “I don’t like prolonging the issue of referendum because the result is already obvious. But the question is whether they will act on the results or not?” he said. “Separation now and in the past has done the Kurds harm because your neighbors do not accept that either,” Abadi concluded.
April 3, 2017




Headline:       Scattered protests in Venezuela, OAS delays crisis debate

Venezuela’s opposition sought to keep pressure on President Nicolas Maduro with scattered protests on Monday, but there was relief for the socialist government when the Organization of American States delayed a debate on the crisis. One group of protesters tried to block a major Caracas highway and another dropped a pile of straw in front of court offices to protest at the judiciary’s controversial takeover last week of the opposition-led congress’ responsibilities. Though the top tribunal rowed back on that decision, which was condemned globally and led to unrest, the opposition is pushing to remove the judges responsible. One opposition lawmaker, Juan Requesens of the Justice First party who is often at the forefront of protests, suffered a gash in the head after being hit by a stone during a fracas outside the public ombudsman’s office, witnesses said. Protesters had taken live chickens there to symbolize cowardice, but were confronted by government supporters. The OAS debate on Venezuela was called at the weekend by 20 countries concerned about democratic erosion in Venezuela under Maduro, who replaced socialist firebrand Hugo Chavez in 2013.
April 3, 2017


Headline:    Al-Shabab Seizes Key Somali Town After Ethiopians Pull Out

Ethiopian troops fighting militant Islamist group al-Shabab have withdrawn from a key military base in central Somalia’s Galgudud region, according to residents. Heavily armed al-Shabab fighters took control of El Bur following the pullout of Ethiopian troops and a small number of Somali National Army soldiers early Monday. The fall of El Bur was confirmed by Nur Hassan Gutale, the town’s district commissioner, who said Ethiopians did not tell them the reason of their withdrawal. “The Ethiopians and our troops withdrew from the town and now it is under the control of the militants. The Ethiopians did not inform us about their withdrawal plan and once we saw them abandoning, our troops also abandoned,” Gutale said. Residents of El Bur say al-Shabab militants traveling in pickup trucks moved into the town early Monday without a fight. “The militants traveling in more than six pickup trucks mounted with anti-aircraft machine guns moved into town this morning. They took up the strategic positions, raised their black flags on the top of some buildings,” one of the residents told VOA on the condition of anonymity. The reason for the Ethiopian troops’ withdrawal was not clear, and their military officials were not immediately available for comment.
April 3, 2017


Headline:    St. Petersburg metro explosion: 11 dead in Russia blast

Headline:  ISIS Celebrates St. Petersburg Metro Blast

Eleven people were killed in a blast on the St. Petersburg metro Monday, the Russian health ministry said. Authorities say the explosion is a terrorist attack. An explosion tore through a train as it was traveling between two stations in Russia’s second-biggest city, injuring dozens more. A second device was found and defused at another station, Russia’s Anti-Terrorism Committee said. No group has claimed responsibility for the attack, which led to the shutdown of the city’s metro system. President Vladimir Putin, who had been in St. Petersburg earlier in the day, said all causes were being investigated, including terrorism. Russian Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev described the explosion as a “terrorist act.” The blast happened just after 2:30 p.m. (7:40 a.m. ET) as the train was traveling in a tunnel from Sennaya Ploshchad to Tekhnologichesky Institut stations in the city center. In the confusion, initial reports suggested there were two blasts. Investigators are seizing items relative to the investigation, questioning witnesses and metro employees and working to confirm the number of dead and injured, Russia’s Investigative Committee said in a statement.
April 3, 2017



Headline:  Anti-corruption protests continue across Russia

Anti-corruption protests continued across Russia on Sunday, days after President Vladimir Putin admitted Russia has a problem with state corruption. The protests hit the capital and several other cities, but attendance was notably smaller than the week before, when Russians took to the streets in droves demanding government reforms to tackle the issue. More than 30 protesters were detained Sunday in central Moscow near Triumfalnaya Square, according to state news agency TASS, in an area that has become the usual site of the “opposition walk.” Another seven activists were detained at nearby Manezhnaya Square, said TASS, quoting police. The Russian nonprofit OVD-Info reported higher numbers: 44 people arrested in Moscow on Sunday. A young man carrying the Russian constitution in his hands was the first detained at Manezhnaya Square. There were also small protests in Saint Petersburg and Samara. The largest rally was in Novosibirsk, where several hundred people attended an anti-corruption protest held in solidarity with those arrested last Sunday. The coordinator of opposition leader Alexei Navalny’s office in the city said 1,000 people had attended. Other estimates put the number at several hundred.
April 3, 2017



Headline:    Trump says US is ready to act alone on North Korea

Headline:  North Korean leader Kim Jong Un ‘desperate,’ ready to strike US, defector says

Headline:  U.S., South Korea, Japan target North Korea submarine threats

President Donald Trump says that the United States is prepared to act alone if China does not take a tougher stand against North Korea’s nuclear program. Trump’s comments in an interview with the Financial Times come just days before he is set to host Chinese President Xi Jinping at his Mar-a-Lago estate in South Florida. The two are expected to discuss a number of issues, including North Korea, trade and territorial disputes in the South China Sea during their meeting on Thursday and Friday. “Yes, we will talk about North Korea,” Trump told the newspaper for a story that appeared Sunday on its website. “And China has great influence over North Korea. And China will either decide to help us with North Korea, or they won’t. And if they do that will be very good for China, and if they don’t it won’t be good for anyone.” A State Department spokesman said late Sunday that Secretary of State Rex Tillerson has been in touch with a top Chinese official about the upcoming trip. “We can confirm Secretary Tillerson spoke today by telephone to Chinese State Councilor Yang Jiechi regarding this week’s visit of President Xi and other issues of bilateral and regional importance,” the spokesman said. He discussed the upcoming visit on condition that his name not be used. In his interview, Trump said trade was the incentive for China to work with the United States. Still, he said the United States could “totally” handle the situation in North Korea without China’s help. Asked how he would tackle North Korea, Trump said: “I’m not going to tell you. You know, I am not the United States of the past where we tell you where we are going to hit in the Middle East.”
April 3, 2017




Headline:      Tensions rise as EU says Spain has its ‘full support’ for Brexit power grab over Gibraltar

Headline:  First Post-Brexit Tremors: Theresa May “Would Go To War” To Protect Gibraltar

The EU broke its silence this morning as the diplomatic crisis between Madrid, London and Brussels over the future of the Rock deepens. In a statement EU Commission chief spokesman Margaritis Schinas said eurocrats were “100 per cent behind” Spain over the inclusion of Gibraltar’s future in the bloc’s negotiating guidelines. And in a move likely to inflame tensions with Westminster he refused to answer questions on whether or not Brussels now officially recognises the Rock as a disputed territory. The EU has previously taken a relatively neutral position towards Gibraltar on account of the fact that both Spain and Britain were members of the bloc. But now that the UK is leaving Brussels appears to have rowed in firmly behind Madrid’s claim to the overseas territory. The inclusion of a clause in the bloc’s draft negotiating guidelines for Brexit, published on Friday, effectively hands Spain a veto over Gibraltar’s inclusion in any future trade deal between Britain and the EU. Madrid’s move has sparked fury both on the Rock and in Westminster, where politicians have insisted they will stand firm over any Spanish attempt to seize control.
April 3, 2017




Headline:     Cyborgs at work: employees getting implanted with microchips

The syringe slides in between the thumb and index finger. Then, with a click, a microchip is injected in the employee’s hand. Another “cyborg” is created. What could pass for a dystopian vision of the workplace is almost routine at the Swedish startup hub Epicenter. The company offers to implant its workers and startup members with microchips the size of grains of rice that function as swipe cards: to open doors, operate printers, or buy smoothies with a wave of the hand. The injections have become so popular that workers at Epicenter hold parties for those willing to get implanted. Epicenter, which is home to more than 100 companies and some 2,000 workers, began implanting workers in January 2015. Now, about 150 workers have them. A company based in Belgium also offers its employees such implants, and there are isolated cases around the world where tech enthusiasts have tried this out in recent years. The small implants use Near Field Communication (NFC) technology, the same as in contactless credit cards or mobile payments. When activated by a reader a few centimeters (inches) away, a small amount of data flows between the two devices via electromagnetic waves. The implants are “passive,” meaning they contain information that other devices can read, but cannot read information themselves.
April 3, 2017



Headline:  Moscow And Beijing Join Forces To Bypass US Dollar In Global Markets, Shift To Gold Trade

The Russian central bank opened its first overseas office in Beijing on March 14, marking a step forward in forging a Beijing-Moscow alliance to bypass the US dollar in the global monetary system, and to phase-in a gold-backed standard of trade. According to the South China Morning Post the new office was part of agreements made between the two neighbours “to seek stronger economic ties” since the West brought in sanctions against Russia over the Ukraine crisis and the oil-price slump hit the Russian economy. According to Dmitry Skobelkin, the deputy governor of the Central Bank of Russia, the opening of a Beijing representative office by the Central Bank of Russia was a “very timely” move to aid specific cooperation, including bond issuance, anti-money laundering and anti-terrorism measures between China and Russia. The new central bank office was opened at a time when Russia is preparing to issue its first federal loan bonds denominated in Chinese yuan. Officials from China’s central bank and financial regulatory commissions attended the ceremony at the Russian embassy in Beijing, which was set up in October 1959 in the heyday of Sino-Soviet relations. Financial regulators from the two countries agreed last May to issue home currency-denominated bonds in each other’s markets, a move that was widely viewed as intended to eventually test the global reserve status of the US dollar. Speaking on future ties with Russia, Chinese Premier Li Keqiang said in mid-March that Sino-Russian trade ties were affected by falling oil prices, but he added that he saw great potential in cooperation. Vladimir Shapovalov, a senior official at the Russian central bank, said the two central banks were drafting a memorandum of understanding to solve technical issues around China’s gold imports from Russia, and that details would be released soon. If Russia – the world’s fourth largest gold producer after China, Japan and the US – is indeed set to become a major supplier of gold to China, the probability of a scenario hinted by many over the years, namely that Beijing is preparing to eventually unroll a gold-backed currency, increases by orders of magnitude.
April 2, 2017



Headline:  Pandemic Risk: Zika Mosquitos in 129 California Cities

The mosquitos that can carry the Zika virus have reportedly appeared in 129 California cities. With cold winter weather the only major obstacle to the Zika virus becoming America’s first pandemic since the 1957 Asian Flu, ground zero for a potential pandemic is now the West Coast. The California Department of Public Health released an emergency warning on March 31 that two invasive (non-native) mosquito species named Aedes aegypti (the yellow fever mosquito) and Aedes albopictus (the Asian tiger mosquito), which are known to carry Zika, dengue, chikungunya and yellow fever, have now been found in 10 California counties including Fresno, Kern, Imperial, Los Angeles, Madera, Orange, Riverside, San Bernardino, San Mateo and Tulare. California has confirmed that 104 pregnant women contracted Zika, and 5 babies were born in the state with the virus. Birth defects directly related to Zika include microcephaly; brain damage from cranial calcium deposits; excess fluid in the brain cavities; brain damage affecting nerves and hearing; and inflexible muscles and bone deformations. But in an alarming development, there are six confirmed Zika infections in California women who acquired the virus through sexual transmission from an individual that traveled to nations where the World Health Organization already declared a Zika virus pandemic.
April 2, 2017



Headline:      Persecuted Christians Suffer “Worst Year Yet,” Mostly Under Islam

The persecution of Christians around the world, but especially in the Muslim world, has reached an all-time high—with 2016 being the “worst year yet,” according to Open Doors, which recently released its annual ranking of the top 50 countries where Christians face the most persecution. Among some of its more significant findings:

  • “Islamic extremism” remains the dominant force responsible for the persecution of Christians in 40 of the 50 worst nations;
  • Nine of the ten worst nations are Muslim (North Korea being the only non-Islamic);
  • “In the top 21 countries on the Open Doors World Watch List [18 of which are Muslim], 100 percent of Christians experience persecution”;
  • 1,329 churches were attacked, damaged, or destroyed, mostly in Muslim nations;
  • Islamic Somalia is now the second worst nation; there, “If their [Christians’] faith is discovered it means instant death, executed without trial and often on rumor alone”;
  • In Nigeria—where more Christians have been slaughtered by Muslims than possibly in any other nation—the killing of Christians went up by 62 percent;
  • The nation where the most violent and sexual attacks on Christians take place—Muslim majority Pakistan—rose to the number four spot.
    April 3, 2017


Headline:  Pakistani prosecutor says he’ll let Christians out of prison — if they convert to Islam

Your freedom or your faith? That’s the question being posed to dozens of Christians currently awaiting trial in a prison in Pakistan. Forty-two Christians were arrested in 2015 for allegedly being involved in the hanging of two Muslims. The two Muslim Pakistanis were killed following two bomb blasts that occurred on Easter Sunday of the same year, killing 15 and injuring more than 70, according to a report by CBN News. The hangings occurred after Christians, who make up a small minority of the population in Pakistan, took to the streets to protest against their treatment. It is believed the two murdered Muslims were involved in the deadly Easter bombings. The 42 Christians that now stand trial for their alleged involvement in the murder of the two Muslims were arrested by Pakistani authorities following a series of house raids in a Christian neighborhood. CBN News reports Joseph Francis, the executive director of the Center for Legal Aid, Assistance and Settlement, claims many of the Christians standing trial for murder are now being given a choice to either continue facing charges or convert to Islam. “He told them if they embrace Islam, he can guarantee them their acquittal in this case,” Francis said.
April 2, 2017



Headline:    Rescuers, locals dig for Colombia flood victims, 254 die

Families and rescuers searched desperately on Sunday through mud-plastered rubble for victims of flooding and landslides in Colombia that have killed 254 people, injured hundreds and devastated entire neighborhoods. Several rivers burst their banks near the southwestern city of Mocoa in the early hours of Saturday, sending water, mud and debris crashing down streets and into houses as people slept. Volunteers and firefighters tended to 82 bodies downstream in the town of Villagarzon and said many corpses were still caught in debris. President Juan Manuel Santos made a second visit to the area on Sunday. He said water and energy services would be restored as soon as possible. Santos blamed climate change for the disaster, saying Mocoa had received one-third of its usual monthly rain in just one night, causing the rivers to burst their banks. There was disagreement over the death toll for most of Sunday but, late in the evening, the government’s total was increased to match the 254-person figure released by the army. Just over 200 were injured.
April 3, 2017

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