April 24, 2017- Once in 7,000 Years

index freeBible prophecy documentary book download proving our generation will see the return of the Lord. Do you want to know what is going to happen in the future before it actually takes place? The Word of God provides you with specific details about our future and all of these things are coming to pass in this generation. If you aren’t saved yet this is a must read! The Last Chronicles of Planet Earth April 20, 2017 Edition written by Frank DiMora

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~Scroll down for all the news; be sure to CLICK on the photos next to the prophecy sign for all Bible verses & videos ~

Image result for revelation 12:1

My Brother in the Lord Brett Creamer has completed his teaching on the book of Revelation. I know that many of you are wondering about what may happen on September 23, of this year as once again the sign from Revelation chapter 12 will be appearing. This sign is concerning the ” woman clothed with the sun, and the moon under her feet, and upon her head a crown of twelve stars”. Some are saying this will be the time of the rapture of the Church.  Last week I made a video answering questions that have been asked of me and, this sign from Rev. 12 was in that video.  I think you will find Brett’s teaching on this subject interesting. If you missed my video and want to see how I answered this question go to the link below. Brett’s teaching link is also below in blue. 


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Headline:     Report: Pro-Assad militia base targeted in alleged Israel airstrike

The IDF struck a base belonging to a pro-Syrian militia near Quneitra early Sunday morning, Al Jazeera reported. In a statement released by the National Defense Forces, a pro-regime militia, the alleged strike targeted the Naba Fawar base, killing three fighters and wounding two others. The unconfirmed air strike comes after the IDF confirmed that it struck several positions in Syria in response to projectiles that struck the northern Golan Heights on Friday. It is likely that the fire was not intentional, the army said, but rather spillover from the fighting between Hezbollah and regime troops against rebel groups near Ain Ayshaa, Samadiniyah Sharkiya and Madinat al-Ba’ath, near Quneitra. Syria’s official news agency, SANA, said Israel struck a regime military position in the surroundings of Khan Arnabeh in the Quneitra countryside, “causing material damage.”
April 23, 2017
***See also Syria below



Headline: Fatah calls for ‘Day of Rage’ in support of prisoners

The West Bank’s ruling party Fatah called on Palestinians to participate in a day of rage this Friday in support of the hunger-striking Palestinian prisoners. Ma’an, a Palestinian news agency, reported on Saturday that Fatah is urging Palestinians “to clash with the occupier at all friction points.”  More than a thousand Palestinian prisoners, led by Fatah leader Marwan Barghouti, who was convicted of five counts of murder, are carrying out a mass hunger strike in Israeli prisons. The prisoners are demanding that the Israel Prison Service improve conditions in prisons pertaining to visitation rights, medical care, amenities and other issues. The Palestinian Authority security forces frequently block Palestinian protesters from reaching friction points with the IDF. It is unclear if the PA security forces will prevent protesters from accessing friction points of Friday. PA security forces spokesman Adnan al-Damiri did not respond to a request for comment. Fatah also called for a general strike on Thursday to support the hunger-strikers.
April 23, 2017




Headline: War of words escalates between Jordan, Iran

After Friday prayers April 14, Jordanians gathered in the northern city of Mafraq burning Iranian flags and pictures of Iran’s Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei while demanding the expulsion of Iran’s ambassador from the Hashemite Kingdom. The demonstrations came in response to a war of words between senior Jordanian and Iranian officials. In a wide-ranging interview with The Washington Post on April 6, King Abdullah II addressed the challenge of growing Israeli settlement construction while trying to fight terrorism. He warned, “These issues give ammunition to the Iranians, to [Islamic State leader Abu Bakr] al-Baghdadi and ISIS [Islamic State].” The remarks of Jordan’s monarch stunned many in Tehran because he seemed to equate the Iranian government with IS. The response from Iran was swift, with Foreign Ministry spokesman Bahram Ghassemi blasting Abdullah’s comments as “silly and careless,” reflecting his “ignorance and superficial” view. Jordan’s Foreign Ministry promptly summoned the Iranian ambassador in Amman, Mojtaba Ferdosipour, rebuking the Iranian envoy for his country’s verbal assault. Ghassemi’s words stung as Jordanians expect that those who oppose the country’s policies will criticize the government, not taunt the king himself, which is considered a red line in the Hashemite Kingdom. Beyond the rhetorical insults, the latest spat between Amman and Tehran reflects a genuine policy divide that is unlikely to disappear in the short term. Abdullah warned in the Post interview about Iranian Revolutionary Guard Corps forces operating only 70 kilometers (43 miles) from Jordan’s borders, adding that non-state actors approaching Jordan will not be “tolerated.”
April 24, 2017



Headline: Hezbollah overpowers ISIL near Syrian border-crossing

Hezbollah turned the tables on the Islamic State (ISIL) forces in the Ras Ba’albak region of eastern Lebanon today, inflicting heavy damage on the aforementioned terrorist group’s defenses near the Syrian border-crossing. According to Hezbollah’s media wing, their forces targeted the Islamic State’s main base in the Al-Khabiyah area of Ras Ba’albak, killing wounding scores of terrorists in the process of their counter-assault. In addition to this attack, Hezbollah also targeted the Islamic State’s positions in the Jabal Al-Zuwiytene area of Ras Ba’albak.
April 24, 2017


Saudi Arabia

Headline:    Houthi missiles hit Saudi Army troops at southern border-crossing in Yemen

Yemen’s Houthi forces have reportedly fired a surface-to-surface missile that hit a gathering of soldiers at the Saudi border-crossing in Najran on Saturday. The Houthi missile force fire a mid-range ballistic missile, Qaher M2, at the Saudi Army gathering and its mercenaries at the Al Khazra’a crossing border in Najran, Arabic – language Al Masirah TV reported on its Facebook page. Al Masirah also reported that they fired two Uragan missiles along with a barrage of Katyusha rockets and artillery shells at the concentration of Saudi soldiers and its mercenaries in the same crossing point of Al Khazra’a. Yemeni army source has confirmed via Yemen state news agency (Saba) that the strikes have caused significant damage but without specifying whether it was material or human losses. The Saudi Ministry of Defence has not commented on the incident.
April 24, 2017



Headline: Free Syrian Army launches big offensive in northeast Damascus

he Free Syrian Army (FSA) launched a big offensive along the eastern slopes of the Qalamoun Mountains on Monday, targeting the area around the villages of Al-Mahsaa and Abou Al-Shamat. Led by their Ahmad ‘Abdo Brigade, Assoud Al-Sharqiyah Army, and Al-Quraytayn Martyrs Brigade, the Free Syrian Army stormed the Islamic State’s (ISIL) positions in the Al-Mahsaa area this morning in order to lift the siege over the eastern Qalamoun. According to the Free Syrian Army’s official media wing, their forces managed to capture many points today, forcing the Islamic State to retreat towards the Al-Badiya area of rural Damascus.
April 24, 2017


Headline: US-backed forces enter major ISIS-held Syria town

A U.S.-backed alliance of Arab-Kurdish forces entered the key jihadist-held town of Tabqa on Monday as they pursued their campaign against the Islamic State group in northern Syria. The Syrian Democratic Forces have set their sights on Tabqa and the adjacent dam as part of their broader offensive for the city of Raqqa, the Syrian heart of the extremists’ self-styled “caliphate” since 2014. Supported by U.S.-led coalition airstrikes and special forces advisers, the SDF surrounded Tabqa in early April. On Monday, they entered it for the first time, the opposition-aligned Syrian Observatory for Human Rights said. “They seized control of several points in the town’s south and were advancing on its western edges,” said Observatory head Rami Abdel-Rahman. He said U.S.-led coalition warplanes were carrying out “intense” strikes in support of the offensive, but that one raid had killed three women and five children trying to flee Tabqa.
April 24, 2017


Headline: Al-Qaeda leader tells terrorists to prepare for long guerrilla war in Syria

The leader of international terrorist group Al-Qaeda has urged jihadists fighting in Syria to unite for a ‘holy war,’ and to use guerrilla tactics. Ayman Al Zawahri’s audio message was published by Al-Qaeda’s media arm, As-Sahab, on Monday, although it did not specify the time when the recording had been made, according to Reuters. The successor to Osama bin Laden said that the fighters must be patient and steadfast, preparing themselves for a long guerrilla war in Syria. The enemies he listed ranged from government forces and militias backed by the West, which jihadist extremists often call “crusaders,” to Alawites and Shiites, which the Sunni terrorists consider heretics. Al Zawahri also called on Muslims around the world to join the jihad. Militants of Al-Qaeda’s Syria affiliate, Al-Nusra Front (now self-styled Jabhat Fateh al-Sham), as well as Islamic State (IS, formerly ISIS/ISISL) terrorists, are in a years-long fight against government forces and their allies in Syria. Al-Nusra terrorists have lost control over much of the territories they had held previously, and now their share is “no more than 10-12 percent of the country,” Russian Ambassador to Syria Alexander Kinshchak told Sputnik, adding that most of its militants are now contained to the province of Idlib.
April 24, 2017



Headline: Post-ISIS, Iraqis debate US troops remaining in their country

Throughout the long history of what is now the Republic of Iraq the nation has been routinely invaded, occupied and battle-torn by both foreigners and its own despotic regimes, the most recent being ISIS. But once the Muslim extremists are driven from the country – which is likely to be the case in a few months or less – will the nation be ready to finally stand on its own? Or is a continued U.S. military presence a security necessity? “We are here at the request of the government of Iraq to aid in the defeat of ISIS,” a U.S. military spokesperson for Operation Inherent Resolve, the official name of the mission to defeat ISIS, told Fox News. “Future operations will be dependent upon the needs of the government of Iraq.” However, Defense Secretary Jim Mattis took a more affirmative stance last month when he testified before a Senate Appropriations subcommittee, stating that it would be an error to cite victory and simply leave, as was the case in 2011, and then “find the same lesson.” Similarly, Secretary of State Rex Tillerson has voiced the importance of retaining U.S. troops to avoid an ISIS-type re-emergence. While these U.S. voices are in agreement, the matter deeply divides the Iraqi people themselves.
April 24, 2017


Headline: Militants Ambush Convoy With Off-duty Iraq Soldiers, Kill 10

Headline: 3 Iraqi Policemen Killed in Suicide Attack South of Mosul

Militants in Iraq ambushed a convoy of off-duty soldiers near a town in the country’s sprawling western desert, killing at least 10 and wounding 20, officials said on Monday. Iraqi Maj. Emad al-Dulaimi said the attack took place the night before near the town of Rutba. The militants were armed with assault rifles and rockets. Al-Dulaimi said he blamed the Islamic State group. The Islamic State group later in the day took responsibility for the attack. A statement on the IS-affiliated Aamaq news agency claimed 18 were killed in the ambush, including two officers. IS has carried out many similar attacks targeting Iraqi forces in the past months to detract from the ongoing battle between Iraqi forces and Islamic State militants in Mosul. Rutba lies about 390 kilometers west of Baghdad in the country’s vast Anbar province. It’s the last sizable town on the way to the border with Jordan.
April 24, 2017



Headline: Iraqi Army suffers heavy casualties due to ISIS raids across several province

Islamic State insurgents deployed hit-and-run operations to lethal effect this weekend, with so-called Inghimasi infiltration attacks targeting numerous military bases defended by garrisons of the Iraq Armed Forces. On Sunday, Amaq Agency claimed a twin suicide attack behind enemy lines killed 25 Iraqi troops near the town of Hamam al-Alil in the Nineveh governorate. Meanwhile, ISIS militants carried out a localized offensive near Tal Afar Airport, killing 17 members of the Popular Mobilization Units (PMU) and injuring an additional 13 soldiers. The ISIS outlet also said four PMU fighters were shot dead by sniper fire on the road between Baiji and Haditah in the Saladin governorate, north of Baghdad. With most of the Iraqi Army tied up in the ongoing Mosul offensive, jihadist fighters in western Anbar renewed their offensive on Rutbah, killing 18 PMU fighters and capturing 16 Iraqi troops in and around outposts north of the town.
April 24, 2017











Headline: EU could rethink Turkey ties: commissioner

The EU warned membership candidate Turkey on Monday of a review and possible “redefinition” of ties after a referendum granted President Recep Tayyip Erdogan extra powers. The warning from Enlargement Commissioner Johannes Hahn came days before ministers from the 28 European Union countries are due to discuss the bloc’s troubled relationship with Ankara. “The time has come for a thorough assessment of EU-Turkey relations and perhaps redefinition,” Hahn said. The “current situation is not sustainable, neither for Turkey nor for us,” he said. “All options are open, including continuation of accession talks, of course. But for the latter, Turkey has to fulfil the criteria.”
April 24, 2017



Headline: A new report reveals Obama misled the public about a quiet giveaway to Iran.

The Obama White House’s high-profile prisoner swap with Iran in 2016 was a much bigger gift to Iran than the administration ever let on.That’s the takeaway from an investigative report from Politico published Monday, which details how the Obama administration deliberately obscured and downplayed the national security threat posed by the seven Iranian-born prisoners and 14 fugitives freed as part of a deal to bring back five American prisoners held captive in Iran. A number of them were involved in helping Iran procure lethal technology for its military, and at least one of them was accused of helping Iran procure critical equipment for the very nuclear programs the Obama administration was trying to halt with the nuclear deal it struck the year before, according to the article. If fully substantiated, the report would underscore that the White House was willing to go to extraordinary lengths in order to keep Iran on board with the nuclear deal — so far, in fact, that it was willing to undermine its own efforts to track and crack down on Iranian weapons programs. It would also mean the White House was willing to mislead the American public in order to do so.
April 24, 2017



Headline: Bomb attack hits US base in eastern Afghanistan

Headline: Top officials say US must confront Russia for arming Taliban

Headline: Afghan defense minister, Army chief of staff resign after deadly suicide assault

Suspected Taliban insurgents on Monday attacked a US-operated base in Afghanistan’s eastern province of Khost, officials said, but gave few immediate details of an assault that coincided with a visit to Kabul by US Secretary of Defense James Mattis. The attackers had detonated a car bomb at an entrance to Camp Chapman, a secretive facility manned by US forces and private military contractors, said Mubarez Mohammad Zadran, a spokesman for the provincial governor. But he had little immediate information on any damage or casualties. “I am aware of a car bomb attack at one of the gates in the US base, but we are not allowed there to get more details,” the spokesman said. A spokesman for the US military in Afghanistan, Capt. William Salvin, confirmed the car bomb attack. He said there appeared to be a number of Afghan casualties but none among US or coalition personnel at the base. The attack came just three days after more than 140 Afghan soldiers were killed in an attack on their base by Taliban fighters disguised in military uniforms.
April 24, 2017





Headline: Libya’s warring sides reach diplomatic breakthrough in Rome

Rome has brokered a diplomatic breakthrough in Libya that has the potential to bring the two main warring sides together in a new political agreement after years of division, fighting and economic misery. The scale of the breakthrough will be tested later this week, but Italy is hailing a compromise brokered between the presidents of the house of representatives, Ageela Saleh, and the state council, Abdulrahman Sewehli. The meeting was overseen by the Italian foreign minister, Angelino Alfano, and the Italian ambassador to Libya. According to a statement from the state council, “there was an atmosphere of friendliness and openness” at the meeting in Rome. The statement also said there would have to be further consultations between the two sides this week in order to bring about reconciliation “and stop the bleeding as well as [ensure] the return of displaced persons”.
April 24, 2017



Headline:    Venezuela protest death toll rises as injured woman dies

Headline: Venezuela’s plan to arm civilians sparks fear that criminals will acquire missiles

A woman who was injured during a pro-government march in the Venezuelan capital, Caracas, has died, ombudsman Tarek Saab said on Sunday. The 47-year-old woman was hit by a bottle of frozen water thrown from a building at government supporters, Mr Saab tweeted [in Spanish]. Ten people have been killed in pro- and anti-government demonstrations this month so far. Another 11 people died on Friday when a bakery was looted in Caracas. Tension has risen sharply in Venezuela following a controversial decision on 29 March by the country’s Supreme Court to take over the powers of the opposition-dominated National Assembly.Critics of the government said the ruling undermined the country’s separation of powers and took Venezuela a step closer to one-man rule under President Nicolas Maduro. Meanwhile, The Venezuelan government’s decision to arm civilians to defend the country’s socialist revolution amid growing unrest is rekindling fears of terrorists and criminal organizations acquiring part of the nation’s arsenal, which include a large stockpile of shoulder-fired, surface-to-air missiles. Experts and U.S. policy makers are concerned about the risk that some of these missiles — as well as thousands of modern assault rifles and banned anti-personnel mines — might fall in the hands of criminal groups under President Nicolás Maduro’s regime, with its rampant corruption, its lack of internal controls and the country’s rapidly deteriorating conditions.
April 24, 2017



Headline: Somali Forces Targeted in Roadside Bomb Blast

Nine Somali sliders were killed and five others were injured after a massive roadside explosion targeted their vehicle in Galgala, officials said. The explosion occurred mid-morning Sunday during a routine operation by the Puntland security forces in the Galgala Mountains. Spokesman for Puntland police in Galgala, Major Abdirahman Farah Gurhan, told VOA Somali that the vehicle was transporting 17 soldiers when it was hit by the improvised explosive device. The site of the blast is about 57 kilometers southwest of Bosaso port town. “Nine soldiers died, five others are injured, they were riding a military vehicle when it exploded,” Gurhan said. He said the victims include members of the security forces from police, military and maritime forces. He said only driver and two officers survived. The al-Shabab militant group claimed responsibility for the attack.
April 23, 2017


Headline: Scores arrested in violent Paris election night protests

Police said Monday they arrested more than 100 people after election night unrest in Paris, with protesters hurling bottles at security forces, torching cars and smashing shop windows. Six police officers and three protesters were slightly injured in the violence in central Paris, police said, adding that 143 people were arrested, with 29 held overnight. Hundreds of youths gathered to protest against far-right leader Marine Le Pen and former banker Emmanuel Macron, who both qualified Sunday for the May 7 run-off in France’s two-stage presidential election.  The “anti-fascist, anti-capitalist” demonstrations were held in several French cities including central Lyon, southwestern Bordeaux and the western cities of Nantes and Rennes.
April 24, 2017


Headline: Kashmir students, Indian forces clash as protests continue

Anti-India protests have triggered clashes between students and government forces in the disputed Himalayan region of Kashmir, as authorities reopened schools after a weeklong suspension of classes.
Government forces used tear gas and water cannons to stop students from marching on Monday in the main commercial area in Srinagar, the key city in Indian-controlled Kashmir. The students retaliated by hurling rocks and breaching the barricades set up by police and paramilitary soldiers. Some students were reportedly injured in the clashes.
April 24, 2017



Headline:   North Korea says it is ready to strike U.S. aircraft carrier

Headline: Trump holds unusual meeting with UN Security Council amid mounting tensions over North Korea

Headline: Report: Nuclear-powered USS Michigan to arrive in South Korea

North Korea said on Sunday it was ready to sink a U.S. aircraft carrier to demonstrate its military might, in the latest sign of rising tension as U.S. President Donald Trump prepared to call the leaders of China and Japan.The United States ordered the USS Carl Vinson carrier strike group to sail to waters off the Korean peninsula in response to mounting concern over the North’s nuclear and missile tests, and its threats to attack the United States and its Asian allies.The U.S. government has not specified where the carrier strike group is as it approaches the area. U.S. Vice President Mike Pence said on Saturday it would arrive “within days,” but gave no other details.North Korea remained defiant. “Our revolutionary forces are combat-ready to sink a U.S. nuclear-powered aircraft carrier with a single strike,” the Rodong Sinmun, the newspaper of the North’s ruling Workers’ Party, said in a commentary. Meanwhile, U.S. President Donald Trump was expected to focus on rising tensions with North Korea as he hosted members of the UN Security Council at the White House on April 24. The meeting was seen as highly unusual given reports of military movements in northeast Asia but also because of Trump’s harsh criticism of the UN during the 2016 campaign and proposed deep cuts in the U.S. contribution to the UN in the president’s budget outline.
April 24, 2017





Headline:   “The Retail Bubble Has Now Burst”: A Record 8,640 Stores Are Closing In 2017

Headline: Retailers Are Going Bankrupt at a Record Pace

The devastation in the US retail sector is accelerating in 2017, and in addition to the surging number of brick and mortar retail bankruptcies, it is perhaps nowhere more obvious than in the soaring number of store closures. While the shuttering of retail stores has been a frequent topic on this website, most recently in the context of the next “big short”, namely the ongoing deterioration in the mall REITs and associated Commercial Mortgage-Backed Securities and CDS, here is a stunning fact from Credit Suisse:”Barely a quarter into 2017, year-to-date retail store closings have already surpassed those of 2008.” According to the Swiss bank’s calculations, on a unit basis, approximately 2,880 store closings were announced YTD, more than twice as many closings as the 1,153 announced during the same period last year. Historically, roughly 60% of store closure announcements occur in the first five months of the year. By extrapolating the year-to-date announcements, CS estimates that there could be more than 8,640 store closings this year, which will be higher than the historical 2008 peak of approximately 6,200 store closings, which suggests that for brick-and-mortar stores stores the current transition period is far worse than the depth of the credit crisis depression.
April 24, 2017




April 19, 2017 –Fish in Lamsae Dam lake in Khon Buri district Thailand dying by the hundreds

April 19, 2017 – Dead fish surface at Taramatipet lake India

April 20, 2017 – Contagious virus causing fish die-off in Lake St. Clair Michigan

April 20, 2017 – Thousands of fish found dead in Mandi’s Rewalsar Lake India

April 21, 2017 –Masses of Asian Carp are dying off, ‘unknown reason’, in Kentucky Lake

April 21, 2017 –Algae toxin killing marine mammals along California coast

April 23, 2017 –Thousands of dead fish in Cartersville park lake Georgia

April 23, 2017 –1,200 tons of fish have died throughout 4 districts of Bangladesh


April 23, 2017 – Bees are dying in Colombo and Gampaha districts



Headline:   Jilin reports first H7N9 infection in 2017

Northeast China’s Jilin has reported the province’s first human infection of the H7N9 strain of bird flu. A 34-year-old male patient from Tonghua city is in severe condition and receiving treatment in hospital, according to the provincial health and family planning commission. H7N9 is a bird flu strain first reported to have infected humans in China in March 2013. Infections are most likely to occur in winter and spring. Disease control and prevention experts have said that the H7N9 virus cannot not be transmitted from person to person. Experts recommend that people avoid contact with dead and live poultry, and only buy poultry with quarantine certificates.
April 24, 2017



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