May 27, 2017 Disease report

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On my May 12, 2017 post which is still up I gave a warning to please keep on the watch for the difference diseases that are mutating.  As I said so many times I believe we will continue to hear more news concerning the avian influenza and Bird Flu.  I expect these diseases to begin jumping from human to human the closer we get to the beginning of the tribulation.

If you go back and watch my video I told you that I believe the facts about these diseases are often not released because they want to keep what is really happening hidden. Take a look at this headline: Despite guidelines many private hospitals fail to submit data on swine flu patients

Majority of private hospitals in the district are not submitting their reports on patients admitted with symptoms of swine flu. As per information, more than 50 percent of private hospitals and nursing homes fail to provide information on status of patients admitted with symptoms of swine flu irrespective of guidelines issued by the Chief Medical and Health Officer, after reports of two patients admitted in private hospital were found negative during last fortnight.
Senior officials of Health Department claim that more than 50 per cent of private and other nursing homes fail to send information related to admission of patients with complaints of swine flu, malaria, dengue, chikungunya to CMHO office on daily basis. Though CMHO office issues repeated letters, notices, warning letters to private hospitals proved to be mere eyewash and it fails to make any impact on essential norms of Government to send information of patient with complaint of malaria to CMHO office on every day basis through email, personal letter or their own means.

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