July 13, 2017- China Dispatches Troops To Its First Overseas Base

 1coverThe Last Chronicles of Planet Earth July 1st Edition written by Frank DiMora

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Headline: IDF troops come under fire in Jenin clashes; Palestinians report 2 killed

IDF soldiers came under fire overnight Tuesday during an operation in the West Bank city of Jenin, according to the army. An IDF statement said that Palestinian gunmen opened fire at the forces and hurled explosive devices toward them. The soldiers returned fire. Palestinian media reported of two killed and one injured in the exchange of gunfire. The IDF said it was investigating the reports. Additionally overnight, Israeli security forces arrested 21 Palestinians, 18 of whom were suspected of involvement in terrorist activities and violent disturbances against civilians and security personnel.
July 12, 2017


Headline: Trump envoy Greenblatt facilitates historic Israeli-Palestinian water deal

US Special Representative for International Negotiations Jason Greenblatt announced Thursday that Israel and the Palestinians have reached an agreement concerning the long-discussed Red Sea-Dead Sea Canal, which includes the sale of 33 million cubic meters of water to the Palestinian Authority to relieve the water situation there. Greenblatt, at a press conference with Regional Cooperation Minister Tzahi Hanegbi and PA Water Authority head Mazen Ghuneim, said this agreement and the accord signed Monday between Israel and the PA that will significantly increase the power supply to Jenin are examples of how the two sides can cooperate to improve Palestinian living conditions.Greenblatt cut off any questions in the press conference, however, that dealt with more than the water deal. He said this deal, and the electricity deal, are examples of “cooperation between Israel and the Palestinians that will lead to economic improvement in the lives of the Palestinians.”
July 13, 2017



Headline: Palestinians warn ending payouts to jailed terrorists could trigger crisis

International pressure on the Palestinian Authority to halt payments to the families of Palestinians held in Israeli jails, including those convicted of deadly terror attacks, could trigger a political crisis, rights groups say. Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas is caught between pressure from US President Donald Trump’s administration and a potential backlash from Palestinians, most of whom view their prisoners as heroes. Those killed carrying out attacks against Israelis are regularly venerated as “martyrs.” Israel currently detains some 6,500 Palestinians for a range of offenses, including a number of deadly terror attacks. It says making payments to the families of attackers encourages further violence, accusing the Palestinian leadership of incitement amid a wave of attacks that began in 2015 and has persisted at a low simmer since. But Palestinians say such payments are a key source of income for families who have in many cases lost their main breadwinner. They are also symbolically important after decades of yearning for elusive statehood and struggle against Israel. A recent poll showed that 91 percent of Palestinians oppose suspending stipends to those in Israeli jails for security-related offenses.
July 13, 2017




Headline: Russians enter Daraa, Syrians/Hizballah move out

Russian troops stepped into southern Syria for the first time Wednesday, July 13, when they entered the embattled town of Daraa to start enforcing the partial ceasefire agreed by Presidents Donald Trump and Vladimir Putin in Hamburg on July 7.  debkafile’s military sources report this exclusively. The Russians, including military police and Chechen paratroopers, were sighted getting out of the vehicles of their convoy and taking up positions in the center of Daraa. As they moved into the town, our sources report that tank units of the pro-regime Syrian army’s 5th Armored Division were seen driving out, along with Hizballah. Their withdrawal cut short the Syrian military’s Operation Big Dawn against the Syrian rebels in Daraa, which breached the ceasefire Monday, July 11 – less then 24 hours after it went into force. The Russian deployment in a southern Syrian border town Wednesday was the first step in their posting along Syria’s Israeli and Jordanian borders, as agreed between Washington and Moscow. President Trump had assented to this arrangement to bolster the first stage of the Syrian ceasefire going into effect in the de-confliction zone of the southwest.
July 12, 2017


Headline: US “military advisers” have entered Raqqa

US troops are already operating inside the town of Raqqa, ISIS’ last major bastion in Syria, a US official said Wednesday. Many of them are special operations forces, said to be working in an “advise, assist and accompany” role to support the Kurdish-led Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF), according to Colonel Ryan Dillon, a military spokesman. He said the American troops are not in a direct combat role, but are calling in air strikes. But they are working closer to the battle than did the US forces that supported the Iraqi army in Mosul, where the Iraqi prime minister declared victory of ISIS earlier this week.
July 12, 2017


Headline: Suicide bomber kills and injures scores in Syria’s Idlib province

A suicide bomber rammed a car laden with explosives into a gathering of jihadist rebels near the rebel-held northwestern Syrian city of Idlib on Wednesday, killing and injuring scores, rebel sources said. They said the blast ripped a textile factory where members of Hayat Tahrir al Sham, an alliance of rebel groups whose backbone is the former al Qaeda affiliate Nusra Front, had been using as their quarters. At least 12 were killed, one rebel source said. The jihadist alliance has been waging in the last few days a major sweep to round up ultra-hard-line Islamic State sleeper cells in Idlib province. They say they have arrested at least 100 people, including who the group says are senior operatives blamed for a string of recent assassination and blasts in the province.
July 13, 2017



Headline: Female suicide bombers in Cameroon kill at least 15

At least 15 people are dead after two female suicide bombers carried out the latest attack in Cameroon’s far north, the government said Thursday, and another 42 people are wounded. The attackers entered the town of Waza late Wednesday and one detonated explosives near a group of youths, Governor Midjiyawa Bakary said. Nigeria-based Boko Haram extremists have been crossing borders to stage attacks in countries, including Cameroon, that contribute to a military force that seeks to eliminate the insurgency. The Islamic extremists have killed more than 20,000 people in their eight-year existence and abducted thousands of others. Boko Haram increasingly has used girls and young women to carry out attacks on marketplaces, checkpoints and other targets. Some young women who escaped the extremist group have said girls are drugged and forced to carry out suicide missions.
July 13, 2017


Headline: Tuareg Separatists Seize North Mali Town in Battle

Tuareg separatists have seized a town in Mali’s desert north from a pro-government ethnic Tuareg militia after days of fighting, the separatists and a local legislator close to the government side said Wednesday. Fighting between rival Tuareg factions has intensified and threatens to derail a 2015 peace deal meant to end years of conflict and instability in the landlocked West African nation, a major gold producer. The rebel Coordination of Azawad Movements (CMA) and the pro-government Gatia are locked in a bitter power struggle in northern Mali, despite the return of state authority to its cities in March for the first time since a 2012 Tuareg uprising. “Anefis has been under the control of the CMA since yesterday. Preparations are being made to retake it,” Ahamoudane Ag Ikmasse, a Gatia-allied local lawmaker in the nearby major city of Kidal told Reuters by telephone. CMA spokesman Redouane Ag Mohamed Ali confirmed that Anefis, a town in the Sahara desert, had been taken.
July 12, 2017


Headline: Policemen Killed in Terrorist Attack in Southwest Pakistan

Four policemen were shot and killed Thursday in southwest Pakistan by a group of Islamic militants. A spokesman for the Baluchistan provincial government says the policemen were on a routine patrol in the capital city, Quetta,when the gunmen intercepted their vehicle and sprayed it with bullets before fleeing the scene. The dead officers included police Superintendent Mubarak Shah. A breakaway faction of the Pakistani Taliban calling itself Jamaatul Ahrar has claimed responsibility for the attack. Additionally, Islamic State, through its global mouthpiece, the Amaq News Agency, is now also claiming responsibility for Thursday’s attack on police in Quetta.A suicide bomber riding a motorbike on Monday blew himself up near a police vehicle in the town of Chaman, near the Afghan border, killing the district police chief and two others. The Pakistani Taliban claimed responsibility for that attack.
July 13, 2017


Headline: Up to 1,000 Ukrainian nationalists clash with police, block parliament

Around 1,000 protesters, mainly from Ukraine’s nationalist movements, have blocked the parliament building in Kiev and several streets in the area, while deputies were voting on immunity of certain MPs. Police deployed tear gas to repel crowds turning violent. Having gathered in the center of the Ukrainian capital at the entrance to the Verkhovna Rada parliament building on Thursday morning, around 1,000 protesters scattered smoke pellets and started banging on metal barrels with sticks, Interfax Ukraine reported.Clashes erupted between the protesters – many of who covered their faces with black masks – and police, with some nationalists having pepper sprayed the officers, Ruptly reported. Police deployed tear gas against the protesters. Inside the building, MPs were voting on the abolition of parliamentary immunity for certain opposition deputies, as requested by Ukraine’s prosecutor general. Outside, the protesters with nationalist flags demanded the abolition, with hundreds of them burning flares and smoke pellets, as well as throwing fire crackers, Ukrainian 112 TV channel reported.
July 13, 2017



Headline: China Dispatches Troops To Djibouti To Set Up Its First Overseas Base

China dispatched troops to set up its first military base overseas on Tuesday. After a ceremony in the southern port city of Zhanjiang, military personnel embarked on a voyage to the East African country of Djibouti to establish an outpost “conducive to China’s performance of international obligations,” state-run media report. The base is generally intended to “assist China’s contribution to peace and stability both in Africa and worldwide,” according to the Xinhua News Agency. Specifically, Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesperson Geng Shuang said that means supporting anti-piracy efforts in the region, performing “humanitarian rescue” and helping to “drive Djibouti’s economic and social development.” Reuters reports that the small country, which is on the Horn of Africa, perched at the mouth of the Red Sea, already boasts U.S., French and Japanese military bases. In fact, as NPR’s Renee Montagne noted when China broke ground on the base last year, the U.S. has its own major base in the same port city where China is establishing its military presence.
July 12, 2017



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