July 21, 2017 Temple Mount Jewish

 Download The Last Chronicles of Planet Earth July 20 2017 Edition written by Frank DiMora

Security forces maintain vigilance as Jerusalem prayers conclude 
Security forces were braced for a standoff with Muslim worshipers in Jerusalem’s Old City on Friday afternoon after the security cabinet decided to leave the metal detectors at the entrances to the Temple Mount. “Israel is committed to maintaining the status quo on the Temple Mount and to protecting the safety of worshipers and visitors,” the Prime Minister’s Office said. The Tel Aviv meeting began late Thursday night and ended in the early hours of the morning.

Abbas asks US to intervene in Temple Mount crisis 
Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas has asked the Trump Administration to help quell the rising tensions over the Temple Mount, known to Islam as the Al-Haram/Al-Sharif. According to Wafa, the Palestinian News and Information Agency, Abbas spoke by telephone with US President Donald Trump’s son-in-law Jared Kushner, who is also his senior advisor.

Head of Islamic body: ‘1.7 billion Muslims say no to metal detectors’ 
The head of the Wakf Muslim religious trust in Jerusalem, Abdul Azim Salhab…rejected the security cabinet’s decision not to remove metal detectors at the entrance to the Temple Mount…Salhab said: “We are one. We all reject the measures to put in metal detectors. We reject the entrance of settlers to the mosque compound. We in Jerusalem represent 1.7 billion Muslims who say in one voice no to the metal detectors. We say no to the arrangements taken by the Israelis against the Wakf.”

Leading Sunni Muslim center calls for intervention to ‘save’ al-Aksa 
The leading center for…Sunni Muslims, Egypt’s al-Azhar, has called for…intervention to “save” al-Aksa mosque from Israel. A statement…issued…by al-Azhar…said the institute was following with “deep concern the escalation of the Israeli occupation forces against blessed al-Aksa mosque.” It warned against the “continuation of the violations”…these alleged violations were provoking the feelings of Muslims all over the world and threatening the stability of the entire region.

Temple Mount spillover: US warns of riots in Jordan 
The United States Embassy in Amman received reports of planned demonstrations following noon prayers in Amman on Friday in response to the ongoing situation at Temple Mount in Jerusalem. The embassy reported “to expect to see an increased police and security presence in and around Amman.” The US embassy also warned…”Even demonstrations intended to be peaceful can…escalate into violence,” and…one should “avoid areas of demonstrations, and exercise caution…


I want to give a special thanks to the people who stepped up to support the children we are taking care of in Vietnam. This week we delivered the first check to my contact and, we have now begun to change the lives of these 3 kids for the better.  With the first check food, books, and clothes were bought. I let the people know what the need was and I thank Jesus for touching the hearts so we could help the children.  Please consider helping us each month as we continue to do the work Christ has called us to do.  You can donate at ascentministries.org. If Jesus does touch you to give let Ascent M. know you are giving to the children in Vietnam.  Thank you Frank DiMora


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