December 31, 2018 Important news Pastor DiMora is following concerning the Last Days news



Download The Last Chronicles of Planet Earth December 20 2018 edition written by Frank DiMora


Prophecy Sign: Jeremiah 49:24-27

Damascus has grown feeble;
She turns to flee,
And fear has seized her.
Anguish and sorrows have taken her like a woman in labor.
25 Why is the city of praise not deserted, the city of My joy?
26 Therefore her young men shall fall in her streets,
And all the men of war shall be cut off in that day,” says the LORD of hosts.
27 “ I will kindle a fire in the wall of Damascus,
And it shall consume the palaces of Ben-Hadad.”[a]

Prophecy Sign: “Isaiah 17:1 “The burden against Damascus.
“ Behold, Damascus will cease from being a city,
And it will be a ruinous heap.”

Isaiah 17:9 – “In that day his strong cities will be as a forsaken bough And an uppermost branch, Which they left because of the children of Israel; And there will be desolation”.

Isaiah 17:14 We see the over night destruction of Damascus  “Then behold, at eventide, trouble! And before the morning, he is no more. This is the portion of those who plunder us, And the lot of those who rob us.


Look, there is no doubt what we are witnessing in the news concerning Syria and Israel is leading up to fulfilling the above prophecies. The question is, how much longer before Israel takes out Syria?  I wish I can tell you for sure but I can’t. All I know is as the months go by those signs of war are getting much stronger. It wouldn’t surprise me at all to see the major conflict take place in 2019 as Iran is pushing to get rid of Israel. This is no time for Christians to lose their faith in Christ as I see many are.  Stay strong in the Word of God as Satan is pushing hard on Christians hitting them in their weakest areas!



An IDF combat helicopter struck a Hamas position in the southern Gaza Strip after a mortar was launched from the coastal enclave towards southern Israel late Friday night, the military said. The Red Alert incoming rocket system was not activated as the projectile landed in an open area, causing no damage or injuries. The mortar round was the first since the first to be launched from the Strip since intense fighting in November which saw hundreds of rockets fired towards southern Israel, killing one man and causing damage to property in several communities. The launch came several hours after 26 year-old Karam Fayyad from Khan Younis was killed by IDF fire during the 40th week of border protests. Another six people, including a journalist, paramedic and minor were wounded during the protests which saw some 4,000 Palestinians take part despite the stormy weather, throwing rocks and explosive devices at troops who responded with riot dispersal means including live fire.



A few months ago I warned what would happen if people who had the Ebola disease ran from the camps as a result of the Congo conflict going on there. Below is the video I made Oct. 31, 2018. See what I stated and then read the current news below with the headline: Ebola patients flee Congo treatment center after protesters ransack facility. What I warned would happen is now taking place.


77Ebola patients flee Congo treatment center after protesters ransack facility

Seventeen of the 24 who escaped subsequently tested negative for Ebola while seven have not yet been screened, a health ministry spokesperson told Reuters. Three of those from the latter group reportedly have returned to the facility and officials are trying to track down the rest.

77 Is Ebola the Globalist Answer to the Rise of Populism in Europe and the US?


77 Doctor exposed to Ebola brought to United States

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