December 13, 2019 Jewish Third Temple in site?


On December 3, 2019 I wrote a post concerning the Temple Mount. I posted the headline to that post below.


Please read what I wrote on the 3rd of December which is in red below, than let me take you to the news today because what I have warned is coming to pass.


The Apostle Paul in II Thessalonians 2:4 shows us that the Antichrist is going to sit in the new Third Jewish Temple that is going to be built soon. I quote Paul. “Who opposeth and exalteth himself above all that is called God, or that is worshipped; so that he as God sitteth in the temple of God, shewing himself that he is God.”

There are other scriptures that talk about this Third Temple but the scripture above will be sufficient for the news I am presenting today. What we know is just before Jesus returns to Earth the Jews will build a Third Jewish Temple on the Temple Mount. This is a major prophecy which by the way will signal the soon return of Christ and if you were ever to get ready to face Christ now is the time to do that. At the present time the Jews are for the most part restricted from praying on the Temple Mount even though Israel owns that site. The problem is the Israeli government has allowed the Arabs to run what happens on the site and since given that rule they have abused that role and are keeping the Jews off the T. Mount. However, over the past few years things are beginning to change for the Jews and they are pushing hard to have equal assess on the Mount for prayers. A important note about this subject is that the issue of Jews praying on the Mount will happen in stages. One of the stages is the push to have that equal assess. Once the Jews have that, the second stage will be to build that Third Temple.    When the Temple is built the Jews can resume the real animal sacrifices as we see in the prophecy for the last days. Here is that prophecy found in Daniel 9:27. “27 And he shall confirm the covenant with many for one week: and in the midst of the week he shall cause the sacrifice and the oblation to cease, and for the overspreading of abominations he shall make it desolate, even until the consummation, and that determined shall be poured upon the desolate.” 

So just like the Jews are going through the stages to get prayer assess so will this prophecy be unfolded as well. In order for the Antichrist to stop the sacrifices the Jews have to be able to first pray on the Mount and have a Temple to start their sacrifices as we were warned. If you are wise in the Lord you will do as so many other Christians are doing and keep on the watch for news concerning the Temple Mount!


Now for today’s news. I told you what was going to happen on the Temple Mount concerning the Jews praying and then building their Temple. Little did I know that one of the stages I talked about on the 3rd has already begun.  I just read news from Dec. 5th from the Jerusalem Post which reports on how the Jews are now praying on that Mount.






Prayer service being recited on the Temple Mount

“Until recently, police have prevented Jews and other non-Muslims from praying conspicuously on the Temple Mount out of a concern that such activity would stoke tensions and lead to violence from Muslim worshipers.” “Sandman said that the new situation was very welcome in light of the many years in which Jewish prayer has been completely banned and during which the police would remove a person from the Temple Mount for even the slightest sign that they were praying.

“As we have seen the Jewish people are coming back en masse to the Temple Mount, we have gradually seen a change in the police attitude to those visitors, so these new changes are very much in the merit of the increase in Jews coming to the site,” said Sandman.

He said however that the various Temple Mount activist groups are “not satisfied” with the new situation, and hope eventually that the prayer services can be more organized, and that prayer will be possible with prayer shawls, tefillin, prayer books and a Torah scroll.

“The ultimate vision is of course that the Temple be rebuilt on the Temple Mount,” he said.”

I am not sure how many people understand how important this type of news is? I do know that for those who love Jesus and are keeping on the watch as He commanded us to do this type of news shows us we are getting very close to witnessing the rest of the last days prophecies.  For any new Christian or anyone who is making a decision for Christ what happens on the Temple Mount is a major signal  Christ is coming soon.   I said this before but for all the new people who may have found my prophecy site I will repeat this. If you hear or see any news concerning the Temple Mount pay close attention to that news because when you do see the Jews on the Mount and the construction of the Jewish Third Temple that will have signaled that the Antichrist is about to take control as we see in the scriptures.



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