December 28, 2019 Prophecy signs with Frank DiMora






Bible prophecy documentary book proving our generation will see the return of the Lord Jesus Christ. Do you want to know what is going to happen in the future before it actually take place? The Word of God provides you with specific details about our future and all of these things are coming to pass in this special singled out generation. If you are not saved yet in Jesus Christ this book is a most read!

 Download The Last Chronicles of Planet Earth December 20 2019 edition written by Frank DiMora




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CooltextprophecysignOne of the last days prophecies Jesus warned us about would be persecution of those who believe in Him. Not many people know about how many Christians are in fact being persecuted for their belief in Christ right now around the world. Most of the Christians are being persecuted in the Muslim nations and the mainstream media for the most part doesn’t cover these types of news stories.  If you belong to Christ you need to know we just lost 10 more of our Christian family.

Most people who do not know bible prophecy don’t know that during the tribulation period which Jesus warned us about in the Revelation, we see anyone who does not worship the Antichrist being beheaded. What you are seeing today is a prelude to things to come. Keep in mind, if you do bow down to the Antichrist and take his mark you made your path to hell and there will be no way out once you are there! During the tribulation when the Antichrist starts forcing his mark it won’t matter what religion you hold to. He will make everyone take his mark or die. That is why I post so often, to ask anyone who is coming to my site to ask Jesus to be your savior before it is to late. Look, we see the signs of His coming soon so don’t waste anymore time ask Him today to be your Lord and savior!

Read Revelation 20:4




“MAIDUGURI/CAIRO (Reuters) – Islamic State released a video purporting to show its militants beheading 10 Christian men in Nigeria, saying it was part of a campaign to avenge the deaths of its leader Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi and its spokesman.

The militant group posted the footage on its online Telegram news channel on Thursday, the day after Christmas, with Arabic captions but no audio.

The video showed men in beige uniforms and black masks lining up behind blindfolded captives then beheading 10 of them and shooting an 11th man.

An earlier video seen by Reuters said the captives had been taken from Maiduguri and Damaturu in Nigeria’s northeastern state of Borno, where militants have been fighting for years to set up a separate Islamist state.

In that video, the captives pleaded for the Christian Association of Nigeria and President Muhammadu Buhari to save them.”





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“And there shall be signs in the sun” (Luke 21:25a).  “The fourth angel poured out his bowl on the sun, and the sun was given power to scorch people with fire.  They were seared by the intense heat and they cursed the name of God, who had control over these plagues, but they refused to repent and glorify him…Men gnawed their tongues in agony and cursed the God of heaven because of their pains and their sores, but they refused to repent of what they had done” (Revelation 16:8-11).  Keep in mind the signs you are seeing now are only the birth pain signs Jesus warned us about in Matthew chapter 24. All of these last day signs will be reaching the max during the tribulation period of which you do not want to be part of!

Read the facts from news year after year concerning the intense heat in my free book. As we close out the year 2019, we see the intense heat pattern continues.


By global temperature, this October was the second-hottest October on record, according to a report from NOAA’s National Centers for Environmental Information. And by their Global Annual Temperature Rankings Outlook, 2019 will probably be the second hottest year on record.

2016 is currently the hottest year on record since recording started in 1880, Scientific American reports. That was a strong year for El Niño, which is unusually hot weather over the Pacific that affects global climate. The fact that 2019 is approaching 2016’s global temperatures is worrisome, given that 2019 had a weak El Niño effect that ended in July.

“The near-record warmth of 2019 is thus a testament to how greatly human-caused global warming is impacting the planet,” Jeff Masters, an extreme weather expert, writes for Scientific American. It also means that the last six years, from 2014 to 2019, will be the hottest six years since recording started in 1880.








Cooltextprophecysign an_eq  Luke 21:11 11 And great earthquakes shall be in divers places, and famines, and pestilences; and fearful sights and great signs shall there be from heaven.



A quake

“The west coast never stops shaking, but lately the shaking has gone to an entirely new level, and this has many people deeply concerned about what may be coming. Last summer, a series of alarming foreshocks immediately preceded the two historic quakes that shook the Ridgecrest area in southern California. But those quakes were nothing compared to “the Big One” that scientists assure us is way overdue. Someday an earthquake that is hundreds of times stronger will absolutely devastate the California coastline, and it may be arriving a lot sooner than many people think. Farther north, the Cascadia subduction zone is a ticking time bomb that could literally unleash an unprecedented disaster at any moment. What I am talking about is an event that will completely wipe out entire cities and that the region will never recover from. As I have detailed repeatedly, authorities have warned us that “everything west of Interstate 5 will be toast” when an absolutely massive seismic event along the Cascadia subduction zone sends a gigantic tsunami sweeping inland.

And without a doubt, that day is coming.”


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