January 29, 2020- Trump to sign North American trade pact while European Parliament gives final approval to Brexit deal



Download The Last Chronicles of Planet Earth January 28, 2020 Edition written by Frank DiMora 

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Jews, Christians Still Wary of Trump Dividing the Land of Israel

Trump plan gets support from Arab states including Saudi Arabia, Egypt

While the “Deal of the Century” has solidified US President Donald Trump as a genuine friend of Israel (perhaps the most genuine to ever sit in the Oval Office), many conservative Jews and Christians remain uneasy over the fact that the plan still looks to permanently divide the Promised Land. As many have noted, Trump has presented the most comprehensive and realistic peace proposal given this intractable situation. And he’s done so while finally taking seriously not only Israel’s security concerns, but the Jewish people’s historical and legal claims to this Land. But even then, there are serious concerns, some practical, others of a faith-based nature. Dr. Jürgen Bühler, president of the International Christian Embassy Jerusalem (ICEJ), acknowledged that Trump’s plan is a genuine effort to “find a way forward to a brighter future for both peoples in this disputed land.” However, Dr. Bühler stated in an ICEJ press release that “while Trump’s proposal is better by far than past peace plans and contains many elements which will benefit both Israel and the Palestinians, it is still a plan to permanently divide the land that God promised to Abraham, Isaac and Jacob and their descendants.”
January 29, 2020

Israeli Left, Arab parties join in criticism of US peace proposal

The Israeli Left largely criticized and dismissed President Donald Trump’s declaration on Tuesday of a peace plan for Israel and the Palestinians. Labor leader Amir Peretz said, “The plan’s timing arrives on the eve of election in Israel, there’s no legitimacy to the current government to carry out state policies. Therefore, we should deal with this only after the elections, when a government rules that has the trust of the citizens of Israel and wins the trust of the Knesset.
January 29, 2020

Abbas threatens: We will cancel security cooperation

Abbas: ‘Palestinians are united under PA against Trump’s conspiracy’

Fatah threatens anyone supporting the deal of the century – in song on Fatah Facebook

Video of Palestinian President Abbas

Palestinian Authority chairman sent a sharp message to Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu announcing that the PA would end all security cooperation with Israel if the Israeli government approved the Trump Administration’s ‘Deal of the Century.’ A delegation of the PA leadership led by Minister Hussein A. Sheikh met with Finance Minister Moshe Kahlon and handed him a personal handwritten letter in Arabic written by Abbas to Netanyahu. In his letter, Abbas made it clear that he considers the Trump plan a violation of the Oslo Accords, and therefore the PA no longer feels obligated to them and to the security coordination resulting from them. Abbas stated that he was going to announce this at the Arab League debate this Saturday, adding that he would call for a nonviolent public protest against the plan.
January 29, 2020

Israel ‘ready for any scenario’ as Palestinians threaten violence over Trump deal

Israel army says boosting presence in West Bank, near Gaza

One projectile launched from Gaza Strip into Israeli territory

Defense Minister Naftali Bennett has instructed all security services to be prepared for Palestinian violence in reaction to the peace plan President Trump presented Tuesday in Washington that was publicly accepted by Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu. He met with top IDF personnel, including Chief of Staff Aviv Kochavi and the commanders in charge of the Central Region and Judea and Samaria. “I hear threats from the Palestinian side,” he said, reassuring the public that “the security establishment and IDF are ready for any scenario.” Israel Radio reported that in Ramallah, Palestinians were burning posters of Trump and Netanyahu on Tuesday. About two hours after the televised unveiling, several thousand Palestinians gathered in the city’s main square to hear speakers from Fatah call for torpedoing the deal via a renewed “national struggle.”

January 29, 2020

Thousands of Palestinians in West Bank protest against Trump’s deal

Dozens injured in clashes with Israeli forces as fresh protests are planned for Thursday. According to the Red Crescent, 41 Palestinians were wounded in clashes with Israeli forces in the towns of Tulkarm, al-Bireh and Arroub refugee camp and in villages north of the Jordan Valley. It reported injuries sustained from rubber-coated bullets and cases of suffocation from inhaling tear gas. In the Jordan Valley, Palestinians protested in al-Hamra and Toubas villages against Israel’s intentions to annex the area, which is one of the critical points included in Trump’s deal. Meanwhile, Israeli forces arrested two Palestinians inside Al-Aqsa Mosque compound, claiming that they were carrying knives. They shut down the gates to the compound and the Old City gates, preventing people from entering or exiting the city. Palestinians in East Jerusalem called for a demonstration on Thursday at the Damascus Gate, one of the main entryways that lead into the Old City, to protest against the proposed deal that they say aims to embolden Israeli settlers’ presence in the city. In Hizma town, north of East Jerusalem, Palestinian protesters clashed with Israeli forces stationed at the nearby military checkpoint.
January 29, 2020

ISIS calls on operatives to target Jews with chemical weapons

ISIS spokesman and second Caliph Abu Ibrahim al-Hashimi al-Quraishi sent a recorded message to all the organization’s operatives, mainly those in Sinai and Syria, to begin conquering Israeli “settlements,” referring to both West Bank settlements and Israeli cities, multiple reports confirmed on Monday. The newly-incumbent leader of the terrorist organization called upon supporters of ISIS to attack Jews in Israel and abroad with chemical weapons, declaring a religious war. 

January 29, 2020

15 Biblical Towns to be Placed Under Siege if Trump’s Peace Plan Succeeds

Israel headed for clash with ICC over settlements

Israel postpones move to annex large parts of West Bank

As Trump’s peace plan was unveiled on Tuesday, many elements of the document were cause for concern for the pro-Israel community. Among them was a four-year building freeze (for Jews only) in Judea and Samaria and a future ‘Palestinian’ state with its capital in East Jerusalem. But a lesser noticed result of the ‘Deal of the Century’ involves fifteen Jewish settlements in Judea and Samaria, all with Biblical roots, who will be completely surrounded by terrorists in the future Palestinian state that Trump would like to create should his plan come to fruition according to Kann News. The article gives a list of those towns, with relevant Scripture for each. 

January 29, 2020


Syrian troops capture key town in rebel-held Idlib province

Syrian government forces captured one of the largest and most strategic rebel-held towns in the country’s northwest, the Syrian military and opposition activists said Wednesday, part of a Russian-backed military assault that has displaced hundreds of thousands of people fleeing to safer areas. The town of Maaret Al-Numan in Idlib province, which had been in rebel hands since 2012, sits on the highway linking Damascus with Aleppo and is considered critical to President Bashar Assad’s forces. The town is now largely empty as a result of intense bombardment in recent weeks. Its capture is the latest in a series of military triumphs for Assad. 

January 29, 2020


Macron: Turkey is sending warships, mercenaries to Libya

Erdogan abandons balancing act in Syria, targets Russia

French President Emmanuel Macron on Wednesday accused Turkey of breaching an agreement to halt foreign interference in Libya by sending warships and mercenaries to the North African country. Following a meeting with Greek Prime Minister Kyriakos Mitsotakis, Macron also described a maritime deal between Turkey and Libya’s U.N.-backed government as a “void document” with no legal or political standing. “These past few days we have seen Turkish warships accompanied by Syrian mercenaries arrive on Libyan soil. This is a serious and explicit infringement of what was agreed upon in Berlin,” Macron said, referring to an international summit in the German capital earlier this month. There was no immediate comment from the Turkish government.
January 29, 2020

Female flogging force unveiled in Indonesia to publicly punish women who violate Sharia law

A female flogging unit has been introduced in Indonesia’s Aceh province to dole out public whippings against women found violating the region’s Sharia law. One of eight new female Sharia officers delivered her first punishment to an unmarried woman who was found in a hotel room with a man who was not family, AFP reported Tuesday. The victim’s behavior is considered a morality crime in Aceh, where violators often face public whipping with a rattan cane. Aceh is the only region in Indonesia, the most populous Muslim nation, to follow Islamic law, which calls for women to punish female transgressors, the outlet reported.
January 29, 2020


  French police clash with firefighters during Paris protest

  Pension demonstrations in France: What’s happening on Wednesday

French riot police clashed with uniformed firefighters at protests in Paris on Tuesday, in extraordinary scenes where police used batons and shields against crowds of angry fire officers in helmets. Thousands of firefighters held a demonstration in the French capital, as part of long-running protest movement asking for better pay and conditions, including an increase in their hazard bonus which has not changed since 1990. Some firefighters set their uniforms alight as a symbolic gesture before colleagues put out the fires. But as a group of fire officers attempted to lead their demonstration into a sidestreet, riot officers pushed them back. Teargas was fired and scuffles broke out. Videos of the clashes went viral on social media amid growing pressure on the government over French police tactics of crowd control at demonstrations.
January 28, 2020


Yemen’s Houthis ‘target Saudi Aramco facilities in Jizan’

Yemen’s Houthi rebels said on Wednesday that they had targeted facilities belonging to Saudi Aramco in Jizan on the Red Sea in response to “escalating air strikes”, but there was no immediate confirmation from Saudi authorities of any attack. Houthi military spokesman Yahya Saria said in comments reported by Houthi-run Al Masirah TV that the rebel group had also targeted non-energy Saudi facilities near the border with Yemen. Saria did not give a timeframe for the assault, and state oil giant Aramco declined to comment on the report. The spokesman said in more than 15 “operations” had been carried out in the past week inside Saudi Arabia in retaliation for an escalation in air strikes. Yemen has been ongoing in Yemen for almost five years since Houthi rebels ousted the internationally-recognised government of President Abed Rabbu Mansour Hadi from the capital in late 2014. A Saudi-led military coalition intervened in 2015 in a bid to restore him. In a separate statement, Saria said that other Saudi sites targeted “with a large number of rockets and drones” near the border with Yemen include Abha and Jizan airports and Khamis Mushait military base. If confirmed, they would be the first such Houthi attacks on Saudi Arabia since late September, when the group said it would halt missile and drone attacks on Saudi cities if the coalition ended its air strikes on Yemen.
January 29, 2020


Trump to sign North American trade pact at White House

President Donald Trump will sign a new North American trade agreement on Wednesday in an outdoor ceremony at the White House to be attended by about 400 guests – but not the key Democrats who helped secure congressional passage of the deal. Guests invited to the South Lawn signing include lawmakers from around the country, workers, farmers and CEOs, as well as officials from Mexico and Canada, a White House official said. Not invited were House Ways and Means Committee Chairman Richard Neal and other Democrats who negotiated for months to expand the pact’s labor, environmental and enforcement provisions and ensure the approval of the Democrat-controlled House, said sources familiar with the situation.
January 29, 2020

European Parliament gives final approval to Brexit deal

After half a century of sometimes awkward membership and three years of tense withdrawal talks, the UK will leave the EU at midnight Brussels time (2300 GMT) on Friday. MEPs voted by 621 votes to 49 to pass the withdrawal agreement, which sees Britain leave the EU institutions but remain under most EU rules during a transition until the end of the year. Following the vote, MEPs burst into a chorus of “Auld Lang Syne”, a traditional Scottish song of farewell. The transition will see Prime Minister Boris Johnson’s government try to negotiate an ambitious—unprecedented in the timeframe—free trade agreement with his 27 former partners remaining in the bloc.
January 29, 2020


California Democrats introduce bill to protect pedophiles who lure and sexually abuse innocent children

A handful of leftist politicians in California recently introduced a new bill that they claim will “end blatant discrimination against LGBT young people regarding California’s sex offender registry.” But the devil is in the details, as the bill would actually protect adult sex offenders who prey upon and assault minors. State Senator Scott Wiener (D-San Francisco) and Assemblywoman Susan Eggman (D-Stockton) reportedly co-introduced the legislation, dubbed Senate Bill 145, which would explicitly exempt sexual predators who are within 10 years of age of their minor victims from automatically having to register as sex offenders in the state’s official database.
January 29, 2020

Drag queens to make historical debut — during Super Bowl LIV

First, it was an unexpected appearance at President Donald Trump’s impeachment hearings, and now it’s a barrier-breaking debut during one of the year’s most watched sporting events. Drag queens, for the first time, will appear in a Super Bowl advertisement. “RuPaul’s Drag Race” alumni Kim Chi and Miz Cracker will make history in a commercial for hummus brand Sabra during the football championship game Feb. 2, when the Kansas City Chiefs will face the San Francisco 49ers.
January 29, 2020


Coronavirus spreads as U.S. evacuees return from Wuhan and U.S. mulls China travel ban

Virus cases in China top SARS

Finland confirms its first coronavirus case

First Coronavirus Case Confirmed In Brazil

A plane chartered by the U.S. government to evacuate 201 Americans from the Chinese city at the center of the coronavirus outbreak was on its way to Southern California Wednesday morning. It was carrying diplomats from the U.S. Consulate in Wuhan and other U.S. citizens. All the evacuees cleared initial health checks in China and then during a refueling stop in Alaska. By Wednesday morning the flu-like virus had killed at least 132 people, all of them in China. Close to 6,000 others have been infected in more than a dozen countries, including five confirmed cases in the United States. More than 100 people in the U.S. were being tested for the disease across 26 states on Tuesday. Before the flight left China there were more than 1,000 Americans stuck in Wuhan. Other countries have also begun evacuating citizens from China on chartered flights, and some major airlines were halting flights to mainland China. The Trump administration was considering a complete travel ban on China as it evaluates the best ways to stop the virus spreading.
January 29, 2020

Coronavirus Vaccine “Will Take Over A Year” To Develop, Warns Big Pharma Exec

Markets soared on Tuesday after the Trump administration pumped out overly optimistic headlines of an early-stage trial for a coronavirus vaccine could start within the next three months. It appears “trade optimism” to save the stock market has turned to “coronavirus cure optimism.” The CEO of Novartis added some color on timelines of a potential vaccine for the deadly virus, which has infected over 6,000 people, with 132 deaths across China. Vas Narasimhan, CEO of Novartis, told CNBC on Wednesday that it could take upwards of one year to find a new vaccine, which he called the outbreak across the world “very serious.” Already, scientists in Australia have attempted to create a lab-grown version of coronavirus, and it could be studied to develop virus detection tests and vaccines eventually, Reuters reported.
January 29, 2020

WHO addresses global health strategy for novel coronavirus (video)


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