April 24, 2020- Key Dates As The World Reopens From The Coronavirus



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  EU warns incoming Israeli gov’t against West Bank annexation

The European Union on Thursday issued a warning against the incoming Israeli government’s intention to annex parts of the West Bank, saying that such a move “would constitute a serious violation of international law.” The EU’s foreign policy chief, Josep Borrell, said the 27-member bloc does not recognize Israeli sovereignty over the territory and that it will “continue to closely monitor the situation and its broader implications, and will act accordingly.” Earlier this week, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and his main rival Benny Gantz signed a coalition agreement that includes a clause to advance plans to annex parts of the West Bank, including Israeli settlements, starting on July 1. Netanyahu’s pro-settler base is eager to move forward with annexation while the friendly administration of President Donald Trump is in office. The White House’s long-awaited Mideast plan, unveiled earlier this year, envisions leaving parts of the West Bank under permanent Israeli control. The Palestinians have rejected the plan as biased. Israel’s Foreign Ministry responded to the EU with a statement deploring that Borrell “opts to see the relations between Israel and the European Union” solely through the “status of the territories.”
April 23, 2020


  Iran military chief warns they will ‘destroy’ US warships if threatened

Iran lashed out at the U.S. with a new threat on Thursday after U.S. President Donald Trump instructed the U.S. Navy to shoot down Iranian gunboats threatening U.S. warships. “I have ordered our naval forces to destroy any American terrorist force in the Persian Gulf that threatens security of Iran’s military or non-military ships,” Iran’s Islamic Revolutionary Guards Corps (IRGC) Gen. Hossein Salami said on state television, as reported by Reuters. Salami added that Iran will ensure security in the Persian Gulf as one of its top priorities. “I am telling the Americans that we are absolutely determined and serious in defending our national security, our water borders, our shipping safety, and our security forces, and we will respond decisively to any sabotage,” Salami continued. In a Wednesday night interview with Fox News’ Martha McCallum, Defense Secretary Mark Esper said he and Trump discussed the shootdown order together ahead of time. “We are looking at making modifications to our practices to make sure the Iranians know to stay clear of our warships and our personnel,” he said. “We are not going to tolerate threatening behavior toward our warships.
April 23, 2020

At least 13 dead in Taliban attack on Afghan outpost

Afghan authorities said Friday more than a dozen pro-government militia members were killed during a Taliban attack on an outpost in Badghis province. Badghis police security officer Shir Aqa Alokozai said the militant group assaulted Public Uprising forces and took control of the outpost near Qala-e-Naw, located in northwest Afghanistan about 70 miles northeast of Herat and 350 miles west of Kabul. At least 13 members of the militia died in the attack and 10 are reported missing.
April 24, 2020


 U.S. warship sails through Taiwan Strait, second time in a month

A U.S. warship has sailed through the sensitive Taiwan Strait for the second time in a month, Taiwanese and U.S. militaries said on Friday, amid heightened tensions between Taiwan and China and as a Chinese aircraft carrier passes near the island. China, which considers Taiwan its own, has been angered by the Trump administration’s stepped-up support for the island, such as more arms sales, U.S. patrols near it and a visit to Washington by Vice President-elect William Lai in February. Taiwan’s Defence Ministry said the U.S. warship had transited the narrow Taiwan Strait that separates the island from its giant neighbour China in a southerly direction and was continuing to sail south. Taiwan’s armed forces monitored the ship which it described as being on an “ordinary mission”, the ministry added, without providing further details. Lt. Anthony Junco, a U.S. Seventh Fleet spokesman, named the ship involved as the guided-missile destroyer USS Barry, and said it had conducted a “routine Taiwan Strait transit” in accordance with international law. “The ship’s transit through the Taiwan Strait demonstrates the U.S. commitment to a free and open Indo-Pacific. The U.S. Navy will continue to fly, sail and operate anywhere international law allows,” he said.
April 23, 2020


  Bankruptcy looms over U.S. energy industry, from oil fields to pipelines

Flotilla of Saudi Oil Threatens to Worsen U.S. Supply Glut

U.S. shale producers, refiners and pipeline companies are scrambling for cash and face likely restructuring as they struggle under heavy debt loads while engulfed in the worst crisis the oil industry has faced. Fuel demand has tumbled roughly 30% worldwide as the coronavirus pandemic destroys demand for transport, provoking a massive glut of oil that has hammered global prices and left energy companies with no choice but to pump hundreds of millions of barrels into storage. Just as demand plummeted, Saudi Arabia and Russia started an oil price war, and Riyadh flooded the market with even more crude. That left the oil industry facing the prospect of a long period with prices below their production costs. Shale producers came into the crisis with already high debt levels, namely from big investments to increase production across the United States in a bet on higher prices. But in turning the United States into the world’s largest oil producer, the companies became the victims of their own success when the quick rise in supply meant returns were thin. Investors lost patience, tightened credit and pushed shale producers to stop expanding and pay them back.
April 23, 2020

McConnell says he favors allowing states to declare bankruptcy

Virus pushes US unemployment toward highest since Depression

We Have Never Seen An Economic Collapse Quite Like This

Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell said Wednesday he favors allowing states struggling with high public employee pension costs amid the burdens of the pandemic response to declare bankruptcy rather than giving them a federal bailout. “I would certainly be in favor of allowing states to use the bankruptcy route,” he said Wednesday in a response to a question on the syndicated Hugh Hewitt radio show. “It’s saved some cities, and there’s no good reason for it not to be available.” The host cited California, Illinois and Connecticut as states that had given too much to public employee unions, and McConnell said he was reluctant to take on more debt for any rescue. “You raised yourself the important issue of what states have done, many of them have done to themselves with their pension programs,” he said. “There’s not going to be any desire on the Republican side to bail out state pensions by borrowing money from future generations.”
April 23, 2020


 McDonald’s and Starbucks are reportedly part of China’s digital currency trial

80% of global central banks engaged in CBDC development: The Global Landscape of CBD Currencies

Digital currency to be based on blockchain

McDonald’s and Starbucks are among a handful of companies taking part in a new pilot program for China’s upcoming digital yuan, according to state-backed media, as the world’s second-largest economy pushes forward with its plans for an electronic currency. The People’s Bank of China, the country’s central bank, has been developing a digital currency over the past few years. While there are very few details at the moment about its exact design, it’s unlikely to resemble popular cryptocurrency bitcoin, which supports anonymity and decentralization, that is, it’s not issued by a central authority. China’s digital yuan will be issued by the PBoC and the focus appears to be making digital payments easier and faster. McDonald’s, Starbucks and Subway are the three U.S. firms among 19 companies in total that will be participating in the digital currency trial in Xiong’an, which held a promotional event on Wednesday, state-backed Securities Times reported.
April 24, 2020


Idaho Bans Biological Men from Female Sports, Triggering Transgender Lawsuits
Idaho has introduced new laws that ban biological male transgender athletes from competing in female sports events, triggering a backlash of “transphobia” lawsuits.Gov. Brad Little (R-ID) signed a new law that prohibits born-male transgenders who “identify” as female from competing in girls’ and women’s sports across the state.The move has sparked a flurry of lawsuits against the state.Advocacy groups are insisting that the new law violates the constitutional rights of men who wish to compete against females. Gov. Little signed House Bill 500, the Fairness for Women in Sports Act, into law in late March.In part, the new law states that “the legislature finds that there are ‘inherent differences between men and women.” Last Wednesday, Forbes reported that The American Civil Liberties Union and gender advocacy group Legal Voice filed a federal lawsuit challenging the state’s new law.The groups insist that the new law violates constitutional privacy as well as discrimination protections, including the Equal Rights Amendment and Title IX.
April 22, 2020


“And there will be great earthquakes in various places, and famines and pestilences; and there will be fearful sights and great signs from heaven.” (Luke 21:11) “For nation will rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom. And there will be famines, pestilences, and earthquakes in various places “(Matthew 24:7) “So I looked, and behold, a pale horse. And the name of him who sat on it was Death, and Hades followed with him. And power was given to them over a fourth of the earth, to kill with sword, with hunger, with death (Thanatos in Greek meaning the death of the body whether natural or violent), and by the beasts of the earth” (Revelation 6:8)


  Report: Obama Admin Funded China’s Coronavirus Research, Gave Millions in Taxpayer Money to Wuhan Lab

The Facts That Prove Almost Everyone Is Wrong About This Pandemic

U.S. says will not take part in WHO global drugs, vaccine initiative launch

Key Dates As The World Reopens From The Coronavirus Coma

“Two years before the novel coronavirus pandemic upended the world, U.S. Embassy officials visited a Chinese research facility in the city of Wuhan several times and sent two official warnings back to Washington about inadequate safety at the lab, which was conducting risky studies on coronaviruses from bats,” The Post reported last week. “The cables have fueled discussions inside the U.S. government about whether this or another Wuhan lab was the source of the virus — even though conclusive proof has yet to emerge. Reports indicate a grant from the American government — courtesy of the Obama administration — may have helped fund this research. Fox News has confirmed that U.S. taxpayer funding went to the WIV. “According to public documents compiled by the White Coat Waste Project and shared with Fox News, The Wuhan Institute of Virology has been involved with research funded by $7.1 million worth of U.S. government grants from the National Institutes of Health as it has participated in projects in collaboration with U.S. institutions. One grant for research on bat coronaviruses has received $3.7 million and another grant involving injecting viruses into mice’s brains got $3.4 million,” Fox reported last week.
April 24, 2020

Covid Credentials Initiative

The COVID-19 Credentials Initiative (CCI) is a collaboration of more than 60 organizations working to deploy verifiable credential solutions to help stop the spread of COVID-19. Our goal is simple, we want to enable society to return to ‘normal’ in a controlled, measurable, and privacy-preserving way. The initiative is a direct response to the many calls for an ‘immunity passport,’ a digital certificate that lets individuals prove (and request proof from others) that they’ve recovered after testing negative, have tested positive for antibodies, or have received a vaccination, once one is available. By proving some level of immunity, individuals will be able to begin participating in everyday life again. Using the W3C industry standard called Verifiable Credentials, we have a blueprint to move forward. Yet while the underlying tech and standards are established, the vision for immunity certificates and other related credentials is far bigger than any one organization. To move at the speed and scale required, we need true collaboration across all fronts, and we are extending an open invitation for any organization or individual looking to join this endeavor. 


  Mystery bird illness investigated after German blue tit deaths

Thousands of blue tits have been found sick or dead in Germany, prompting an investigation by conservation groups and scientists. More than 11,000 cases of dead and sick birds, mostly blue tits, have been reported to the German conservation group NABU in the past fortnight. Most of these are reported from the west of Germany. The blue tit is found across Europe and is one of the most common visitors to UK gardens. They eat insects, caterpillars, seeds and nuts and can be spotted all year round in the UK, with the exception of some Scottish islands. According to NABU, symptoms of the diseased birds include breathing problems, no longer taking food and making no attempt to escape when approached by people. The group is advising people to stop feeding or providing drinking troughs for birds to reduce the risk of transmission between them. The first laboratory test results on the dead birds have found a bacterial infection (Suttonella ornithocola) that has been known in the UK since the 1990s and which affects birds similarly. The infection was reported in Germany in 2018. Further test results on birds are expected over the next few days.
April 22, 2020


   Tornadoes rip through Oklahoma, Texas and Louisiana, killing at least 7

Severe thunderstorms hit northern Vietnam, damaging nearly 6 000 homes and killing 3

At least seven people were killed after tornadoes tore through parts of Texas, Oklahoma and Louisiana Wednesday evening into Thursday, splintering homes and overturning a semi-truck on an interstate. The National Weather Service’s (NWS) Storm Prediction Center (SPC) said there were preliminary reports of 26 tornadoes throughout the day Wednesday across the Southern Plains, with the number likely to go up as the severe weather moves across Mississippi on Thursday. “We had over two dozen reports of tornadoes, one of them proving fatal in Oklahoma last night,” Fox News senior meteorologist Janice Dean said on “Fox & Friends.”
April 24, 2020

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