July 21, 2020- China Backs Palestinians Against US-Israel Peace Plan; Showbread being Prepared for 3rd Temple



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  People in Israel are Preparing Show-Bread for Service in the Third Temple 

Called Lechem Hapanim in Hebrew (literally, bread of the faces), the ancient art of preparing the showbread for use in the Holy Temple in Jerusalem has not been practiced for close to 2000 years. Today, the Showbread Institute, established in 2018 and based in Israel’s Shomron (Samaria), exists to “to serve as an umbrella organization for the research, publication and educational activities… and to [reacquaint] the People of Israel with the Temple Service in preparation for the rebuilding of the Third Temple, speedily in our days,” the website explains. Why is any of this relevant now? Saidel explained that, “We are in the throes of Moshiach (messiah). We have to learn how they did things in the Temple to be ready [for the Third Temple].
July 17, 2020

U.S. Stands Alone on Israel Annexation Plan As China Backs Palestinians

China has echoed the rest of the United Nations Security Council (UNSC) in expressing support for the Palestinians and tacit condemnation of Israel’s plan to annex a large portion of the West Bank, alongside President Donald Trump’s Middle East peace plan. President Xi Jinping spoke with Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas on Monday, according to China’s Xinhua news agency, expressing Beijing’s continued support for the demands of the Palestinian people as the world waits for Israel to begin its annexations. If the plan and annexation go ahead, they will leave a demilitarized, non-contiguous Palestinian state split up by Israeli land, checkpoints and strategic areas occupied by the military. Netanyahu wished to begin the process on July 1, but was hampered by a second wave of the COVID-19 coronavirus and Gantz’s insistence that the pandemic was addressed before annexation began. Talks were also still continuing with U.S. officials, who reportedly said they wanted both Netanyahu and Gantz to agree on a timeline before final American backing.
July 21, 2020


  Egyptian Military Convenes to Discuss Invading Libya in Potential Showdown with Turkey 

The Egyptian parliament will meet on Monday to discuss President Abdul Fattah al-Sisi’s decision to send ground troops into Libya reports Aawsat. The president, who is also the military’s chief of staff, still needs the approval of two-thirds of Cairo’s lawmakers as well as a recommendation from the national defense council before deploying military forces into combat missions on foreign soil. Sisi led a meeting on Sunday for the council to discuss the developments taking place in Libya as part of Egyptian efforts to “maintain the current frontlines” and prevent either side from breaching those red lines. The stated objective is to keep the peace between all Libyan parties involved. In June, Sisi categorized the cities of Sirte and Jufra as “red lines” that mustn’t be crossed. Any encroachment on these cities would compel Egypt to intervene in order to safeguard its national security, he added.
July 20, 2020

Israeli airstrikes hit Iranian posts in Damascus, says Syrian war monitor

The Syrian military said the country’s air defenses responded on Monday to Israeli air raids in south Damascus that caused material damage, and residents said loud explosions rocked the capital. A military official quoted in Syrian state media said the attack was carried out by Israeli jets that took off from the Golan Heights in northern Israel. The unnamed official said air defenses responded and downed most of the missiles. The Britain-based Syrian Observatory for Human Rights, which monitors the country’s civil war, said the suspected Israeli strikes targeted government and Iranian militia posts.
July 20, 2020


    In latest in series of blasts, explosion reported at Iranian oil pipeline

An explosion was reported in an oil pipeline in Iran Saturday, the latest in a mysterious series of blasts and blazes that have occurred throughout the country. The latest incident occurred in a pipeline in the Ahvaz region in the south of the country, according to reports in local and social media. Iran last week called for action against Israel following the damage to the Natanz facility, and appeared to acknowledge the fire there was not an accident.
July 20, 2020

Explosion rocks Iranian power plant; latest in wave of unexplained fires

A power plant in Iran’s central Isfahan province was rocked by an explosion on Sunday, making it the latest in a series of unexplained explosions and fires at Iranian facilities in recent weeks.An official at the Islamabad thermal power plant said the explosion was caused by faulty equipment, Middle East Eye reported. The cause of the explosion was not clear, though the managing director for Isfahan’s electrical company told Iran’s official Islamic Republic News Agency (IRNA) that the explosion was brought on by a “worn-out transformer.” The explosion does come amid a series of unexplained fires and explosions at key military and industrial facilities around Iran. The series of fires and explosions across Iran have raised allegations of a sabotage effort by Israel or the U.S. against Iran.
July 20, 2020


Violence escalates overnight between feds, protesters after thousands march in downtown Portland Headline:  Oregon Seeks Emergency Order Blocking U.S. Agent Arrests

Oregon Seeks Emergency Order Blocking U.S. Agent Arrests

New York City mayor threatens to take Trump to court on federal troops

Portland moms and dads marched in droves Monday night, joining downtown protesters in a demonstration that would later swell overnight amid escalating tensions with feds in the city, according to multiple reports. On the 54th night of demonstrations, the group of parents dressed in yellow and orange marched from the downtown Waterfront to the Justice Center. They reportedly set off to meet up and protect protesters who they said had been gassed or injured by federal officers. Just before midnight, the unrest began to swell as protesters were seen knocking and coming close to the courthouse building, which resulted in federal officers setting off smoke gas, according to The Oregonian. Some people started to tear off the plywood in front of the building around 12:20 a.m., which prompted police to throw devices that emitted smoke and an orange substance into the air.
July 21, 2020

Anti-Government Protests Attract Thousands Across Thailand

Thousands of protesters assembled near Bangkok’s Democracy Monument on Saturday, demanding “the government restore full-fledged democracy to the people.” The rally lasted “for hours until midnight” and marked the largest protest since Thailand’s civil unrest in 2014 which “precipitated Prayuth’s coup d’etat,” according to the report. As Thailand’s army chief in 2014, General Prayuth led a successful coup against the government, claiming “the military needed to restore order following a cycle of mass protests and violence.” Prayuth became prime minister and ushered in an era of junta-heavy government for Thailand that western nations have decried for its lack of democracy in recent years, Reuters detailed. In addition to the capital, Bangkok, anti-government protests have sprouted up in the cities of Chiang Mai and Ubon Ratchathani. The pro-democracy rallies “are continuing to spread, with thousands expected to gather at the University of Mahasarakham on Wednesday” for another demonstration, Coconuts Bangkok noted.
July 21, 2020


  EU leaders strike ‘historic’ $2 trillion deal to rebuild Europe’s economy

The Future Of The U.S. Dollar

After almost five days of fraught discussions, European leaders have agreed to create a €750 billion ($858 billion) recovery fund to rebuild EU economies ravaged by the coronavirus crisis. The European Commission will borrow the money on financial markets and distribute just under half of it — €390 billion euros ($446 billion) — as grants to the hardest hit EU states, with the rest provided as loans. Leaders also agreed a new EU budget of nearly €1.1 trillion ($1.3 trillion) for 2021-2027, creating combined spending power of about €1.8 trillion ($2 trillion). “It is an ambitious and comprehensive package combining the classical [budget] with an extraordinary recovery effort destined to tackle the effects of an unprecedented crisis in the best interest of the EU,” the EU leaders said in a joint declaration.
July 21, 2020


U.N.’s Guterres Warns: ‘New Model for Global Governance’ Is Coming to Redistribute ‘Power and Wealth’

As the world continues to grapple with the deadly consequences of the coronavirus pandemic, U.N. Secretary-General Antonio Guterres said only one thing is certain in its wake: “a new model of global governance” is coming and the globalist body is doing all it can to hurry its arrival. The Portugese socialist made his prediction Saturday as he delivered the Nelson Mandela Lecture and spoke of the need for the U.N. to address “the huge gaps in governance structures and ethical frameworks” the epidemic has exposed. He said: To close those gaps, and to make the New Social Contract possible, we need a New Global Deal to ensure that power, wealth and opportunities are shared more broadly and fairly at the international level. A new model for global governance must be based on full, inclusive and equal participation in global institutions. A New Global Deal, based on a fair globalization, on the rights and dignity of every human being, on living in balance with nature, on taking account of the rights of future generations, and on success measured in human rather than economic terms, is the best way to change this. The worldwide consultation process around the 75th anniversary of the United Nations has made clear that people want a global governance system that delivers for them.
July 21, 2020


Mystery as Hundreds of Sea Stars Wash Up Dead in Chile 
July 18, 2020


Major explosion at Stromboli volcano, Italy

A sudden, major explosion took place at Stromboli volcano, Italy at 03:00 UTC (05:00 LT) on July 19, 2020. The explosion was about 10 times stronger than the average explosion at the volcano. The products of the explosion were distributed over the entire crater terrace and onto the Sciara del Fuoco, INGV Etna Observatory reports. Geophysical data suggests the explosion was about 10 times stronger than the average size of explosions at the volcano and comparable to the large eruption on March 15, 2017, Dr. Tom Pfeiffer of the Volcano Discovery reports. “The explosion occurred from a vent in the central/SW crater area and caused a pressure wave of 250 Pa were detected at 450 m [1 500 feet] distance and showered the entire crater terrace and beyond with incandescent lava bombs.
July 19, 2020

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