July 25, 2020 The coming future wars



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IAF retaliates, strikes Syrian army posts
IAF attack helicopters struck several Syrian Arab Army targets on Friday night, including observation posts and intelligence facilities in bases near the town of Quientra… “The IDF sees the Syrian regime as responsible for the fire earlier today and will continue to act with determination, retaliating for every violation of the sovereignty of the State of Israel,” the military said in a statement.

IDF ups alert in Northern Command over concerns of Hezbollah terror attack
The IDF on Friday upped its alert in the northern command and reinforced troops and artillery batteries out of concern of a terror attack by Hezbollah… Following a situational assessment and in accordance with the Northern Command’s defense plan, the military said it will be making changes to troop deployment and enhanced field intelligence in the area “with the goal of strengthening defenses along the northern border.”

Top US general visits Israel amid heightened border tension
America’s top general made an unannounced visit to Israel on Friday for talks on “Iran and regional security challenges,” Israel’s army said as it confirmed a reinforced presence on its northern border. General Mark Milley, the chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, held talks with Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, alternate premier and Defense Minister Benny Gantz and Israel’s army chief Aviv Kohavi.

Ezekiel War (Ezekiel 38-39) :: End Times Research Ministry

US military: Russia ships more military supplies to Libya
The U.S. military accused Russia on Friday of supplying more weapons, air defense systems and mercenaries to Libya’s front lines to shape the outcome of the escalating proxy war in the North African country. The accusation comes as rival Libyan factions…prepare to face off over the strategic coastal city of Sirte, which sits next to Libya’s oil-expert terminals and fields.


Nepal records highest number of fatal landslides in 15 years
The number of this year’s fatal landslides in Nepal has exceeded the average annual total over the last 15 years, according to data gathered by The Landslide Blog’s Dr. Dave Petley.

Powerful Hurricane “Douglas” entering the Central Pacific, heading toward Hawaii
Category 4 Hurricane “Douglas” is entering the Central Pacific on its way toward Hawaii. There are still no coastal watches or warnings in effect, but interests in the Hawaiian Islands should monitor its progress as watches could be issued on Friday, July 24 for a portion of the area.

Tropical Storm “Hanna” forms in the Gulf of Mexico, landfall expected in Texas on Saturday, July 25
Tropical Storm “Hanna” formed in the Gulf of Mexico at 03:00 UTC on July 24, 2020, as the earliest 8th named storm formation in the Atlantic on record. The previous record was held by Harvey which formed on August 3, 2005. At the same time, Tropical Storm “Gonzalo” is heading toward the Windward Islands, marking the first simultaneous Atlantic July named storms since Beryl and Chris in 2018.

Cooltextprophecysign   (DRUGS) In Revelation 9:21 we see Jesus speaking to us about drug’s.  The words “magic arts” in Revelation 9:21 is the Greek word pharmakia from which comes our word “pharmacy”.  It signifies the use of medicine, drugs, spells, such as those used in witchcraft and those used today by those who are seeking a greater “high”.

185 Bodies Found in Cartel-Dug Mass Graves in One Mexican State
The number of bodies found in mass graves by Mexican authorities rose to 185 as the search continues. Authorities searched in one of three mass graves used by a ruthless drug cartel to dispose of their victims.

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