July 27, 2020- America’s Major Cities Are Being Turned Into War Zones



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IAF retaliates, strikes Syrian army posts

IAF attack helicopters struck several Syrian Arab Army targets on Friday night, including observation posts and intelligence facilities in bases near the town of Quientra. According to Syrian media, two military personnel were wounded in the strikes. “The IDF sees the Syrian regime as responsible for the fire earlier today and will continue to act with determination, retaliating for every violation of the sovereignty of the State of Israel,” the military said in a statement. On Friday, US Army General and Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Gen. Mark Milley landed in Israel and met with IDF Chief of Staff Lt.-Gen. Aviv Kochavi and other senior defense officials as well as Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu. During the visit, Kochavi stressed to the American general that the IDF will continue to defend the State of Israel.
July 25, 2020

Abbas: Sovereignty will eliminate any chance for peace

Palestinian Authority (PA) chairman Mahmoud Abbas on Sunday warned that the implementation of the Israeli plan to apply sovereignty over Judea and Samaria will eliminate any chance of achieving peace and lead the region to chaos and violence, Xinhua reports. Abbas made the remarks in a telephone conversation with Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan. Abbas also praised the Turkish stance that rejects the Israeli “annexation plan” as violating the international legitimacy resolutions. He pointed out that Turkey should continue its efforts with the relevant international parties to stop the implementation of the Israeli annexation plan, as well as all Israeli violations against the Palestinians and their rights. Abbas further confirmed that both the Fatah and Hamas movements are going forward to unify their internal stance to confront the Israeli “threats”.
July 27, 2020


  Israeli army reports ‘security incident’ on Lebanon border

IDF: Troops foiled infiltration bid on Lebanon border

Hezbollah reportedly fires missile at IDF tank during infiltration attempt from Lebanon

The Israeli military said Monday it received reports of a “security incident” along the country’s volatile border with Lebanon and ordered residents in the area to stay indoors. The report came as Israel was on heightened alert for a possible attack by the Lebanese militant group Hezbollah. Tensions have been high since an Israeli airstrike in Syria killed a Hezbollah militant last week. The incident occurred in an area known as Chebaa Farms, which was captured by Israel in the 1967 Middle East war and is claimed by Lebanon. The army declined to give further details, saying the incident was “ongoing.” But Israel’s public broadcast channel Kan said there had been an exchange of fire, and residents of southern Lebanon near the border reported Israeli shelling. There was no immediate statement by Hezbollah.
July 27, 2020

Report: Russia-backed militia taking over Syrian Golan Heights

The Russians have been steadily gaining control over the Syrian Golan Heights region in recent weeks, establishing their own strong militia in the area, Hebrew-language outlet Channel 12 News reported Friday. Dubbed “The Huran Army,” the biblical name of the region, the militia is headed by a local rebel commander, Ahmed al-Ouda, who fought against Syrian President Bashar Assad, according to the report. This recent development is a positive turn of events as far as Israel is concerned, the report stated, since Russian President Vladimir Putin is interested in keeping the flames between Jerusalem and Damascus low. The Huran Army, consisting of multiple Muslim officers from the Caucasus, is hostile to both Iran and the Syrian regime, Channel 12 News reported. Taking control over three Syrian provinces adjacent to the Israeli border – Daraa, Quneitra, and Jabal al-Druze –the Russian-backed militia could provide a buffer zone cushioning Israel’s northeastern border.
July 24, 2020

Massive explosion at Iraqi base linked to Iranian-backed militias

An Iraqi military base that has a large ammunition dump exploded on Sunday. The same base was the scene of a mysterious explosion last year that pro-Iranian militias in Iraq blamed on Israel. According to Iraqi sources the area of the base affected was ammunition dumps linked to the Federal Police, which are part of the Interior Ministry. The Interior Ministry in Iraq has been infiltrated deeply by elements of the pro-Iranian Badr Organization. The claims that it was a Federal Poilice ammunition storage  was to allay concerns that the explosion actually hit areas where the pro-Iranian militias, called Hashd al-Shaabi, have ammunition.
July 26, 2020


  Iran Sends Wooden Aircraft Carrier to Sea as Naval Tensions with U.S. Build

Iran used tugboats to move a fake wooden aircraft carrier to the strategic Strait of Hormuz on Sunday as naval tensions between Tehran and the U.S. rise, satellite photographs show. The USS Nimitz, the namesake of the class, just entered Mideast waters late last week from the Indian Ocean, likely to replace the USS Dwight D. Eisenhower in the Arabian Sea, AP reports. The U.S. Navy’s Bahrain-based 5th Fleet, which patrols Mideast waterways, remains “confident in our naval forces’ ability to defend themselves against any maritime threat,” said spokeswoman Cmdr. Rebecca Rebarich when asked about the faux carrier’s movements. “We cannot speak to what Iran hopes to gain by building this mockup, or what tactical value they would hope to gain by using such a mock-up in a training or exercise scenario,” Rebarich told The Associated Press. “We do not seek conflict, but remain ready to defend U.S. forces and interests from maritime threats in the region.”
July 27, 2020

Algeria First Arab country acquires new Chinese missile system

China has started exporting the third generation of their Red Arrow-12 anti-tank systems, also known as the HJ-12. According to the China Defense website, Algeria has become the first Arab country to obtain the upgraded Chinese anti-tank system. Not surprisingly, the Algerian military has long-standing relationships with the Chinese military-industrial complex. It has bought from China self-propelled howitzers, mortars, and multiple missile launch systems, as well as reconnaissance and attack drones and marine equipment. According to military experts, HJ-12 will replace the old Soviet complexes that were developed in the first half of the 1970s.
July 25, 2020


  Courthouse set on fire during protest in California

Police declare riot at Seattle protests, make arrests

Portland: authorities declare riot as protesters and Trump agents face off

Live updates from weekend protests: Man shot to death at Austin protest, Seattle police declare riot, armed militia in Louisville

America’s Major Cities Are Being Turned Into War Zones, And It Is Not Going To End In November

Protesters in California set fire to a courthouse, damaged a police station and assaulted officers after a peaceful demonstration intensified late Saturday, Oakland police said. Demonstrators broke windows, spray-painted graffiti, shot fireworks and pointed lasers at officers, the Oakland department said on Twitter. Several tweets called for peace and asked organizers to “help us provide safe spaces and safe places for demonstrators.” The protest began earlier Saturday evening with groups such as the “Wall of Moms,” similar to a group that formed in Portland, Oregon, as protesters faced off with U.S. agents deployed to that city to guard a federal courthouse.  An “unlawful assembly” was declared by police around 11:30 p.m. and officers asked the crowd to disperse.
July 26, 2020


  Italian senator launches Italexit party to push for leaving EU

An Italian senator has launched a political party that aims to take Italy out of the European Union, just after Rome clinched a huge coronavirus recovery fund deal with the bloc. Gianluigi Paragone, a former TV journalist, presented his “Italexit” party on Thursday, two days after a London meeting with Brexit Party head Nigel Farage, who was instrumental in the United Kingdom’s decision to quit the EU. Paragone pointed to a survey by pollster Piepoli Institute from the end of June, which found that about 7 percent of Italians would likely vote for a party campaigning to leave the EU. “Consensus will only grow further, in line with the lies Europe tells us,” he said. Political analyst and poll expert Renato Mannheimer said Italians’ feelings on the EU had “swung widely over the past few months … though we remain the country that trusts Brussels the least”.
July 27, 2020

Dollar on Course for Worst Month in Almost a Decade

The dollar is on track to close out its worst month since April 2011 as a rise in coronavirus infections across the U.S. threatens to damp the economic recovery and keep low interest rates in place for longer. The ICE U.S. Dollar Index, which measures the greenback against a basket of other currencies, weakened 0.8% Monday to its lowest level since June 2018, according to FactSet. Investors have sold the dollar and bought currencies of countries with lower infection levels in recent weeks. That has erased 3.8% of the currency’s value in July, putting it on track for its worst one-month performance in over nine years. The recent surge in cases in parts of the U.S. has prompted local authorities to halt or rewind plans to let business activity resume, raising doubts about the prospects for the economy. California, Texas and Florida, which are among the hardest-hit states, together account for more than a quarter of U.S. gross domestic product.
July 27, 2020


  UN Human rights office decries disproportionate use of force in US protests

Spokesperson Elizabeth Throssell was answering a reporter’s question about the US authorities deploying federal security officers to various cities to quell demonstrations against racial injustice, sparked by the death of George Floyd, an unarmed African American man, while in police custody in Minneapolis on 25 May. “Peaceful demonstrations that have been taking place in cities in the US, such as Portland, really must be able to continue without those participating in them – and also, the people reporting on them, the journalists – risking arbitrary arrest or detention, being subject to unnecessary, disproportionate or discriminatory use of force, or suffering other violations of their rights”, said Ms. Throssell. In light of demonstrations across the world, the UN Human Rights Committee, which monitors implementation of the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights, has been analyzing the right to peaceful assembly. Ms. Throssell said the Committee will issue a general comment, or guidance, on 29 July, covering issues that include both physical and online protests, public order, and the work of the media.
July 24, 2020


 Supreme Court rejects Nevada church’s plea to be subjected to same COVID-19 rules as casinos

In a 5-4 decision, the Supreme Court rejected a Nevada church’s request to be subjected to the same COVID-19 restrictions that the state’s casinos, restaurants, amusement parks, and other businesses must abide by. Calvary Chapel Dayton Valley, a church 40 miles outside of Reno, argued that it should be able to operate under the same coronavirus rules that other businesses are subjected to. Nevada businesses may operate at 50% of capacity as long as they practice proper social distancing. However, places of worship in Nevada may only host religious gatherings of up to 50 people, no matter the capacity of the building. The Christian church wants to allow as many as 90 people to attend its religious services. The church will require worshipers to wear face masks and stay six feet apart from one another. The church believes the 50-person cap is an unconstitutional violation of its parishioners’ First Amendment rights.
July 25, 2020


 Health company apologizes for falsely telling 600,000 US military members they were infected with coronavirus

World Bank Coronavirus Aid Comes With Conditions For Imposing Extreme Lockdown, Reveals Belarus President

A healthcare insurance company for members of the U.S. military had to apologize for accidentally telling over 600,000 people that they were infected with the virus when they were not. Tricare apologized for alarming several hundred thousand people because of a poorly worded email that implied the recipient was a coronavirus survivor. The email went out from Humana Military, a regional manager for Tricare. Meanwhile, the President of Belarus has exposed that the World Bank coronavirus aid comes with conditions for imposing extreme lockdown measures, to model their coronavirus response on that of Italy and even changes in the economic policies which he refused as being “unacceptable”.
July 27, 2020


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